Reader Question: Dual-Sport Recommend?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Kevin asks: In light of today’s post about the Kawasaki KL250 Super Sherpa, what would your recommendations be for a good choice in a dual sport bike? Could only find two Sherpas for sale, both on the west coast.

My reply: I can personally vouch for the Kawasaki KLR250 and 650 as well as the Honda XL and XR series and the Suzuki DRs. These are all great bikes. One of the best bikes I ever owned, in fact, was a Honda XL250; very similar to the Sherpa (air cooled single) but more suspension travel and a bit more capable off-road, if you intend to get really deep in the mud.

The KLR650 is a bike you can take across the country and off-road, too. The thing is an ancient design, but that’s a big plus. Brand new they’re around $6k last time I checked. I think you’d be happy with any of the above!

. . .

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