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Tickets/Driving Stuff

Anything related to speeding tickets, driving & stuff like that.

The Origins of Safetyism

Why the seemingly sudden obsession with "safety"? Placed within air fingers quotation marks because it's not really about safety - in the sense of reasonable aversion to excessive and unnecessary risk....

No More Right on Red?

A Leftist Car Hater (I repeat myself) who "writes" for CNN wrote the following, recently: "In America, traveling through red lights on right turns has become a rule of the road. Frequently,...

When “Safety” Isn’t Safe

When a person has trouble walking on their own, a cane or a walker - even a wheelchair - may be necessary for them to get around. But canes and walkers...

It Had to be Dragged . ..

This is an update - a final report - about the issue I experienced with a new car (2024 Dodge Hornet) I was test driving last week. It should have been...

A Preview of Things to Come

It will be 2024 soon and that means we're only one calendar year away from the 2026 model year. That is the decreed-upon year when all new cars sold in this...

Rain Alert! Snow Lockdown!

A point is likely to come when we're not allowed to drive because it's raining outside. Forget snow. It is the natural evolution of safetyism as applied to driving. After all, if it...

A Passing Comment Sometimes Says it All

Try to imagine a doctor who feels contempt toward his patients. Wait. We don't need to imagine anymore, do we? Well, how about a car journalist who thinks - who openly...

A Conversation With a Friend

When you're in a foxhole facing enemy fire, it's probably sound policy to not badmouth the guy who's fighting the same enemy alongside you. The National Motorists Association - which has been...

Slow . . . in the Curves!

It is claimed by some that "speeding" is a sign of dangerous driving. How about slowing down - when the road curves? After having sped up to right-on-top of the car ahead's...

Most Annoying New Car Features?

Does anyone know where to look for safety?  This is the admonition one often gets in a new or recent-model car equipped with a back-up camera system (now required by law). Put...
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