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The Fumes of the Founding

Most people are not liberty-inclined. Not anymore. America has become a nation of, by and for control freaks - populated by the people I style Clovers. If they don't like something, if they want something,...

Machine Gunning a Tesla

There is an episode of the TV show Top Gear involving a Prius hybrid and automatic weapons. God, I wish I could afford to do the same to a Tesla. Unfortunately, I...

How Much Power Do You Need?

Not much, it turns out. 60 horsepower - about what a circa 1984 Aries K car's engine produced - is sufficient for A to B getting there and back. More is certainly nice -...

“No Idle” Zones… and Auto Stop/Start

Have you heard about "no idling" zones? Places where it is verboten (and punishable) to leave your car's engine running? Sounds silly, I know. And it is silly - because it's not 1970. The...


One of the clearest indications you live in a police state - or one well on its way to becoming one - is "rules for us" (you and me) and "rules...

“Hate Crime” Protection For Heroes?

Should it be illegal - a crime in and of itself - to dislike cops? The Fraternal Order of Police - the union for cops - thinks it ought to be. It is...

Lock-Down Nation

While waiting for a dentist appointment, I was listening to a news report about NewYork City being on "lockdown" because of snow. Only the official vehicles of the anointed were at liberty...

All Over The Road Clover

But, he's not "drunk" - so it's ok! The driver (loosely used) in the video above was almost certainly sober. But his form of impairment (incompetence? senility?) is not socially stigmatized, much...

Automotive Affirmative Action

Would you buy a money hog? Arguably, that's what any hybrid - or electric - car has become given what's happened to the price of gas. Hybrid and electric cars aren't selling well...

Roaches Don’t Like The Light

What possible legitimate objection could any cop have to being video/audio recorded while performing his "duties"?  As the saying goes, if you've got nothing to hide... . But of course, there is much to...
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