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Cop – or Coot?

There it is up ahead. A Ford Crown Victoria. Better get on the brakes! But is it really a cop? Or just an old coot? There are - mostly - only two kinds of...

How Much Does Gas Mileage Cost Us?

"Penalties" are what you're forced to pay when you've done nothing wrong - as opposed to something criminal. Like selling cars to people who wanted to buy them that use more...

Too Many Cars . . . Not Enough Market?

As we watch the slow-motion train wreck that is the dying U.S. automotive industry, it's easy to blame the economic situation for the debacle. And it's certainly a contributing factor. Or...

The Obsession of the Unhealthy

There is an old joke about the fat lady ordering fast food. She gets a double bacon cheeseburger, large fries . . . and a diet Coke. She probably just got the...

The Sneeze Police . . . and Worse to Come

Armed government workers will do anything for money. Your money. They used to take it for "speeding." Now it's for sneezing. And not even that. Here's video out of Florida of an undercover...

With a Clothespin Affixed to My Nose…

I just voted - not for anything, but against everything the political Left is determined to impose on everyone. From forcing everyone to tithe to the insurance mafia (or the government,...

The Epsilon Semi-Moron “Variant”

The "Delta variant" of the 'Rona is the newest iteration of the Sickness Bogeyman emanating from the TeeVee, flat screen and radio. It is meant to frighten Epsilons - the moron...

Understandable Derangement

Today - Monday - may be the day the Orange Man is dragged feet first out of the White House. Even if not, the day is coming when his die-hard supporters...

Don’t Speed in Indiana . . .

Principles can be very dangerous things. A terribly dangerous principle was accepted, years ago, when it became legal - though no less loathsome  - for armed government workers to simply take people's...

They Don’t Just Look the Same . . .

It's often said - correctly - that modern cars (mostly crossovers now) all look pretty much the same. But it goes deeper than that. Modern cars are mostly the same. Literally. Beneath their...
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