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What Driver’s Licenses Aren’t

What, precisely, is a driver's license? It's certainly not a certificate of demonstrated competence as a driver. That much ought to be obvious given the pervasive incompetence of "drivers" who possess a...

CBDC Preview

Readers of this column witnessed - because I posted video of it - the difficulty I had recently attempting to put charge into an EV. The same problem I have encountered...

Idaho AGW Rapes Cancer Patient

An armed government worker named Scott McMikle has just been arrested for the serial rape of a woman bedridden with breast cancer. The attacks took place over a decade ago. According to prosecutor...

Cars That Drive Themselves…

People seem to like this idea. It makes my flesh crawl. Well, maybe not that extreme. But the idea does depress me. A big part of what makes driving enjoyable is the freedom...

Thrown Under the Driverless Bus

You have heard the expression: He threw me under the bus! The updated expression will be: The bus threw me under it! The automated bus. Maybe it sees you. Maybe not. In Vienna, Austria...

Volvo Commits Seppuku

With gas cheaper than it has been in at least 50 years - strongly suggestive that there is plenty of it available and will be for some time to come -...

Tactical Manual: When – and How – To Run

I wrote a couple week back (see here) about how increasingly Draconian punishments for relatively minor - and purely statutory (i.e., involving no harm to others) traffic offenses - for example,...

“Lia” and the Electric Car

At what point does the plug get pulled? Not the one that plugs into the wall. The one that plugs into our wallets - to subsidize the ongoing “purchase” of electric...

LAPD Hut! Hut! Huts! Kid for Failure to Defer

Here's a charming video of LAPD armed government workers Hut! Hut! Hutting! a kid for the "crime" of Failure to Defer (to AGWs). Of course, there is no such crime . ....

Latest Radio: Bryan Hyde Show 06/06/2023

Here's the audio of this week's talk with my friend Bryan Hyde - host of the Bryan Hyde Show in Utah! We talked about understanding that it's not over - and...
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