Influencers, Trolls and Bots, Oh My!
Regulars here know all about the trolls - and possibly, bots - that disrupt the comments section of this (and other) web sites. It's an Internet-wide problem and I think I've...
Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show/KMED FM 09/21/2023
Here's the audio of my weekly Wheels Up! segment with my friend Bill Meyer over at KMED FM in Medford, Oregon!
. . .
If you like what you've found here please consider...
At Last, It’s Live!
The resuscitated EPautos Forum is back - and live! You can find it by going to the menu bar at the top of the EPAutos main page, rolling your mouse over...
The Forum is Coming (Back)!
As Elvis once said, it's been a long time . . .
Many of the regulars here remember and miss the Forum, which was an area where anyone could start their own...
Keeeeeeeeev! T Shirts & Cups . . .
If you'd like to express your thoughts about "standing with Ukraine," you might wish to do so via wearing our new Keeeeeeeeev - and Baaaaaaaaaaa! - T shirt! Coffee mugs are...
This Pay-Not-Our-Pal Business
As most of you already know, this site's Donate button is tied to you-know-who. EPautos hasn't been "fined" - or "cancelled" - yet. But I am anticipating the inevitability and working...
A Teslian Clover (and Another Variant)
Here is a view from behind of a Tesla Clover, driving at not-"ludicrous" speed, in the left lane, pacing the car in the right lane - and thus making it difficult...
I am considering attempting to do a "live" show - so to speak - using Rumble or YouTube. The idea would be to respond to questions and so on in real...
“Sarah,” et al
Hi everyone -
You have probably noticed the recent influx of Russian spambot "posters" - such as "Sarah" - who tender incredible news about how to make $95 an hour at home,...
Spammer Hassles/Posting Issues
Morning, everyone!
I wanted to hip you all to a slight problem we've been having with spam, specifically the spammer in the image accompanying this little note. I put "Rio" in the...