Latest Radio: Corbett Report 01/14/2025


Here’s the audio of my conversation las night with James Corbett of the Corbett Report. We talked about the way cars and freedom are intertwined – as well as ways to “get away” with doing what we – rather than they – want:


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  1. Hmmm ep….displaying “Commie accoutrements” for your interview backdrop…..looks like one of those vietcong SKS bang sticks … in the background….I get it.. they are economical and pretty much all you need….”in a tight situation”……a home reloader, I assume?

    Excellent price point for run of the mill ne’er do wells with respect to “Home defense appliances”….

    I always thought the SKS and Ak-47 had a “Little man”…5’6″ ht..cramped shoulder hug feel……
    and you’re like 6’3”?……

    Sounds like a “fire from the hip” thing for you… 10 rounds…
    If you can’t hit shit with that….Hello Darwin Award…

    Great Interview!

    • Thanks, Expat!

      Did you see the model of my ’76 Kz900? It’s off to the left (of my shoulder, from your viewpoint) on the table behind me. Also an Ertle model of a Duster 340!

    • Hi BaDnOn –

      It’s important to have some contrary examples to look to for balance. One is my buddy’s son, who is able to weld, operate heavy equipment and already has a pilot’s license. The kid is only 18 and he’s able to do more than I could at his age.

      • Good to hear. I have a seventeen year old for him. She is cute, thin, can cook, is homeschooled, and has a sense of humor. Warning though: She comes with expensive taste and six chickens. She also lacks a filter…we are working on that though.

          • Hi BaDnOn,

            I am trying to find her a proper young man. My concern is she is going to race off with the first fighter pilot that winks at her. I know I should have never allowed her to watch Top Gun: Maverick. Last year visiting Vero Beach they had a Blue Angels airshow. That sealed my fate. I am now trying to outdo what I have done.

            • Raider,

              Yep, women are suckers for fighter pilots. Scientists, not so much. :/ Girls will often tell you they value intelligence and sense of humor, but what they really go for are guys who go fast and live dangerously.

              • I can’t argue that point, BaDnOn. I don’t understand it, but I can’t disagree that most women like dangerous men. My sisters all went through the Bad Boy Phenomenon (at least once). I am glad it missed me. I am hoping my daughter is smart enough to see the signs, because these type of men only leave broken hearts and negative checking accounts.

                • It’s often true, Raider. And, as I’ve seen with my step-daughter, there are some true pieces of ‘work’ out there. But she seems to have learned finally, and I’m sure yours will, too. 😉

                  • Thanks, BaDnOn, but there are some lessons I hope she never has to be taught. My goal is for her to locate the “good man” before the “bad boy” realizes she exists.

      • Hell, Eric, that’s better than I can do now!

        I still hope to learn welding and possibly get my pilot’s license (though I’ve come to abhor licensing). Though, in my defense, I did pass ground school when I was 18. It was money for the rest that I lacked…

        But good to hear! I think much success in a young person’s life comes from good parenting. Not necessarily the authoritarian finger-wagging, but the guidance and support.

        Luckily, my step-son is motivated and capable, working on his own vehicles and he’s launched his own flooring business. The step-daughter has improved much as well.

        So yes, there’s some hope. It’s the trend that is disappointing.

    • I read that article and while shocking it’s probably accurate. It seems some people can’t figure out that if you have achieved a certain skill set you will save a lot more money than whatever you paid for some basic tools. I know a landlord that got billed $590 for less than 10 minutes work unblocking a bath tub drain by Roto Rooter (weekday/ non holiday around noon time). On my advice his fixit guy will be looking at a cheap powered drain cleaning machine from Harbor Freight.

    • The greatest disservice that the world conducted was telling every young person that college was a requirement and basic trade/mechanical skills were beneath them. A generation ago these skills were passed down from parent to child. We are about to arrive at a dead end. Those that do have these skills are becoming older and there will be a time where mobility and age is going to catch up with us all. If we can’t change our lightbulbs, because we can’t physically climb a ladder and the generations beneath us don’t know how or are too fearful to, I hope we have the ability to entertain ourselves as we all sit in the dark together.

      • I was thinking the same thing, yesterday, RG – when I finally found some time to contort myself under the dash of my truck and got the new heater core installed. More finely, getting the transfer tubes installed. Each is held in place by four small screws – several of which have to be threaded by feel because you can’t see the holes and can hardly reach them, either. I got it done – but will I be able to do it in 20 years? Maybe – but maybe not. And by then, who’ll be able to do this kind of work?

        • I feel for you, Eric. Those screws were quite problematic when I changed out the heater core in my Chevy, and it sounds like that job was much easier than what you’re experiencing.

      • Sadly true Eric and RG,
        I made sure both of my kids (boy & girl) could change a tire, jumpstart a dead battery, and do basic repairs; my son insists on helping me when I need to do anything off a ladder – mostly because he thinks I’m too old 😆.
        All the present hoopla over AI cracks me up, when AI can change a tire, clear a drain, or fix a leaky roof sign me up. Otherwise it’s just an alias for Skynet.

      • Raider Girl,

        Yes, this phenomenon sucks. Something about the Boomer generation and what they thought they learned about the world. Luckily I was taught how to do a few things, but I was also taught that if your want to prosper, you will go to college and then work for a corporation for the rest of your working life. Then you will have money to survive 10-15 years so you can golf and watch Wheel of Fortune while you fall apart and die. Maybe you’ll even pay off your mortgage and have a few more dollars to spend on lawn care and prescription drugs.

        Now that’s a dead end.

  2. Oh wow, you did Corbett Report?! That’s really cool. I’ve watched him forever now. His classic about 9/11 is just about immortal level now.

  3. Great to see you on the Corbett Report Eric. James does great work. He has a fantastic documentary about the lead up to the first World War and all the behind the scenes manipulations by the global elite at the time.

    BTW, have you read about this Nissan NP 300 pickup that is supposedly coming to the US. Looks pretty interesting.

  4. Kudos for your interview on Corbett report. He has a large audience and some the best wrongthink on the web. If you haven’t already, I urge you to explore his site. You’ll be greatly rewarded.


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