
Why no Charger?

It was supposed to be on sale by now. The Charger that needs to be charged. The device that is supposed to replace the Charger that didn't need a charge, because...

Where’s Joe?

It's interesting that Joe Biden has not emerged since a letter was released stating he would no longer be running for president. It is possible the old grifter didn't sign this...

Orange Man and EVs

The Orange Man has said he will end the federal government's use of the regulatory regime to effectively force the manufacture of electric vehicles (which are the only kinds of vehicles...

If He Can’t be the Nominee…

The man who insisted - as recently as yesterday - that he was not going to step down as the nominee of the Left (there are no "Democrats" anymore) just decided...

A Window into the Pre-Safety World

Things are very "safe" now. They used to be a lot more fun. Herewith a glimpse into how it used to be: Some of you will be able to remember this world....

Size isn’t the Problem

Ford's CEO Jim Farley said something interesting the other day about how Americans should "start to get back in love with smaller vehicles." The interesting thing about that is they already...

Big Mike is Coming

A certain someone once said: In England they're filled with curiosity . . . why doesn't he come? Be calm! He's coming! And so she is, it looks like. Events are happening...

2024 Chevy Camaro

It's a strange and sad thing when one of the most popular, best-known cars ever made is about to fade away. Not because of anything it did, either. That car - in this...

The Circa 1995-2010 Catch 22

There's an interesting irony about the state of the car industry that's also a pickle of its own creation. Or - more finely - a pickle that's the unintended result of...

Missing the 1 Million Mark . . .

GM's CEO, Mary Barra, predicted it would be producing (and presumably, selling) one meeeeeellionĀ - cue Dr. Evil voice - battery powered devices by the end of next year. How many devices...
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