Home Site News, Minor Rants & What Have You

Site News, Minor Rants & What Have You

Site news, rants on things in the news and items of general interest … not quite articles, but longer than a sentence or two.

Googuhled (again)

Goo-guhl. Heart of online darkness. Soul (and revenue) sucking cartel that is creating - has created - a digital company town. It is almost impossible to make a living outside of...

This Pig of a Bike

I'm tapping out. This POS AMF-era Hardley Ableson (1980 Sportster) has beaten me. I publicly concede defeat. The bitch will not start. Well, the shitty electric start system will not turn the engine...

Seduced by Stuff

Give in to the Dark Side, urged Darth Vader. I think I may already have. But the "dark side" is just Stuff - the material possessions that tie me to the...

Uncomfortable Independence Day Questions

Here comes another Fourth of July - a good time to ask some serious questions - and ponder just how "free" we really are:    * Why is it ok to celebrate violent resistance to a...

Corvette Clover!

Well, it was a Cloverina (female Clover). But, nonetheless - an exemplar of the species. Here's the story: I was coming home from Lowes in my little pick-up truck, an '02 Nissan Frontier...

Today’s Thoughts . . . Oct. 10, 2013

I got a glimpse of Obamacare yesterday. The wife and I went to the chiropractor for our monthly back/neck snapping. For the first time, ever - and we've been regulars for awhile...

Saluta il Duce!

I have my Fez ready. There is some satisfaction to be gained from Trump's victory last night. At least we can savor the carpet-chewing rage of the Pants Suited One. It must...

A Hero Story….

I know a guy, a local guy, who has an older (1980s vintage) car that he bought with tinted windows. This guy is pretty poor and makes his living driving a...

All Over The Road Clover

But, he's not "drunk" - so it's ok! The driver (loosely used) in the video above was almost certainly sober. But his form of impairment (incompetence? senility?) is not socially stigmatized, much...

To Goldwing… or El Camino it Up?

Ok, many of you know I am in need of Wheels - my truck having gone to my wife, who is also gone. The press cars help, but I am not...
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