Orange Man and EVs


The Orange Man has said he will end the federal government’s use of the regulatory regime to effectively force the manufacture of electric vehicles (which are the only kinds of vehicles that can be made to comply with the regs) and that’s good.

But it’s not enough.

The apparat itself must be ended – else the best that Orange Man will be able to do (assuming he is elected rather than planted and assuming he’s well intended) is to temporarily impede what is already a fait accompli.

The car industry has become a sovietized industry that takes its cues from what the government does and what it expects the government will do. That is why, to cite one case-in-point, all new vehicles already have the “kill switch” you’ve likely heard or read about embedded in them even though we’re still almost two years shy of 2026 – the year when the “kill switch” becomes a government-mandated safety feature.

Such features cannot be designed, tested and installed overnight – or even in a couple of months, usually. It takes several years to design them, integrate them, test them and get them ready for production. In other words, the industry is obliged to anticipate. The battery powered devices that flooded the market over the past going-on-four years did not get designed after the passage of the Green New Deal. They were already years in the works because the industry understood that they’d have to produce such devices in order to comply with the regs that were coming because they were already in force.

They would inevitably wax in forcefulness.

Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) regs have been waxing since the mid-1970s, when they were first imposed on the silly premise that if the federal government didn’t force the industry to make cars that used less gas then only “gas guzzlers” would be made. It’s like saying Starbucks and other coffee shops would, if left to their own devices, only sell large cups of coffee and never mind that probably a third of their customers want a small cup of coffee. So it wasn’t about government using its regulatory power to assure people had the option to buy smaller cars that used less gas; there were already plenty of them to choose from before CAFE regs went into effect – and more would have become available in the event there was more market demand for them.

It was about making sure that fewer of the bigger cars that happened to use more gas would be available and the ones that remained available would grow ever-more-expensive, so as to assure that most people could not longer afford them. Today – 50 years after CAFE first went into effect – most people cannot afford a full-sized vehicle with a V8 engine. Fifty years ago, working and middle class people routinely purchased such vehicles. Today, only affluent people can afford them. And working and middle class people can barely afford to put gas in their medium-small crossover with a four cylinder engine.

What are styled “emissions” regs are the other arm of this pincer. In air-fingers quote marks because they have not been about pollution since at least the late 1990s. A car from that time “emits” only fractionally more pollution than a car made today; but people have been propagandized to regard carbon dioxide as a “pollutant” – so as to provide the pretext for regulating “emissions” of it. If that is accepted, then one must accept the necessity of reducing the size of engines until there are no longer engines, because combustion produces C02 even if it produces effectively zero emissions that cause pollution.

And very little CO2, too.

Point being, as long as these regs remain in place the regulatory regime retains the power to regulate on the basis of these regs. And if the regulatory apparat remains in place, it retains the power to regulate. To expect it not to regulate is as silly as the frog expecting that the scorpion he swam across the creek won’t sting him once he lets him climb on his back.

The auto industry has yet to understand this, having agreed to let the scorpion hop on its back. That is why it works so hard to comply. Even to the extent of anticipating the need to comply. Never mind that the sting is inevitable, no matter how hard the industry works to comply. It has yet to understand that compliance is the means and the end is what’s intended.

Of the car industry, that is.

In the meanwhile, until that understanding percolates, the auto industry will continue to comply and anticipate the need to comply, even if Orange Man is elected and even if Orange Man ends the regs that are forcing the manufacture of EVs. Four years is not a long time.

What happens after Orange Man?

If what happened in 2020 happens again, the industry knows exactly what will happen – and they are already planning to comply with it.

If the Orange Man really intends to end it, he must end the regulatory apparat itself. That’s going to be a heavy lift. But it could be done by a man willing to do what needs to be done. Is the Orange Man that man?

We can hope he is. We’ll soon see whether he is.

. . .

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  1. January 2017
    Trump becomes President
    Republicans control House
    Republicans control Senate
    CO2 previously defined as a pollutant

    January 2021
    Trump leaves office
    Democrats control House
    Democrats control Senate with VP vote
    CO2 is still defined as a pollutant.

    These are facts.

    What Trump will do if elected in 2024 is mere speculation. Mainly wishful thinking.

  2. I will prove to you it was a staged event and Trump was in on it. But first you need one big important clue – politics is theater, and politicians are actors, and the owners need you to engage, believe, and vote so that they can rule over you. If you doubt this, you need to watch the movie The Jones Plantation.

    The whole thing is way too improbable to have happened unless it was a setup to boost Trump. Real bullets were used (we have much evidence for that), but did Trump actually get hit, or was that staged is the question. IOW, was Trump in on it? Jeff Berwick answers that in one of his latest videos

    Dollar_Vigilante – First Look into Trump Shooting

    There is a third rail theory that Biden and Trump both were in on it. That it was staged, by everyone involved – except the public, some of whom got shot. According to this Jeff Berwick video, Trump is an accomplished television reality star, big time wrestler, and knows how to smack the blood pack to feign an injury.

    The idea here is that the political elite rule over us by fooling and engaging us. Currently, we are all on the edge of our seats, wondering what will happen next. It is done that way on purpose to keep us voting, and engaging in the system that rules over us. They need us to believe in our candidate, to vote, so that we approve of our enslavement.

    Voting is a ruse, if voting mattered we would not be allowed to vote.

    The ruling class employs actors called politicians to read and act out their lines in a premeditated script. Biden vs. Trump is an illusion. That is why DJT golfs regularly with Bill Clinton. That is why Trump’s ear didn’t get blown off by a .223 round going 2700 fps. That is why Trump was allowed to stand up and shake his fist. Trump is now anointed to win the election and carry out the next phase of the Zionist elite agenda.

    We are being fooled to support government – which uses advanced mind control techniques to keep us in line, voting, paying taxes, and going to war. The government is a mostly useless parasite that has learned to exploit us. We are no longer shackled slaves, but we are still are slaves, who are managed with propaganda, like the 911 false flag.

    ZOG wanted a war to destroy 7 countries in 5 years. But that is not in Amerika’s foreign interest, so the deep state stages a 911 false flag to convince the public to wage the Gulf Wars, destroy Saddam’s Iraq, put a huge military presence in the M.E., and lord over the Arab nations who are the enemies of Israel. 911 was clearly an engineered pretext to launch Z-elite wars of aggression.

    911 followed the Kennedy/MLK assassinations and the USS Liberty false flag. Now we have false flags all of the time, so many, and so often, that we talk about nearly every political event as a false flag. The government and MSM lies to us about everything, thus it is up to us to figure out just what they are doing to us. And watch how they cover this latest crime up. They all lie, they kill, and no one is ever held responsible.

    No one who actually did 911 was ever charged, prosecuted, or punished. Not one state actor ever got in trouble. NOT ONE. Then, these heinous criminals, took their military machine and bombed the crap out of the Muslims – the patsies of their false flag. Now, if they could fool the public with that stunt, do you think they could stage a false flag election shooting? Piece of cake!

    It is mathematically improbable that Trump just so happened to survive an assassination and get this stunning photo op of raising his fist like raising the flag at Iwo Jima. It did not happen by accident, it happened because it was made to happen by the Masters of Illusion – the very same people who fooled you with the Moon Landing:

    This is not the first time either, Moon Landing conspiracy theorists have pointed out for decades that Astro(nots) on the moon could not get studio quality photos when they could not even look through the viewfinder of the Hasselblad camera hooked on the front of their space suit. Likewise, what are the chances Trump got this perfect photo op after being shot, and the Secret Service allowing him to stand up and being exposed again? The chances are zero or near zero. So based on probabilities alone it is very unlikely the Trump attempted assassination was real.

    There is a probability equation to multiply each individual part to get the overall probability. Since most events have a probability less than 1 (0r 100% chance), each time you multiply a factor less than 1 the product become far smaller. This was demonstrated early with the probability of a successful moon landing the first time. For example say you assign 50% probability to each phase of the moon mission. 50% of a successful launch, 50% chance to get into orbit, 50% getting to the moon, 50% chance establishing a moon orbit, 50% chance to descent, 50% to land, etc. The overall P is .5 x .5 etc. makes a very small number, in this case .5 mulitplied 6 times is 0.015625 or 1.56%. Thus you can conclude it was very improbable NASA could land on the moon in the first time (let alone return, even less likely).

    The Trump staged fakery is the same kind of chance equation but far lower odds. What are the chances the patsy shooter could make it up to the roof and not be noticed and stopped? Let’s say 1% or 0.01. That the police didn’t stop the patsy before he shot, 10%, or .1 (the public told the police). That the counter sniper didn’t neutralize the threat, 1% or .01. That the bullet would miss the head but just graze the ear,that is extremely unlikely, so let’s call it.01%. That Trump would be allowed to stand exposing himself, 5% chance. The Secret Service did NOT do their job allowing him to stand up again.

    Multiply each factor = .01 x .1 x .01 x .0001 x .05 = 0.00000000005 (or .000000005 %)

    That is so small, so close to zero, you can conclude it is zero. Thus, based on the math alone, the Trump shooting wasn’t staged is close to 0% chance. IOW it was staged.

    As far as the Brandon Biggs prophecy, he was instructed to say that and we can conclude that prediction is part of the psyop. That also means that the Trump psyop was in play when BB made his prediction on March 14th. Preachers are often the biggest liars of all, afterall they preach the Gospel psyop. And if you believe some man could walk on water, you’ll also believe in the fraud called Trump. (and Biden is even a bigger fraud). Trump’s base are white christian voters, so of course they fool them with some fake prophecy.

    [b]Conclusion: the Trump attempted assassination is a 100% staged event.[b]

    Were real bullets used? Yes! Did some bystanders die? Yes! That is one reason it is so believable because the sheep will never suspect their dearest leader is in on it. It is time to wake up – politics is literally theater, a Vaudeville show, just like Big Time wrestling. This election is a show, it is a series of events grabbing the public’s attention. And it does not matter who wins because the owners will still be in control. You will still be using their money, you will still be paying taxes, you will still be watching the BS on their networks, you will still be eating their poison laced food, death jab vaccines, nonstop lies, fraud, money laundering, and off the scale evil of their wars.

    Watch this week while Christians and media cheer on the genocidal maniac Nutjobyahoo (real name Miliekowsky) speaking to Congress on Wednesday. It is sick beyond belief. And do you think voting between A or B will change that? The mistake is thinking your candidate matters. They are all in on it and you are their mark. Figure it out. If you vote you just put your stamp of approval on this monumental fraud.

    • I whole-heartedly agree, Yukon.
      I’d long ago gotten to the point where I can spot their psy-ops and false flags just from the initial reports. Did it with 9-11; with “C-19”, and now with this most blatant and ridiculous one. The public is getting dumber (As they’ve been programmed to be), and the puppet masters obviously are not putting as much effort into trying to conceal the BS. And you can immediately point out the flaws in their shows to those around you, but yet they still refuse to believe or even question the narrative. I think we’re getting to the point where any day now they’re just going to say “Yeah, we’re fooling you, but you can’t do anything about it. Ahahahahahahaha!!!”.

      The “Moon Landing” seems to be a pivotal issue. If one believes in it unquestioningly, they will believe all the rest. Once you start to question the NASA bullshit and see through it, then the blinders come off and everything becomes clearer.

      • Yukon Jack is closer to the truth than most will ever be. Name calling is the lefts last resort absent facts. It’s right out of Alinskys playbook. Rules for Radicals.

        • Hi Jarhead,

          Jack’s also honest; I might not agree with his analysis or with some specific thing he said. But I never doubt his sincerity or good intentions. Greene on the other hand is a dick. He will say something meant to be derogatory and – when called on it – will feign good intentions. He was just kidding, etc.

      • Richard – why do you always defend the official narrative which is universally known to be false? We live in an empire of lies, if it’s official it is a lie.

        Name calling or ad hominen doesn’t phase me or any intelligent reader, it means you lack substantial arguments to counter mine.

        CO2 warming hoax, moon landing hoax, trump shooting hoax. I bet you really don’t like the idea that Trump was in on his own fake attempted assassination. The implications of that are staggering.

        If you are of superior intelligence to all the rest of us explain how this video was faked by some internet hoaxer:

        Government hoaxes are par for the course, as is mass murder, lies, deceit, inflation, criminality. How can any decent person defend a government narrative is beyond me, either you are naive, gullible, unintelligent or worse a shill.

        I bet you think Benjimin Netanyahu is a swell guy, and that our Congress was moral for giving him 55 standing ovations yesterday.

  3. From Eric: “The apparat itself must be ended…”

    Currently the “apparat” is 439 strong (number of federal agencies)

    If the folks continue voting Democrat and Republican can 500
    strong be far away?

    Insanity: “Doing the same thing over and over again
    and expecting different results.”
    – Albert Einstein

    • That is why I so hate to see Libertarians/Anarchists voting. If even WE can’t resist participating in their democratic theater, then really, what is even the point of recognizing what the problem is, and believing in the tenets of liberty?

  4. New green tech is crap…..just as bad and unreliable as EV’s….

    One buyer’s experience….. a warning of “sustainable” technology and what can go wrong.

    It begins with their 2008/09 renovation of a 1,200 square foot 1956 house serviced with oil heat. They added a legal suite and a 200 sq ft entry area. Their goal was to improve energy efficiency in a sustainable manner. The most significant upgrade was installation of a ground loop geothermal heating and cooling system at a cost of over $38,000.

    They said….We were assured that cost savings for geothermal vs conventional would increase month over month due to anticipated operational efficiencies and reduced fuel costs. It wasn’t long before our rose colored glasses fell off.

    Routine service checks cost an average of $350/year and by 2022 the geothermal system had broken down at least five times. The compressor required replacement in both 2015 and 2018. Between 2015 – 2020 service and repair costs exceeded $5,300 (over and above our warranty).

    In July 2022, the heat pump failed and replacement was quoted at $22,400-plus. Furthermore, the required components were not likely to be available until late November. Our electricity bills were substantial just to run the system under normal conditions but they went astronomical every time the geothermal was out of order and electric heat was required.

    Factoring in the track record of breakdowns, servicing costs, hydro costs, and uncertainty with respect to supply chain and labour to complete any future repairs, plus the cost and 18-week delay to install a new heat pump, we made the tough, very conflicting, decision to convert to a new natural gas home heating system.

    In principle, geothermal was our preferred choice and we would have wholeheartedly renewed our commitment to it had we had any confidence that a new geothermal system would be more reliable and cost effective. Sadly that was not the case for us.

    • Our electricity bills were substantial just to run the system under normal conditions but they went astronomical every time the geothermal was out of order and electric heat was required.

      Total control…..Everything dependent on electricity….heat pumps, EV’s, money, etc…the grid goes down/shut off….you freeze and walk…..and starve…cash banned….

  5. Trump says a lot of things, but in the end, what does he actually do? He does what the rulers desire of him. Will he rescind the EV BS? Maybe. But not because he gives a damn. If this former NYC Democrat does actually for once do as he promises, it will be because the EV fiasco has run it’s intended course; Billions of dollars of wealth having been transferred to rent-seekers; the new AND used car industry is in shambles; and it’s become readily apparent that EVs can not replace ICE vehicles, so really, no matter who is selected, or what they do, EVs are going away simply because it has reached the point where the sham has become so blatantly obvious that the old “You can’t fool all of the people all of the time” mantra applies in spades.
    And EVs are the least of our problems, as you alluded to, Eric. What with kill switches and a plethora of “driver assistance” and emission and MPG boondoggles being forced upon us, with more being added to the roster every year.
    The Orange Asshat doesn’t even have the power, as president, to even do half the things he promises. This just shows what a lying sack of crap he is (just like the rest of them) and what he thinks of his supporters whom he has no trouble blatantly lying to.
    Every four years the the bottom of the barrel of America’s scummiest slimebags are paraded before us, and a majority of people waste perfectly good time by cheering them on and attending rallis and voting for their oppressors. What’s wrong with people?

    • They’re retarded…Made so by schools, television and plant-based diet. All retards want is free shit so they vote for psychopaths deliberately.

    • The president has a lot of power, in the veto. Veto budget bills, veto spending bills, veto amendments. Starve the executive branch through shutdowns.

      Problem is, the bills sent to him have a lot of what everyone wants. That’s why they are bloated boars filled with fattened hams for all. Make sure everyone gets a piece of the action.

      Except the taxpayer and working man. They get screwed over no matter who is in charge.

      Sure, the Congress will override any veto, but it will take ti,e and send it back to reevaluate.

  6. The only goal of government is to create more government. Washington, D.C. is a perfect example. A bloated, wasteful, uncaring and filled with the lust for evermore power and control until it chokes the very life out of society and the nation. yet, voters continue to vote for and elect those who create even more government.
    F*** them
    “if you vote, you have no right to complain” George Carlin
    The only thing that can save us now is either a Carrington event or a nuke.

  7. Governor Youngkin says Virginia won’t follow California’s CARB standards anymore. That’s great, but one big question is, what cars and trucks will even be available in the years ahead? The state of Virginia has no control over the type of vehicle what will be available going forward.

    • That is, unless we create a separate category of vehicles to be able to operate on state roads. You have to take control of highways and highway funding. Tell the feds to stick it.

      • That wouldn’t change the overall direction the auto industry is going in and what type of vehicles are going to be available and at what price in even 3 to 5 years. You can’t create your own auto industry to make the cars you want.

  8. “Is the Orange Man that man?”
    No politician is ever the man they claim to be. They lie for a living. Period.

  9. “Paul is dead” is an urban legend and conspiracy theory alleging that English musician Paul McCartney of the Beatles died in 1966 and was secretly replaced by a look-alike. The rumor gained broad popularity in September 1969 following reports on American college campuses.

    Now it’s half a century on, and new rumor has swept America: Biden is dead.

    “I’m incredibly proud of my brother. Selfishly I will have him back to enjoy whatever time we have left,” Frank Biden told CBS, making it sound like Biden doesn’t have long left to live.

    This entire debacle has some asking if Biden is even still alive.

    Fox News host Dana Perino noted, “They didn’t even release a White House still photograph. Nothing! I hope he’s fine, but you can forgive people for wondering if we are really living Weekend at Bernie’s right now. Like, proof of life, please! Let’s see it!” — ZeroHedge

    Out from his coffin, Joe’s voice did ring
    Seems he was troubled by just one thing
    He opened the lid and shook his fist
    And said “Whatever happened to my Transylvania Twist?”

    It’s now the Kamala mash
    And it’s a graveyard smash
    It’s caught on in a flash
    It’s now the Kamala mash

    — Bobby Pickett, Monster Mash

  10. “There’s an old saying in Tennessee – I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee – that says, fool me once, shame on – shame on you. Fool me – you can’t get fooled again.” – George W Bush.

    Trump seems like he learned his lesson. Don’t trust the intrenched interests in the swamp. And I think the Republicans are learning to not bet against Trump either. Contrast his acceptance speech last week with the speech in 2015. He basically said the same thing both times, but this time the crowd was far more responsive and excited. Think back to 2015. While he spoke there were empty chairs, the crowd was silent and the vibe was “you’re not welcome here.”

    The party seems to get it. And Trump has had 4 years to rebuild the Republican machine with a younger, hungrier team. The old guard is openly mocked, failing to understand that the good will built up over the 00’s was squandered by the neocons and good manners. The old Republicans let the cities burn to get rid of Trump, now look what they’ve wrought.

    • I don’t know RK. I’ve been a Trump supporter since 2015, even wear the red hat. But I see him sucking up wholeheartedly to Israel, pandering to the war wing (listen to JD Vance saying to pound Iran).

      There are 2 possibilities, one is that he’s been turned so that he’s no longer the guy who ran in 2015 and that he will do anything to get the power back. (Or that he never was).

      The other is that he is still that guy but has finally learned how the game is played and how seriously evil the players are. I hope it’s that and that he goes full blown Pinochet, or at least Milei.

      The drama of all the lawfare making him a martyr and then this incompetent half wit allegedly shooting him in the earlobe from 130 yards with an AR makes me damned suspicious, and reeks of made for TV/pro rasslin’ drama. The dramatic bloody fist pumping photo with the flag waving in the background is too perfect, and makes Trump a thing of myth and legend.

      I’m also really concerned about the GOP diminishing/eliminating second amendment rights in the new platform. And deciding to go along with the rainbow fags/alphabet mafia. Such people have the same rights any sane person does, no less and definitely no more. Supporting deviancy is either a cause or a symptom of a dead and decaying culture.

      Lot to watch and think about here as always.

    • Trump is perhaps not as good as he could be, but he’s clearly a cut above the typical swamp creature.

      Far from perfect.

      Possibly part of/in on the scam, possibly not.

      Seems to make all the right enemies.

      Probably worth voting for, if you think there’s a snowball’s chance of righting the ship somehow (or at least part of the ship). Unless you think someone else can do better, but it’s awfully hard to find anyone else who even looks like they’re trying at this point.

      Probably not worth it, if you think the whole mess needs to go down in flames before rebuilding from scratch. Unless you think he’s accelerating the process of going down in flames.

      Regardless. The deck is being reshuffled in a major way. Looking at history, dictatorship is most likely to ensue at some point afterwards. If this can’t be avoided, then at the very least what is needed is a dictator who will mostly leave everyone alone and who at least thinks a few things are off limits. That is not going to come from the Left, if we’re honest with ourselves. (Not that the Right is all that much better).

      No matter how you slice it we’re screwed, and we have to figure out how best to ride out the storm.

  11. With this hysteria over CO2, it’s a wonder government didn’t also go after humans for merely BREATHING, as every time we EXHALE, CO2 comes out of our nose. But given that governments have increasingly become addicted to taxes, some politician could propose a tax on breathing under guise of “Stopping climate change”. After all, some governments are trying to pass or have already passed carbon taxes disguised as “Saving the planet”.

    • The plan is to get the retard class to hate CO2 so that the government can mass murder with impunity stating “It was necessary in order to save the planet”.

  12. ‘What happens after Orange Man?’ — eric

    A profound question. Orange Man may well be the 47th and final president of the fifty states.

    Commiefornia, a European-sized nation on its own, has secured a special niche for itself in the fedgov’s regulatory firmament. CARB is the designated high priesthood of ’emissions.’ It gets to write special rules that other states (the ‘CARB states’ ) can follow if they choose:

    You don’t need no PhD in Political Science [sic] to see that CARB states overlap seamlessly with the radical leftist regimes of New England, the mid-Atlantic, and the Antifa (Left) Coast.

    These regimes of fruitcakes and flakesters do not intend to have their CARB taken away from them. Trump will decimate the EPA. They will file a lawsuit. Then they will declare, ‘Screw lawsuits — we’re gonna burn shit down.‘ By 2028, electing one person to head this broken, charred mess won’t even be possible.

    Look at that, look at that
    Get your money for nothin’ (I want my, I want my)
    Chicks for free (I want my CARB TeeVee)
    Money for nothin’, chicks for free (I want my, I want my, I want my CARB TeeVee)

    — Dire Straits, Money For Nothin’

  13. I don’t have a lot of faith that President Trump will hold fast against the entrenched bureaucrats. Bolton and company didn’t exactly shout “drain the swamp”.

    Ramaswamy made a significant point of stating the unconstitutional agencies / departments / commissions / etc should be shut down entirely. That’s why he earned my support during the primary.

    Either way, the self-licking ice cream cone that is the apparat will not allow itself to melt without a fight.

  14. With the recent Supreme Court “Chevron” ruling it would be easier than ever to eliminate some of these agencies, which are executive agencies and Trump would be the executive. Not holding my breath, he already had four years to accomplish some of his promises and all he really did was push through a tax cut for the billionaire class.

  15. One of many problems with a kill switch is that anyone that can access and control the system can shut the car down. So what happens when some nefarious party shuts down all the kill switch cars at rush hour? I’m sure that they will say that could never happen but that never stopped them from pushing the clipper chip.

    Since Trump doesn’t have to worry about reelection he could get more things done or at least unf*cked.

    • Never mind shutting down all the cars at rush hour. As we saw last week, it would only require a small percentage of them to go offline to clog up the works. Microsoft said only about 8.5M computers were impacted by the Cloudstrike update last Friday, yet it took down credit card processing, message boards at airports, servers and many other key systems that prevented transactions from going through enough that many businesses were closed or severely impacted enough to limit services.

      Stall 10 vehicles on a highway, that highway is closed until the wrecker can get to them. Stall 100? That’s a major shutdown that could take days to sort out.

  16. Sadly, the same sovietization has occurred to the power generation industry in this country. The Carter years gave us both the Department of Education and the Department of Energy. Both should be dissolved and the EPA scaled back by at least 75%.


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