
News/Other Stuff

News, general interest stuff

Latest Reader Comment (Feb. 2, 2018)

Here's the latest reader comment, along with my reply! Steven writes: 1992 Geo Metro. Turbocharged! Might blow a rod. 1,494 pounds on the scale. 12 pounds of boost. Goes like stink!!! My reply: I...

Bernie Goes Postal

Government banking - it's an idea whose time should never come. Vermont senator and presidential candidate Bernie Sanders disagrees. America's reddest Democrat advocates turning the United States Post Office (another failing government-run operation)...

Run Amok Hut! Hut! Hut!

Here's a video - recently released, reluctantly - of AGWs Hut! Hut! Hutting! a school and driving at very high speed in a school parking lot, T-boning an unsuspecting driver who...

AZ “heroes” SWAT Bicycle Riders

Here's a video of a swarm of "heroes" SWATTING a couple guys out riding their bikes. You can't  even do that anymore in this country - not without having to worry...

Mississippi “heroes” in Action

A disabled man choked by deputies in his own house and forced to fill out a fake witness report. A father of two stopped at sheriff's roadblocks at least 20 times...

New Jersey “heroes” Kick Man on Fire

It is rough to watch: A videofrom shows a man in flames emerging from his burning car after a Sunday night wreck. Police officers then arrive on the scene quickly—and begin kicking him...

Video Rant: 2018 BMW X3

Well, good news! BMW hasn't pulled the six from the lineup... Even better news, it's much stronger this year than last year: . . . Got a question about cars - or anything else? Click...

Hero Fired (But Not Charged) For Assaulting Handcuffed Kid

Ohio Hero Deputy Dan Comerford, who was previously placed on paid administrative leave (AKA paid vacation) for assaulting a 17 year old in juvenile court back in April while the teen was...

Georgia “heroes” Have SexyTime With Inmates

Two employees with the Macon County Sheriff’s Department have been arrested and charged in two separate cases. In recent weeks county jailor Andrew Dixon and a deputy/investigator Jason Whitt were arrested on...

Latest Radio, Tom Woods (Sept. 26, 2017)

Here's the audio of today's guest appearance on Tom Woods' show. . . . Got a question about cars - or anything else? Click on the "ask Eric" link and send 'em in! If...
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