
Hero Assaults Citizen Lawfully Open Carrying

Another one: The 911 call which led to the arrest of a Michigan man who was exercising his right to open carry is a perfect example of how the American people have...

Magnets and Stickers!

Just a quick note about EPautos magnets and stickers. I got a great deal on stickers, and will be sending people one or two of them along with their magnets. First...

Reader Question: Sienna vs. RAV4 vs. Highlander?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Ed asks: Your advice is needed on my next new Toyota AWD vehicle choice. Currently I own a 2015 Toyota RAV4 and live in upstate...

Missouri Heroes Taser Boy Into Coma

A 17-year-old boy went into a coma and is in critical condition after a Missouri police officer Tasered him into compliance during a routine traffic stop. The FBI has been called on...

Video Rant: 2020 Mercedes GLE450

Here's a quick look at the 2020 Mercedes GLE450 - also available as the GLE350. But the one you want is the 450, which is the one that comes standard with...

AGWs Do The Pedophile Priest Shuffle

Here's a story out of Clayton, GA - a suburb of Atlanta - where they're farming out "troubled" armed government workers to  . . . government schools. Like pedophile priests moved...

Reader Question: Alternative Ignition Replacement?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! BD asks: So, my stepdaughter broke the key to her 2006 Honda Accord (don't ask how) and she tried to put it back...

Oh God . . . Not Honda, Too…

Say it ain't so! Honda Motor Co. has plans to develop autonomous cars with "Level 4" capability that can drive on city streets by 2025, building on its strategy to take on automotive...

Latest Radio: On the Undoing of Elon

Here's the audio clip from last Friday's talk with Bill Meyer over at KMED radio i Oregon. We talked about the flailing Model 3 Tesla (which also has the cheapest-looking interior...

Iowa Heroes Caught Planting Evidence

Hundreds of criminal investigations are under review following the resignation of two Iowa police officers amid accusations that they planted evidence. According to Des Moines police officials, it is believed that "Senior Officers" Joshua...
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