
I Don’t Like cRap … But

This guy seems all right:

Unnatural Disaster Strike Again

A mile-high tidal wave could not do more damage to human beings than the unnatural force called government. In terms of outright mass murder - line 'em up at the edge...

LRC 351. The Automotive Police State

Listen to Eric's recent interview with Lew Rockwell.

Some Heroes are Having Regrets

Interesting AP story; see bolded portions: A veteran of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, former U.S. Marine Capt. Timothy Kudo thinks of himself as a killer - and he carries the...

It’s “A Safety Matter” Hero Cops claim

As they arrest a guy for no legal reason:

Why Are The Domestic Extremists All White?

Perhaps you have seen the loathsome "no more hesitation" target practice sheets (see here, if you haven't) provided to the Department of Heimat Sicherheitsdeinst by an entity called Law Enforcement Targets,...

TSA Molests Three Year Old With Spina Bifida

Here's why I won't fly. The urge to break someone's jay would be overwhelming:

Company Behind Shooting Targets of Children Received $2 Million From DHS

Contracts were for “training aids” and “paperboard” Paul Joseph Watson February 20, 2013 The company behind controversial shooting targets that include images of children, pregnant women and elderly gun owners received almost $2...

Retired Cop: Desensitizing Police Training Is Brainchild Of Sick Social Engineers

‘Non Traditional Threat’ targets indicate “something seriously wrong” Steve Watson Feb 20, 2013 A retired Houston cop believes that the recent production of “non traditional” shooting targets at the request of law enforcement and...

Looking for good mileage used car

Hi Eric, et al, I'm looking for something in the 2007 vintage to supplement my 2002 Tacoma. I'm looking for 4D with good reliability and high gas mileage. I have looked at...
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