Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show/KMED FM 01/23/2025


Here’s the audio of this week’s Wheels up! segment with Bill Meyer over at KMED FM in Medford, OR. We talked about the Musk Man (again) and also the weird and strange operative control of the country by a California bureaucracy called CARB:


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    “In exchange for cash bribes from the government, thousands of American pastors pushed Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines” on their congregants, many of whom are now chronically ill or dead as a result.

    The report from America Out Loud explains that a government program called “Faith4Vaccines,”

    which was birthed out of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) vaccine propaganda machine COVID-19 Community Corps, convinced money-grubbing “faith leaders” to sell out their flocks to Big Pharma.”

    scroll down to “Our Shared Goals”

    Demonstrate religious communities’ trust in the vaccine

    Support houses of worship and faith communities to innovatively distribute vaccines

    Advocate and advance equitable vaccine distribution

    Create space for multifaith collaboration

    Pave the way for global, equitable vaccine distribution


    Once again I say, the Rock of Christ has made Christians dumb as rocks.

    • It’s not the “Rock of Christ” but constant pollution of our scripture through the ages, as well as inner-conquests of the major Christian churches (such as the Jesuit order, which was started by a group of Sephardic Jews led by “Ignatious of Loyola” in order to subvert the Catholic church).

      The fact is, most “clergy” is horribly unaware of what the Bible actually says, many believing utter falsehoods, and teaching them at the pulpit. You can start at the beginning with Genesis – most clergy will ignorantly teach that “Adam and Eve” were the first people on the Earth, despite the Bible CLEARLY stating this to not be so.

      Once you misunderstand the first book, you misunderstand the REST because you don’t know who is who and what is what.

      • Hi LeMe,

        I’m not a religious scholar by any means, but I am pretty sure the Bible does not countenance homosexuality. Ergo, how can a Christian pastor/priest – such as the Episcopal Bishop of DC – countenance it?

      • Yes, I’ve read similar commentary, that when Adam and Eve were cast out of Eden there were other people, outside the walled city of Eden. Zacharia Sitchin’s book “The Lost Book of Enki” is a must read for a new perspective, Genesis is a shortened, truncated version of older Sumerian myth, which he decoded from the glyphs on clay tablets.

        The Chief Anunnaki scientist Enki, caught some local hominens and crossbred them, by invitro, creating the first modern man Adamu in the E.din – which was the Anunnaki garden area for the earth expedition. These hybrids, now called the Adamic race, were created as slaves, the first batch were unable to breed but Enki fixed that. They kept these proto-humans as house pets then once they achieved large enough numbers they used them as slaves in the gold mines in South Africa.

        What Eric probably does not know, is that modern governments are all mimics of Anunnaki military society. Freedom was never our destiny. They taught us to be like them, they taught us reading, writing, math, astronomy, animal husbandry, alcohol production, gardening. Humans are a illegal slave race, not wild, but domesticated. It was the highest of crimes what they did, creating us. Humans should not exist on earth, they are an ET imposition.

        IOW humans were created as a slave race by space pirates – who came to earth to steal our gold – by using their own DNA – the real original sin. These space devils that did this, is what the Abrahamic religions worship, IOW humans are worshipping the Anunnaki as gods, human religion is a cosmic cargo cult whoreship.

        The Sitchin story is far more complete and logical, and fits the evidence, and a debate rages online between mainstream science and this new information – the ancient alien theory.

    • Hi Jack,

      Thanks for finding (and posting) this. The corruption of these “faith” leaders is so depressing – and I’m not especially religious. Of all the people who ought to have stood up for people, these people didn’t. They are – truly – the devil’s children.

      • Agreed. How can a follower of Jesus who preached peace and love be for genocide? Not religious either, but the First Commandment is something like thou shall not murder. Apparently most Christians have never read/comprehended the Gospels. There is no way in hell you can call yourself a follower of Christ and be for genocide. Impossible. But here we are in the mid-Apocalypse and Christians are the cheerleaders for Israel. The big joke is that this idea of afterlife is IMO a huge cultural delusion, the idea that we can survive death has great appeal for a sentient race, but I have seen no proof that anyone can survive death – and in a scientific age we require proof to believe things. But there is no proof, just a story – and that story unfolded in Palestine, and some believe is so hard, so taken in by it, they are willing to kill to possess the (so-called) “holy” land – which demonstratively is the most unholy place on earth. Christians are allied with Jews because of their selfish desire for eternal life, and the poor native saps who happen to live there are being literally slaughtered and the entire world just sits there and does nothing. The whole thing is eerie and surreal to me. Unbelievable that humans in the modern age would tolerate this insane behavior being driven by mere words in a book – which scholars and archeologists have shredded as factual. Believing the Bible literal is the highway to hell. Faith is causing pure evil – yet no one condemns the book which is causing all this bloodshed. The Bible is not a “good” book, it is the book causing the bloodshed, it makes men evil, the Bible is bronze age tribal bloodlust written as holy text.

  2. The ergonomic tragedy of touchscreens, popularized by Elon:

    ‘On BMW’s next-generation Neue Klasse cars, beginning with the iX3 SUV launching this summer, drivers will have no choice but to use touchscreens. BMW claims it is responding to customers, who are increasingly used to personalising their in-car experience using mobile phone apps.

    ‘Chris Longmore, from the automotive design consultancy Drive, believes the touchscreen takeover is largely cost-driven. He said: “Tesla showed the way. By having everything on the screen, you can reduce the tooling needed to make switches and maybe going forward do away with centre consoles altogether and [the cost of] making the panels you need for them.”

    What does the future look like?

    ‘If you don’t like touchscreens, it’s not bright. Longmore said: “I think going to all-touchscreen in cars is the wrong direction. We all like their functionality, but I don’t know anyone who actually likes using them.”’

    I hate touchscreens. I hate telematics. I hate vehicles that weigh a thousand pounds more than they should. I am permanently out of the new car market. It’s nothing but tasteless, bloated crap for philistine poseurs.


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