Reader Question: Why the Electric “Nudge”?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Jason asks: Just read your latest article on the double battery Volvo. You make a good point that electricity is not taxed as motor fuel. And states love their gas tax a lot! So why would government push folks to EV and as side-effect reduce gas tax “revenue”? What’s the play behind the play? Hope to see your thoughts on this in the next amazing article.

My reply: Thanks for the kind words, firs of all!

The push for EVs is a push to get people out of cars, or at least to reduce their mobility – by making mobility more expensive and more hassle. The market is not clamoring for EVs. They are being force-fed to us, via mandates and subsidies.

There will be new – and higher – taxes applied to electricity once EVs are in widespread circulation; for now, people are being gulled by the “low cost” of electricity (without also considering the much higher cost of the EV itself).

Also, the taxes on electricity will be far more intrusive because they will be applied personally – to you, specifically. According to mileage. And the government will know where you drive as well as how far you’ve driven. Your EV will transmit this information as you drive to the government – which can also turn the EV off at its whim.

. . .

Got a question about cars – or anything else? Click on the “ask Eric” link and send ’em in!

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