At Last, It’s Live!

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The resuscitated EPautos Forum is back – and live! You can find it by going to the menu bar at the top of the EPAutos main page, rolling your mouse over “tools” and scrolling down to “Forum.” That’s how you access the page.

This is a page you’ll need to register for to use. The purpose being to weed out greasy, obnoxious spammers such as “Gloria” and “Anglia” – who have great news to share about how you can make $50,000 a month at home. You do not have to use your real name or other personal identifiers, though. And you have my word that none of your info will be sold or used to try to peddle products to you!

Anyhow, now you have a place to start conversations about whatever’s of interest.  I will probably create some categories to help divvy things up and make sense of everything. But, we’re in motion, as it were.

Hope everyone – or most everyone – likes this new feature!





  1. My 2 Cents about The Forum: seems like you should make use of that big empty white space in the upper right-hand section of the EPA homepage, maybe put up a big colorful URL image to the Forum?

    When you last had a Forum & announced it was lost, I was like, “What? I didn’t even know you had a Forum”. That text website menu you’ve got is not very inviting, I guess you could say.

    And, if you do put up an image URL, maybe don’t use the, ‘No-Clovers’ image? While I like it some, I’ve come to despise the red circle with the slash through it (by itself) as I look for it on the entry doors to every store I walk into, you know, the red circle which means no Liberty allowed inside, only sheep are welcome.

    I hope your project is a success.

  2. So, I tried one last time to ‘Register’ to get into the Forum.
    I clicked ‘Register’ yesterday and it said I was already ‘Registered’.

    So, I clicked, ‘Send me a new password”.

    No email arrived about that. None ever do.

    About two hours later I did that once more. Nada.

    WordPress seems to have no intention of letting me ‘Register’.
    Is it just a fluke? Or,…I seem to recall reading somewhere how WordPress is a bit like the old Twitter was. I dunno. I give up.

    • Hi Helot,

      I just got word re the Forum:

      I am guessing his yahoo account is blocking emails from your website. If he can create a contact in Yahoo for EPatuos Form and the email address is this should help and if possible whitelist the domain (under settings in yahoo) this should help with him getting emails from the site going forward.

  3. Just occurred to me. Maybe I’m banned like that one fella wanted to do to Nunzio?

    …Or, it’s Valentines Day, & you’re, ‘busy’.

    Hope it’s the latter. … The steaks are almost done.

  4. Hmm. Do you do these things manually? I tried signing up, said an email would be sent. I looked, no email. I went and got a cup of coffee & looked again, still no email.
    I even looked in the spam folder, just in case.
    Nope, no email.

    …I’ll go close the chickens up early & look again after that.


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