Hero Agent Shoots Boy 7 Times in the Back

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Mexican mayor says boy shot by US agent 7 times

Associated Press

PHOENIX (AP) — A teenage boy apparently killed this week by a U.S. Border Patrol agent was hit seven times by gunfire and died on a sidewalk just across the Arizona-Mexico border, a mayor in Mexico said Friday.

“It was a burst of gunfire,” Nogales Mayor Ramon Guzman Munoz told The Associated Press in a telephone interview. “It was a hail of bullets.”

Guzman called the episode “deplorable” and urged a thorough investigation by both U.S. and Mexican authorities.

Meanwhile, the Border Patrol had not yet confirmed anyone was struck by the agent’s bullets, only that “it appeared someone had been hit,” agency spokesman Victor Brabble said Friday.

The Border Patrol said several agents responded Wednesday night to reports of suspected drug smugglers in Nogales, Ariz. The agents watched two people abandon a load of narcotics, then run back to Mexico, according to the Border Patrol. They were then pelted by rocks thrown from across the border. The agency said the people ignored orders to stop, and an agent open fire.

The Sonora state attorney general’s office in Mexico said in a statement Thursday that Jose Antonio Elena Rodriguez, 16, from Nogales, Sonora, was found dead at the border from gunshot wounds about midnight Wednesday.

However, the office didn’t definitively confirm the boy had been shot by the Border Patrol, only noting that police received reports of gunshots, then found his body on a sidewalk near the border barrier.

A Mexican official with direct knowledge of the investigation confirmed the boy was shot by the agent, and said authorities were meeting Friday in Mexico City to discuss the case. The person also said the teenager had been shot multiple times in the back. The person spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not yet authorized to discuss details of the case.

Mexico’s Foreign Relations Department issued a statement Thursday saying it “forcefully condemned” the shooting and calling such deaths “a serious bilateral problem.”

Border agents are generally allowed to use lethal force against rock throwers, and there are several ongoing investigations into similar shootings in Arizona and Texas.


  1. And don’t forget….all you folks living within 100 miles of either borders HAVE NO RIGHTS according to ICE officials. That’s right…the Constitution is null and void in every state where it touches either the Canadian or Mexican border.
    Ain’t Murca great?
    I know, I know, there will be those who say,”If you don’t like America, move to Somalia.” The standard answer r every time some one is critical of Government policies.
    Oh yes, I forgot, another victory in the war on drugs!

  2. Attention, Citizen!

    The use of the word “boy” in the title of this blog post is now considered hate speech and will be dealt with according to the “new normal” rules of order.

    Please note, my using the word “boy” or my interpretation of your use of the word “boy” in no way makes me a racist, just like all the other pundits who feel the need to make race an issue in the current talent show/election.

    We now return you to America Picks! the Presidential reality show, brought to you by AT&T.

  3. If someone broke into our house and we shot them in the back I wonder how we’d fare? My guess would be instantly lose everything and attend big boy school for a few years.

    • I know a state cop. He once told me that if you ever have to use a gun for self defense, be sure the bastard is dead. And be sure he is in your house. And when the cops show, say nothing except: I was in fear for my life.. I am really shaken up. Then zip it. Tell them nothing else. Get a lawyer, fast.

      • On top of being “genuinely in fear of my life”, you were only trying to “stop” the assault, you never intended to “kill” anyone. Your only intent was to “stop” them from hurting you or a family member. And Eric is absolutely and positively correct; after a basic explanation of what happened, you have the right to remain silent. USE IT! Unless you’re one of the chosen few yourself, the police probably won’t to do much if anything to help you. They may even try to “find something on you” and use anything you say or do to “get a conviction.”

        Don’t use hand loads in personal defense firearms either. A savvy and ambitious prosecutor or tort lawyer (yes, you may get sued by your deceased / crippled assailant’s family for shooting him / her) can argue in front of the jury that you loaded your own ammo with the intent to kill or maim. Buy and use only high quality, purpose built, off-the-shelf factory defense loads that work well in your firearm.

        And if you freak out and shoot the assailant 2 or 3 times, don’t ever say it was an accident. I read a case years ago where a man grabbed his target pistol as someone was coming through the front door. The trigger was light and he “accidentally” double-tapped resulting in the intruder’s demise. The burglar’s family sued the homeowner for accidental death and his insurance company had to pay out! Is Amerika a great country or what?!

  4. This is the 16th street execution in 2 years. They shot a Chula Vista mom in the head 3 times point blank. They shot a kid 3 times in the back who was climbing a border ladder. Customs agents (CBP) will kill anyone bringing sound money(drugs) into the US, their monopoly money can’t compete.


    • It’s done in Pisrael. Of course no matter what the IDF cowards do, Pisrael gets a free pass. Criticizing Pisrael’s genocidal/ holocaust of the Palestinain people is anti-Semitic.
      Even children, journalists and nurses get shot and murdered by the brave IDF heroes.


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