

Reader Question: Dead Town & Country?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Matt asks: I thought you for sure would be the guy to ask a simple car question.  I'm not as car savvy as my...

The Coop-in-Process: Installment II

The weather gods were cooperative yesterday, which was the first day for several days we didn't get doused with heavy rain. Which makes pouring concrete a no-go. I had to cover...

When New Cars Get Old

All cars become old cars, eventually. But the aging process is different for modern cars - by which is meant cars built since (roughly) the latter-half of the '80s, when computer controlled...

A Cool Gadget

If you wrench - or even just tinker - you may already have a portable jump-starter rig. They are super handy to have. For those who aren't hip, it's jumper cables plus a...

Reader Question: Radar Detectors Still Worth It?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Kristin asks: Is it still worth getting a radar detector given how many cops use Instant On to peg "speeders"? My understanding is...

Bug Out Buggies

If things get bad, you will probably want to stay put - if where you are when things go bad is a relatively safe area. But what if you need to...

Some Used vs. New Car Buying Pros and Cons

Buying a used car can make a lot of financial sense - with a few clauses and caveats: * Higher interest rates on used car loans - and shorter loan periods...

The Mushroom Cloud Expands

Well, there's good and bad news wafting upward from the immolation of Volkswagen over its now-public end-running of the EPA's preposterously over-strict emissions rigmarole (more about that here and - audio clip -...

How to Find a Good Body Shop

Your car's got a wrinkled fender - who are you going to get to fix it? If it's not done right, the car will look wrong - and then you won't be...

If Things Are So Swell . . .

A canary may have just keeled over. Not in the coal mine - but in the stock market. Shares of Ford - healthiest of the Big Three automakers - are down...
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