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Sail fawns and “one for the road” – Why not ban bad drivers instead?

The National Safety Council (one of those private but sounds-like-it's-the government "interest groups") wants to see cell phone use in cars banned. I hate sail fawns, too. They're annoying and they're over-used....

Calling BS on Hybrid Hype?

A new generation of hybrid gas-electric and all-electric cars - including the 2011 Chevy Volt and Nissan Leaf - has arrived, with much hype attending their launch. There is the promise of...

Videotaping Thug Cops Can Lead to Trouble . . .

For you! If you witness police misconduct and record it as a video on your phone or camera, you won't be welcomed as a hero in the United States - formerly land...

9/11 Questions…

There are many entirely legitimate questions about what happened on 9/11 left unanswered: * Why is there no video of the plane that hit the Pentagon? That area (I lived there, so...

Big Brother Eyeballing Your License Plate?

Soon, cops may not even have to pull you over to know almost everything about you - and keep it on file, too. Motorola - manufacturer of radio equipment and other cop...

Don’t Want to “Buckle-up for Safety?”

Let's say you prefer (for whatever reason) not to "buckle up" when you drive. Yes, I know that seat belts save lives - and that your chances of being injured or even...

Hands Off My Clunker!

I'll be keeping my "clunker" - a 1998 Nissan Frontier with about 120,000 miles on it - until the proverbial wheels finally fall off it (or more likely, the frame finally...

Speed Limits Back to Where They Were in 1970!

In the Department of Good News: Virginia and several other states are in the process of legalizing higher speed limits. VA's Governor, Bob McDonnell, signed a new law raising the max to...

Woman Arrested for NOT Wanting To Drive Drunk

A woman in England was recently arrested for sleeping in her car. Then she was arrested for not wanting to take an alcohol breath test. Do you think that there’s a good possibility...

Thug Cops Taser Elderly Man… in His Own House

In America, now officially a police state, you will be tasered in your own home if you lip off to the police. Senior citizen Peter McFarland of Marin County, California, discovered this...
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