Here’s the audio of this week’s talk with Bryan Hyde, host of the Bryan Hyde Show in Idaho! We talked about the rolling over the rotting log – and beholding the government maggots squirming in the bright light – an sundry other things, too:
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Jimmy Dore, who is by no means a right winger, talked about the sheer corruption exposed in USAID….
Also, the Democrat Party is STILL all in with gender insanity and other forms of insanity, such as claiming that Kamala Harris ONLY lost because of “Mysogyny” & “Racism”, and not anything THEY or the Harris campaign did. And they wonder why they lose elections….
“The Associated Press (AP) isn’t just reporting the news — it’s cashing checks from Uncle Sam.
At least $19.5 MILLION in government contracts, mostly from the State Department and the U.S. Agency for Global Media.
In just the past few years, AP has pocketed over $619,000 from the feds—87% of it straight from the State Department.
So, when AP spins the narrative, just remember: they’re getting paid. You just weren’t supposed to notice.
And the AP has the nerve to accuse OTHER outlets of being “Disinformation” while THEY are pocketing government money to spew the government line.”
It sounds like USAID was in fact Operation Mockingbird aka the CIA Slush Fund.
No wonder the Asses are going crazy.
Check this one:
When Trump called them “fake news”, he was not kidding!