Where’s Joe?


It’s interesting that Joe Biden has not emerged since a letter was released stating he would no longer be running for president. It is possible the old grifter didn’t sign this letter – even though “Joe Biden” appears on the bottom of the page. It would explain why no one out in the world has seen the old grifter since he shambled down the short stairs of the airplane that took him away from Washington, ostensibly to recover from the virus he told us all no one would get if they got “vaccinated.”

Maybe the old grifter is being held against his will – until he comes around. Maybe the old grifter is dead.

Anything is possible, as we have seen and know all-too-well.

What if the Left (there are no “Democrats” anymore) staged a coup and we just don’t know it yet?

Consider the scene:

Does it make sense that the old grifter – who was adamantly refusing to step down as recently as Friday – decided to step down on Sunday? What could possibly have changed what’s left of his mind? Maybe – per The Godfather – it was an offer he couldn’t refuse. To believe that such things are not done is – per the Don’s son, Michael – the apotheosis of naivete. Of course such things are done. We merely like to pretend they are not done so as to calm our nerves and retain our sanity. But reality doesn’t change because we like to believe it’s something it isn’t.

But maybe it was something even worse than the offer you can’t refuse. Maybe the old grifter was told he’s not going to be allowed to run whether he wants to or not (to believe such things don’t happen is the apotheosis of naivete) and he refused to go along. In a Parkinsonian slow-motion rage, the old grifter attacked the bringers of the bad news, intending to (per Mr. Burns) give them the beating of their life. Instead, the old grifter’s life ended – by a stroke – as he fell to the floor in the throes of an apoplectic fit, spittle and drool emitting from his contorted Joker’s smile.

And then – what to do?

He’s got to be presented to the world in somewhat presentable condition – to explain to the world why he suddenly decided to drop out of the race he repeatedly – adamantly – insisted he wasn’t going to quit. A droopy-eyed drooling invalid rolled out in a wheelchair so soon might raise some unwanted questions.

But what else is there to do?

If he’s dead, it’s even worse – because of the consanguinity of events. It looks as bad as it smells. A few weeks in between would have been ideal. Then they could say – and some would believe – the old grifter was a Real Patriot and the ensuing North Korean-style state funeral might just gin up the necessary patina of support for whomever the cabal decides to replace the old grifter with as the front man (or woman) of the cabal.

But if he actually is dead, better buckle up – because that will mean he was killed. In which case, there was a real insurrection – by the cabal, which decided it had to do something about the old grifter before it got to be too late to do anything about it.

And what if the old grifter is still alive – and didn’t sign the letter that was released with his name affixed to it? What if he (or Hunter or Dr. Jill) gets away and the truth gets out? Then they’d definitely have to kill the old grifter – but it would already be too late to do that.

Imagine the ruckus if the old grifter turns up on front of a camera and tells the world he didn’t sign that letter. That it was his dear old friend, Barack Obama who released the letter under his signature because it had to be done and sooner rather than later, even if the old grifter hadn’t agreed to sign it yet.

They hoped he would. That he could be persuaded. Perhaps by money, though that is doubtful given he and his greasy family have already got plenty of that. Perhaps assurances of a pardon for himself and his cretinous crackhead son? That might have been enough except  . . . where is he?

Why just the letter – and no old grifter?

He may turn up tomorrow. But if he doesn’t, people are going to start wondering why. Some already are.

Addendum: A call from Biden has been released.But – as of Tuesday morning – still no Biden.

. . .

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  1. Awards: Silver Star; Bronze Star Medal; Air Medal; Purple Heart (2); Presidential Unit Citation

    The military background of Gordon Kahl, WWII veteran, tax protester, hunted down like a dog.

    First the US Marshal service tried to kill him, fired the first shot to the heart right at his son Yori von Kahl. Yori was wearing his dad’s winter coat, had a pistol at the heart shot, otherwise, Kori wouldn’t have made it.

    The Marshal’s first shot hit the pistol, the first shot fired was admitted in a court of law.

    Gordon went ballistic, shot and killed the US Marshal. The US Marshal had a mission to kill Gordon, even when advised by a fellow law enforcement officer to not do it.

    Gordon left the scene and traveled the back roads to Arkansas.

    The FBI learned of his whereabouts, flew in a private jet with FBI assassins onboard with the full intent of murdering Gordon.

    They did, even removed his lower jaw.

    A ruthless, cruel pack of wolves, worse yet, wild dogs.

    First they came for Gordon Kahl, but nobody spoke up.

    Then they came for Donald Trump, before that, they came for JFK, before that, William McKinley.

    Lincoln, not a big deal.

    I wonder who they are.

    Now you know how they operate.

    Trump is lucky. Could have gone all Waco at the Trump rally and slaughtered some folks to Bibi’s heart content.

    How precarious it all is.

    Nobody dares to speak up. You’ll be stabbed in the back.

    Let the Israelis wither and die on the vine.

    Life is a precious gift, don’t let it go to waste.

    Bibi has wasted all of his worthless life spending too many days here in the hell he has created all by his lonesome, not my fault.

    Protesters dumped maggots on his dining table at the hotel where he lodged. Allegedly anyway. Not a surprise.

    Eat zee bugs, Bibi.

    An Israeli gets a free pass for murdering tens of thousands of Palestinians, no arrests made.

    Assassins murder Americans, JFK, RFK, Gordon Kahl, Randy Weaver, Waco, they are mowed down like the untermenschen that they are.

    Israeli war crimes at the expense of clueless Americans, crickets.

    That time of year, crickets everywhere these days.

    Cognitive dissonance nonpareil.

    Beam me up.

  2. Tomorrow the devil himself with address Congress, and I wonder if his prepared speech to blame Iran for Trump’s assassination had to be torn up, because his underlings in Amerika failed to kill him. Amerika is currently in turmoil and chaos, Amerika has failed it’s Zionist masters, it failed to off Trump, and the penalty for failure is termination.


    So the question is whether Joe Biden has been terminated for failure. We may never know, and who cares, the old grifter has been thrown under the bus, kicked to the curb, terminated, or suicided with his wife Jill. Biden’s have served their useful purpose of funding Zionist wars of aggression, they will soon be forgotten while the cabal installs fresh whores to do their bidding.

    I am glad old Joe is out, I was bored watching him stumble, fall, forget, and sniff little kids, it was embarrassing to watch the most powerful man in the world shuffling along clueless to where he was. It will be fun to watch some new selected fools take the throne and lie to us while they serve their demonic masters. What kind of political drama will they serve us as Amerika augers in?

    All of a sudden the Left loves Kamala Harris, who did so poorly in the primaries she never made it to the Iowa caucus, having come in last. But now she is first, the office ho who slept her way to the top is first in the demoncratic line to the DNC nomination. The last ho shall be the first ho, Matt 20:16.

    Kamala is perfect for president, she is black, she is clueless, and she has a Jewish husband (handler). Kamala can wear a new pants suit each day while she signs whatever they put on the desk in the white house. No reason to read any of those papers, her staff will just use the presidents robopen. The White House now will be a colored house, maybe she will redecorate and paint it rainbow colors, and have a tranny press secretary.

    Kamala Harris is on the Tranny Suspect List:
    https://www.frot dot co.nz/design/funny/the-full-tranny-suspect-list/

    And as things go to hell, and everything the Demoncrats do goes to shit, she can make grandios meaningless speeches ‘;what can be unburdened by what has been’ while her adoring fans look up to her in awe, the first “woman” president of the united states of america!

  3. Biden is burned out, needs the rest. It is a kind act, he can’t do it anymore.

    Blinken is already kissing Kamala’s ass.

    Netanyahu will be snarling and showing his deadly fangs like a mad dog tomorrow.

    Capitol Hill smells like sulfur.

  4. One Night of TeeVee Canceled a President, cries the New York Slimes

    ‘Not until now had a president KO’ed himself in one round.

    ‘On Sunday, President Biden announced his withdrawal from the 2024 campaign, ending an astounding disintegration that began with Mr. Biden’s discombobulated debate against Donald J. Trump late in June.

    ‘There was simply a horrendous TV outing — less than two hours that changed history.’


    So says LĂźgenpresse lure James Poniewozik. Trouble is, it’s all an absurd dodge to obscure the fact that ‘Poniewozik’ conspired with dozens of other frayed-collar stenographers to cover up Dementia Joe’s incapacity for the past several years. Now he’s invented a transparent howler of an alibi to obscure his incandescent lies.

    Our job is not to let LĂźgenpresse flimflammers like ‘Poniewozik’ off the hook. This media dirtbag needs to be tarred, feathered, and kicked to the curb like last nights’s vomit … along with his scamming employer.

  5. Uuhhgg, really, who cares? I try not to concern myself with their political theater. It doesn’t matter. It’s just a show and a distraction. We know that politics isn’t the answer (It is the problem), so why waste our time and precious thoughts? If I wanted to see some over-paid dipshits vying for the adoration of the crowd, I’d watch sports.

      • Indeed, I told my pro football loving dad that I preferred blood sport, AKA politics to the spectacle of overpaid meatheads struggling over a misshapen ball.

  6. TFRs issued for Rehoboth and Dover. Looks like they are gonna put on a dog and pony show this afternoon. I suspect a 25th once negotiations are finished. What a shitshow.

  7. The brilliant analyst Jim Rikards posed a possible scenario where Barack Obama could become president for a third term. It wouldn’t surprise me if the Dems try this and it would get around the 2 term limit since he wouldn’t be “elected”.

    1) The old grifter steps down now before the election (or dies)
    2) Kamala Harris becomes president
    3) Kamala names Barack as her VP
    4) Kamala and Barack win the (s)election
    5) Kamala steps down
    6) Barack becomes president

  8. This, sums it all up:

    …”Politics today is about one thing and one thing only: maintaining the status quo between the Controllers (the politicians, the bureaucrats, and the corporate elite) and the Controlled (the taxpayers).

    Indeed, it really doesn’t matter what you call them […] so long as you understand that no matter which party [or, person] occupies the White House […] the unelected bureaucracy that actually calls the shots will continue to do so.

    In other words, no matter who wins this next presidential election [or, sits in the Oval Office] you can rest assured that the new boss will be the same as the old boss, and we—the permanent underclass in America—will continue to be forced to march in lockstep with the police state in all matters, public and private. […]

    the United States of America is not the democracy that it purports to be, but rather an oligarchy”…


  9. Getting rid of Brandon was the hardest part for sure. Was the ultimate decision on the table, perhaps but if the Marxists were going down that road, they would have used it to their advantage by setting up a MAGA patsy. Almost did that with Trump assassin with him registered as a republican but it didn’t quite work of sticking the blame on Trump and his supporters. The assassin’s profile was wiped too clean to be believed.

    Brandon got what he wanted in exchange for leaving. Brandon will pre-emptively pardon his family and most importantly himself just before leaving office. Hunter and Jim are betting Brandon will have a pulse till January of 2025. They are nervous. However, they are rich beyond anyone’s comprehension with their offshore accounts now flush with fresh Soro’s cash. Clooney won’t have to buy Hunter’s paintings…or maybe that’s coming next week. Or…he’ll swim with the fishes before November to eliminate the risk of Brandon preemptively pardoning before the election and causing a firestorm in the media throwing the election to Trump. Brandon by keeping the moola could get even with Obama via reneging on the deal. Why take the chance?

    Remember, we live in a banana republic.

  10. Any resemblance between this and actual democracy is unintended and disclaimed:

    ‘Well, here’s the answers. The DNC has announced they will proceed with a virtual roll call vote for nomination next Wednesday. That puts Kamala on track to announce her VP selection around this weekend. And the cherry on the cake is Eric Holder doing the vetting for the Harris campaign.’ — Sundance

    That’s a reassuring touch, ain’t it — Barky Obama’s corrupt front man Eric Holder, keeping his filthy thumb on the selection scale to tee up the fourth Obama administration.


  11. I predict Kackles will stop her “stupid” act now. I suspect she was just acting stupid as assassination insurance for Brandon.

  12. Why do you even give the life-long political terrorist Joe Biden agency? He does exactly what he is told by the Clinton/Spook Establishment…Nothing more. Their is nothing even remotely interesting about that brain dead thing.

  13. Wow, that was fast … with Joe’s cold form not even interred in the ground:

    Harris Clinches Enough Delegate Support to Win Nomination

    A majority of delegates endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris, all but clearing her path to the Democratic presidential nomination. — New York Slimes

    This whirlwind psy-op, fake from top to bottom, makes 9/11 look like a high school play.

    And it’s ‘all legal.’ 🙂

        • Hi Abe,

          I don’t disagree; that said, the Left is also entitled and infantile and that might result in pandemonium over who gets to head their ticket. Here’s hoping, at any rate…

          • Hi Eric,

            To quote Mr. Spock from Star Trek, I find it fascinating that the Democrat Party is having their convention this year in CHICAGO, as that’s where they had their 1968 convention and there was rioting and violence there. Apparently they also nominated someone that the establishment at that time wanted instead of who D voters wanted. It also seems we’re living rhymes of 1968 given we have roughly the same uncertainties in 2024 that we did 56 years ago such as war.

      • Chicago will burn with “mostly peaceful” demonstrators expressing their well thought out, reasoned opinion. Mayor Brandon and governor “J.B.” will send in the national guard but not the cameras. Then the social nets will suppress any violent video but somehow everyone will still see the shock troops descending on the mob. Anyone claiming their skull fracture was from a police baton is spreading fake news.

        In 1968 the chant was “The whole world is watching.” In 2024? Well, if a demonstration happens and no one covers it, does it really happen?


  14. The Democrat Party has NOTHING to offer other than “We must defeat Donald Trump!” They don’t even have anything to offer that would improve the lives of Americans, let alone the past 3 1/2 years of the Biden regime, given that American citizens have largely been suffering under the Biden-Harris administration and its policies…..

    Kamala Harris may be the de facto nominee, but Hillary Clinton STILL has a HUGE sense of entitlement to be the “First woman President”. I don’t think she’d take too kindly to Michelle Obama, Kamala Harris, Gretchen Whitmer, or any other female getting that title…..


    • Why have to offer anything when most voters are retarded parasites that just want political terrorists to steal anything/everything for them. The parasite class just votes any “-D” to take what it can get. To a parasite – More is never enough. They can also just steal any election now.

      • Hi Abe,

        Many people have also been propagandized into believing that Trump is a modern day Hitler out to “destroy democracy” & “impose fascism” despite the fact that it was the DEMOCRAT Party & the DC establishment that was doing the things they accused Trump of wanting to do.

        As for Trump, some of the names being floated as potential cabinet picks are concerning (e.g. JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon as potential Treasury Secretary), given some of the picks Trump had the last time for his cabinet.

  15. That Was Quick: Kamala Harris’s Mental Health Comes into Question Now that Joe Biden Gives Miss Word Salad the Nod for 2024

    Kamala Harris’s rambling ‘word salad’ speeches may be a symptom of a little-known but common psychological condition called logorrhoea — also known as verbal diarrhoea.

    A 2009 study of the condition in Spain found the risk of logorrhoea was linked to level of schooling.

    Those with lower educational achievement were more likely to ‘speak in circles’.

    It can be a symptom of anxiety or over-confidence, but logorrhoea can be no laughing matter — and may indicate a brain injury, autism or serious condition,


    • Hi Anon,

      Kamala’s incandescently ambitious but of average intelligence, if that. Such people spew word salad because their mouths run faster than their brain can keep up with. Listen to her. She’s rarely (if ever) thoughtful, nuanced. She just spews. Like an agitated duck that gets louder and faster…

      • Sometimes I think she’s so arrogant that she thinks the only reason anyone could possibly disagree with her must be stupid. So she talks to everyone as if they were stupid. This seems to be a common attitude on the Left.

        Or she’s just stupid herself.

        Or both.

        Take your pick.

        • Hi Publius,

          Indeed. That sort of know-it-all-is, is a sure sign of a closed-minded (if not stupid) person. They talk – and your job is to listen. And to agree.

      • Commie LaWhorish is a prosecutor. She is vicious and stupid. The kind of person who should never, ever be allowed any power over anyone.

      • What do you expect from that aged, cackling whore that owes her ascendany to power quite a lot on putting that twinkle in former CA state Assembly Speaker and SF mayor Willie Brown’s eyes ‘aboot’ 35 years ago. Yeah, exactly what “Feminazism” TRUMPets.

      • Normally I don’t think we should jail people for a plant.

        I propose 2 exceptions: My deadbeat next door neighbor who tokes so much I can smell it from my driveway and then flips over my trash cans, and Kamala Harris. Let’s see her try to sleep her way out of the penitentiary.

  16. “Instead, the old grifter’s life ended – by a stroke – as he fell to the floor in the throes of an apoplectic fit, spittle and drool emitting from his contorted Joker’s smile.”

    Just like Stalin, where people were afraid to enter his room and so the mass murdering despot laid on the floor for a day after his stroke in his soiled pajamas. So fitting for Biden, the other mass murdering despot.

    • The two NKVD enlisted men guarding the door to Stalin’s suite hear a “thump”…after the proverbial “pregnant pause”…

      First Guard (a private first class) : Should we go in and investigate?

      Second Guard (a ‘serzhant’): Should you shut the fuck up before you get us both KILLED?

      Later on, once Stalin is pronounced dead and his body carried off for embalming, in preparation for the planned lavish state funeral, and Stalin’s luxurious dacha is emptied of belongings, valuables, household staff, and even impersonators, the two hapless enlisted men are hunted down by ruthless NKVD officers loyal to Laurenty Beria (who’s believed to have assassinated Stalin by poisoning) and mercilessly dispatched anyway.

  17. Follow the Israeli press and you’d know where Biden was:

    A hoarse Biden makes the revelation while phoning in to a campaign event for the new Democratic presumptive presidential nominee Kamala Harris. These are his first public comments since he published a letter about his decision to not seek re-election on X, where he subsequently endorsed his vice president.


    The White House however later updated Biden’s schedule to show he would return Tuesday afternoon to Washington from Delaware, where he has been quarantining, and a US official told The Times of Israel that the administration “expects” he will host Netanyahu for a meeting on Thursday. Netanyahu is currently slated to return to Israel on Thursday evening after giving his speech to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday afternoon.

    …Netanyahu is also scheduled to meet with Harris during the trip, though that sit-down has not been finalized either, and will address Congress on Wednesday. Harris is scheduled to attend a campaign event in Indianapolis that day and will not attend the speech in her dual role as president of the Senate. GOP Senator JD Vance of Ohio, Trump’s running mate, will also not attend the speech due to a campaign-related commitment.

    …Striking a bipartisan tone, Netanyahu said he intended to use his speech to Congress to reaffirm to the US that “regardless of who the American people choose as their next president, Israel remains its most indispensable and strongest ally in the Middle East.”

    It’s unclear where or when that meeting would be held if Trump agrees, but a sit-down with both the Republican nominee and Biden on the same day might be difficult to organize for both scheduling and political reasons, as Netanyahu seeks to avoid alienating either Republicans or Democrats.

    Because he doesn’t fly over the Sabbath, the prime minister will have to stay in the US through at least Saturday if he does not leave for Israel by Thursday night, in what would make this a nearly weeklong trip abroad in the middle of a war.


    • Hi Gateway,

      Given “Netanyahu” is effectively president anyway, they might as well just skip the Kabuki and swear him in while he’s here.

    • “ regardless of who the American people choose as their next president, Israel remains its most indispensable and strongest ally in the Middle East.” – Nuttyyahoo.
      Some ally, allies are supposed to help each other; what has Israhell ever done for the USSA other than control the government and get $billions in taxpayer dollars and weapons?
      Seems more like a parasite.

      • “Regardless of whom the American people choose as their next president, Israel remains its most vexatious and useless liability in the Middle East.”

        Israel is a talking tapeworm, telling Americans that intestinal parasites are good for them, as it chomps their innards to a bleeding pulp.

        Israel is our misfortune.

  18. This whole thing should discredit the whole “Democracy is on the ballot!” or “Democratic Party is the party of democracy!” narratives. The Democrat Party establishment has been rigging their own primaries for 3 Presidential campaigns now to benefit someone THEY wanted instead of who DEMOCRAT voters wanted. If the Democrat Party was smart, instead of obsessively hating Donald Trump, they’d have let Robert F Kennedy Jr challenge Joe Biden for the D nomination, but instead, they all but CROWNED Biden as their nominee.

    By the time next month’s Democrat convention starts, Hillary Clinton may come riding in and framing herself as “Saving Democracy & women’s rights!”

  19. Remember the Chinese politician who was hauled off to the wellness care facility?

    Time for Joe to go too.

    There he was, gone.

  20. Eric –

    As to how far they will go, I give you Antonin Scalia, whom the coroner said an autopsy was not necessary.


      • HAHAHAHA! Did you know that AIPAC assigns a “baby sitter” or handler to every GOP member of Congress? They probably have a handler to assigned to every Dem Congress critter too.

  21. He simply didn’t make a speech because Jill wouldn’t let him.

    I do hear is is pissing mad about being forced to bow out though.

  22. He needs to give a live speech, or canned one, telling us the date his vile clan will vacate the white house, to make room for the next vile clan. We need to increase the pressure, joe now needs to go, or, acknowledge ‘the day of the pillow has arrived.’ We need a Vice President, I believe the house or senate have some say in that. Now is the time for the Rs in congress to show no mercy, forcing the enemy into hasty, bad decisions

    • Now they are releasing fake voice transcripts of ‘Biden’ pledging his fealty to Kamala:


      Anybody who’s heard “Joe’s” mumbled confusions and lacunae and lost trains of thought will recognize that this voice-over double is not him.

      Among other things, the pitch is at least a third of an octave below that of the 81-year-old Parkinson’s patient. But the actor does deserve congratulation for his convincing slurring — like a Broadway actor slurping amber-colored water, as he declaims his way through Long Day’s Journey Into Night.

      Desperate times require desperate measures. Joe is no longer with us. But his scrappy Scranton determination still resonates in the mystic chords of memory, as old Ape Stinkohn used to say 🙂

      The star quarterback lies injured
      Unconscious on the football field
      Looks like his neck’s been broken
      Seems to happen somewhere every year

      His mom and dad clutch themselves and cry
      Their favorite son will never walk again
      Coach says, “That boy gave a hundred percent
      What spirit, what a man”

      But WHO CARES?
      Game’s over – Let’s go get wasted man
      To the 7-11, to the liquor store
      Let’s party all night and party some more

      — Dead Kennedys, Jock-o-Rama

  23. Joe is not six feet under. I don’t think we have a conspiracy theory here. Maybe, Joe didn’t want to go along with dropping out of the election campaign, but he will show up in front of the camera. It is likely they are preparing him to resign immediately. I have a feeling the White House doctor may even make an appearance listing all of Uncle Joe’s aliments that have been apparent to anyone who isn’t a Democrat.

    Personally, if I were him I would hand this shit show over to Kamala. He can sit on the beach in Delaware watching the waves with a choice of Baskin Robbin’s 31 flavors being offered to him daily as he lives out his final years watching as the world falls apart around him thanks to Jill and her condoning of elder abuse. Wife of the Year!

    • Yep. Pardon himself, Jill, Frank, Hunter, and anyone else necessary then skip away to retire in the tropics.

      Grab the loot & git while the gittin’ is good.

  24. ‘He may turn up tomorrow. But if he doesn’t, people are going to start wondering why. Some already are.’ — eric

    On April 1, 1968, the very day after a lugubrious old grifter forsook his presidential candidacy on live TeeVee, we kids were pantomiming his humiliation word for word, mocking his gigantic floppy ears and his ludicrous Hill Country drawl. ‘Mah friends and fellow Americlowns … accchhh! Pttuiii!‘ We rolled on the floor helplessly, our youthful diaphragms paralyzed with the sardonic laughter of schadenfraude.

    Now it’s the Instagram age; the TikTok era. Everything happens on live video. But there’s no visual record of “Joe’s” stand-down. One obviously forged letter, and he’s gone.

    Everything is fake and gay now. In retrospect, we admire the directness and forthrightness of Comrade Kim, who once dispatched a political rival with an anti-aircraft gun.

    The only way we’ll know whether “Biden” remains alive is if he turns up like a bad penny tomorrow to greet psycho killer Netanyahu, who just dispatched scores more Gazans this very afternoon. ‘Who’s your daddy?‘ the leering oriental potentate will crow, flinging his bloody snot rag for ‘Joe’ to retrieve, knowing that ‘Joe’ likely will fall to the floor scrabbling like a spastic crab and have to be carted off to intensive care to receive his last rites from some jakeleg lapsed priest.

    Right before your eyes see the laughter from the skies
    And he laughs until he cries, then he dies, then he dies
    Come inside, the show’s about to start
    Guaranteed to blow your head apart

    — Emerson, Lake & Palmer, Karn Evil 9

  25. This reminds me of the early 80’s when the Soviet Union’s old premier wasn’t seen for weeks and western “intelligence” were debating whether or not that leader had assumed room temperature. Who’d ever thought that the tables had been turned?


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