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Motorcycle Clovers

Regular readers of this column already know what a Clover is. It is someone who - among other things - refuses to move over...

A Teslian Clover (and Another Variant)

Here is a view from behind of a Tesla Clover, driving at not-"ludicrous" speed, in the left lane, pacing the car in the right...

Out of Towner Clover

One of the incongruities of our age is the gratuitous wastage of capability, as regards cars. The average late-model car has twice the horsepower...

Clovers and Diaperers

The Sickness Cult is a natural consequence of the Safety Cult; both are fundamentally worry-wart cults. Something might happen - so everything (no matter...

Clovers, Revisited

The question comes up every now and then: What is a "Clover"? It's living creature! Also an inside baseball term for them, used by EPautos...

A Clover Finally Pulls Over

Here's a video of a Clover who . . . eventually pulls over! . . . Got a question about cars, Libertarian politics - or anything...

Conga Clover!

Here's a Clover who created a quarter-mile Conga line of cars . . . because the Clover would not pass a garbage scow. She...

The Views of a Clover in re Corona

A reader sent me an excerpted "letter to the editor" from a Corona Clover named Steve. I reprint it here: "If we're going to reopen...

Corona Clover!

Here's a Corona Clover, creeping along at 37-43MPH on a road with a 55 MPH speed limit. Oddly, it's perfectly legal for a Clover...

Ear Tags & Clovers

This began as an ear tag update - more than 100 in the herd now! - but became a rant about Clovers. I picked...
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