An Electric Car Can’t be a Muscle Car


Or another kind of car!

. . .

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  1. “An Electric Car Can’t be a Muscle Car” – Eric

    Oh, but how some of these crazy “custom shops” will try. The latest trend in custom car building is to take a classic muscle car (such as the GTO pictured), rip out the gas-powered engine and drivetrain, and replace it with an electric motor, usually from Tesla. Easy to convert old stuff apparently…and to hell with originality. And more (rich) customers are choosing this option.

    And not just in the muscle car genre either… vintage 4X4 vehicles like early Broncos and FJ40s are getting the electric treatment too.

    Will the electric madness ever cease?

    • This decadent trend started in Commiefornia about five years ago, and likely will end there too.

      It is analogous to the Taliban dynamiting time-honored cultural artifacts. A thousand-pound EeeVee battery shoehorned into the trunk of a 1970 GTO is like a grapefruit-sized carbuncle retroactively grafted onto the pretty face of Audrey Hepburn — an insolent, contemptuous atrocity.

      If appointed director of DHS, I will arrest and prosecute these EeeVee vandals for hooliganism and destroying our cultural heritage.

    • Dang! Plymouthbill, I think you totally just gagged me with a spoon.

      This is sooo fucking Gross: “The latest trend in custom car building is to take a classic muscle car (such as the GTO pictured), rip out the gas-powered engine and drivetrain, and replace it with an electric motor”.

      It sooo fits in with the ripping out The Humanity of everything The Power Elite & their willfully blind munchkins wish to rid us of.

      I know there’s some poem or ancient saying which gives this all a rip.

      …Problem is, Mr. & Mrs. Modern dumm·​kopf cannot be bothered with knowing. Neither can most Mr. Gearhead & certainly not the

      Piston, meet

      • I loathe this business, too –

        What would a car like my Trans-Am be without an engine? Another soulless appliance is what. It would be a shell – literally. Something that looks genuine but is – as they say – fake and gay.

    • People who do that should be hung by their toenails. My father hated ratrods. He said they took a perfectly good vintage car & ruined it. I kinda see his point all these years later.

  2. Bring in the EeeVee clowns:

    ‘California-based Lucid is struggling in the era of Tesla winning the EV price war, and risks that President-elect Donald Trump will cut the $7,500 tax credit next year.

    ‘Lucid’s third-quarter revenue of $137.8 million was nearly 30% below the same period one year ago, while vehicle production for the year was between 8,000 and 8,500 vehicles, down from a target of 10,000.

    ‘Lucid lost a little more than a quarter million dollars per car sold. Rivian, another upscale EV maker, faced a loss of $33,000 per vehicle sold in the second quarter. Meanwhile, Ford, a traditional automaker, anticipates over $4 billion in losses from its EV division this year.

    “It would be lovely if we could supply technology to a traditional car company to help them on their way to sustainability [sic], and perhaps we can leverage economies of scale with their parts bin and other aspects of the business,” Lucid CEO Peter Rawlinson said in an interview. —

    Yes, Peter … and it would be lovely if I were paid $5 million to pontificate on any subject of my choice, while hordes of crazed fan girrrlz gather outside the TeeVee studio to paw my manly form and proposition me. But my lurid fantasy is no more likely to happen than your crackpot notion of ‘helping’ other auto makers. Now go stick your finger in a 400-volt charger.

    PEE: I wonder where exactly is it he goes to work of evenings.

    EM: Well, like he says, it’s mostly odd things he does, helping like … here and there, as it might be.

    — Stanley Kubrick, A Clockwork Orange

  3. Just emailed you about it Eric, how its a lot slower and heavier than the cars they replaced.

    Modifying what I wrote, Hopefully with the CEO yeeted, they can correct course before its too late. How hard would it be to get things going to produce Hemi’s again and put them into the new “Charger”, so it’s not a complete bust, include a stick as well to corner the market on the lack of manual rwd v8’s.

    • The not so bad news is they are still making the 5.7 and 3.6 that are still in the Durango and Grand Cherokee. So while production numbers are likely much lower since not being in the Ram and Chargers, hopefully they can ramp them up enough. They need to go in the Ram and charger right now, summer latest.

  4. Great pic Eric.
    had a ’69 Judge I bought as my first car, way back in 1982 (16yrs old), for………….. $3200!
    All my money too. Worked hard for it.
    Unfortunately, I was a stupid poor kid, couldn’t really afford to run it, actually it was the insurance mafia that did me in. Pay $120/month or don’t drive. It needed front tires bad, bald to the belts. Pay the $120 to drive or tires was my choice (I should have got used ones!)
    Hydroplaned into a pole at 35mph (not speeding at all), and totaled her. Right frame spar bent up 20 degrees. So sad. ps: no seat belts and luckily she slid off to the side or a center punch could have been pretty bad. But took out the whole right side.
    The guy that I bought it from wanted it back bad, even totaled, $1600. Not the biggest mistake of my life 🙂
    I learned later in life that the local PA Judge collector group was pretty mad at me. Sorry guys. Didn’t really know what a Judge was then, I got it cause it was just different than all the SS’s in high school. And she never lost a race, low 13’s stock, 4.11’s, Munci from the factory. There were rumors it was a Ram air IV engine that they messed up and put Ram Air III on the hood. No idea.


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