FeaturesNews/Other StuffOff Topic Hero Cop Tasers Wandering Naked 11 Year Old Girl By eric - June 22, 2013 1 2304 FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsApp A sow hero Tasers a disoriented 11-year-old girl: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rI2_mKnfwnw&feature=player_embedded Related posts: Hero Cop Brutally Assaults 15-year-old Girl Hero Cops Blow Away 72-Year-Old Man – “Officer Safety” Again Hero Cop Tazes Ten-Year-Old For Refusing to Clean Squad Car Hero Cop kills naked freshman at University of South Alabama Hero Cop Sentenced for beating “a helpless, naked man” who was not resisting.
Well…it just goes to show that when you give the pigs toys to play with they’re going to use them on you. Reply
Well…it just goes to show that when you give the pigs toys to play with they’re going to use them on you.