“Immigration” On Four Wheels


There is a way Americans could have vehicles like the $13,000-to-start Toyota HiLux Champ they’re not allowed to buy here:

They could just drive them here.

Such vehicles are for sale right across the border, in Mexico. A veritable plethora of them – as Jefe said to El Guapo.

Since the government has decided to let pretty much anyone who wants to walk across the border, why shouldn’t Americans drive back across the border – in the kinds of cars the government won’t allow them to buy on the American side of the border?

Because it’s illegal?


Millions of illegals – on two legs – are allowed to come on down – per Bob Barker and The Price is Right. Not only is nothing done to prevent them from crossing the border, everything is done to encourage them to cross the border. They are given what is styled “asylum,” as if they were political refugees, such as Alexandr Solzhenitsyn – rather than economic migrants, looking to improve their material condition. And there’s nothing wrong with that by any means.

But there’s a lot wrong with American citizens not being allowed to do the same.

The migrants come across the border because they can get things on the American side of the border that are better, for them. Why can’t Americans do exactly the same?

Why, because of the American (federal) government!

It allows a one-sided open border. One that is porous for everyone except Americans, who are expected to prove their citizenship as far as 100 miles within the borders of the United States. But anyone else who wants to come across the border is given every incentive to do so by the same federal government, because it serves the interests of the people who control the federal government and want to remain in control of it.

Hopefully (from their perspective) forever.

Hence the open border and come on down. Or up, as the case may be. It doesn’t really matter because it amounts to the same. The millions of people who aren’t Americans that cross the border – thousands of them every single day – are viewed as millions of new voters who will vote a particular way. And they are also seen by the other side that also wants to control the government as a way to make more money for themselves by paying American citizens less for the work they’ll have to compete for with people who are happy to work for a lot less than Americans earn – because it’s a lot more than Mexicans or Guatemalans can earn in their own countries.

Who can blame these Mexicans and Guatemalans and all the rest who just want more than they have?

But Americans have every right to exactly the same. Like the $13,000 to start Toyota pick-up the American government won’t allow across the border. Like VW Polo and Vento that are sold on the other side of the border, in Mexico for about a quarter-million pesos – which works out to about $14,000 U.S. dollars. That’s about $6,000 fewer dollars than you’d pay to get the least expensive VW the federal government allows you to buy on this side of the border, that being the $21,435 Jetta – which is not available with a manual transmission, either. The $14k VWs you can buy on the other side of the border come standard with one. 

You might also be interested in a new Fiat Mobi – which you can buy in Mexico for a mere $190,500 pesos. That comes to just a bit more than $10,000 U.S. dollars. Which on this side of the border won’t buy any car that isn’t a used car.

Or how about a brand-new Nissan Versa for a couple thousand bucks less than the same thing would cost you on this side of the border? On the other side, it’s sold as the Nissan v-drive and it sells for $244,900 pesos – which amounts to less than $14,000 U.S. dollars. And that means you’d save close to three thousand U.S. dollars by going to Mexico to buy your v-drive rather than driving to your local Nissan store on this side of the border.

Si, se Puede! 

Yes, we can.

Yes, we should.

Because we have every right. The same right – we are endlessly told by the open borders crowd – that people who aren’t Americans have to just come on down (or up) whenever they like. Who – we are told – have the right to vote in American elections while American citizens are told they’re not allowed to buy a plethora of affordable and practical vehicles that are available on the other side of the border.

Or the other side of the world, for that matter. Not for any legitimate reason, either. The only reason being the federal government’s regulations – and the regulatory capture/rent-seeking that mulcts Americans for the profit of international corporations and international finance.

But what if millions of Americans drove back to America in the cars they’re not allowed to buy in America? What could the federales – on this side of the border – do about such a mass migration?

They could try to stop it, of course.

But it wouldn’t be easy – and in the process, it would make plain that Americans are being kept on their side of the border, which is precisely what occurs within a prison – where the inmates aren’t allowed to leave.

But if the inmates get together and rush the guards, then they’re no longer inmates.

They’re free.

. . .

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If you like items like the Baaaaaa! baseball cap pictured below, you can find that and more at the EPautos store!





  1. I relocated to Panama a couple of years ago. I recently purchased a very nice Geely GX3 Pro new for $13,500 + sales tax. It comes with a five year warranty serviced by Bahia Motors, the largest dealership in Panama. Living in the U.S. is becoming over rated.

  2. Great idea Eric! They will never be able to deport all the small affordable practical vehicles. It’s actually pretty hillarious but if the shoe fits… Some will get work visas (farm use you say?). Some will go to sanctuary states. All will undermine the precious apperat. And American car companies will have to compete for cars we actually want made in mexico.

    I say some of them could have anchor-bodykits and we start an NGO to register them as “toy vehicles”. Let them start dissapearing into the country until we can’t ignore them. Those were inspection stickers the aliens were selling at times square. Everything else about the shoe fits… lets bring them in like the vehicles in “Used Cars”.

    I definitely agree that malicious compliance is called for right now. When we can get away with it and it’s socially acceptable with all the political nonsense going on it costs less to have courage because everyone is feeling it.

    I get that vibe when I drive, that seatbelt laws and petty speeding is hardly ever enforced anymore because it wouldn’t be tolerated the way used to be before covid and a senile president that says “C’mon man”

  3. Okay… commercial time out….

    “Ever thought of Bugging Out without the
    Robinson Crusoe hassle? …..”

    Well if you’re a USA USA type …

    USA Trust territories may work for you 👌

    Puerto Rico…. Scores well, however it will sink with the US ship so I only recommend it as…

    A “halfway house “… as you detox prior to securing your ultimate destination….(.other points south..as circumstances dictate )

    Learning Spanish is free with duolingo…..

    Vamos……Start learning!
    There are some cool Tower Karst formations in the Arecibo area….
    And the adjacent Hatillo region is the free range grazing country for cattle 👍

    My opinion of USTT-PR is, it’s okay… but if you learn Spanish….AND Don’t act too USA USA
    You can do fine in Latin America….

  4. It is is interesting that the Supreme Court just over turned the Chevron decision. Which means that agencies like the EPA and NHTSA cannot make up their rules and laws.
    This could negate many of the current rules that were not actually passed by congress.
    Class action time perhaps?

  5. It is long past time to start ignoring the tyrants’ rules. In this case I’ll bet an enterprising Mexican could start a nice business providing these outlaw cars with 20 year old titles for a modest fee…

  6. In Sedona there was a Landcruiser with Japan plates, diesel and manual transmission. A great car for our slow-motion Mad Max

  7. Brilliant, Eric! I have to ask, are these inexpensive new vehicles free of all the nanny-state saaaaafety bullshit?

    The wife an I were just talking about how we could import one of these wonderful El Cheapos…

  8. Anyone remember when the Biden Thing was willy nilly letting LOTS of illegals go through the Southern border regardless of whether they’ve been “vaccinated” against COVID while REFUSING to let Novak Djokovic play tennis games in the U.S. because he wasn’t “vaccinated”?

    • Fucking A ….JB!

      I can’t believe how many acquaintances / relatives….I now find noisome .. mostly due to Vaxtard stupidity and I simply …. “Want to Go basic “….Adios to idiots…

      Mason jar canning and dehydrated native fruits…
      with No Preservatives sounds like a Blast 👍

      Will be calculating the Greater Antilles..
      Cost/benefit locations coefficients..

      So far…Dominican Republic is the LIBERTARIAN CATS MEOW……
      That is…..Nobody gives a shit about what you do AGWs….. are as meek as rabbits.. ie easy going!!!
      how remarkable is that for Law Enforcement ??????
      Semper Fi Mac

  9. Got to protect the federal government’s “investment” in Ford and GM (which lets them continue to dictate what they build and at what price.)

  10. Back in the 1980s, you could get 350 Monte Carlos in Mexico, which weren’t available in the US at any price.

  11. I’ve always thought those little Mexican market cars are pretty cool. I wonder if you could buy and register the car in Mexico (with maybe a UPS Store address) and then just drive it across the border. Perhaps you could renew the registration every year online and drive around the US with Mexican plates.

    Imagine how cheap slightly used ones would be.

    • Sounds like a good idea but would the Bolder Patrol be more or less like to stop you and if they did would there be anything they could do about it?

  12. “Just drive them across” –haaaa. Laws are for gringos, Señor Peters. For white people with houses and cars and bank accounts for the government to take. With wives and dogs that the SWAT team can shoot in the head.

    Beaners are exempt from these laws, señor. They can cross the border at will, you cannot. They can register to vote in your gringo country. But you just try registering your non-compliant Mexican car at the DMV and see what happens, señor.

      • It sucks the be the first to stop complying though, because the early non-compliant people will be the ones turned into examples. Here in CA, I’d have my car seized and if I resist, I’d be arrested in the best case, and shot dead in the worst case, because I am a gringo.

      • Kids were coming home from Euro deployment & daughter shipped her USA titled Acura back home about a month prior to them returning.

        I picked it up from the Port of Tacoma with some paper shipping tag in the back window, no plates. Drove home to Central WA, found some odd looking “international license plate” in the glovebox. This plate was smaller than US plates and way shorter than the Kraut plate on before. Shrug, what the hell, I’ll roll with this till they get home. I drove it all over locally no one paid any attention.

        I’m into my third season of riding the Harley with expired tabs. Screw em. The lack of enforcement here does work to the middle class tax dog’s advantage occasionally.

      • So when you get pulled over for driving with no registration, it’ll go like this:

        “Step out of the car.

        Get out the fuckin’ car NOW!

        Lemme see yer hands.

        Lemme see yer FUCKIN’ HANDS!”





    • With wives and dogs that the SWAT team can shoot in the head.

      Like what possibly happened to Thomas Massie’s wife?

      • Rhonda Massie was an incredibly talented person, with a mechanical engineering degree from MIT. This exchange appeared on another website:

        ‘No one is mentioning the elephant in the room.’

        ‘Was it the vax? Possible. We may never know. Prayers and peace to her family.’

        ‘I suspect the commenter meant the other elephant in the room – Massie saying way too much to Tucker Carlson.’

        ‘About the one that shall not be named?’ :-0

    • Bingo!!!

      ……X…… Marks the Reality Spot!

      Dude when I get back from PR ….
      I’m ready for an “Unregulated wheeled conveyance convoy” coming up from Mexico 👍👍….. I’ll lead with a volunteer unit of eggplants in the back bed of my hijet 🤔…..(strictly to avoid being identified as a USA USA citizen…I can score beaucoup Haitians for camouflage )

      If stopped I’ll flash my Latvian passport 👌
      However….. since I’m WHITE… no free debit cards for me😡
      Oh well… I’ll take one for the team 👏

  13. I see a lot of Chihuahua plates here in Colorado. How many of them are current in their Mex registration? How many are being driven by Mexican citizens?

    During COVID the cops weren’t enforcing expired temporary tags. People were driving for years on 2019 and 2020 temporary plates, to the point that the paper was deteriorating. I doubt they look too closely at a Mexican plate even today, unless you’re doing something to attract attention.

    • ‘I see a lot of Chihuahua plates here in Colorado.’ — ReadyKilowatt

      Maybe that’s the way around the registration issue — just register it legally in Mexico, then drive across the border. You have a passport. Does the vehicle need one too?

      Of course, insuring it and later selling it would be a hard slog.

  14. Eric,

    I like your idea; I like your thinking on this. However, I have a question: what happens AFTER we get the “immigrant” vehicle here? Will we be able to register it? Will it pass inspection, particularly if our jurisdiction has emissions tests as part of that inspection? I know that, if you want to bring an old Japanese Kei truck here, you have to jump through a bunch of hoops. That assumes that you’re allowed to jump through them in the first place; that’s assuming that your state allows one to have Kei trucks in the first place.

    • Thanks, Mark!

      The other half of this no mas would be to say no mas to inspection and registrations, too. Seriously. If enough of us refused to comply, it becomes unenforceable.

      • That’s the real trick, isn’t it? In order for non-compliance to work, at least a sizable minority too large to arrest and jail is key; if there aren’t enough protesters to overwhelm the system, the gambit won’t work. Even if there are a few who say no mas, the powers that (shouldn’t) be will simply make examples out of those protesters. The libtards and conservatards will both comply. The libtards will comply because their god like gov’t says so. The conservatards will obey because they back the blue, and because good people like them obey the law. I can’t see enough people going along with this for it to work-sorry.

        Would I love it if we had REAL vehicle choice? Would I love to give the gov’t the finger? Sure, but I can’t do it alone. I can’t afford to pay the personal cost that such an individual crusade would entail. Again, that’s the real trick, isn’t it?

        • Hi Mark,

          Well, it must start somewhere – and with someone. How ’bout me? I stopped “registering” and “inspecting” all of my vehicles back in 2018. And I have “gotten away with it” ever since.

          • Congratulations to you kind sir!
            And welcome to the club. But please keep in mind…

            You are not “getting away with” anything. You are exercising rights that all Americans have. Rights that most Americans used to be aware of and take for granted before Americans all turned into abject cowards. (Which is how we got into this mess to begin with.)

            We have right to own property, to use and enjoy that property, and to travel on the highways and byways of this formerly great country. The criminals masquerading as “government” are defrauding everyone who complies with the so called “registration” scheme.

            “Personal liberty largely consists of the Right of locomotion — to go where and when one pleases — only so far restrained as the Rights of others may make it necessary for the welfare of all other citizens. The Right of the Citizen to travel upon the public highways and to transport his property thereon, by horse drawn carriage, wagon, or automobile, is not a mere privilege which may be permitted or prohibited at will, but the common Right which he has under his Right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Under this Constitutional guarantee one may, therefore, under normal conditions, travel at his inclination along the public highways or in public places, and while conducting himself in an orderly and decent manner, neither interfering with nor disturbing another’s Rights, he will be protected, not only in his person, but in his safe conduct.”
            II Am.Jur. (1st) Constitutional Law, Sect.329, p.1135

            Cheers to another beautiful day, Eric.
            And thank you for doing what you do.

          • Harder here in PRK (People’s Republik of Kalifornia).
            Most patrol cars now have front & rear facing plate readers.
            Their computer bleeps when it reads an expired tag.
            Then you pay.

              • Wouldn’t the lack of tag set off the LPRs too? After all, it’s expecting to see a plate where there is none.

                • I’m just saying, as a matter of contract, an expired tag is a violation of commerce. (Contrary to popular belief, motor vehicle code has absolutely nothing to do with “law”.) When exercising the right to travel your automobile would never be registered at all as it is not a “motor vehicle” subject to the vehicle code.

                  There are about a thousand places online where you can order custom tags. Make your own. I would include some fine print with phrases such as “Private Automobile”, “Not For Hire” and “All Rights Reserved Without Prejudice”.

                  We are certainly not going to change anything by acquiescing to evil. Our continued cowardice has done us no favors.

                  Cheers! ☮

          • How? Even while I obeyed all traffic laws, I’ve been pulled over and cited for expired plates (registration). Twice for seatbelt violation with is especially irksome.

      • Here in WA post Covid many still drive on expired tags. The cops here have pretty much given up & unless you get stopped for, say, a serious speeding “violation” they won’t pinch you for tags. Too many minorities were getting pulled over so like I said, cops have pretty much given up to stay out of the news for discrimination.

  15. Getting across the border is only part of the challenge. Increasingly, ICE is exercising their authority up to the 100 mile limit inside the border/coastlines, which covers a really surprising portion of the US.

    I-69, midway between Brownsville and Corpus Christi, has a huge staffed Border Patrol checkpoint northbound. We always get waved through after a quick check by the dog, but I’m sure the plates are scanned and RFID on the toll tag read.

  16. I saw a Honda *B*R-V with Mexican plates on a local road here in the Austin suburbs a few months ago. At first, I thought it was an extremely well cared-for early 2000s CR-V given what appeared to be excellent visibility and older looking design, but when I got close, I realized it was a new car.

    The first BR-V was made in 2016 according to the Interwebs. “Emerging markets” only.

    Increasingly, the cars with Mexican plates I see locally look like they are from another era and some, like the high end Audis, another planet.

  17. Eric, it reminds me of that old joke about the guy crossing the border, day after day, with a wheelbarrow full of sand. The border guards kept looking in the sand for contraband and never found anything. After years of this activity they guy told the guard he was retiring. The guard said, “I know you’ve been smuggling all these years.” The man said, “Yes, I’ve been smuggling wheelbarrows.”

    Moral of the story, if you don’t bring contraband in the vehicle you’re smuggling they probably won’t “find” anything.

    • Get a pretty girl to drive the cars across and fill the back with containers of tortillas.

      Tortilla “smuggling” is a huge trade which is largely ignored in the border towns.

      The restaurants on the US side of the border in California can’t afford the minimum wage required to pay the workers to make toritillas domestically.

        • Except at Panera Bread, which donates to Gavin and received an exception to the minimum wage law.

          And it is flatbread, not a tortilla, at Panera.

  18. ‘what if millions of Americans drove back to America in the cars they’re not allowed to buy in America?’ — eric

    Well, for one thing, they would be scanned by a ZBV cargo and vehicle screening system. ‘Its easy-to-interpret Z Backscatter® image quickly and clearly reveals threats [sic] like explosives, drugs, currency, and trade-fraud items such as alcohol and cigarettes—even in high-throughput environments like border crossings and security checkpoints.’


    ‘Your papers, please’ — that’s so 20th century. Now they go through your stuff without even a by your leave. Tyranny has never been so seamless.


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