Killer Armed Government Worker Has “History of Bad Behavior”


No surprise, it turns out the armed government worker who Tasered to death a 15-year-old kid riding an ATV has a “history of bad behavior” and is “trigger happy,” as well as “eager to put people in their place if they question his authority.”

The armed government worker – Mark Bessner – has been charged with murder in the case of the 15-year-old he Tasered while the kid was riding his ATV, causing it to flip and thus causing the kid’s death. But it took this roadside summary execution to trigger any meaningful criminal response from the government which armed this geek:

His other victims will likely be compensated – by the taxpayers. But only because of the egregious (and caught on video) murder of the 15-year-old. Otherwise, this armed government worker would almost certainly still be on “duty.”

. . .

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