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Uncles Great and Small

The assault on VW for "cheating" Uncle is metastasizing. The little Uncles - state governments -  are piling on. Five of them (New Jersey, Texas, New Mexico, Kentucky and West Virginia) have formally...

Some Cases in Point

Back when this was still a (mostly, or at least more) free country than it is now, lawmakers and judges actually defended individual liberties against abuses by the state - as...

Diapers for the Ordinary Flu, Too

This was obviously coming because it logically follows. Diapers for the ordinary flu, too. And - inevitably - for the common cold. For everything. Forever. Diapers in perpetuity. You can't logically argue against...

How to “Sell” an Electric Car . . .

Electric cars are a great deal  . . . when you get someone else to pay for them. This appears to be the only way to convince anyone to buy one. BMW...

The “Gun Problem”

The federal government stands poised to criminalize the possession of things rather than actions, which is the type of "action" that government specializes in. It is also arguably why there is...

Automotive Anomalies

The '60s Twilight Zone TV series specialized in the thought experiment - the what if? And the what the hell, too. It's becoming like this on the road - and in our cars....

Old Car End Run

I've written before about peacefully finding alternative ways of doing things that makes it possible to avoid the edicts of oppressive government. Here's a way to do that on four wheels:...

15 Years in Prison…. for Recording a Traffic Stop

Louis Frobe is facing hard time. Fifteen years in prison - the sort of sentence typically handed out for crimes such as second-degree murder and rape. Frobe's crime? He recorded a...

Cancelling Aging Air Bags

Wrongthinkful people are being canceled left and right - mostly by the left - for hurting the feelings of the left. Air bags sometime cancel lives, whether you're on the left...

The Failure of Satellite Radio

Satellite radio - that is, SirusXM satellite radio - was supposed to be revolutionary, an end-run around the heavily censored, mostly commercials dreck of terrestrial FM and AM radio. Well, they...
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