Don’t Misunderestimate Her


Those who are looking forward to a Trump victory in the coming (s)election might not want to get too cocky just yet. The sudden departure under-duress of obviously declining Joe Biden does not make it more likely that Trump will win.

Arguably, it makes it less likely.

People who aren’t Leftists have a weakness. It is their assumption that Leftists – there are no Democrats anymore – base their opinions and actions on evidence, logic and principles. They do not. They base them on feelings – and their only “principle” is that power (to impose their feelings) must be pursued by any means necessary.

We just witnessed that in action, although many appear to have missed it. Biden did not step aside; he was shoved aside. This is obvious, yet many seem to think the old grifter just changed his mind after weeks of publicly insisting – angrily, at times – that he was the nominee, that Leftists had voted in the primaries for no one else but him (which is true) and that he was not going to step aside. There was no maybe. There was certainty.

Until – just like that – there wasn’t.

That doesn’t happen except under duress. We are not likely to ever know exactly what sort of pressure – or inducement – was used to get the old grifter to pretend he had just changed his mind, in the manner of deciding to eat at McDonald’s tonight rather than Burger King. But it is certain he was pressured or induced to change it by Leftist apparatchiks who understood that if he was allowed to continue all-but-publicly shitting his pants on live TeeeVeee and then grinning that Joker Smile of his at the camera as the turd slid down his pants leg, Trump would win because it would not be plausible to pretend the old grifter did.

Trump’s primary strategy – and it was sound – has been to prevent a close (s)election this time, which was on track because something like 75 percent of the polled electorate – including Leftists – agreed that Biden was too obviously riddled by dementia to be (s)elected. The very idea of it was preposterous. An 81-year-old man would be almost an 85-year-old-man by the end of the next term. The Left said Reagan was “too old” back in 1980 – when he was 69.

So Joe had to go – whether he wanted to go being as beside the point as whether we want to say “no” to being forced to pay what the Left insists is our “fair share” of taxes.

Which we are “asked” to pay.

Enter Kamala, who has been denounced as a lightweight and an opportunist who used her body to advance her career by allowing it to be used by a man 30 years older than she was back in the ’90s.

It’s all true – and it’s all irrelevant.

She is a woman – and a half-black one, too. Do not misunderestimate (per The Chimp) the power of those two qualities. Nor the quality she does not have.

Harris isn’t an old white man. Trump is. One that many women – especially younger ones – do not like. He offends their feelings. He rouses angry feelings. But this danger was until recently somewhat neutralized by the fact that his opponent was also an old white man and obviously decrepit on top of that. Women – especially young women – were not especially aroused by the sight of a Parkinsonian old man feebly trying to climb a flight of stairs. Many of them – their dislike of Trump notwithstanding – would probably have stayed home on (s)election day. They probably felt like non-Leftists felt back in 2012 when the GOP put Mitt Romney up as the alternative to Barry Soetero.

As in, why bother? As in, what difference does it make?

Now there is a difference – at least insofar as Leftists, especially female ones, are concerned. Kamala is not an old white man. She is a woman, just like them. And on top of that, she is a half-black woman! This arouses many female Leftists. They are itching to see the First Woman President and nevermind whether she’s a lightweight opportunist who slept with an old man 30 years her senior who was also married at the time.

Grrrrrrrrrllll Pwrrrrr overcomes those putative liabilities – which are actually advantages. Just the same as it was Barry’s advantage that he was half-black and nevermind that he was also a lightweight and an opportunist. He was “of color” – and that swelled the bosom of Leftists, including white ones, who saw an opportunity not just for power but also to show just how virtuous they were by voting for a lightweight opportunist because he was half-black.

Kamala is that – and more. It will not matter, probably, that she establishes herself as a lightweight over the next weeks/months, cackling vapidly all the way. She has what it takes – between her legs.

She used it before. She’s going to make use of it now.

And that may be all it takes.

. . .

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  1. Howdy Eric, et al,

    It’s hard for me to get wrapped around the axle about the difference between Trump and Harris….they are both horrible and will end up pawns to the corporatocracy that actually runs the federales in any case. We are in the late stage collapse of Western civilization and everything that Biden and Trump did hastened that collapse. The fact that these assholes have spent so much lucre in Ukraine, Israel and soon China is the major issue. We are talking about expending real resources on pointless military engagements whose only result is the transfer of more wealth to oligarchs in this country (and the European vassal states). The only way this ends is the Federal government going down a la the U.S.S.R. Unfortunately, I don’t see anybody in the U.S. government like Gorbachev who would allow a bloodless transfer of power. Other than that, the parallels between the U.S.A. of present and the U.S.S.R. of the late eighties/early nineties seems striking to me. Look at what the west collectively did to Russia and how they came out on the other side of a horrible period…..we can hope for as good an outcome, barring nuclear exchanges. The real fly in the ointment to global peace remains neocon backing of Israel and the insane Zionist leadership of Israel….especially Netanyahu.

  2. I think, unlike most people that post here, I will vote true to my voter registration (Libertarian), if I vote at all…

  3. Willie Brown has been staple of California politics since the early 1960s. He omits any mention of his sixtysomething-twentysomething romance with Kamala Harris during the mid-1990s

    Harris took money donated by the mayor of San Francisco and raised under the signature of the mayor of San Francisco.

    Brown, technically married but open about his open relationship, gave Harris a new European car during their affair.

    Aside from handing her an expensive BMW, Brown appointed her to two patronage positions in state government that paid handsomely—more than $400,000 over five years.

    In 1994, she took a six-month leave of absence from her Alameda County job to join the Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board. Brown then appointed her to the California Medical Assistance Commission, where she served until 1998, attending two meetings a month for a $99,000 annual salary.

    Brown appointed Harris to the California Medical Assistance Commission, where she served until 1998, attending two meetings a month for a $99,000 annual salary.

    Another Willie Brown Protege, the Rev. Jim Jones
    Want to know another career Willie Brown really, really helped? That of Jim Jones, the Peoples Temple pastor who orchestrated the deaths of more than 900 of his followers in Guyana in November 1978….about two-thirds of whom were African American.

    Another Einstein or MLK?
    Brown legitimized Jones by publicly comparing him to Martin Luther King (and Albert Einstein). That’s right, Brown said that, during a testimonial dinner fawning over Jones in which the then-assemblyman served as master of ceremonies. Jones would go on to kill more African Americans than any Klansman in history,

    Jones’s stay lasted one year beyond the date of Willie Brown’s letter. It ended in the deaths of 918 people, about two-thirds of whom were African American.

    Kamala Harris Helped Cover Up Brown’s Corruption

    Although the FBI investigated Brown for corruption as mayor, strangely, the local district attorney, Kamala Harris, never did.

    Her see-no-evil approach carried over from when a Harris predecessor hired Jim Jones’s second-in-command and then repeatedly failed to find wrongdoing in sham investigations of Peoples Temple.

  4. It looks as if Trump is working hard to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory again. Yeah, Trump’s opponents are slime, but to continue publicly insulting them does not gain him a single vote. Trump could’ve been gracious when Biden dropped out, maybe convinced a few people he’s not so bad – nope, gotta call him crooked senile Joe like some pre-adolescent, insulting Biden’s supporters and a lot of independents who voted for Biden. Same thing with Haley – sure she’s horrible, but Trump was going to win the primary, could’ve either ignored her or pretended to respect her but no: he had to insult her and, through that, anyone who supported her.

    Trump lives for adulation of the crowds ala Jerry Springer and seems to care for little else. And though not as bad as Biden, I believe (to quote Comic Book Guy) “his mind is no longer in mint condition”.

    • Age has definitely made him look more cringy. The juvenile slurs are tedious and his campaign seems like a turgid repeat of 2016. When I’m wanting to see evidence of elder-statesman he projects Hulk Hogan. His energy is truly remarkable but without the disipline and grace to deflect the mean insults Kamala will be dishing out he is likely to get taken to the cleaners again. His opponents policies however, are even more terrifying.

    • Michael tells us to take the higher path and don our Sunday best when dealing with people who aspire to be guards at the ovens and audit possible occupants at the gulag. Ah no Mikey. Learned my lessons long ago in the school play grounds on how to deal with the mutants who were spawned in academia’s sewers. I suggest that you acquire 10 IQ points at Amazon and audition as a Pet Rock. The people who voted for a man with no spine; a noted liar; fraud, draft dodger. Yes these people are certainly worthy of my contempt because they have repeatedly called for the imprisonment and ruin of all who oppose them. They seek to destroy America; destroy our traditions; our history; our heros.

      You stand with THEM. Get a pair.

      • Hi Sally,

        I agree that time for “gentleman’s rules” is over. These Leftists are out to destroy us. It is imperative to understand the existential threat. And to understand it will use any means necessary to win. That means there are no rules. For them – or for us. It is a fight for our lives.

        • I agree with you both (Sally & Eric). The time for gentleman’s rules, and playing nice are long gone. Do you think our opposition are going to do the same? Hell no! The other side better start learning to fight hard, dirty, mean, and nasty, and learn to break the rules and make your own along the way, or you are going to lose(just as the opposition does). Does one get tired of losing, or is that all one thinks they are worth? It comes down to that, I suppose. If you are not willing to stand up and fight for yourself and your family, that is your issue, but get the hell out of the way already. Much like the left lane lugger that refuses to get out of the way and let people pass, get out of the way, already, and let people by, if you want to sit there and be a slave and/or die right where you sit. I would rather stand by and fight with those fellow men and women who are willing to do the same, and go down with them, as well, if that is what is to happen. At least we are fighting for what we believe in. And no, I am no “arm chair warrior”. I have been in hell before, and do not relish going there a second time. I would rather not, but life is full of surprises, and here we are again.

        • The only rule is you need to do whatever it takes to win. If I thought Trump could win this election by chanting cackling crooked Kamala I’d be all for it. I just don’t think that’s gonna work. The not on his side 24/7 lying media is already making her out to be the next Obama. He is going to need to go after her policies hard.

      • Sorry for the delayed reply, been busy.
        As far as I can tell, “no spine; a noted liar; fraud, draft dodger” describes both Trump & Biden – I assume you didn’t vote, or voted for the LP’s washed-up Republican in ’20? Maybe Green?
        The point of not being a complete jerk to Biden (and their ilk) has nothing to do with respect for Biden because Trump is not dealing with Biden – Trump should be dealing with voters. How many independent (i.e. not hard core Democrat) Biden voters do you think Trump swayed with his Biden comments? How many independent Republican voters did he lose with his bird-brain Haley comments? I’m talking about people on the fence. If they’re turned off, they just won’t vote.
        Also, by telling me to “grow a pair” and insulting my intelligence, is that the best you can do? I’m sick of this government crap as can be, but yelling at and insulting people won’t get you anywhere good, because that’s pretty much the tactic of the left. If insulting people would help, I’d have been doing it long ago.
        I was active in the LP for a couple decades until the LP started running washed-up Republicans as presidential candidates (i.e. Bob “F’in” Barr), anarchist after that. By “standing with THEM”, you mean Demopublicans? How do you get that from my comments on persuading people and not being a complete jerk?

  5. Joe is out to lunch.

    Kamala is a kook and a crackpot. She’s a moron, might even be a nihilist.

    The SS would make sure she is under 24 hour surveillance, a threat to herself. You never know what she might do.

    It’s deja vu all over again.

    Homo the Sap: Permanent War, the book by Lorne T. Morgan.

    A moratorium on banking was proclaimed on March 5th (1932) – the richest nation in the world was without a single operating bank

    Read all 68 pages.

  6. Harris Sizes Up Mark Kelly: Astronaut, Senator, V.P. Pick?

    ‘The Arizona senator, a Navy veteran and former astronaut, has a strong political résumé. But an overlooked asset is his expertise on the Southern border.’ — New York Slimes

    Anybody with three brain cells knows that 10 to 12 million illegals slipped across the border, despite Mark Kelly’s alleged, fictitious ‘expertise’ [sic, LOL].

    Let’s be perfectly damned clear — Cosmonaut Kelly has but one expertise: applying the ten planks of the Communist Manifesto to subvert and destroy our nation from within.

    Fuck Mark Kelly.
    Fuck Gabby Giffords.
    Fuck the Lügenpresse.

    • >10 to 12 million illegals slipped across the border
      All the [US] Federales say,
      They could have had ’em anyway
      They just let them get away,
      Out of kindness I suppose.

    • Sorry, hafta disagree with you, there. Rep Giffords was a dingbat in her day, but what befell her at the hands of a psychopath like Jared Loughner, who rightfully should have been strapped to the gunrey, injected, and sent straight to Hell, where likely he’ll end up anyway, shouldn’t happen to anyone.

      Mark Kelly used both his astronaut status and being the husband of Gabby to get himself noticed. Look up “Razorfist” on YT for more detail on him, and why the AZ GOP is USELESS.

  7. How very true, Eric. Never underestimate your enemy. Also, never underestimate the stupidity of the American voter in large numbers. The thought of having to see and hear cackles Kamala for four years is akin to nails down a chalk board. Her ancestors owning slaves could be a bit of a problem though (being Jamaican and Indian) for the “you owe me because I am black” crowd. But then again, as the saying goes, if voting mattered, we little people would not be allowed to do so. It is just that if Kamala is installed, the country will crash and burn a lot faster. Then again, TPTB may be planning on hanging Camel Toes for the crashing economy and the start of Civil War 2.0, as she will use E.O’s to ban guns. They need a hang man (or woman), and Harris would be just dumb enough not to see she is being used.

    • What many can’t get their heads around is that during the “classic” era of Slavery, as it were, BLACKS owned other blacks, indeed, they were, almost to the last person, BOUGHT from African chieftains whose men had captured them in various wars and slaving raids. Also many “Native” Americans, i.e. Amerinds, owned slaves, ALSO from other tribes they continually warred with, but also became owners and TRADERS in Negro slaves. During their so-called “Trail of Tears” in the 1820s and 1830s, the Cherokee took with them THOUSANDS of slaves to the “Indian Territory”, present-day Oklahoma. Stand Watie, the lead Cherokee Chieftain during the Civil War, was a brigadier general in the Confederate Army. Indeed, the “Indian” territory, some 23 years prior to the great “Sooner” rush of 1889, was the last place where slavery was legally abolished, in 1866, when a new treaty was signed with the Cherokee and the Choctaw, adopting the 13th Amendment into the territorial constitution.

  8. Remember they imported 10M low-IQ monkeys from south of Texas America (permanent -Ds) and stuffed them into the 5 swing state cities. They won’t have to work too hard to steal the election. The Gimme-Gimme parasites and their political terrorists have a permanent voting majority. The only way out is secession and self-custody Bitcoin and the terrorists will become murderously violent to stop that from happening. It will make Lincoln look like a boy scout.

  9. No doubt in my mind she emerges victorious. The manufactured support that will happen from now til November will make the result of another stolen election plausible. And then what will the MAGA morons do? On the plus side, maybe, the economic implosion will be held at bay for a little while longer. And the Ukies will get to continue offing themselves while US weapons get blown up. So much fun this way comes.

  10. The DNC bigwigs probably promised Sleepy Joe that Kamala would pardon him, Hunter, and the rest of the Biden crime family after she was (s)elected, kinda like Ford did for Nixon. Would state that it was for the good of the country – move on, nothing to see here.

    • It will be interesting to find out just how corrupt Kamala is — in a party where corruption is the baseline, and an honest woman is hard to find.

      REMEMBER: as ‘Joe Biden’ has repeatedly stated, Kamala was a diversity hire — picked for her demographic characteristics, not because she was the best person for the job.

      Diversity hires such as Kamala are inherently SECOND RATE. Kamala used her x-chromosome and an extra ration of melanin to STEAL her position from someone more qualified and more capable.

      Kamala is the living definition of impostor syndrome. She should be reminded every day: You’re a diversity-hire impostor. You know it, and we know it. JUST RESIGN, worthless skank.

      • Cackles Harris versus Cankles Clinton.
        What a matchup!
        Just remember to keep yo’ clothes on, Laydeez.
        Nobody wants to see what you got.
        www = Wymyns World Wrestling

      • She was picked to make deposing Biden unpalatable. Where those propping Joe up, including scheming wifey, “Doctor” Jill Biden, miscalculated upon was that eventually they couldn’t hide the emperor’s “nudity”. She’s not a great chance, but given the legalities involved, since it IS after the primaries, she’s their ONLY plausible choice. So, in anything resembling a FAIR election, she’ll go down in flames and take many running for Congress with her.

        Who SEZ the upcoming election will be “FAIR”, or that it’ll happen at all?

  11. Yer exactly right, Eric. Intelligent/Rational people always make the mistake of projecting. The retard class is driven by emotions and feelings (like women/children) and they are the voting majority. If kackling Kamala-D offers free ice cream, abortions and ponyies she will win in a landslide.

  12. Identity Politics Backfire: Woman Supporting Kamala Harris ‘Because She is a Black Woman’ Gets Schooled with a Brutal Reality Check

    From GP comments….

    After Kams parents divorced she spent somewhere from age 12 to 20 living with Mom in Canada….so a Canadian marxist now?….

    Kamala’s and Obama’s fathers were both marxist’s……

    She’s not even half-black. She’s 3/4 East Indian (from India) and 1/4 Jamaican.

    First East Indian president….won’t go over well with Pakistan Muslims….

    Kamala Harris isn’t Black. Her mother (Shyamala Gopalan Harris) is Tamil Indian from India. Her father (Donald Harris) is half-Jamaican, half-Indian from India…..No American black….

  13. She will be the president. As you say, she’s a woman of color and that’s enough. Her stupidity also makes her more relatable. And one more thing: I haven’t seen anyone else mention it, but her phrase “What can be, unburdened by what has been” is code for “Build back better”. She will be an obedient puppet for the globalist cabal.

  14. I think it’s a solid take, but things are really different today than 4 years ago. The economy was just starting to crater, MSM still had a semblance of power and people were freaking the fuck out about the ‘vid. Today the economy is shit, inflation is shit, media is shit and attitudes are shit. I’ve found it amusing that several women I know have asked me what I think of RFK. I encouraged them to vote for him!

    Kamala is being pushed hard right now and the stupid proggies were gonna vote D no matter what. The smart ones know she isn’t gonna make it. I still expect shenanigans at the convention and that we will see a different person at the top of the ticket.

  15. Universal suffrage is a critical, possibly fatal, mistake.
    If freedom is to be regained, all constitutional amendments after the 12th must be repealed, the Federal Reserve Act (and many other acts) declared unconstitutional.
    I don’t expect this to happen.
    Legal secession is the only peaceful method for restoration of individual liberty that has any chance of success.

    • The 16A, 17A, and 19A DEFINITELY have to go! The 16A was the income tax; the 17A was the direct election of Senators; and the 19A gave women the right to vote.

    • GO back to the first 10A and then make the 11A that limits the the amount of earned proprety the unhuman democracy parasites and their political terrorists can steal from us humans. The is the only Great Reset.

      I don’t now why I continue to live in this gynocentric shithole when I know living here is just going to get much worse.

      • Hi Abe,

        I wrestle with the same feelings. For myself, it has to do with being too old to start over but too young to retire. So I keep on doing my thing, hoping I’ll be able to keep on doing it. If not, well, there’s always an RV out in the woods somewhere…

  16. There is no way they can market Komrade Kumalaho, her track record is the worst of the worst. She was in fact, the worst Attorney General in California’s history. As the border czar, she never, not even once, went to the border.

    So come August at the Demonrat selection in Chicongo, Obongo’s home town, the he-she Kamal may very well be replaced by Michael, aka Big Mike, the other he-she. I think Eric may be right, the Bidenistas pushed aside for the beloved Michelle.

    Kamala Harris was born Kamal Aroush
    Michelle Obama was born Michael Lavaughn Robinson

    So how could Michelle, aka Michael have kids? She didn’t – they rented the Nesbitt daughters and faked being a heterosexual couple with children, but the reality is the Obamas are fudge packing homos. That is the truth and sordid fact – and they intend to fool you again. Fool me once … shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

    Oh yeah baby, both of those he-she fakers are on the tranny suspect list, check it out for yourself (sorted by first name):

    Take away the hair, lipstick, earrings, and take a good look at the “Kamal”, she is really a he – a man. This may surprise you, but most female performers are trannies like Mandonna, Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga (who flashed her penis on stage). The deception is off the scale, it is worst than you think, and proof is the latest “assassination” charade. Over at Unz, after a dozen articles on that subject, the consensus is the whole thing was staged and Trump was in on it.

    Don’t take my word on the DNC switch to Michelle, listen to Wayne Allen Root, who has an amazing track record for political predictions:

    The Choice of Kamala Makes No Sense. It’s a Terrible Mistake. But Democrats Have Something Up Their Sleeve. Something Very Evil and Shocking is Coming.

    Trump was winning by a landslide, destroying Joe Biden in every poll, and about to preside over the most popular and successful political convention in history, while unifying the entire country.

    But the forces of evil running our country thought they had the solution- eliminate him.

    The Deep State is in shock that Trump survived, let alone turn lemons into lemonade. The assassination attempt gave Trump the most heroic, iconic image in the history of modern American politics.

    Everything that has happened since has been a result of the shock, panic and desperation of the Democrats and Deep State. They needed to come up with a Plan B fast.

    First, Biden just happened to suffer a serious “medical emergency” in Las Vegas. Next, Nancy Pelosi read him “the riot act” and threatened to enforce the 25thamendment to have him forcibly removed from office. Biden’s family agreed to his resignation and hastily produced a letter of resignation with a signature that clearly doesn’t match Biden’s.

    Next this panicked Deep State cabal quickly anointed Vice President Kamala Harris as Biden’s replacement, and twisted the arms of everyone in the Democrat Party to endorse her- despite serious misgivings.

    Except the Obamas.

  17. Jim Cramer is all in for Kamala. Who believes anything he says anymore. The delusion runs deep. Think this the most divided I seen the country, much more so than even over the Vietnam war. “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape”.

    • I haven’t paid attention to Jim Cramer ever since he was wrong on the Tesla stock when it opened. He panned it; he said he wouldn’t even rent it. Regardless of what you may think about the company, Tesla, its stock did the OPPOSITE of what Cramer predicted! WTF would listen to that tool after such a monumental screwup?

    • Krammer is a joke since he thrashed Nvidia. But he is a great indicator. Whatever he recommends I sell and vice versa.

  18. The media is on board with Kamala, listening to radio news this morning cemented that.

    Just like I thought they’re digging up old sound bites of JD Vance to paint him as a right wing nutter. This morning it was some statements regarding parents should have a greater say in the future of the country than non-parents. Contrast to the Kamala sound bite discussing in a serious statesman tone the meeting with Netanyahu and not a cackle was heard. TV news the clip from a recent speech she gave “we want to ban assault rifles they want to ban BOOKS!”

    I’m still amazed though I should have known better how quick it went from “no way Kamala” to “it’s a done deal Kamala”. Add the staged endorsement call with Barry and Big Mike tops it off this morning.

    • The Dems realize that they can’t win so they are going to sacrifice her to save their down stream candidates. They will lose 3-4 senate seats and 10-15 house seats and hope to come back in 4 years rather than spend 30 years in the political wilderness.

    • It’s all theatrics. Some of them are stand-ins.

      And it’s bold and brazen, in our faces. Daring us to do something about it…

  19. Trump and Republicans caved on abortion so to re-gain advantage dems are running a “woman.” What Americans want to ignore (and especially you all fans of Ayn Rand — imagine her (or most of you) caring for your mother/father/yourself (her) and ALL (any of) your children) is that she’s no more a woman or as much of a woman (and man) as Caitlyn Jenner (and you). This campaign will be ugly like we are without Christian law and morals. S/H/IT is running the most racist and sexist non-election ever (hasn’t won one vote) but has run fundraisers for black women, black men and white women. Apparently S/H/IT has written off the white man’s vote (even though she’s married to one–but maybe not since Jews claim they are not white as in “white christmas” and “Easter Parade” (Irving Berlin)). When Biden is stepping aside to safeguard “democracy,” he is talking about the Jewish one world government from NYC (vs. the Jewish one world gov’t from Israel “Zionism” (but they are actually working in tandem)). I’ve been watching this program “Democracy Now!” because of its coverage of Gaza humanitarian crisis – but the coverage is just to promote anti-white, anti-capitalist, anti-U.S. anger/protest and nothing ever done for the Gazans, because the goal is the communist one world gov’t. You’d think that was anti-democracy, but that is what they call democracy (Progress)–and what Trump threatens with nationalist policies that could postpone 2030. WWIII now to swiftly destroy/bankrupt U.S. as super power and put in new world order (what else has biden been doing with much help from the ‘pro-israel’ congress) – subtitles her show (daily now) at 13:35 “This is democracy now: WAR, PEACE AND THE PRESIDENCY.” However, Kamala and the media won’t talk about that at all–as you say it will be his age, his color, his sex, his danger to democracy and mock, mock, bait, bait, trying to trip him up/force him out like they did Biden.
    ardent lgbt, pro-reproductive freedom (no difference from libertarian)
    Are Jews White? While some Ashkenazi Jews may appear white and identify as such, the concept of whiteness is complex.

    P.S. The Biden FBI just arrested a drug lord after Trump’s speech on Fetanyl

  20. Whoever wrote Idiocracy was a visionist. The future of a nation with no future. Me,,, I’m just going to sit back and enjoy the 3D shit show game run its course.

  21. Who spends 91.5 million dollars to have a job that pays 400 grand per year for four years?

    Not Zelensky, all Zelensky has to do is stand and speak to idiots then walk away with a 100 billion dollars. Crime pays big time.

    Netanyahu says ‘boo’ and the RepoDemoZiocrats tremble in fear for their lives. Here’s all the money I have, take it all and kill some more. If it makes you happy, go for it.

    About how it all works in this day in age.

    A tragedy of a mockery of a sham.

    It don’t get no better. Might hope they come to their senses.

    Sitting Bull would bring a good pony to a settler’s farm and trade it for a hundred pounds of potatoes. He got along with the crazy fool white tribe. It was the US Army that was at odds with those wild savages.

    The Mandan received Louis and Clark along the Missouri River, got some blankets, smallpox laden, by the end, more than 90 percent of the Mandan tribe were wiped out.

    Life is not fair. A Native American I knew served in the US Navy in the Pacific. I didn’t have a quarrel at all, he talked and I listened. About the Japanese soldier, he said, “They were small, but you were scared to death of them.”

    History repeats, not in rhythm, just cacophony after cacophony.

    The legend lives on from the Chippewa on down
    Of the big lake they call Gitche Gumee
    – Gordon Lightfoot, The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald

  22. Are you not entertained, Eric? I know I am. Just thinking about a Harris presidency gives me hope for the future. The incompetence displayed at all levels of Government is already off the charts. Imagine having the female version of President Camacho, who hawk tuah’ed her way to the top. Idiocracy would become non-fiction, and those retaining even a few brain cells could just sit back, watch, and wait, as the whole filthy edifice crumbled under the weight of its own absurdity. Not a bad thing when one considers the opposite side of that pendulum that would follow, just as day follows night.

    Camilla or whatever her name is, might just be dumbest bitch ever. Lets hope she’s dumb enough to pick a gugugugurl like Witmer as her VP.. Leaving aside the incompetence with which GovCo already demonstrates, the hyper fail an all gurl team would demonstrate, would quickly devolve into the mythic. With where we are now, I cant think of a better thing for the long term viability of this country. Or, we could just break apart into mini republics. By the end of 4 years Ds and Rs would be hunted down for sport. Elections could become same day, in person, no mail in, ID verified, property owners only.

    Every one, including people who recently began to wake up, due to the pain inflicted by four years of wide open borders, will, hopefully embark on the journey of becoming ungovernable AF. All we need to do is never, under any curcimstance, go along with any new rules oozing out of the Soy state. Force the hand of your county and city government, and your local sheriff. If you aren’t ate up with modernity, then get TF out of any City/State above 50K. Get aquatinted with your neighbors, and make a point to know which ones are mentally ill. Most importantly realize there is no getting along with, or living in peace with these people. Stop playing the game by their rules, and stop giving them any respect.

    Sit tight and let them come and take it, Cars, guns, food, gas stoves/wood fireplaces, whatever. Make them demonstrate a level of ability with which they are, by their very nature, incapable of. Their shrill screams and weepy displays of emotional cancer should be met with laughter, mockery, and contempt.

  23. I don’t think elections matter anymore, especially since the regime can transport fake ballots to any swing state with a big city controlled by non-white lunatics who count the “votes.” Not only that, all of these immigrants, legal and illegal, always vote for the party that steals from the whites to give to them. We’ve lost our right of self-determination and it’s only going to get worse as the country becomes less white.

    Kamala win with 90 million votes as a floor and we’re done for as a country or at least one freer or more prosperous than North Korea. Even though she’s a cackling mediocrity and the ultimate embodiment of DEI, which is actually DIE whitey, she’ll win easily because Orange Man is so Hitler.

    The regime wants to take jobs from whites so they can’t reproduce by stifling family formation. They want to turn whites gay so no kids there again and kill whites with fentanyl or heavily processed foods. When the regime says they want to “eliminate whiteness,” take them at their word.

    The thing the regime doesn’t realize is the country won’t be the same as it was when it was majority white. Instead, it’ll be stupid tribal squabbles over resources. Since the people we’re importing are low-IQ, we won’t be able to maintain our civilization and you’ll see brownouts and blackouts. Shanty towns will start to pop up on hillsides like Brazil’s favelas. Planes will fall from the sky, bridges will collapse and crime will be rampant. Of course, the regime won’t allow you to defend yourself because guns scare them. If you’re white and a victim of crime, it’s reparations.

    In a multi-ethnic “democracy,” every vote is a racial headcount. Look at the Southern states and that is our future. The whites vote GOP and the blacks and others vote Democrat. If the GOP wasn’t an adjunct of the Punch and Judy narrative of the uniparty regime, they’d get smart and become the white party, advocating for the interests of whites.

  24. And OBTW, I’m am 100% sure this “gets better” (as in even worse than anyone is currently anticipating). Just wait to see what fucken demon she’s gonna pick for VP.

    Wait… she won’t be picking shit. I mean, wait to see who THEY pick for VP! The pair that will undoubtedly be fraudulently installed will probably be a steaming pile of shit beyond anyone’s wildest dreams/fears.

    Someone like Navim Gruesome or Wretched Shitmer. Or one of those other ultra-commie governors that went full-on communist dictator during the covid hoax.

    Count on it.

    • Hi XM,

      Rumor has it she will pick Pennsylvania’s governor, Josh Shapiro. This is interesting. It may take some votes away from Trump in the state, but it would give him a definite win in Michigan.

      • Pennsylvania has always had it’s share of retards. It’s growing. Ugh. Walke me up when this crap is over. They elect a lot of Democrats.

      • >Rumor has it she will pick Pennsylvania’s governor, Josh Shapiro.
        Echoing Winston Churchill’s concept of needing to surround the truth with a “Bodyguard of Lies,” “Hindu” Cammie will be surrounded by a “Bodyguard of Jews,” whose job it will be to make damned sure she does not deviate from the Likud party line.

        Her job will be to suck Benjamin Netanyahu’s cock. Maybe even on live TV.
        Hulk Hogan? You ain’t see nothin’, yet.

  25. It matters not. The same big club that you ain’t in is still going to be in charge.
    Reason number 149 why I don’t vote.
    One thing this upcoming election will be is embarrassing. These are the two best and brightest we can put forth?

  26. No one remembers Willie Brown or that he rose to power thanks in part to the support of People’s Temple and Jim Jones.

    Stay thirsty my friends.

    • Jim Jones was a CIA cult experiment. Then I think Willie Brown and Kamala are CIA Assets. Nothing good comes out of SF or DC. I watched on the David Knight show his interview with Gerald Celente, editor of his Trends Journal. I won’t say he will be 100% right, but right more than most. He makes the case for a Harris selection. We will lose our country, our homes, money food and health. All in time for 2030

  27. Tough call. The northeast and midwest aren’t going to put up with Californian Democrats, doesn’t matter who it is. Then again, the northeast isn’t going to put up with Trump either.

    This election will be decided by the people who stay home.

  28. That very well might be all that it takes but I think it is a bit more simple than that. It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks or even votes for when these psychopaths hold all the cards. They are going to rig the election again and this time the story will be (like you suggest in this article) “81 million people were just excited to have a black woman president”.

    Or whatever the number of fake votes will be. As long as they have their cover story — doesn’t even have to be remotely believable (just that you can’t disprove it) — they will do as they please with the vote count.

    Bullshit if 81 million people voted for Joe Biden. No they fucken did not and everyone knows it. That decrepit sack of shit couldn’t get more than 20 people to show up for his “rallies”. Biden, like Harris, had (and has) no platform. Just “more left” and “not Trump”.

    They’re gonna do it and they’re gonna do it right in our faces again. They got away with it last time and they’re not gonna give it up this time. It doesn’t matter how much people are disgusted and insulted by the fraud.

    “What are you gonna do about it?! Nothing!” -Deep State

    The left has made a complete farce of our government and our country. This won’t change by voting.

    • I agree, XM –

      The die was cast when nothing was done about 2020. Or “COVID,” before that. They got away with it – and will get away with it, again. Trump will play his part by annoying women with his obnoxious personality, which will provide sufficient cover to make the claim that “90 million people” voted for Kamala.

  29. I also do not think Trump is going to look good against her in a debate. He can’t help being obnoxious and will come off as an angry old man against a polished up slick looking Harris. She knows enough not to cackle through a debate and will be coached to come off as measured and caring. And although she isn’t the smartest woman out there she is mean and able to manipulate. She doesn’t need to get women voters to love her per se, all she has to do is make Trump look meaner, old and bombastic in comparison. Which will be easy as pie. She will make her leftist policies seem noble. And shes got the woman voters who are desperate to never have Trump in the oval office again.

    • Completely agree, RS.

      Trump will come off looking like an arrogant prick and the media will bolster her up stating how mean he was to her and how she handled it so well. 🤮

      Last week it didn’t look like anything could beat Trump. This week…the air has been deflated. This s(election) is going to come down to one demographic…young men under 35. Can they suppress enough votes that cheating isn’t an option?

      • >Trump will come off looking like an arrogant prick and the media will bolster her up stating how mean he was to her and how she handled it so well.

        Yep. The script will call for her to play Perpetual Victim (a.k.a. Honorary Jew).
        Cammie is the “face.” L’il Donnie is the “heel.”
        (s)Election as kayfabe. What a concept.

    • Uh, did you forget that Tulsi Gabbard FLAMED Kamala’s ass during the 2020 debates? Kamala was gaining traction prior to that debate; she’d gotten up to 12%-15% in the polling numbers. After Tulsi Gabbard scorched her though, her numbers cratered, and she left the race soon thereafter.

  30. Oh, she can “win” all right. Between voter fraud, mail-in ballots, 100% favorable propaganda from the media, and misandry against Trump from legions of ugly, stupid women, I would have to day the odds actually favor her right now.

    I remember in 2008 during the primaries, when I first heard a young white girl swoon over some unknown black guy named “Obama” as her preferred candidate.

    I laughed.

    I ain’t laughing now.

  31. Eric I think you might be right on this. I have the same kind of sick feeling I had when both Clinton and Obama ran for President. Only difference is this time its worse because she is so far to left and is likely to push radical policies with utter thoughtlessness. I saw an interview where universal healthcare was one of the topics and she just dismissed the idea that many people liked their private insurance by saying oh well we don”t need any more of that now everyone will get the same insurance.

    • Me too, RS –

      Trump – like Biden – is unable to see that he’s an old man – and regarded as such by many young people. Look at his rallies; the bulk of the people there are AARP age. Now add the fact that he is regarded with disgust by many women, who do not like or trust him because of his serial adultery and casting aside of one wife for a new and younger model. Plus his boorish comments. Most men can and will overlook all of that because they are men – and men tend ot have the same foibles and besides which, most men vote based on policies, not so much the man fronting them.

      Biden’s presence was a kind of antidote to Trump’s deficits because Biden was also an old man and not an appealing one.

      • Yes. Trump has and always has had many negatives. He IS a carnival barker who did reality TV, wrestling, casinos and beauty pageants. He had Hulk Hogan and Kid Rock at the GOP convention, for fuck’s sake. It’s not entirely unreasonable for his opponents to paint him as an ass-clown.

        He won in 2016 because Hillary was so repellent even many women hated her. Many of us voted “against her” more than “for him.”

        I am very damn worried that this cackling left-wing bimbo will be president in January…

      • What about Harris? Do women respect her behavior. She makes women look bad. And as for men looking past Trump’s behavior, that’s not true. That’s feminist propaganda. Slick Wille got the women’s vote. Killing their babies and daddy government is their hook.

  32. America is over, there is no fixing it and there is no saving it.

    It’s Nixon on Laugh-In every day.

    There is only one thing that Kamala will clamp down on.

    That’s her policy. Her place in DC is standing on the corner of 15th and S.

    Catherine the Great had a propensity for clamping down too.

    Still another great day in America, no matter what the maha reishi says.

    Never underestimate the will to survive.

  33. And just like that, moronic leftie women are posting memes of Kamala Harris with the slogan “I’m with HER” on social media. If I recall correctly, Hillary Clinton supporters used the same slogan in 2016. However, a President Kamala Harris would likely be just as big a warmonger as Joe Biden has been if not more so. A Kamala Harris regime might also be as authoritarian as the Biden regime has been if not more so. Remember the Biden regime’s attempt to MANDATE that people who have a job take an experimental pharma product falsely called a COVID vaccine? Had the Supreme Court not ruled against it, we’d have been in serious trouble, as the Biden regime would likely have been emboldened to try to MANDATE other things as well. And with this blatant attempt by dark forces to frighten people about BIRD FLU, I’d hate to have to find out if a Kamala Harris regime would try to MANDATE bird flu testing or even experimental bird flu vaccines for humans AND livestock.

    One thing I found interesting is that Black Lives Matter ISN’T happy with the way the Democrat Party effectively coronated Kamala Harris as their nominee without a vote from Democrat voters. What will leftie women who are on board the Kamala Harris train do about that? Will they call Black Lives Matter types RACIST?

    • Hi John,

      I’m not a big fan of JD Vance, but he was on to something when said the Democrat Party is largely controlled by childless cat ladies.

      • Eric – I like JD Vance because he calls out America’s bad trade deals we had made during the 1980s to today. Otherwise, I don’t like his personality much though he would go after Kamala differently than the fragile Trump

      • Hi Eric,

        The funny thing about the “Childless Cat Ladies” comment is that there’s already a meme on social media with a slogan that goes something like “Childless Cat Ladies for Kamala”. As for JD Vance, I know very little about Vance myself, but from what I’ve read elsewhere, he does seem to have connections to the tech guy Peter Thiel. Whether that will translate to Vance doing what billionaire technocrats want should he become Vice president remains to be seen. Vance also wrote a book I’ve never heard of until earlier this month called “Hillbilly Elegy”, which was subsequently made into a Netflix movie.

    • Just think if, in addition to being a woman and “black”, Kamala was also a lesbian. That would check all the boxes for the leftist freaks.

      • >That would check all the boxes for the leftist freaks.
        Close, Mike.
        Actually, Black Jewish Lesbian is the trifecta. But sometimes you have to take what you can get.

    • GOP Senate Candidate Destroys Kamala Harris with a Devastating Attack Ad that is Taking the Political World by Storm

      Harris pushing some of the most socialist and terrifying policies imaginable in our country. These include the elimination of the filibuster to pass a Green New Deal, banning fracking, decriminalizing illegal immigration, abolishing ICE, defunding the police, and mandating a gun buyback program.

      She even wants to ban the consumption of meat and give voting rights to terrorists like the Boston Marathon bomber!

      She even wants to ban the consumption of meat……

      Part of the slave owner’s agenda 2030 slave herd reduction plan….

      To be healthy you need to eat meat….the control group wants to ban meat…push a vegetarian diet plus eating bugs……make the slaves sick….speed up the die off….injections help too…..

      Keep the slaves weak, sick and stupid….then they are easier to control, prevents a slave revolt….if they are sick and weak they can’t fight…

    • She’s married to a committed zionist….will the Muslims vote for her?

      She is 3/4 East Indian…The Pakistan Muslims don’t like the East Indians….

  34. ‘Enter Kamala.’ — eric

    Quite properly, the Trump campaign has challenged Kamala’s $91.5 million daylight robbery:

    “Kamala Harris is seeking to perpetrate a $91.5 million dollar heist of Joe Biden’s leftover campaign cash — a brazen money grab that would constitute the single largest excessive contribution and biggest violation in the history of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971.”

    ‘The Trump campaign’s general counsel, David Warrington, accuses them of “filing fraudulent forms with the Commission purporting to repurpose one candidate’s principal campaign committee for the use of another candidate,” claiming that Harris simply replaced Biden’s name with her own rather than filing her own Statement of Candidacy.

    “There is no provision in federal campaign finance law for Kamala Harris to take over Joe Biden’s candidacy now by quite literally attempting to become him via an amendment of his Form 2, assuming control of his campaign by amending Form 1, and making off with all of his cash,” wrote Warrington.

    Form 1, Form 2, and through and through! How quaint, to think that any of this matters. ‘L’État, c’est moi‘ said Louis Quatorze … and ‘Lady’ Kamala. They make it up as they go. Rubber-stamp magistrates bless it as ‘all legal.’

    Meanwhile, massive smurfing continues, as Act Blue launders billions through the names and addresses of small contributors who sent $5 and $10 donations — and now find that they are reported to have made thousands of individual donations, totaling five and six figures. US elections have been completely enfraudulated [sic] and criminalized. But ‘attorney general’ Merrick Beria Garland sees no evil. After all, he and his mentor Eric Holder — who is ‘vetting’ Kamala’s VP candidates as we speak — designed this crooked vote manufacturing machine from the ground up.

    The last act of the treasonous US fedgov is to loot the Treasury, buying votes wholesale for worthless greenbacks.

    I can see by your coat, my friend
    You’re from the other side
    There’s just one thing I got to know
    Can you tell me please, who won?

    Say, can I have some of your purple berries?
    Yes, I’ve been eating them for six or seven weeks now
    Haven’t got sick once
    Probably keep us both alive

    — Crosby, Stills and Nash, Wooden Ships

    • No matter. They’ll just bring in the big gun lawyers to create the illusion that the election reform laws (put in place during the Clinton administration, IIRC) don’t exist, never existed and any judge who thinks otherwise is a Nazi.

      The law is whatever the Democrats say it is.

  35. Ah, yes, never underestimate the low-information voting populous to be swayed by identity politics. Willy Brown’s Mattress (Harris) ticks all the boxes and the morons will emerge to cast ballots for her in droves. She’s already said she plans to ban cars (huh?), outlaw “assault weapons”, and nix plastic straws. Oh, yeah, she’s perfect.


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