
Diaper Report 12/31/21

A final report for this year - on the cusp of the new. And the news isn't good. A visit to Kroger yesterday confirms what I saw a few days prior at Earth...

Diaper Report 2/19/22

It is no longer necessary to mandate “masks.” Millions wear them willingly. Some will probably never take them off.  It does not matter to these people that everything us misinformationists said over...

Diaper Report 1/15/22

This Diaper Report is personal - and anecdotal - but from what I have been able to gather and based on what I and people close to me seem to be...

Diaper Report: 12/6/2022

Some of you may recall Gourmeltz - the Fredericksburg, VA restaurant that refused to close its doors or "mask" its customers during the height of Sickness Psychosis two years ago. It...

Diaper Report: 08/22/2023

The image below is unsettling. Not chiefly because it was created by the government (how did the government get involved in our private health-related decisions?) nor that it was funded by the...

Diaper Report 3/16/22

This is a report all of us may be making soon. I will preface it by reporting that I know no one who died from the "virus" - whatever it is. Whether...

Diaper Report: 12/2/2022

As anyone could have predicted, Diapers are being pushed again. Are being mandated again. Interestingly, by the military - in the state of Arizona.  Here is "guidance" (by which is meant...

Diaper Report 1/28/22

This is a post-‘Rona (Moronicon variant, I think) report. A first-hand conveyance of what to expect should you happen to catch the latest iteration of the sickness the “vaccinations” are probably...

Diaper Report: 5/23/22

This is an alarming report - because of what it says about what has been going on. A good friend of mine, who isn't elderly or obese or chronically afflicted by...

Diaper Report 2/24/22

I was at the gym the other day and saw something I've never seen before: A kind of bipedal bullfrog on one of the elliptical cardio machines lined up in front...
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