
Radio Interviews

Audio clips of Eric’s radio interviews

Ohio Cop States He Has More Rights Than Others

This one's a doozy: From OhioCopBlock - On October 6th My fellow cop blockers and I saw a woman get assaulted by a man on a motorcycle, when the police arrived the woman...

Freedom Lost

Freedom Lost By Chuck Baldwin October 7, 2011 Many times I hear the ostriches among us exclaim, “What freedoms have we lost? America is the freest country on earth.” We have all heard that,...

Herman Cain – Corporate Tool

This speaks for itself: October 06, 2011 " Daily Caller" -- Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain’s blunt style was on full display in a Wall Street Journal interview published Wednesday. Cain told reporter...

Requiem for a giant… Steve Jobs… The passing of a truly great man…

I am entirely and personally “affected” and shaken by the death of Steven Jobs. I am unable to sleep and have been for several hours. Steve Jobs has enriched us all...

D.C. Cops Throw Drivers in Jail for Expired Tags

With all the real crime - you know, actual harm being done to people - going on out there, this is what the doughnut eaters in DC are up to -...

Breast cancer patient gets a TSA pat-down, TSA gets a smackdown

Jeannine Stein, Los Angeles Times October 5, 2011 Another Transportation Security Administration pat-down gone wrong is in the news again. This time the unfortunate pat-downee is Lori Dorn, a New York-based human resources professional...

The Day America Died

The Day America Died By Paul Craig Roberts on October 2, 2011 September 30, 2011 was the day America was assassinated. Some of us have watched this day approach and have warned of its...

“Haitian Youth” Raymond Herisse And Urban Beach Week:

By Nicholas Stix on September 30, 2011 At 4 a.m. on May 30—Memorial Day—in the middle of “Urban Beach Week”— Raymond Herisse, 22, of Boynton Beach, Florida, was shot dead by police...

Is The War On Terror A Hoax?

By Paul Craig Roberts on September 30, 2011 In the past decade, Washington has killed, maimed, dislocated, and made widows and orphans millions of Muslims in six countries, all in the name...

The Skirmish on Drugs

By Fred Reed September 25, 2011 I see that I may have to take over drug policy for the United States. Maybe not, though. I’ll hold off if I get a call from...
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