The decision to fire Brian Encinia, the Texas state trooper who arrested Sandra Bland, was upheld by the Texas Department of Public Safety on Tuesday, according to a news release.
Encinia arrested Bland in July 2015 after a traffic stop. Authorities accused her of failing to use her turn signal.
Three days later, Bland was found dead in her cell.
No one was indicted in relation to the jailhouse death, but a grand jury did not believe Encinia’s statement that he removed Bland from the car she was driving so he could conduct a safer traffic investigation.
Encinia was indicted on a perjury charge, and authorities began terminations proceedings shortly after.
He has the right to appeal Tuesday’s decision.
Bland’s death raised questions of excessive police force and the role of race in police interactions. She was African-American.
At least this guy didn’t get a standing ovation like congress gave the capital police for gunning down Miriam Carey a few years ago.
This death is tragic on a few levels.
It is such a waste for someone to be killed over a minor traffic violation. I do not know Sandra, but no one deserves to die over such a petty issue.
I am sure the people of that community are so relieved to know that the local enforcers have solved all the big problems of the community. After the big problems, the local enforcers get to tackle petty and insignificant offenses. No offense is too small or too insignificant.
Firing the SOB is the least that could have been done, but as you point out: Sandra is still dead over a pointless traffic violation.
The problem with many police departments, is all they do is the petty stuff when the big stuff goes unanswered. In the city north of my town, we have a hero on duty that thinks that smashing out the window of a passenger and tazing him for the offense of not wearing a seat belt (and not ID ing himself) is A OK.
This happened nearly 2 years ago, and YES these hero’s are still on the street. The mayor himself says they are good guys. He was “cleared” by the FBI. Never mind that the city has paid out over $750,000 to the one hero’s victims (not including this incident). This one hero that has gone on the radio telling how he thinks not enough resources are spent on traffic! In a town with an above average murder rate.
I can guarantee there will be more incidents involving this hero and motorists. I am pretty sure this same officer once followed me for over 8 miles once.
The victim didn’t want to ID himself because it turned out he had a warrant (for a drug offense, hmmmmmm) out on him from a different police department. Something that was not discovered by that other department until they saw him in the news.