Honda Isn’t Getting a Charge Out of GM’s Device


Battery-powered devices are quick – but they are hard to move off of dealership lots. The “Honda”  Prologue, for instance. It’s selling like crushed grasshopper burgers at a barbecue joint. The hope had been to sell 70,000 of these devices annually. This hope was predicated on an assumption that – like the “safe and effective” whatever was in those syringes – the truth about devices would not get out about devices.

It has.

Awareness has percolated – about the hassles that attend owning a device as well as the catastrophically rapid and huge depreciation in the value of a device, which is on average 30 percent higher than that of a typical vehicle. Even people who like devices are becoming  – what’s the right word? – hesitant about buying devices.

As a result, Honda has only sold about a third as many devices – about 33,000 – as it had hoped. Although it has produced about 45,000 of these devices so far. That means around 12,000 devices are not moving.

They are sitting.

Monthly sales have been trending downward since the “peak” of 5,410 devices back in August of 2024. What happened in November has not helped at all – and that is good, if one prefers that the market rather than the government decides what ought to be manufactured. The newly elected president promised to end the pushing of devices via what amount to government mandates that only devices be manufactured – via regulations that only devices are able to comply with – and never mind whether people want to buy them. He also threatens to end the federal subsidization of devices, which would mean people who buy them are no longer kicked-back $7,500 from the federal government as an inducement to buy a device.

That would mean people having to pay what it costs to sell an EV. It would be as if a “market” that enabled people to buy steaks at hamburger prices just reverted back to the usual of steaks costing more than hamburger. And – in this case – the hamburger is preferable to the steak.

Pay more – to get a device that doesn’t go as far, that takes much longer to get going and that sheds value much more quickly than a vehicle.

All of this has done to the attractiveness of devices what the knowledge that getting “vaccinated” did not mean you couldn’t get – or give – COVID – did to the attractiveness of “vaccines.” Initially, both were received with great enthusiasm – borne on the wind generated by a media organ controlled by six large corporations that have the ability to generate the illusion of mass consensus, whether that a “pandemic” is afoot or that “vaccines” can “stop the spread” or that battery powered devices are “the future” and superior to the vehicles they’re being pushed as the replacements for.

This device (which I test drove recently)  is actually made by General Motors at its south of the border plant in Ramos Arizpe, Mexico – where GM’s own device, the Chevy Blazer EV is made. The Prologue is the same device, reskinned to look somewhat different.

Well, the announcement has just been made that production of the Honda-looking device will be reduced  – in order to avoid the problem of dealers being stuck with too many devices they can’t sell.  “In early 2025, we changed the plant’s production schedule to increase efficiency following the decision by Honda to reduce Prologue volumes, and an adjustment in the mix of production of GM vehicles at the site,” reads a statement issued by General Motors the other day. One of the three shifts has been ended.

“The company is working with impacted employees and stakeholders to ensure an orderly transition.” In plain language, about 800 workers who’d been assembling devices at the Ramos Arizpe plant are no longer working. They have “transitioned” to the unemployment line.

Honda tried to smear some lipstick on the EV pig, releasing a statement of its own: “It is quite normal to our business to make production adjustments during the year in order to meet customer needs and market conditions. We will continue to carefully manage production and inventory for our entire product lineup to meet anticipated demand in 2025.” 

Italics added.

It is a happy thing that customer needs are back in the driver’s seat – as a result of market conditions. As a result of changing political conditions, too. The “market” for EVs being almost entirely a politically contrived one. Of a piece with the “market” for masks – and whatever was in those syringes. Now that the political winds have shifted and people begin to respond to the truth rather than the pressure, the “market” for devices is melting away like one of those late-winter snowstorms that comes – and quickly goes.

Honda  – smartly – decided to not waste its own R&D resources manufacturing a device of its own and thereby let GM absorb most of the cost of manufacturing the device it offers under its own label. Put another way, Honda played along – pretending that devices are “the future” – without putting its own future on the line.

GM, meanwhile, decided to assume the role of the Pakleds in the classic Samaritan Snare episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation

. . .

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  1. New Transportation Secretary Issues Order Directing NHTSA to Rescind and Replace Existing Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) Standards!!!!

    V8s are back on the menu, boys!

  2. Trump is a piece of work, everyday, it is something.

    If it’s Monday, it’s Trump Day.

    If it’s Tuesday, it’s Trump Day Two.

    Wednesday, another Trump Day.

    Thursday, you know it, just another Trump Day.

    Friday, Trump Day Five.

    Saturday, Trump Day with Yarmaulke.

    Sunday, Trump Day Christian style.

    Power barf time.

    You see Trump, you know it’s Trump Day again.

    Didn’t Donald stiff Deutsch Bank for 133 million dollars?

    • “Didn’t Donald stiff Deutsch Bank for 133 million dollars?”

      Yes, but we going to donate Wood Buffalo National Park to them as repayment. So all is good.

      • Just think, Banff could be the northern presidential retreat during the summer months, anschluss Canada, free national parks, all of that Alberta beef for the taking, everything.

        Canada’s lobsters would be for sale in the US, not China.

        Canada has an army base with 25,000 troops stationed near Whitehorse. If you are on the lam, a criminal, you will be apprehended by the authorities up there. They’ll drop you off at the border to the border police on the American side.

        You will be manacled. Finally caught the thief and murderer.

        To digress some.

        If Trump wants to take over Greenland, Canada, and Panama, good luck.

        Doubtful there is much of a plan, just baffling everybody with bullsh!t.

        You are up against the wall.

        What in the wide wide world of sports is goin’ on here? – Taggart, Blazing Saddles

        Might be a bit much to chew. Too big a bite.

        Donald needs to cool his jets.

  3. Honda was very smart buying instead of making.
    Now if we can get them to be a little less conservative on some of their motorcycles, I’m in.


    C’mon, MAN…..Are you KIDDING me?? “bitcoin”…jeez. Laughable

    • Mexico sent 10,000 troops to their border. How many troops does Canada have to send to the border? I’m guessing a lot less than 10,000 available to be reassigned.

      Also tariffs with Mexico are only delayed for 30 days. It will probably be extended if the President feels that border security is successful.

      • Hi Landru,

        Canada’s has about 71,500 troops, which includes, 26k of reserve troops. Less than 50% of their navy, air force, and army are operational. They are sitting ducks.

        Personally, China missed a golden opportunity not to invade while Biden was asleep at the wheel….Putin would have. Trump may do so. Who stops him? Russia takes Ukraine. China takes Taiwan. US takes Canada…and Greenland. That is the deal I would make with Putin and Jinping. We look away with your invasion. You look away with ours. Agreed?

    • 37 people were assassinated in the last year or so, so Mexico could have it’s first Jewish woman for president.

      I’m sure that means absolutely nothing at all.

  5. Funny thing about the Pakleds… Troi was completely fooled by them, or she chose to not pay any attention to what her telepathy was telling her.

    What good is a mindreader if she can’t read minds?

  6. The Prologue is now the Past.

    The DJIA is off 581 points this morning, Mr. Market has a frown on his face.

    Trump is losing his mojo pretty fast. An ego as big as a hot air balloon helps none, gives Trump a fat head.

    I want Clamato juice from Canada, it’s better.

    Canadian Worcestershire sauce by Lea & Perrin’s is from England and is shipped to Canada, it also is better than the US stuff.

    Stolichnaya is distilled in the US, ya know, so the price shouldn’t change. Makes a good Canadian Caesar.

  7. I have a friend whose parents have two Teslas –an ugly ass cybertuck and whatever the sedan is called.

    They live in an 8000 square foot house and are multi-millionaires. He earned it by founding, nursing, and succeeding in two businesses which were sold for handsome amounts of money, so not begrudging them at all. Little’ ol’ me and you here on EPAutos subsidized both of those cars.

    Let that sink in.

        • Oh is that it? Please explain to me how carbon credits work on an individualized basis for two people who own a couple of Teslas.

          I am waiting on pins and needles.

            • It is obvious you don’t read, because I asked you to explain the working of carbon credits on an individualized basis. You send me an article about Tesla. Is Tesla an individual?

              I will wait….

              • 2.
                The answer to that is the answer to your question.
                IT CAME FROM INDIVIDUALS. Unless you can point out another source for us.

              • I’ll try to answer for letmepicyou. The carbon credits subsidize Teslas. Without them, the purchase price of Teslas would have to be higher to for it to be profitable (or of not profitable, to minimize it’s rate of loss).

                • Is this any different than subsidies paid to the fuel industry such as the intangible drilling costs deduction, percentage depletion, credit for clean coal deduction, and domestic manufacturing production?

                  Who is paying for these? Do these not subsidize the fuel industry in providing those who have ICE vehicles cheaper gas?

                  • So…you admit, in contrast to your original statement, that “we subsidize those Teslas”. Only now you’re saying “but but we subsidize gas, too!”

                    Yes, we do, unfortunately, and things like corn as well. But the original comment was about Teslas.

                    To which it appears you’ve finally admitted that, yes, they’re subsidized.

                    • It would help if you don’t speak for me.

                      I do not concede from the OP made. Carbon credits are a private to private exchange. Carbon credits are sold to other companies. Currently, carbon credits are voluntary, not mandated, and the income made from them is taxed by Uncle Sam. If Tesla chooses to use their private carbon credits to offset their vehicle prices how does this affect a US taxpayer? How are you paying for it?

                      Now, does the US government offer a subsidy of $7500 or less for someone that falls under the guidelines? Yes, but my argument was that the millionaires who purchased the Teslas likely have incomes exceeding the income threshold which does not impose a tax benefit paid by any taxpayer.

                      Since you are unable to argue your own viewpoints I will await for someone else to respond for you.

                  • Hi RG,

                    I think there is a difference – a really important one. Gas is a product for which there is real market demand. There is no “market” for “carbon credits” other than the artificial “market” created by government mandates. Takes those away and carbon credits go away. Take away every federal action that redounds to the benefit of the oil industry and there would still be a huge market for petroleum products such as gasoline.

                  • All subsidies are wrong, and create market distortions. While being able to claim tax deductions might be categorized as a “subsidy,” they are fundamentally different from the way the carbon credit grift works. A tax deduction is a way to reduce the amount of money that the government confiscates. The carbon credit grift is a government directed confiscation of wealth from one company to another, which amounts to Tesla being a parasite upon the ICE manufactures. It directly subsidized Tesla to the direct detriment of ICE manufacturers.

                    • Absolutely correct. But despite the differences between the “tax credit” and the “carbon credit grift”, is not the same end result higher prices for US?

          • The Tesla owners don’t care about tax credits.

            With or without them, they’re STILL proudly driving their little Teslas around, rubbing the “little peoples'” noses in it with the glorious knowledge that they’re “Saving The Planet”.

            It’s the humble boasting rights that matter.

  8. ‘The “Honda” Prologue, for instance. It’s selling like crushed grasshopper burgers at a barbecue joint.’ — eric

    LOL — Eric’s on a roll. Can I get some crushed fruit fly salsa on muh grasshopper burger?

    ‘This device is actually made by General Motors at its south of the border plant in Ramos Arizpe, Mexico – where GM’s own device, the Chevy Blazer EV is made. The Prologue is the same device, reskinned to look somewhat different.’

    Houston, we have a problem. Donnie Fubar’s sudden 25 percent tariffs on Mexico mean nothing made in Ramos Arizpe is economical to import anymore.

    Meanwhile, most Canadian provinces have banned the import and sale of US-made beer, wine and liquor. Hundreds of US-ians are going to get laid off this week as a result, including Appalachian Americans at distilleries in Tennessee and Kentucky.

    A fine mess you’ve made, Mr Tariff Tyrant. Double down? (since you’re always right and never wrong?) NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) takes a terrible toll. 🙁

    • If the Canadians’ had sane leaders they might have tried to fix the border issues and go after the drug smugglers instead they went after truckers and people who believed in free speech. Strange world we live in.

      Just wait until they put a 100% on Elon’s wonder wagons……

      As for the Honda Prologue not selling well? It’s not too surprising given it has features like rapid depreciation, limited range and even lower in cold weather, and as a final bonus can burst into flame at a moment’s notice as you’re sleeping.

    • Hi Jim,

      I am a bit surprised that you are taking these tariffs at face value. You are one of the most brilliant minds on this forum.

      Do I believe these tariffs are solely for Canada and Mexico to solidify their borders from illegal migrants? No. Do I really think the US government really gives a crap if drugs are making their way into urban cities or small rural towns? When have they ever.

      On this particular post let’s look at Canada. Canada is a national security threat to the US. How is that possible? Canada’s defense and military are so weak they make an invasion possible…to themselves. As Americans and Canadians are throwing hissy fits on an increase in prices how would they feel if China sees an opportunity to checkmate the US and controls the border of our Northern Neighbor. Think it impossible?

      Something either has been stated, implied, or bellowed that China is sniffing around Greenland and Canada. The US has explicitly told Canada for years that they were not meeting their NATO obligations. They have skirted this by holding onto the US coattails believing that we would protect them. Who here is willing to send themselves, their children, or their grandchildren to fight for the solvency of Canada? Any takers?

      In the 1960s this country feared Soviet control of Cuba, which was separated by the Caribbean Sea, but no one discusses Canada’s military weakness and their delusion that they are not a strategic target that literally borders thirteen US states.

      These tariffs are to show Canada, and that goofball Trudeau, they can easily be squashed. They are meant as a wake up call. It is like the Mom that has smacked her toddler’s hand away from the hot stove for the umpteenth time. After a while she gives up because the kid refuses to listen. The kid believes Mom will protect him from harm, but this time she doesn’t. Touching that stove was the lesson needed. These tariffs are Canada’s stove touching. Become stronger, more independent, and protect your borders or…become America.

      • As these tariffs are ongoing, maybe it is time for us to help each other. Pick up a bottle of bourbon or whiskey on the way home this week. What Canada won’t buy, we will. If nothing else you will have something to help you forget the price you just paid at the pump.

      • Ironically, I view the nomination of Rubio for Secretary of State as a sign that the Orange Man may attempt lift the Cuba embargo before the end of his second term.

        • Hi Roscoe,

          The embargo against Cuba should be lifted. It is a beautiful country and should be able to return to its former glory. It also showed the world that communism never works.

          • Cubans make quality zombie comedy films these days. We can declare victory and end the embargo.

            I’m not kidding. “Juan of the Dead”.

            Someone saw a decadent Western film and was inspired to make their own version.

      • Canada seems like it is 10 years behind the US when it comes to woke and cultural swings. Maybe because they’re younger, maybe because they see themselves as nicer? Hard to say, and of course my view of CA is through the media filters (and their social media filters), so who’s to say?

        But one thing for sure is that it feels like their government is flat out ignoring the population, a recipe for losing one’s head. The “nice people” of Canada won’t go that far but we know the nasty people will. And the nasty people are the ones who think China is the future. Trudy is like Mongo, only pawn in game of life. Unlike Mongo, Trudy isn’t smart enough to realize he’s been played. And China will be happy to take all the natural resources the great white north has to offer, in exchange for northern ports and control of the northwest passage.

      • Good stuff RG. I believe Trump is playing long-ball. Appears so to me.
        So far about 90% of the stuff he’s done I’ve been waiting/hoping for, for most of my 50+ yrs. If sincere and willing to absorb the attacks, we will be on our way to rooting out the severe corruption in our country, etc….

        • HI Chris,

          I think there are things behind the scenes that the rest of us do not know about. Canada is a national security threat to the US. So is Greenland. The Chinese want to create a Polar Silk Route. The Chinese have made significant investments in both Greenland and Canada. Neither country is able to withstand an onslaught once China invades (and they have now for years). This puts the US in a difficult position with our “competition and foe” literally becoming our neighbor.

          Personally, I hope Denmark is smart enough to sell Greenland to the US. I also hope Canada is smart enough to realize that they are under threat and instead of going all end on climate change and DIE initiatives it may be time to invest some of that tax money into serious weaponry for the sovereignty of their nation and to start forcing out the Chinese police departments and “investments”.

          So far I am pleased with Trump has done. He is kind of like a bull through a China shop, but at this time, it is needed. I am also impressed with the Carbon Credit King (Elon) and how quickly he and his team are locating fraud. I have a feeling what they will find in the coming weeks and months is probably going to make most of us nausea.

          • My gut tells me it is way worse than we can even imagine. Whether some percent gets rooted out remains to be seen. Many people have been killed for way less. 50+ years of evil is hard to reverse if not impossible?
            I am personally OK with financial hardship if it means fixing things right (no debt = some freedom), but most probably can’t or won’t stomach it.

          • “he is kind of like a bull through a China shop”

            A left liberal coworker described it as “slash and burn”. Brought a smile to this libertarian’s face. Let’s see if he can keep it going.

            I’m afraid if he does keep up this pace, he won’t see the end of his term.

        • Thanks, anon. It was an interesting video. Glad to see I am not the only nutty person out there who believes China has their talons far deeper into Canada than we anticipated.


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