Latest Radio: Bryan Hyde Show 0/723/2024


Here’s the audio of this week’s talk with Bryan Hyde, host of the Bryan Hyde Show in Utah! We talked about Where’s Joe? among other things:

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  1. Consider the theory that Biden ordered the Trump assassination which failed, and now he has resigned the race and later this week is pronounced dead, or is infirmed, and is forced to resign, etc. I think it is very possible Biden is out as POTUS this week.

    1. The phone call has been determined 98% Ai by an independent lab.

    2. Biden’s resignation letter is NOT on White House letterhead, and the signature doesn’t match Joe’s.

    3. SS chief Cheatle resigns day after stonewalling Clowngress – not charges, not arrested, etc. Once again another palace coup goes unpunished. In the District of Criminals the players are rarely prosecuted for capital crimes. Why did she stonewall? Because she was in on it, duh. No one dares say the FBI recruited a retarded patsy then blew his head off – it is flat out pre-meditated murder , something the FBI is famous for (Ruby Ridge, Waco, OKC Federal building)

    4. Cell phone records between the FBI and shooter Crookes

    “The details remain elusive for now, but the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project has revealed that in 2023, a cellphone that had been where would-be Trump assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks lived and worked was near an FBI office in Washington, D.C.

    “We found the assassin’s connections through our in-depth analysis of mobile ad data to track movements of Crooks and his associates,” the watchdog group posted on X on Monday.”

    5. When SATANyahoo landed Amerika on Monday, no Biden staff greeted him on the tarmac. Kamala refuses to preside over his speech to Ziowhore Clowngress on Wednesday. Bibi is the Khazar mafia boss coming to visit his slave colony Amerika, which is in great disarray. Bibi is known to travel with a security team that beats the shit out of our elected officials. Have you ever noticed that when Bibi comes to town our elected whores have black eyes and face bandages?

    6. The Biden Covid stunt is a ruse, Biden is in hiding again just like he was in the election runup. Is Biden dead? In a coma? Did he fall down the stairs and break his neck? The attempted assassination failed, thus Biden has to pay the ultimate price – got the visit from Mustafa.

    7. If Biden is dead suddenly, that would explain why Zelensky is all of a sudden interested in ending the war. The Biden money laundering operation to Ukraine must of ended.

    • “How can Biden be allowed to stay in office for the next 5 months”

      Good point, Eric.

      Addendum – the POTUS is also the Commander in Chief, and is responsible to launch a nuclear war. How come the USAF is not protesting that the launch codes are in the hands of a vegetable? And if Biden resigns the presidency, does anyone really think Kamala Harris has the intellectually capability to launch nuclear weapons. I would barely trust that air head to serve me a tossed salad.

      Kamala Harris is like some programmed zombie Stepford wife who repeats ‘What Can Be, Unburdened By What Has Been’ again and again, and no one really understands this strange remark that she has been using since 2011. It is like one of those dolls you pull the chord and it repeats the same phrase.

      Yes Amerika, this could be your next commander in chief:


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