Today’s Thoughts . . . Oct. 10, 2013


I got a glimpse of Obamacare yesterday.

The wife and I went to the chiropractor for our monthly back/neck snapping. For the first time, ever – and we’ve been regulars for awhile – they tried to take my blood pressure.

I objected, asked why: What does my blood pressure have to do with anything a chiropractor does? They are bone-snappers, after all.

It was explained to me that the government requires them to “screen” patients now. That forms must be filled out – and information provided.

Failure to do so invites fines and other unpleasantness.

Now, for the past three days I have been battling a bad cold. I stupidly walked through the sneeze cloud of a Typhoid Tom at Wal-Mart last week. So I have been popping pseudo-ephedrine decongestants and such to obtain a little relief. I mentioned this as a preface, because contrary to my usual inclination, I agreed to the BP check. Only because I know our chiropractor pretty well and like her personally. I didn’t want to be difficult.

I should have been so.

Thanks to the cold, the cold medicine, a couple days of no real sleep and probably, being annoyed about the whole business, the reading she got was higher than normal.

I have never in my life had a high BP reading – in fact, I’ve had lower than normal readings.

But now, the bastards have it on record that my blood pressure was higher than normal on Oct. 9, 2013 – and bet your bippie (and mine) that it will come back to bite me on the ass in exactly the same way that a “speeding” ticket does insofar as your car insurance premium.

Now, thank Elvis, I am not in thrall to the health insurance mafia. But if they ever do scoop me up, I have no doubt that the record of my “high” blood pressure will result in $$$$.

I discussed this with the chiropractor – and she agreed with me. Not only about that. Step 2 will be pathologizing refusal to take the test – or refusal to begin popping whatever pill they insist you must take. You’re not merely physically ill. You are sick in the head. And once they categorize you as “nuts” . . .  well, you can see where the road goes.

Meanwhile, have a look at this.

Apparently, Obamacare will tie your SS number to your IP – and thus facilitate correlation of your political views (and so on) via your web surfing history with your “healthcare.”

The termites have been busy, quietly doing their work without most of us noticing the signs of impending structural failure.

But any day now, we’re gonna step on the floor – and go right through to the basement.


  1. It was designed to cause outrage among the effeminate Public School Retards(PSR) so they demand the government take over medicine and pay for it out of taxes. The terrorists in DC are going to steal about 70% of your total income with new taxes such as a 20% VAT and $5 per gallon gas tax…Then we will be as pathetic and weak as the fucking parasitic crybaby / not-fully-human Euro-peons. Are you going to work for a living when the state terrorists are stealing 70% of your income? Are you going to work for their counterfeit dollar or whatever global counterfeit currency racket they have planned? I suspect the terrorists will kill you if refuse to be their slave. As the Fabian terrorist George Bernard Shaw says- Gently murder the useless eaters…Those that refuse to live as a slave of the state.

  2. Upon reflection, it would appear that something like Obamacare was inevitable.

    The elderly have been on Medicare for over 40 years, and they have been convinced that they’re just getting a benefit that they paid for while working—even though virtually all recouped what they paid within literally months after first drawing benefits. The rest of us pick up the difference. But it was ridiculous to see Tea Party members who were elderly say at meetings, “I don’t want socialized health care! The government better keep its hands off my Medicare!” What a disconnect.

    Don’t forget that many elders are also on Medicaid to pay nursing home bills. The bulk of payments from that program for the poor are to long-term care facilities, not to welfare mothers as many of you would think. The proportion respectively of $$$ spent is about 3/4 elderly, 1/4 single mothers now.

    Also, gaming the Medicaid system to shelter and preserve assets for heirs is still a big business for elder-law attorneys, resulting in even greater cost to the taxpayer. Despite ever tighter rules on paper designed to prevent this, most recently in 2006,, lawyers still find ways to exploit loopholes and ambiguities in the laws.

    Many people who served in the military—not just retired, but simply served, and did not necessarily have a service-related injury or illness—routinely use Veterans Administration hospitals and doctors for their medical care. The rules governing this were greatly loosened some years ago, so VA has become a de facto single-payer system for many veterans near VA facilities. Most of the vets I’ve asked about it seem happy with their care, and tend to use VA preferably to even medical insurance benefits provided by their current employer.

    Then as mentioned, there are the single mothers on Medicaid.

    Keep this key fact in mind: most of these people in the socialized medical programs we have now are pretty happy with what they have. And there’s the genesis of the pro–Obamacare feeling. If Grandma or retired sergeant Uncle is getting his medical care free or nearly free, why shouldn’t those who have no medical insurance and face bankruptcy from any catastrophe get something as well? Hard to argue with people who think that way. That’s what those of us who dislike Obamacare are up against.

    • Obamacare like Medicaid and Medicare is a step along a century long line. They are sold as a fix for the high prices. But why are there high prices? Because at the root of it all are government protected cartels. Cartels established through licensing, regulation, and tax code. These things brought to us by the wealthy’s tax free foundations and political influence.

      If we had free market health care by today it would be cheap and effective. However people consider it too important to leave to the market so it is what it is.

    • Dear ek,

      “Upon reflection, it would appear that something like Obamacare was inevitable.:

      Yes. And not just an isolated phenomenon like Obamacare, but everything.

      The universal rule is that everything invariably heads in the direction of its logical extreme. Once the “logic” of something, anything, is widely accepted, it is only a matter of time before someone calls for it.

      A relatively trivial example is “public safety.” When cigarettes were first regulated, people joked “The next thing you know, politicians are going to demand regulation of junk food intake.”

      Sure enough, Cuomo applied the “logic” on Big Gulp drinks.

      The end result of “reasonable controls” is always totalitarianism.

    • @EK – If you dig deep enough you will find that Obamacare was the sole reason the big boys put him into office. That is why neither party stopped it getting voted in, even though the public said no. It is one of the agendas ‘must do’s”. We must have a system of medical (cow) control nearly identical to Great Brittan’s. And so it shall be done.

      It will drain the economy into their pockets, restrict care, bring in the full eugenics program, and restructure the peoples genetics in the future a la Brave New World. Independent doctors or hospitals will not exist in 20 years.

      • Perhaps it is time for a rogue band of active duty oathkeepers to call an audible and launch a surprise coup and takeover of the London Square Mile?

        All the Brits have is those stupid nightsticks to fight back with, shouldn’t be any casualties of American soldiers to worry about.

      • Morning, Gary –

        I think you’re right about that – about Obama being brought forth to shepherd in Obamacare. Neither left nor right will seriously oppose him on anything… because he’s black. The Racist Trap works brilliantly here. See Ed Asner’s (of all people) recent comment. Had Hildebeast or Edwards been Dear Leader, this legislation would never have passed.

        Moreover, they were so desperate to get it passed they even suborned a Supreme Court Justice – who has some very bad skeletons rattling around in his closet.

  3. Take heart all you Helots:

    The Obamacare implosion is worse than you think

    …If enough Americans don’t join the exchanges, Obamacare collapses. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the administration needs at least 7 million people to join the exchanges for Obamacare to be financially viable. While the administration won’t reveal sign-up rates, London’s Daily Mail reported that total sign-ups in the first week were just 51,000 people. If accurate, that would mean they have just 6,949,000 more to go to break even.

    Bottom line: It turns out Obamacare is blowing itself up just fine without Republican help. Far from a few “glitches,” the president’s signature program is in free fall after only a week. But instead of focusing on the Obamacare debacle, the news is filled with stories about . . . the government shutdown. The irony is, the shutdown was intended to stop Obamacare. Instead, it is rescuing Obama from his own incompetence.

    • Morning, Gary –

      Just my coffee-addled 50:

      I believe Obamacare was designed to fail. In order to demonstrate that a “market approach” to “health care reform” isn’t viable.

      The collapse will pave the way, not for a return to what we had before – but for something much worse: Outright government-run medicine. Total, comprehensive control of anything having to do with “health” by the state. The “single payer” system.

      Bet you another cup of coffee…

      • @Eric Maybe the brain dead Obamaphones would think that was a good “free for me” idea, or like you say it will be stuffed down our throats “by law”. I don’t know. But if this roll out of the “just give us your personal info that we can use against you later” without ever getting to an actual healthcare policy, and the money wasted on corrupt / bureaucracy bloated contractors who can’t program much beyond a visual basic script are any example, no one in their right mind would opt for Generation II of the project. Gone Galt

        • Although I just read a tech article on how bad Microsoft corporate policies and technology roll outs are a self created disaster in the IT and programmer community.

          Maybe I am living in the past and idiocracy is the new normal. Are you up for a cabinet job? Because the crops are failing and all we have is Gatorade.

        • Sorry to say, MOST programmers aren’t worth shit.
          I’m “good” – and I suck. (the tool is inteded for lousy coders, but that’s no excuse, because I went to school to learn how to program. )

          Difference is, I know it and admit it. The ego of some of these guys – who CANNOT program in Java/C/C++/C#/.Net/javascript/visual basic/PHP/… think Perl is a semi-precious stone, and Python a kind of snake, and Ruby is a pretty red jewel stone… Let alone Jython, Rails, cshell, bash, awk, sed, etc. (I’m sort of conflating a little with sed and awk, but… They do get honorable mention in a lot of places, so I won’t buck tradition. 😉 )

          Now, I’ve been in “the zone” a few times with programming. My favorite was in Silk (like a java language, called ForTest). I had to do some sort of nested loops, with the two values operating indpendently, to accomplish something – too long to recall what.
          But, Loop 1 had to iterate for X cycles, and Loop 2 inside would get a value from Loop 1 to tell it the max number of iterations… But it could be 2 loops of 1, and 3 loops of loop 2 on the first Loop 1 iteration, and 5 loops of Loop 2 in the second Loop 1 iteration…
          That’s also over-simplified, there were like 6 values we were playing with. Anyway –
          I commented the %#$^ out of it, and had to revisit it two days later. I’d coded the whole logic, start to finish, within 8 hours (after a week or so trying to figure it out.)
          I couldn’t figure out what I told it to do. I could see the output, but didn’t know WHAT the HELL I’d been smoking when I wrote it, ya know?

          It was a mess.
          And compared to the developers – who couldn’t type, let alone typecast –
          The dishonesty is not only part of politicians. Not only in big corporations.
          These people are EVERYWHERE. They believe their own bullshit. And they refuse to consider there might be another option or another way to reach the same goal (usually with less cost.)

          And now, we see that it’s not just stupidity or pride: It’s intentional. It’s just building that ego, it’s a dick-swinging contest – and they’re all female, based on the measurements…

      • In Tx we have “law enforcement controlled” healthcare. When the immoral cabal of since sent to prison bunch of Republicans got a majority in the legislature they completely rewrote the entire penal code and the medical laws too. I heard of their new(at the time)”right to privacy” medical law and knew it would be just the opposite since that was the period of time where the new Republican mantle was to label something just opposite of what it was i.e., the Patriot Act. Well, I went from having no records of any sort showing to anyone in public or otherwise to having my name on a list right at the pharmacy for everyone to see just as I could see theirs. So how was this privacy. I had never known who used a pharmacy but now I only had to look and you had to sign your name there for everyone else to see to get your meds. I couldn’t believe nobody else seemed to be as incensed as I was. I did a great big “I told you so” to my wife when the state went to her pain management doc and had her thrown out before they ever charged her with a crime not remotely associated with her meds. She had had the gall to tell me “Well, everybody else has to do it” which nearly got her a poke in the eye and she knew better than to say something like that to me, hell, everybody knows not to say something like that to me. I can laugh off most everything but not something like that. I mentioned it one day to my dad and could hear him mumbling some unkind words under his breath. My mother just got a bad look on her face. This has been the ultimate insult to Texans but they still vote those scum in, and there is a better alternative many times. We have one of the strongest libertarian movements in the country here. There are workshops and Mises workshops near most people(except me).

  4. Eric,

    In light of the ongoing angst noted in your political columns, I am pleasantly surprised to learn that you do not normally suffer from hypertension. 😉

    • Thanks, Mike!

      I expect the high reading came primarily as a result of eating cold pills like Tic Tacs.

      Regardless, if I “tilt,” it’ll be on my terms – and free of any interference from Obammy.

  5. This was nice to read, “I assure you this system has zero chance of smoothly functioning by January 1, 2014.”

    Obamacare Computer Code Riddled With Typos, Latin Filler Text, Desperate Programmer Comments and Disastrous Architecture

    The author also says this:

    “And that means a massive public backlash is on the way. As the truth comes out on this, the Obama administration is going to be embarrassed like nothing else we’ve ever seen in the history of government. This failure is so monumental, so critical, and so disastrous that it discredits not just Obama but the entire socialist fantasy of government-run, centrally-planned economies. is the ultimate argument for a free market run without government interference. It epitomizes the incompetence of Washington D.C. like nothing else in history.”…

    • That IS funny, Roth! They should include the tag line: “Software design and quality control provided by the Department of Motor Vehicles.” And I’ll bet if you optimized the code and removed all the redundancy and filler, you’d just have this:

      1. Display message: “Your expected wait time is ”
      2. Display random number
      3. Display ” minutes.”
      4. Loop back to #1.

  6. Good Morning Comrades, did I miss the ObamaKare SpartaKiad?

    All travel in the USSR is controlled at every point by Intourist; The problem always is to get what you have paid for and Intourist has contracted to furnish you.

    Start by realizing that Intourist is not really a travel service in the sense in
    which Thos. Cook or American Express is. It is a bureau of the Communist
    government and its function is to get those Yankee dollars in advance, channel
    you through a fixed route, then spill you out at the far end almost as ignorant
    of their country as when you started. P. T. Barnum’s famous sign “This Way to
    the Egress” anticipated the basic Intourist principle: Get the sucker’s money
    first, then get rid of him with the least trouble to the management.

    So treat it as a game and don’t fret when you lose. Try to get a good night’s
    sleep – the bed may be awful but it will be quiet because there is almost no
    traffic – and try again the next day.

    For example: the guide is not there to guide you, the guide is there to make
    sure that you see the stadium – so try not to see a stadium anywhere in the
    Soviet Union. Surely they have stadiums; any people so devoted to “Togetherness”
    have stadiums – how else could they display ten thousand people all doing
    physical jerks at once? (A “Spartakiad”)

    But remember that your fixed cost is about $20 just to look at a stadium (with no football game thrown in) and that, in diverting you to the stadium, Intourist has kept you from seeing something of real interest, a factory, a slum area, or a school.

    Stadiums haven’t changed much since the Romans built the Coliseum; if you have
    seen Yankee Stadium, Soldiers’ Field, or the Rose Bowl – or even the football
    stands of Podunk High – you’ve seen enough empty stadiums to last a lifetime. So

    But the guide has orders that you must see the stadium; no other theory will
    account for the persistence with which all Intourist guides insist that you see
    the local stadium. If you manage to get in and out of the Soviet Union without
    visiting a stadium, award yourself the Order of Hero of Soviet Travel, First

    (We saw a lot of them – nobody had warned us.)

    Each Intourist hotel has a place called the “Service Bureau.” “Service” in this
    usage is an example of Communist semantics comparable to “co – existence,” “peace – loving,” “democratic,” etc. Here most of your battles with Intourist will take place. Second only to the passed – out drunk, the most typical sight in the
    Soviet Union is an American tourist seated in a service bureau, his expression
    getting tighter as the weary, expensive minutes trickle away.

    Intourist rarely uses the blunt refusal on this unhappy creature; instead the
    standard tactics are please – sit – down – and – wait – for – just – a – moment
    (which usually turns out to be at least an hour), I’m – sorry – but the –
    Director – is – out (and won’t return as long as you keep hanging around), come
    – back – later (when the desk will be closed), and go – to – that – desk – at –
    the – far end – of – the – room (where, after more delay and much consultation,
    you will be sent back to the desk from which you started).

    When facing this, to get part of what you have paid for (and anything over 70%
    is a triumph, with 50% par for the course) you must stick to pre – planned
    defensive tactics and never, never, never lose your temper, or you will wind up
    a fit candidate for wet packs and sedation.

    Their first weapon is politeness. You must resist this soporific politeness or
    you will not get anything.

    First – Stage Defense: Be just as polite as they are – but utterly stubborn.
    Above all, don’t sit down when invited to. If you do, this retires you from the
    game for an indefinite penalty period. Hold your ground, standing firmly against
    the desk and taking up as much space as possible – lean on it with hands spread
    wide to double your combat frontage. Say firmly and politely:

    “No, thank you, I’ll wait right here” – then monopolize that desk and clerk,
    making it impossible for business to be transacted until Intourist has honored
    your contract on the point you have raised.

    Keep talking. It does not matter what you say nor whether the clerk understands
    English – keep talking! Your purpose is to take that unit of Intourist out of
    the game until your request has been met, not with promises but with immediate
    action – whereas their purpose is to get you out of the game by persuading you
    to sit down away from the desk.

    So hold your ground and be softly, politely stubborn. Usually someone with
    authority will arrive in a few minutes and satisfy your request.

    Defense in Depth: Be prepared to simulate anger at any instant. It is much
    better to pretend to lose your temper before things have grown so unbearable
    that you actually do blow your top; it saves wear and tear on your ulcers and
    enables you to conduct your tactics more efficiently.

    (And I must say a word on behalf of Intourist employees. About three quarters of
    them are young women, girls really. They are nice people, polite, harassed,
    overworked, and underpaid. They are prisoners of a system which automatically
    frustrates the traveler, and they are more imprisoned by it than you are, for
    you will escape (we hope) on the date set forth on your exit visa. They can’t.
    These poor kids did not invent the silly red tape and mountains of useless
    paperwork and those in the lower ranks have no authority to vary from it. So don’t
    be too harsh and try not to lose your temper in fact.)

    But be prepared to simulate anger whenever the log jam does not break under the
    pianissimo tactics of the first – stage defense. When you refuse to sit down and
    wait, the clerk will sometimes turn away and ignore you.

    It is then time to throw a fit.

    You must (1) hold your blocking position, (2) make lots of noise, and (3) show
    that you are bitterly and righteously angry and cannot possibly be shut up short
    of complete satisfaction.

    Keep shouting. It helps to cuss a bit and one all – purpose word will do: “Borjemoi!”
    “My God!” – “Yah Hawchew!” – “I want it!”

    You can shout, “I want to see the Director!” – or, in Russian, “Yah Khawchew
    veedyets Direktora!” She may possibly answer, “The Director’s office (or desk)
    is over there,” but she is more likely to give you what you want rather than let
    you complain to the boss.

    But if she does, don’t move. Hold your ground, keep on being unreasonable, and
    let the boss come to you. If you let them chivvy you into his office, away from
    spectators, and you yourself sitting down and being polite, you’ve lost that
    round. The Director will be polite, apologetic, and regretful about “shortages”
    – but firmly unhelpful. The place to win is in public.

    For most of us it is not easy to be intentionally rude. I think one should never
    be impolite unnecessarily – but we can do much to uphold our national dignity
    and to improve our relations with the Soviet Union by never keeping quiet when
    we are cheated, by answering the great stubbornness of Russians by being twice
    as stubborn, and by being intentionally and loudly rude whenever Intourist
    refuses to keep its contract despite polite protest. Intourist is an integral
    part of a government with a sixty – three year record of not honoring its most solemn commitments; one must assume that its blatant cheating is planned from the top and that every employee of Intourist is schooled in his role, right down to the sweet little girl who insists that you must see the stadium.

    You may prefer to think that this horrendous swindle is merely an unintentional
    by – product of a fantastic, all embracing, and incredibly inefficient
    bureaucracy bogged down in its own red tape to the point where it can’t give
    service. Either way, a contract with Intourist works exactly like that long list
    of broken treaties. You start by making a contract with the Soviet government;
    you are required to pay in advance and in full. Then you attempt to collect what
    you have paid for – and discover that a Communist contract is worth what it
    usually is.

    “Room with bath” turns out to be without, “jet planes” become prop
    planes, guide and auto service is less than half the time you have paid for,
    dining rooms are locked at meal hours, and your extremely expensive time is
    wasted sitting, sitting, sitting in “service” bureaus.

    Unless you raise hell about it, right at the time. No use complaining later, you
    won’t get your money back.

    If neither polite stubbornness nor noisy rudeness will work, use the insult
    direct. Shake your finger in the face of the most senior official present,
    simulate extreme rage, and shout, “Nyeh Kuhl – toornee!” (“Uncultured!”) Hit
    that middle syllable and roll the r’s.

    Subordinates will turn a sickly green and pretend to be elsewhere. The official
    will come close to apoplexy – but will probably make an extreme effort to
    satisfy your demand in order to shut you up. This is the worst insult you can
    hand a Russian, one that hits him in cracks of his armor. Use it only as a last

    I do not think you will be in personal danger as the officials you will meet
    will probably not be high enough in the hierarchy to punish you for insulting
    them. But if anything goes wrong and you wind up in Siberia, please understand
    that you use it at your own risk.

    If”nyeh kuhltoornee” does not work, I have nothing more to suggest but a hot
    bath and a sedative.
    – – – – – –
    Two Careers of Robert Heinlein

    Heinlein Quotes

    “To grow old involves a process, if you’re not going to let your mind go into deep freeze, of unlearning things you used to believe.”

    “Free men aren’t ‘conditioned!’ Free men are free because they are ornery and cussed and prefer to arrive at their own prejudices in their own way–not have them spoonfed by a self-appointed mind tinkerer! We haven’t fought, our brethren haven’t bled and died, just to change bosses, no matter how sweet their motives.”

    • This was nice to read, “I assure you this system has zero chance of smoothly functioning by January 1, 2014.”

      Obamacare Computer Code Riddled With Typos, Latin Filler Text, Desperate Programmer Comments and Disastrous Architecture

      The author also says this:

      “And that means a massive public backlash is on the way. As the truth comes out on this, the Obama administration is going to be embarrassed like nothing else we’ve ever seen in the history of government. This failure is so monumental, so critical, and so disastrous that it discredits not just Obama but the entire socialist fantasy of government-run, centrally-planned economies. is the ultimate argument for a free market run without government interference. It epitomizes the incompetence of Washington D.C. like nothing else in history.”…

      • “Obamacare Computer Code Riddled With Typos, Latin Filler Text, Desperate Programmer Comments and Disastrous Architecture”

        That’s a hilarious example of what happens when your hiring is dictated by Affirmative Action preferences. The programmers are more likely to be quadruple set asiders such as “african american female lesbian veteran” than highly qualified programmers who have no multicultural value.

        The local Sam’s store in Colonial Heights (near a large Army base) suffered for years under a manger with those AA qualifications, african american female lesbian veteran. She was removed finally and replaced with some average joe who has worked in retail all his life. That store is now a good one, where it was once staffed by almost nobody who didn’t share the manager’s set aside qualifications, you can actually get service there. Rude, surly, incompetent employees have been replaced by helpful and friendly workers. Sometimes change is good.

        • Hey Ed,

          In re:

          “The programmers are more likely to be quadruple set asiders such as “african american female lesbian veteran…”

          When I was working for The Washington Times, we had one of those. A literal illiterate by the name of Debbie Simmons. She was not only made an editorial writer/columnist, she was eventually (after my time) made editorial page editor. The woman’s grammar was atrocious and her writing just as spectacularly bad. Not only that, she routinely got her facts wrong – egregiously so – and allowed them (as editor) to get into print. No repercussions. Management never did anything. All she had to do was hint at “racism” and they became Good Boys.

          This happened at a “conservative” newspaper, mind.

          • Ain’t it wonderful? Someone who shouldn’t be anywhere above circulation becoming a full department editor. Makes you wonder why those setting policy won’t just hold the line at refusing to hire such retards in the first place and spending whatever it takes on legal defense, instead of escorting the sappers to the foundations and carrying their explosives for them.


          • Economics.
            It’s cheaper to make a cheaper product, especially since most people won’t know the difference, and avoid ALL costs (monetarily).

            Money talks – bullshit walks.

  7. Comrades, who will lead the ObamaKare SpartaKiad today?

    “To grow old involves a process, if you’re not going to let your mind go into deep freeze, of unlearning things you used to believe.”

    ” ‘Free men aren’t “conditioned!” Free men are free because they are ornery and cussed and prefer to arrive at their own prejudices in their own way — not have them spoonfed by a self-appointed mind-tinkerer!’ ”

    “Man is what he is, a wild animal with the will to survive, and so far the ability, against all competitors. Unless one accepts that, anything one says about morals, war, politics — you name it — is nonsense.

    Correct morals arise from knowing what Man is — not what do-gooders and well-meaning old Aunt Nellies would like him to be.

    I ask you, if you were to step on the toes of someone who thought of himself as a wild animal with the will to survive, what would your chances be of avoiding a fight?
    –Robert Heinlein

    In 1960, Robert and Virginia Heinlein were in Alma Ata, Kazakhstan, Russia, the day, a U.S. spy plane was shot down 1500 miles inside Russian territory.

    The Heinleins were told to report to Intourist a Russian agency. They were forced to sit in the office of the local Director and put up with a long, stern, fatherly lecture on the bad behavior of the United States, culminating with this latest outrage.

    Now, there could be more than one possible way of handling an experience like that. You might sit there in silence waiting for the lecture to finally be over so that you could get on with life.

    Heinlein, instead, went ballistic. As long as the lecture seemed one more canned lecture, he was able to tolerate it. But he’d be damned if he was going to apologize for it. As he would later say, “If there is going to be any groveling done it won’t be by me.”

    Instead, he counterattacked. He threw a fit. He deliberately turned red. A vein stood out on his forehead, and he began to shout.

    As he would say: “It is much better to pretend to lose your temper before things have grown so unbearable that you actually do blow your top; it saves wear and tear on your ulcers and enables you to conduct your tactics more efficiently.”

    Heinlein out-shouted the Intourist Director with a list of American grievances against the Soviet Union. Mrs. Heinlein backed him up by pointing out the location of Soviet slave labor camps on a map hanging in the office.

    Then Heinlein delivered the clincher. He shook his finger in the official’s face, and he shouted, “Nyeh khul-toorrrnee!”, hitting the middle syllable and rolling the r.

    That was the most devasting putdown he knew in Russian. But then, as Heinlein would say in recommending similar behavior to other Americans traveling in Russia: “In a bully-boy society often nothing but bullying will work.”

    And with that, he and Mrs. Heinlein went stomping indignantly out of the office and made their way back to their hotel.

    Heinlein often went directly from zero to sixty and came to his feet — beginning with icy rejection, passing without a pause through dismissive rudeness, and culminating in barely contained rage.

    It was so sudden, aggressive and final that the recipients were usually set back on their heels by it. This is something they’ve rarely run into before and may never encountered again.

    Don’t consider yourself above using a social tactic in getting your way. Sometimes the only way to beat them is to outplay them at their own games. Bureaucrats and officials have a flexible and self-serving notion of what it means to tell the truth. So should you when forced to deal with them.

    Even the most arrogant official usually suffers from an inferiority complex when faced with a free-thinking citizen who doesn’t follow their rules and commands.

    Pravda Means Truth

    Heinlein’s Two Careers – The Joke is on Us

    Heinlein – Expanded Universe

    The real problem in Russia is always to get what you have paid for. Start by realizing that Intourist is not really a travel service.

    It is a bureau of the government and its function is to get your dollars in advance, channel you through a fixed route, then spill you out at the far end almost as ignorant of their country as when you started.

    P. T. Barnum’s famous sign “This Way to the Egress” anticipated the basic Intourist principle: Get the sucker’s money first, then get rid of him with the least trouble to the management.

    So treat it as a game and don’t fret when you lose. Try to get a good night’s sleep – and try again the next day.

    For example: the guide is not there to guide you, the guide is there to make sure that you see the stadium – so try not to see a stadium anywhere in the Soviet Union.

    Surely they have stadiums; any people so devoted to “Togetherness” have stadiums – how else could they display ten thousand people all doing physical jerks at once? – Doing a Spartakiad?

    But remember that your fixed cost is about $20 just to look at a stadium (with no football game thrown in) and that,
    in diverting you to the stadium, Intourist has kept you from seeing something of real interest, a factory, a slum area, or a school.

    Stadiums haven’t changed much since the Romans built the Coliseum; if you have seen Yankee Stadium, Soldiers’ Field, or the Rose Bowl – or even the football stands of Podunk High – you’ve seen enough empty stadiums to last a lifetime. So refuse!

    But the guide has orders that you must see the stadium; no other theory will account for the persistence with which all Intourist guides insist that you see the local stadium. If you manage to get in and out of the Soviet Union without
    visiting a stadium, award yourself the Order of Hero of Soviet Travel, First Class.

    (We saw a lot of them – nobody had warned us.)

    Each Intourist hotel has a place called the “Service Bureau.” “Service” in this usage is an example of Communist semantics comparable to “co – existence,” “peace – loving,” “democratic,” etc. Here most of your battles with Intourist will take place.

    Second only to the passed-out drunk, the most typical sight in the Soviet Union is an American tourist seated in a service bureau, his expression getting tighter as the weary, expensive minutes trickle away.

    Intourist rarely uses the blunt refusal on this unhappy creature; instead the standard tactics are please – sit – down – and – wait – for – just – a – moment (which usually turns out to be at least an hour), I’m – sorry – but the –
    Director – is – out (and won’t return as long as you keep hanging around), come – back – later (when the desk will be closed), and go – to – that – desk – at – the – far end – of – the – room (where, after more delay and much consultation,
    you will be sent back to the desk from which you started).

    When facing this, to get part of what you have paid for (and anything over 70% is a triumph, with 50% par for the course) you must stick to pre-planned defensive tactics and never, never, never lose your temper, or you will wind up a fit candidate for wet packs and sedation.

    Their first weapon is politeness. You must resist this soporific politeness or you will not get anything.

    First – Stage Defense: Be just as polite as they are – but utterly stubborn.

    Above all, don’t sit down when invited to. If you do, this retires you from the game for an indefinite penalty period. Hold your ground, standing firmly against the desk and taking up as much space as possible – lean on it with hands spread wide to double your combat frontage. Say firmly and politely:

    “No, thank you, I’ll wait right here” – then monopolize that desk and clerk, making it impossible for business to be transacted until Intourist has honored your contract on the point you have raised.

    Keep talking. It does not matter what you say nor whether the clerk understands English – keep talking! Your purpose is to take that unit of Intourist out of the game until your request has been met, not with promises but with immediate action – whereas their purpose is to get you out of the game by persuading you to sit down away from the desk.

    So hold your ground and be softly, politely stubborn. Usually someone with authority will arrive in a few minutes and satisfy your request.

    Defense in Depth: Be prepared to simulate anger at any instant. It is much better to pretend to lose your temper before things have grown so unbearable that you actually do blow your top; it saves wear and tear on your ulcers and enables you to conduct your tactics more efficiently.

    (And I must say a word on behalf of Intourist employees. About three quarters of them are young women, girls really. They are nice people, polite, harassed, overworked, and underpaid.

    They are prisoners of a system which automatically frustrates the traveler, and they are more imprisoned by it than you are, for you will escape (we hope) on the date set forth on your exit visa. They can’t.

    These poor kids did not invent the silly red tape and mountains of useless paperwork and those in the lower ranks have no authority to vary from it. So don’t be too harsh and try not to lose your temper in fact.)

    But be prepared to simulate anger whenever the log jam does not break under the pianissimo tactics of the first – stage defense. When you refuse to sit down and wait, the clerk will sometimes turn away and ignore you.

    It is then time to throw a fit.

    You must (1) hold your blocking position, (2) make lots of noise, and (3) show that you are bitterly and righteously angry and cannot possibly be shut up short
    of complete satisfaction.

    Keep shouting. It helps to cuss a bit and one all – purpose word will do: “Borjemoi!” This is a phonetic approximation of two words meaning “My God!” – which is merely an expression of disgust in this atheistic society. Another good phrase is “Yah Hawchew!” which is the abrupt way of saying “I want it!” (The polite idiom is “Mnyeh Khawchettsuh.”)

    You can shout, “I want to see the Director!” – or, in Russian, “Yah Khawchew veedyets Direktora!” She may possibly answer, “The Director’s office (or desk) is over there,” but she is more likely to give you what you want rather than let
    you complain to the boss.

    But if she does, don’t move. Hold your ground, keep on being unreasonable, and let the boss come to you. If you let them chivvy you into his office, away from spectators, and you yourself sitting down and being polite, you’ve lost that round. The Director will be polite, apologetic, and regretful about “shortages” – but firmly unhelpful. The place to win is in public.

    For most of us it is not easy to be intentionally rude. I think one should never be impolite unnecessarily – but we can do much to uphold our national dignity and to improve our relations with the Soviet Union by never keeping quiet when we are cheated, by answering the great stubbornness of Russians by being twice as stubborn, and by being intentionally and loudly rude whenever Intourist
    refuses to keep its contract despite polite protest.

    Intourist is an integral part of a government with a forty – three year record (now 63 years – R.A.H.) of not honoring its most solemn commitments; one must assume that its blatant cheating is planned from the top and that every employee of Intourist is schooled in his role, right down to the sweet little girl who insists that you must see the stadium.

    You may prefer to think that this horrendous swindle is merely an unintentional by – product of a fantastic, all embracing, and incredibly inefficient bureaucracy bogged down in its own red tape to the point where it can’t give
    service. Either way, a contract with Intourist works exactly like that long list of broken treaties. You start by making a contract with the Soviet government; you are required to pay in advance and in full.

    Then you attempt to collect what you have paid for – and discover that a Communist contract is worth what it usually is. “Room with bath” turns out to be without, “jet planes” become prop planes, guide and auto service is less than half the time you have paid for, dining rooms are locked at meal hours, and your extremely expensive time is wasted sitting, sitting, sitting in “service” bureaus.

    Unless you raise hell about it, right at the time. No use complaining later, you won’t get your money back.

    If neither polite stubbornness nor noisy rudeness will work, use the insult direct. Shake your finger in the face of the most senior official present, simulate extreme rage, and shout, “Nyeh Kuhl – toornee!” (“Uncultured!”) Hit
    that middle syllable and roll the r’s.

    Subordinates will turn a sickly green and pretend to be elsewhere. The official will come close to apoplexy – but will probably make an extreme effort to satisfy your demand in order to shut you up. This is the worst insult you can
    hand a Russian, one that hits him in cracks of his armor. Use it only as a last resort.

    I do not think you will be in personal danger as the officials you will meet will probably not be high enough in the hierarchy to punish you for insulting them. But if anything goes wrong and you wind up in Siberia, please understand
    that you use it at your own risk.

    If”nyeh kuhltoornee” does not work, I have nothing more to suggest but a hot bath and a sedative.

  8. “And once they categorize you as “nuts” . . . well, you can see where the road goes”

    They will chemically lobotomize you in one of their psych terror camps. The State Terrorists can already “legally” kidnap you for 30 days and hold you in their TerrorState(TM) psych wards for whatever reason they want. They are already doing this.

    • That’s exactly where this is headed.

      And I’ve now had confirmation from several others that this new “check your BP” regime is becoming SOP at all doctors’ offices – even dentists’ offices.

      An order appear to have come down from on high.

      Next, they’d demand you answer questions about firearms ownership and your attitude toward authority.

      • Use an Arkansas Tooth Pick to clean your nails, and say, “No, I don’t own any firearms, why do you ask?”

        Then do be polite and ignore the wet stain running down their pants leg… 😀

  9. Yep, I miss the old Gonzo myself, and all his fear and loathing reports. Hunter didn’t feel your pain, he felt his own fear and loathing and laid it on us in a way that we felt it too.

    ‘Course then he’d get drunk as Cooter Brown and start shooting his .44mag off the deck of his house, out into the canyon. Shit, that’s as good a way as any to wake up the neighbors….

  10. With this healthKare Kristallnacht ongoing, you’ll want to quickly become literate in reading between the lines of the Gestapo and their forms. You’ll have to live between their lines too.

    Goodbye chivalry, hello shiv-alry. Start from the assumption every minority, poor person, woman, metrosexual, old person, christian, authority figure, is a 33rd degree nurse ratched mason of misery.

    My philosophical comrades: I try to write things that make you “uncomfortable”, and “shock you.” You deserve to read things written simply, things blunt, unexpected, and honest, that seek out core principal truths though flawed and unrefined in their presentation.

    Truth – instead of the “comfortable” pablum that is usually fed to people, by run-of-the-mill talking heads one meets everywhere. Thankfully there are many options for you if you are looking forward to hearing some “Rah-Rah, we got’em on the run boys!” nonsense.

    Often, I hear “why” aren’t Americans doing as well as the Greek Golden Dawners or the Mexican Yo Soy 132 Mexican Spring. How are they so popular, actually winning elections and concessions, and even conducting “Social Programs” for their fellow Aryan Greeks and Rebel Mexicans?

    How is it possible, that everywhere else there are huge turnouts and successful funding drives – unlike here in America, where a couple dozen people is a “huge” affair, or a few hundred dollars is an amazingly successful funding event?

    I’ve been in contact with some members of Golden Dawn and YoSoy132 on Reddit for a few months now, and have had discussions about these very facts, as well as others which I won’t go into at this time.

    They are greatly confused and astounded by the “state of the American Movements” as I related my observations, thinking that because of America’s wealth and technological advantages – that American protests would be far more successful than they are unfortunately.

    Like most people on planet earth, they have been taken in by the “facade” and not the substance of the American Struggle – which as we all know is a total scam hollow shell – more of a boogeyman media creation than any kind of credible threat to anyone or anything.

    Well no threat except for perhaps a few who are more of a danger to themselves by their silly, irresponsible, easily traceable over the top actions and behaviors.

    They are well funded bare knuckled “dissident, protest groups” – of the type that are sore needed here. Ones that actually exert asymmetrical political pressure.

    Ones who more than just a “voice in the streets” – people take seriously. Their real success stories have gotten to the point, where I envy their success, and wish we had sizable third, fourth, and fifth parties, like everywhere else that isn’t a police state.

    Why are they such a success story – and America’s story such a steaming pile of disappointing crap? It’s the people involved. When calls are made for adherents to take a certain action, fund a certain purpose or appear at a certain gathering – they show up and get it done.

    Unlike here, our Greek and Latino Comrades actually believe strongly enough that they make it high priority over most other things going on in their lives. They display an admirable commitment to what most of us here in the U.S. only give lip-service to.

    Of course, gaining converts, and winning adherents takes money – anything in life costs a “price” if it’s seriously worthwhile – and unlike the PTB in their country they have no, zero, wealthy money bags standing buy to toss money at them from overflowing pockets of corrupt grifters.

    They are well funded by their rank and file who actually put their money where their mouths are. One guy from Michoacan said he actually sold his home to help finance the movement and moved in with his family.

    It’s not that dire here yet, but it’s like pulling teeth to get a few measly greenbacks pried out of our hands it seems.

    Is it really that hard that most of us might make a measly pledge of 33 Cents a Day or something? I hate wasting money on the political method like everyone else, but I feel like I’m running out of options quickly.

    It’s not that hard to forgo some small “goodie” that gives me a little momentary pleasure now and then. Instead of stopping at the “fast food” drive-thru.

    Why not stop at home or pack and freaking peanut-butter sandwich and use the saved money to pay for the struggles I’m always ranting about. What else is there to say about that?

    In summation fully functional Americans are rapidly becoming the emasculated dickless wonder laughingstocks of the entire world.

    Mostly due to lack of commitment and of standing together right now in the late beginning while it’s relatively painless.

    Find some way to take a moment to get seriously involved financially or timewise and spend the other 99.8% of your effort doing whatever it is you enjoy, knowing you paid the piper and called your own tune.

    Don’t waste a second or a cent on anything out of fantasyland of costumes and silly “street theater” stunts geared towards posing for mainstream media and their always negative “publicity” – instead, put your so-called cause before the other trivial things of life or at least near the top of your personal hobby priority list.

    Time is running out for America – do any of you disagree with that statement? It could have been “done”, years ago – much more easily, and simply.

    But nearly all of us averted our eyes and minds, and found “reasons” for putting off any brief but serious involvement, to the point where we’re all scroogled at present.

    How much farther will I let things go – before I make a small commitment to meaningful action, thought, and contribution of resources, and yes, maybe even my life to achieve these ideals I’ve been touting for so long?

    I know my answer, only you know yours. Continuing to put off doing – what needs to be done – by “somebody”, will ultimately mean my future will no longer be in my own hands, I’ve just recently lost control of my health care. Am I ready to “do what it takes” to regain ascendancy over myself and what’s mine?

    On all sides more and more, I’m surrounded by my enemies, who are increasing in charge. Many of you may have big old “big screen TVs”, and impressive collections of plastic “treasures”, and oodles of out of date trinkets.

    I have less than some, but more than I need, and I regret my earlier mindless materialism I pursued instead of my supposed sacred ideals.

    I’m done using my “wife” and my “lifestyle” as an excuse. I’ve quit using my “friends” and “family” as an excuse. I’m done attempting to use anything as an excuse anymore – I know something needs to be done. The time of excuses is over. Golden Dawn and the Yo Soy 132 Mexican Spring have shown me that it can be done – as long as I want to do it.

    I chose to cut a small corner and contribute a little and take the plunge into voluntary social cooperation that might help me far beyond its minor cost and inconvenience.

    Back on my original topic, if there’s forms required to fill, questions required to answer, I don’t need it, I’ll drop whatever is, walk away, never return.

    I don’t humor them, or reminisce about pre-Reichstag days with them. I’ll never willingly surrender to those skeletal “they live” demons for one second. See them, say nothing. Smell them. Know them. Loathe them. Shun them.

    They’re posting on these pages. They’re lurking here and never contribute a comment of a few dollars. They’re outside your window.

    They blather on and on in generalities and the second person about nothing. They’re dead people who don’t know that they’re dead.

    Look at this thing. I hope it’s time travel watch malfunctions and it explodes after its speech.

    Why is there always a wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man behind them flailing and bowing, like you see at a car dealership?

    I have not one common chromosone with this dried out boney husk droning on in second person clover double speak and imitating a human female.

    I wish HST was here to articulate this new horror chapter we have begun. He really had their number.

    • See them, kill them.
      “I don’t humor them, or reminisce about pre-Reichstag days with them. I’ll never willingly surrender to those skeletal “they live” demons for one second. See them, say nothing, kill them. Smell them, hunt them. Know them. Loathe them. Shun them their company, and the company of their minions.”

      That’s better… 🙂 Make “They Live” into “They’ll Die”

  11. Please consider being polite and gentle with the office help and nurses, even if you need to be assertive and refuse information or even treatment. The office help and nurses do not make the rules, and need their jobs as much as anyone else. Being nice to them will help you continue to receive the best care they can provide.

    On the other hand, there ARE a few nasty, vindictive persons out there in any line of work. If you piss those people off, you might find your mandatory form filled out with all sorts of bogus stuff… oh wait… you WON’T find out, most likely, or at least not until the damage is done. They CAN write anything in there they want, remember, and you have little or no recourse. Think about that.

    If you have problems with a medical professional, you have an absolute right to refuse to give information, to refuse treatment or diagnostic procedures. You also have the right to take your business elsewhere. Obummercare might make that difficult, but there is usually no reason you need to see ANYONE.

    I spent 30 years as a professional nurse. I’m 67 years old, and broke my back in two places in 1963. I have not seen any doctor or other healthcare provider for any reason in the last 8 years. I take no medicine of any kind. Unless I spring a big leak or break something serious, I don’t intend to do so. I finally decided that I was done with doctors and would take care of myself. As someone said above, I’ll probably live a lot longer that way anyhow.

    Most people use far, far too much medicine (even herbs and supplements) and see a doctor or other provider far, far more than necessary.

    Learn and follow a sensible diet (many variations are perfectly good), as free of chemicals and pollutants as possible. This means little or no processed foods of any kind. Not easy, but it can be done. Next, learn to manage your stress and work to remove as much of it as possible from your life. Stress is the actual killer, and the root cause of most disease, especially things like heart problems and diabetes. The other usual advice is easy to understand. Exercise, have fun, and sleep well (stress is the major problem here too).

    Learn to deal with your minor health issues yourself, with the view toward eliminating them. A healthy immune system is the best preventative for cancer and infections of all kinds.

    • Please consider being polite and gentle with the office help and nurses, even if you need to be assertive and refuse information or even treatment. The office help and nurses do not make the rules, and need their jobs as much as anyone else. Being nice to them will help you continue to receive the best care they can provide.

      That’s a bad idea, because that is precisely why the people behind the scenes send out mugginses like that to cop the flak – or divert the flak. It’s the thinking “you wouldn’t kick a puppy, would you?”.

      Well, once you realise that that is the game, the only way to cope is to knock all those intermediaries out of the way, one at a time, as the people behind the scenes keep setting up a tag team of them. Each of the mugginses will be sincerely astonished to find that they have prepared to meet you on the basis of briefing material that is simply wrong, and just won’t believe that, when they report back, that won’t change things but will just get the next tag team member sent out. So you have to keep kicking the puppies until the culprits run out of puppies (or they wear you down); it is not true that “[b]eing nice to them will help you continue to receive the best care they can provide”, because they are being sent out with bad instructions precisely so that their “best” isn’t really the best for you but for those who send them out as cannon fodder. It isn’t their fault they are cannon fodder, but wearing them out is your only way forward.

      It’s worth your while finding that part of Heinlein’s biographical essays in which he discusses how he dealt with Soviet bureaucracy as a tourist. In particular, don’t be reasonable and never let them make you take a seat and wait while they sort things out; instead, hang on like grim death.

      • @PM – Exactly right. The grinning bastards in the back room smoking the Cuban cigars will never show their faces. At least not to us prols, unless we are their waiters or whores. Those real Americans that are left need to stand up and say no, and mean it. No matter what the threats of retaliation. Otherwise we are no better than 1700’s black slaves on a boat saying “Toby be good” and beg massa not to take our food and blankets. Let them eat cake? No, let them eat resistance until our stolen heritage is put back.

        A good explanation and what one man is doing about it here:

      • You are full of it. By that standard, the grocery store clerks are responsible for whatever Monsanto is doing.

        The point was that, if you are truly concerned with what goes into your records, it is best not to piss off those who have the power to do bad things to them – even though most of them don’t, and won’t. You can’t tell ahead of time, usually.

        The best idea, which I spent the most time on, is not going into the doctor’s office to start with. That’s the only way you have any control over it… not by being nasty to the help.

        • No, I am not full of it, because it simply isn’t true that “[b]y that standard, the grocery store clerks are responsible for whatever Monsanto is doing”. The whole point I was trying to bring out there was that the culprits sometimes – perhaps often – use a human shield approach, that the puppies they send out are not responsible, and the culprits gain when you refrain from kicking the puppies because you know it isn’t their fault. By that standard, the grocery store clerks are not responsible for whatever Monsanto is doing – but they are part of the problem rather than part of the solution, so it does make sense to kick them away even though it isn’t their fault. It’s even possible that the overall outcome could end up more ethical too, if it stops puppies being set up like that (it’s not us who are setting them up, using them as means to ends, but we do encourage it by not kicking those puppies).

          As for “[t]he point was that, if you are truly concerned with what goes into your records, it is best not to piss off those who have the power to do bad things to them – even though most of them don’t, and won’t”, that was your point. My point was to bring out something you missed and are still missing: the only way to cope with those tactics is to kick the puppies out of the way, because otherwise the culprits succeed in halting you. If they succeed, they get just precisely what they are after that you think is a solution, “[t]he best idea, which I spent the most time on, is not going into the doctor’s office to start with” – they succeed in keeping you from getting the things you want from doctor’s offices, and so on. The only way to get a result when they throw out a human shield is to break the shield and then do the business you were there for.

          That is not advice to be gratuitously “nasty to the help”, it is advice to recognise those situations when they are part of the problem and not “help” at all, even if they think they are, and not waste time and effort playing into the culprits’ hands but instead to kick the puppies out of the way. The key feature isn’t “kick the puppies” but “out of the way”.

          You might think it is more ethical to explain things to the puppies in front of you so that they get out of the way of their own accord. But that doesn’t work, because if those particular ones get it they just get replaced and you get the same again from a fresh lot, in a tag team. I once kicked up a fuss in a supermarket because damaged tins hadn’t been removed from shelves and could cause food poisoning. The manager came and sorted it out, but also told me I could have got that done without upsetting his staff. He was wrong; that was about the third time I had raised the issue, only it was the first time I had ever got the manager’s attention rather than puppies who had been trained that their job was to make the customers’ complaints go away by schmoozing them rather than fix the bloody problem!

          • Ed, clock that little bitch for me too. And then tell her what for. Huh? she’ll say, and then you know you’ve made your point. If somebody had whacked me and then said Monsanto you SOB, I wouldn’t have needed any further explanation. There probably is a way to educate the public, oh hell, it’s an easy way….but it ain’t gonna happen cause Monsanto, Bayer and the rest own the MSM lock stock and barrel…..just ask(ast) the Supremes.

          • Ed, It’s not all for naught, she’ll thank you someday since her insurance ain’t worth shit but the store insurance against assault on their employees will cover it all plus the baby she had a few seconds later. A silver lining to every cloud eh? Jean, the seat please.

          • I know these replies are somewhat tongue in cheek, but I still think I should repeat this:-

            That is not advice to be gratuitously “nasty to the help”, it is advice to recognise those situations when they are part of the problem and not “help” at all …

            Remember, when I tried to get the puppies to fix the spoiled goods problem I mentioned, I started out by being polite. It was only once I realised that they were going to keep those on the shelves that I realised I should kick up a scene (and incidentally hurt their feelings) to get rid of them and get the responsible manager out there.

            So don’t just hurt the Monsanto staff just like that. Only do that once you know you’re getting the tag team human shield treatment to keep the right thing from being done. I would much rather hurt their feelings than let a risk of food poisoning continue.

          • Dear ML, PM,

            I would argue that it is not necessary to agree on a single approach.

            The principle of the free market place applies here as well.

            A variety of approaches can be tested out in the field. What works will gradually gain street cred, and can be adopted by others.

            Many factional disputes within the liberty movement are like this. Much of the bitter controversy is unnecessary.

          • @ Ed
            October 14, 2013 at 8:34 pm
            (also for everyone else)
            Two details to remember:
            1. As the sensei said, when watching me try to keep up with the 25-year-olds – “I don’t even try, if they get out of line, I just stick a finger in their eye.” Superior force + age (wisdom & patience) + treachery = very unhappy young’un. (Find a copy of “Tough Guys” – two train robbers who finally got out of prison into a world that had no use for them… Along the way, they foil a bank robbery, beat up a bunch of ruffians who try to mug them, and deal with an old hit man – hit man being comic relief. Good, semi-violent escapist fun. 😉 )
            2. The “don’t kick the Puppies” works both ways. Dating a nurse, I hear REAL horror stories about sweet, cute, little old ladies – who would beat the SHIT out of the nursing staff. They were STRONG, too, I’m told.
            So use your “age” and “infirmity” to your advantage. Walk with a cane? Nice baton or short staff, and leaves nice imprints on a person’s skull. They want to be ornery and aggressive? Show them what that REALLY means.
            And even if they DO beat on you, finally – what’s the value in beating up an old man with a cane? They’ll feel lousy afterwards even if they win. 😉 Leave some mental scars either way…

            Most people aren’t forceful, assertive, or aggressive. Control the frame, and you can escalate as necessary – and the lesser animal will back down. Just make sure you’re NOT the lesser animal. You EARNED your status: USE it. Whether outcast, socialite, or nobody, it can work for you: Outcasts can play Bikers, socialites drop names (or shmooze with managers), nobodies disappear after minor violence and no one can find them… You get the idea.

            And if all else fails, you can still poke a finger in their eyes. 😉

          • don’t know about oz, but grocers & the medico mafia cartel are not apples to apples here. yet.

            since the grocery biz is still something of a market operation, dependent on customers, there is responsiveness.

            medico has “patients”, not customers. medico hasn’t patience, or much time. but, the livestock in its corrals do, or are expected to go along, to get along.


            i’ve been “fired” by three docs. they were wholly indifferent to the bit of resource extraction rights i represented to them. they never signed up for hard rock mining, & not me, or anybody else, was going to make them work that hard.

            i’ve fired more docs than that, myself. a friend of mine has a much more impressive record.

            the medico cartel-rentier “puppies” are analogous to the thin blue line muscle (& the thicker camo line behind it) of the queen-mother egg-layer in d.c (district of cartel). here in amerika, whatever might be gotten out of kicking them, it’s something other than is being argued.

  12. Eric, I recently had a similar experience myself, at my dental clinic when I came in for my semiannual cleaning/checkup. Got in the dentists’ chair, and after a few common dental-related questions, she got out the blood pressure cuff. Being taken off guard, and at a dental clinic where I’d been going for more than ten years, I complied, since it had been a year since I’d had my BP taken and figured ‘why not’. And like you, I got a high reading for the first time in my life (my BP is usually a little below normal); probably because I don’t like going to the dentist (who does?) and was a little stressed. I asked her why the new BP check, and she replied something along the lines of “because a lot of people don’t go to a doctor and so never get their BP checked, but more people have regular dental checkups, so we’re screening for this now”. Afterwards I cursed myself for not saying ‘no’ to this, but now I suspect that a refusal will also go on your Permanent Record–with consequences down the road. And where does this road lead? Just read “1984”, “Brave New World”, and “The Gulag Archipelago”.

    • @Omega: I was at the dentist yesterday, and the same thing: the BP check is first thing they do now. I suspect they’re all doing it now. We wanted socialized medicine as a country, and that’s what we’re getting. Every doctor is now another bureaucrat.

      Of course if we ever get that “single payer system” that Kathleen Sebelius REALLY wants, we may have to startpulling our own teeth, like the Brits.

        • Yeah, probably a poor choice of words, Ed — what I meant by ‘we’ was the USSA. Obviously nobody on this site wanted it. But the COUNTRY must have — otherwise it wouldn’t have reelected Obummer in 2012 by a wide margin.

          • Depends on one’s point of view, I suppose. IMO, electoral politics are as believable as pro-wrestling. I don’t think a president has actually been elected since before Lincoln.

            Look at how the idea that our form of government is a democracy has been promoted. There’s plenty of bullshit to go around and most of it doesn’t come from ranches.

          • I totally agree, Ed. We don’t have any real choice in our so-called democracy. It’s like offering a diabetic a choice between Coke and Pepsi — both are really bad choices and will only cause him trouble. What about a nice glass of water? Sorry, that option isn’t available!

            Still, there were a lot of people who drank the Obama Hope and Change Kool-aid in ’08 and ’12. They really thought a new day was dawning, and their community activist president was going to end the wars and solve the healthcare “problem.” Judging by the number of Obama bumper stickers I see around here, a lot of them are still Keeping the Faith. “Hope” springs eternal, I guess. To them I say, enjoy your death panels and ration boards!

          • Robert, I didn’t participate in ’08 but BO said all the right things. Most of that was “no more war”, a lament that’s always popular. Only the truly brainwashed want war and this fairly much described the Republican party and it’s supporters. They’d been working on demonizing Islam since RR’s venture into SA didn’t stir up much antipathy toward poor, brown people….but mean, despicable, radical, camel riding, AK toting goat herders is another thing, esp. after a couple decades of demonizing and then the false flag shit of 01. in 2012, people were fairly much learned up so huge amounts didn’t vote and that’s how we got BO again. I don’t really believe it would be any better with Mitt but I did experiment by voting Libertarian. Well, it’s always an experiment….ain’t it?

          • Yes, Eight, O said the right things in 2008, and I definitely liked the antiwar part. But he has turned out to be a total fraud on that count. If he’d really been even a tad more peace-oriented than Dubya, I’d have at least RESPECTED him. But he just picked up the Bush agenda and put his name on it.

            In short, NOTHING changed. That didn’t really surprise me, but it bugged the heck out of me that all these people with the antiwar and Obama/Biden bumper stickers, all these celebrities endlessly pontificating about the evils of war — apparently none of them noticed! Instead they just changed the subject. Heard any anti-war speeches from Susan Sarandon or Michael Moore lately? Neither have I.

  13. Oliver Stone tells the Unto1d History of the United States

    Episode 1 – World War II

    Other episodes are accessible by clicking their thumbnails below the video player
    Episode 2 – Roosevelt, Truman & Wallace
    Episode 3 – The Bomb
    Episode 4 – The Cold War: 1945-1950
    Episode 5 – The ’50s: Eisenhower, The Bomb & The 3rd World
    Episode 6 – JFK: To The Brink
    Episode 7 – Vietnam, LBJ, Nixon & Third World: Reversal of Fortune
    Episode 8 – Reagan, Gorbachev & Third World: Revival of Fortune
    Episode 9 – Bush & C1inton: Squandered Peace

    Episode 10 – Bush & Obama: Age of Terr0r

    Glenn Greenwald “You may not agree with all of it, but the series is provocative and worthwhile.”

  14. Oh, and I think he said “they” can garnish your wages as well.

    Dang I wish I’d written down what he said.
    We’ll all find out for sure soon enough, I guess.

  15. A man I trust to be honest told me he read an official D.O.D. letter sent to a unitedstate soldier. The letter specifically spelled out the consequences of failing to pay the fine for not getting obombacare if that person is unwilling, yet is able to pay.

    If your tax return is not enough to cover the fine, they put a lien on your house. I think he said ‘car’ too, if you don’t have a house, but I forget for sure.

    So I wonder, when “they” come to take it, will it be the local Sheriff, or the IRS goons with guns, or both?

    Does a lien of this type take a long time to process?
    Does it automatically lead to foreclosure?
    If so, I imagine that type of foreclosure would be fast-tracked with no appeal.

    I should have asked about the dates, but didn’t.

    If the first fines aren’t due until Spring 2014, will homeowers be through the lien/foreclosure process by the Fall of 2014 and “they” will begin to take refuseniks homes just in time for Christmas 2014?

    Or, are the first fines due in Spring 2015?
    It would be just like them to spread the consequences out far away from the implementation date of Obombacare.

    • Rothbard, there is a lot of deliberate misinformation circulating about Obamacare. Please mark my words: Obamacare is bad enough without spreading lies about it that can be easily debunked. In fact, I’d be inclined to say that some of these accounts have been made up and posted by people in favor of the law to make those against it look like crazy liars.

      The soldier more than likely qualifies for Veterans Administration health benefits in the first place, so no provision of Obamacare for the uninsured really directly applies to him. Every acquaintance of mine who ever was in the military has gravitated toward the VA as primary health care provider since the laws governing that were loosened years ago. So why did your soldier friend have such a letter in the first place? Why would DoD issue or post such a letter knowing that few soldiers would be subject to its supposed provisions? Okay, spouses and children, maybe, but not the soldiers themselves.

      Let’s assume you don’t already have insurance. The mandate says you must do so. But the law explicitly states that for not buying health insurance, the IRS cannot fine you directly, garnishee your bank accounts, or place leins on your property. Nor can the feds suspend your driver’s license for not buying medical insurance, since the state, not the feds, issues the license. All the IRS can do—for now, but this could change if the law changes—is to withhold or deduct from your income tax refund. Even the IRS has publicly admitted this.

      The mandatory period has not begun yet. The idea that fines and penalties are being assessed now is ridiculous. If you opt out, you could always opt in again later. The absolute deadline for getting a plan was just announced as 15 February 2013, so no penalty action can take place before then. This date was announced to ensure plans are in effect by the absolute deadline of 31 March 2013.

      Most people still cannot get through on the main quotation/signup website. The powers that be cannot keep up with the public response, let alone do anything with it. One radio news story put the portion of those who were able to complete the form and get it to go through on the site as possibly as low as 1%. Again, the idea that penalties are somehow being assessed now is absurd. The authorities won’t be able to keep up for a long time, and probably not until long after the deadline of 15 February 2013.

      But there are claims—one placed by a man on Fakebook—that the IRS contacted him by e-mail that evening after he went on the Obamacare site and was quoted unaffordable premiums and a high deductible for his insurance. News flash: the IRS never initiates contact by phone or e-mail: only by snail mail. The harassing phone calls come later if you owe taxes, but first contact is always by mail. That’s for starters and shows his claim as bogus.

      If premiums cost more than 8% of your income, then plans are deemed “unaffordable” and you are exempted from buying insurance. That man had claimed quoted premiums well above 8% of his income. He also claimed that he was quoted a deductible of over $11,000 per year in the “only” plan that was available to him because he had diabetes. Obamacare gives everyone a choice of four plans: bronze, silver, gold, platinum. And the most out-of-pocket anyone is supposed to be for medical expenses under any of these plans—even the worst—after deductibles and copays is a bit over $6,000. His claims as circulating on the Internet just do not hold water. And then comes the bogus claim about the IRS e-mail “that evening” after opting out.

      Let’s deal with facts here. The reality of Obamacare is more than bad enough. It isn’t necessary to make up or spread bullshit that is easily debunked and makes Obamacare’s opponents look stupid.

      This kind of stuff reminds me of the e-mail advocating tort reform that went around some years ago. It was supposedly from a woman lawyer with a law firm in Ohio talking about crazy jury verdicts.

      The first of several outrageous cases was one about a man named Grazinsky who bought a new Winnebage motorhome, set the cruise control at high speed on an Interstate in Oklahoma, and left the driver’s seat to go in the back to make coffee. The motorhome wrecks. He sues Winnebago over his injuries and losses, and a jury supposedly awards him $1 million plus a new Winnebago motorhome.

      The problem is that this case and the other howlers in the e-mail never happened. (Winnebago has had a disclaimer on its website saying the tale is bogus.) The lawyer and law firm did not exist. Draw your own conclusions about who would have concocted such an e-mail and what their motives might have been. Note that we still have silly jury awards and still need tort reform—so there was no need to make up phony cases.

      Nor should we spread bogus stuff about Obamacare. Tell the truth about it. That’s more than bad enough.

  16. If they just now are figuring out how to tie IP to individual we have less to worry about than we think… They don’t need ObomberCare enrollees to do this. Got a drivers license? Correctly fill out a census form? Your ISP knows who you are and where you live. Once government installed their blades into the ISP’s this is a no-brainer.

    Everyone’s prosecution will include their social profile.

    • @oooorgle- This article was written in 2008. Got any apps on your smartphone or PC? It can go far beyond MAC and IP addresses.

      How To Get Hardware Information (CPU ID, MainBoard Info, Hard Disk Serial, System Information , …)

      For numerous reasons, you may need to access system hardware information. One example is when you have created a software and you want to put a lock on that software.

      One of the most efficient ways to do so is to get one of the IDs of a piece of hardware in the target machine and then plan your software so that it can just work with the computer that has the same ID. Since some hardware IDs (and not all of them) are unique, you have very simply created a lock!

      Recently apple got caught taking the machine mainboard numbers and tying them to the user on iTunes.

  17. Here is a thought:
    1.) Ask the doctor or doctor’s office staff if the questions they are asking are for compliance with US government law, regulations or are they strictly for medical diagnosis reasons. Most likely they do not know how to answer, but in reality they are acting as government agents.
    If they are acting as government agents, either knowingly or unknowingly, then they must generally comply with the following:

    2.) The law – Law-abiding citizens are sometimes visited by agents of the Federal government for no apparent reason. It is helpful, at the time of these visits, to recall that unless a citizen has been placed under arrest (either because a law enforcement officer has probable cause to believe the citizen has committed a crime or because the officer has in his possession an arrest warrant issued by a judge who believes there is probable cause the citizen has committed a crime, a citizen does not have to entertain the company of government agents, or answer his questions.

    That will start some sh#!T

  18. Dumb question(s).
    1. What if you spoof the IP? IT’s not impossible. You can even spoof a MAC address from the network card.
    2. What if you use TOR browser? Or go through a Proxy that anonymizes your source?

    How about we do a DDoS? I’m sure Anonymous could be brought on board, and with a handful of Zombie machines compromised by them, and some kiddie-level scripts – we could zombify a few thousand at least. Then our info is lost in the mess….

    This assumes that Anonymous isn’t just a group of Shills for leftists everywhere, which I do sometimes wonder about.

  19. On the subject of chiropractors, you can actually do much of your own spinal flexing and stop visiting that particular branch of medical practice. I bought a book called “The Chriopractor’s Self- Help Back and Body Book”, by Samuel Homola, D.C.

    I’ve used that and youtube vids by a Russian chiropractor, Vasily Makov, and have weaned myself from chiropractors. Keeping the spine flexible can be done mostly on your own.

      • Eric, I also noticed that you mentioned a monthly adjustment for you and your wife. That’s one of the signs of a bad chiropractor according to the author of the book I read. He stated that there’s no need for any ongoing “maintenance” adjustment.

        I made one visit to a chiro who had me get into a hospital jonny and then his “nurse” came in with a dixie cup and wanted a urine specemin. I got dressed and left. No chiro needs a urine specimen and if they do, a specimen taken in a dixie cup is worthless as the contaminants in a coated paper cup would cause false results anyway.

        The guy was just padding the bill he was going to submit to the insurance company. That may well be what your chiro is doing with the blood pressure test.

      • chiros…pap went to them regularly. even taught the neck-cracking moves to mom, so she could do it on short notice & for free (she walked on his back, too…think that’s geisha-style chiro).

        one brother has a lot of back problems, too. so it may be in the family. bro got to the point that chiro didn’t work anymore. he could barely move. his solve: an inversion table. once he’s upside down (not sure if he goes a full 90 degrees), he twists at the hips, grabs the table frame, & gives himself a good torquing several times, both directions. he’s been 100% ever since.

        me, i found a massage therapist. probably a way above average one. fixed both my “tennis elbows”. then a bunch of other things. muscle imbalances wreak a lot of havoc (as in, what’s pulling bones out of alignment in the first place?).

        • ozy, always thought the inversion table looked good. Doc gave me manipulations you need another person to do on you but they’re basically like twisting on the table without the table. Lie on the bed arms full out to the sides on your back. Take one foot and put it on the bed to the outside of the other knee. Then person other than you pushes the knee down although you probably won’t be able to get it to the bed at first, may have to change sides and work on each if you’re really bound up. Eventually the knee will go all the way or far enough your back pops apart up one side and then change sides. It’s been a life-saver for me. Having someone pull your feet over your head can loosen lots of muscles too, just don’t get in a hurry and pull muscles. I can be really hurting and bound up, do the twisting thing and walk away fairly much pain free or totally pain free.

          • 8….you might check out “the egoscue method”. his books are on amazon.


            interesting guy. combat vet. got messed up. no help to be had. figured all this stuff out himself. that’s the story, anyway.

            that same massage therapist assigned me some egoscue “exercises”. passive things, like lying on the floor with one leg up, crooked over a stool. you’d never think it would do anything. but it did.

          • Folks,

            I’ve been a massage therapist in a past life, (a damn good one too), and I’m here to tell you that selfcare is the way to go. There are scores of paths there, but one very effective methodology was pioneered by a guy named Aaron Mattes and is called Active Isolated Stretching. You can search on the web. The gist of it is that the individual actively puts a very specific muscle or set of muscles into position and then performs the stretch for about a count of two…and repeats this in sets. What’s good about it is that, with a decent knowledge of muscle anatomy, the individual can maintain very good overall flexibility and focus on specific areas of concern. No doctor (or permission) required, yet…..

          • giuseppe….self-care was my guy’s mantra, too…but he also traded services with other top therapists. there may be a way to diy piriformis work, for example, but thinking back on it, i don’t see how.


            if you’ve got a lot going on, or years of accumulation, working with a pro for awhile, establishing a good foundation, will make self-care routines more profitable.

          • ozy, Guiseppe, thanks. I have heard of Aaron Mattes but had both computers go down and lost almost everything.
            ozy, since I have plenty of time and plenty pain with my broken leg, I’ve tried all sorts of positions and some have helped. I finally found putting my bad leg’s knee on top of the back of another chair like I sit in relieves not only muscle tension but helps with inflammation. Who coulda known?

          • 8….broken bones, other things, can get healing boost from t.e.n.s., too. a friend broke both feet, was prescribed “electric boots”; sped up the mending. i’ve got a small, portable tens rig i’ve used for various things. amazon has some of the little ones.

    • Ed, I have some exercises prescribed by the doc who did my back surgery that are great. No real pain or getting yourself in a bind but just, for the most part, repetitive movements that eventually result in relaxation if not outright major movements of the spine that are very beneficial, often bringing relief, sometimes instantly upon hitting the “sweet spot” and leave you ready to do anything. I wish I had a way of publishing these things as they are easy to do and easily controllable. No hard movements as you might get with spine manipulators.

      • 8, there are lots of vids on youtube showing the moves you’re talking about. I had been going to a chiropractor in Richmond for 15 years and got some relief but he never showed me any maintenance. Then, right after the Kenyan got his 2nd term, the chiro was griping about people not voting for Romney. He was all worked up. I said,Romney is a damn socialist too so what’s the difference? He got all mad and slammed my back hard on his drop table, giving me a bad sprain, so I quit going to him.

        I found another chiro who didn’t even have a drop table, and he gave me the stretches to do. I started using the moves on youtube as well, and got that book. Since then i have stopped needing to go to chiros almost totally. Now that I know I’m not crippled by some degenerative back problem, and that the key is gently getting my spinal joints to move a little, my back condition is better for the first time in 30 years since I got hurt on a job in Longview.

        • Ed, thanks for reminding me, I need to call today and see if I can get RF internet, about 2 G’s, a far cry from dial up. Yep, those exercises/stretches I do require another person who will do what you say and not cause any pain or excess pain. I have had fits with my back forever, had back surgery in ’76. I went back to the doc to get a work release and he told me I couldn’t get one if I was going back to trucking. Thanks doc, says I, I been looking for a new profession and since I type 60wpm, operate an adding machine like a maniac and my picture is in the dictionary under “filing systems” I’m ready to go to work. So when do I start? What are your office hours for your staff? The guy actually got pissed a bit but then I guess he thought about it. Sure doc, I’ll go to NASA and be an astronaut, see you on the launch pad. After my threatening to work for him he wrote out the release and I started hauling sheetrock and whatnot. Now wasn’t that easy?

          • 8, you did the right thing. BTW, I just posted five in a row so I could dominate the “What’s Happening” sidebar. If anybody checks in and sees that I’m the only one posting right now, they’ll flee and probably stay away for a week. Sorry ’bout that. I was just trying to look prolific and famous.

      • ozy, doctors(??) say(so my wife has said, has a shattered andle)not to use tens below the knee because of blood clot problems but being the kind of guy I am, I ignored that completely. Still, my tens unit didn’t help in that area of the broken bones, a few inches above my ankle and inside my foot. I know you can’t do any good putting them on top of bone but I had the pads well into muscle but nerve damage made them too painful to use. I used my tens unit every night for several months, close to a year, on my shoulder, even went to bed with it on some times and would get up out of bed and put it back on sometimes. After a few months I noticed my shoulder muscles had increased in size over the other one. I always thought there was some merit in that Ab thing, the midriff belt tens thing, but realized it would work to increase muscle size after using it that long on my shoulder. I’m thinking tens units are not recommended for areas over your stomach though.

  20. No doubt you know already, Eric, but that you had a high reading would probably not be a cause for concern itself, as I understand it. Doctors say that you need to establish a baseline and basically average out your readings for a period of time to get a good picture of what your blood pressure really is. Like you said, cold medications can affect it, and stress can be a factor too. I hear that a lot of people have “white coat syndrome,” where their BP goes up when they’re around doctors. I think that’s the case with me, to some degree.

    But the scary thing, which is really your point, is that all this information is being collected and collated and shared, and you have no control over how it’s used or who sees it. Who knows if one BP reading is going to trigger some algorithm that categorizes you as a heart disease risk, and whether this might affect your health insurance premium, life insurance premium/eligibility, etc. Probably not, but it’s possible. The bigger issue is: It’s out of our hands, and in the government’s.

    There’s one thing I am certain of, though: All roads in the Land of Obamacare lead to the drug companies. When chiropractors are forced to take BP readings, the purpose is so more people can be flagged for hypertension, and more pills can be sold. For every reading, for every problem — even for resistance to treatment — there’s a pill in this Brave New World of ours. We’re the losers in this war, and the drug companies are the winners.

  21. A poster on another forum reported that doctors have begun asking questions about one’s sexual activity and number of partners:

    Excerpt for fair use in discussion:

    ” ‘Are you sexually active? If so, with one partner, multiple partners or same-sex partners?’

    “Be ready to answer those questions and more the next time you go to the doctor, whether it’s the dermatologist or the cardiologist and no matter if the questions are unrelated to why you’re seeking medical help. And you can thank the Obama health law.

    ” ‘This is nasty business,’ says New York cardiologist Dr. Adam Budzikowski. He called the sex questions ‘insensitive, stupid and very intrusive.’ He couldn’t think of an occasion when a cardiologist would need such information — but he knows he’ll be pushed to ask for it.”

    Bioethicist Wesley J. Smith has noted that the Left has thrown smokers and the obese under the bus because of their supposed “extra health system costs to society”, but the Left says that any sexual activity goes and should be nobody’s business—even though STDs, single parenthood, and abortions are all linked to high medical costs, mental health issues, and for single parents poverty. He warned that eventually the government and medical providers would eventually have to examine sexual activity and begin throwing the promiscuous under the bus as well. Now this appears to be beginning, with that line of questions.

    I’m obese, have been all my life, runs in the family. I’m very physically active at work and avoid junk food and pork like the plague. But if I needed an organ transplant, the medical system would refuse me a new liver or heart on the grounds of my obesity alone. My only option in that circumstance: get my affairs in order. Some cite old studies discussing poorer outcomes for transplants in the obese, but newer studies profoundly refute this.

    Yet you should see the snotty comments medical “professionals” make on medical-related forums discussing the issue, including some opining that the overweight (not to mention smokers) shouldn’t get much of any medical care at all. (This attitude is even more ingrained in Britain with single-payer than it is here. But these same “professionals” say that prison inmates should get the same consideration as anyone else for transplants, as some courts are now ruling, on the grounds that “we doctors mustn’t judge them or their past actions”. Hypocrites. But I digress.) Wait till these doctors have to consider promiscuity and other risky sexual activity for medical triage as well. For some it’s bound to hit close to home.

    And all of this will be available to bureaucrats and government agents with just a few mouse clicks.

    Elections have consequences. But the low-information voters are still unlikely to understand this until the realities of Obummercare hit them in the ass.

    • ” ‘Are you sexually active? If so, with one partner, multiple partners or same-sex partners?’”

      I don’t know, they’re Fraternal Siamese twins – Does that count as one or more partners? And Hetero or Homo?
      And how do I classify the male twin wanting a dirty sanchez from his sisters rear??

      (Good god, there’s a special place in hell for me… At least I have SOMEWHERE to go….)

      Perhaps it’s time to be REALLY abrasive. Ask the nurse who did her GRS/SRS (Sex Reassignment surgery). Or, did HE (female nurse) have Facial Feminization Surgery, or was he just born faggy? Etc.
      If you find hot-buttons, post them online, and let others exploit them, too. We can make these bureaucrats so miserable they leave the profession.

      Failing that, there’s still Plan A above. I believe it would be a “post-partum abortion” per Obamacare.


      “..residents of San Diego have thrown their support behind numerous ludicrous measures, including making infanticide a part of Obamacare and adding birth control drugs to the water supply.”

      <– Infanticide part of Oniggercare.

    • Remember the company towns where the employer’s best minions would monitor the workers’ personal habits and such? Penalties for not doing as the owner of the company thought was right? We are seeing yet another implementation of the company town through the government except this time many people cheer it.

      • BrentP wrote, “except this time many people cheer it.”

        For some reason, I think more of that type of person than I do of the ones who say they are, “Fat, Dumb and Happy” or, “I don’t care what they put in the air, and I don’t want to think about it because there’s nothing I can do about it”.

        Vile people, all. Though.

        • Intentionally not caring is a coping mechanism. This would at least tell me that a person knows deep down things are wrong. I don’t find these people all that bad, they just don’t know what to do or have no fight left in them. There’s a good chance they’d join the snowball rolling down hill.

          Then there is just plain not caring from being ignorant and uninformed and enjoying the bliss of it. But they aren’t as vile and disgusting as the people who want to be slaves and the people who want to tell their neighbors how to live.

          • RE: “the people who want to be slaves and the people who want to tell their neighbors how to live.”

            Yeah, that would be the people I described using the ‘coping mechanism’. I’m very surprised you haven’t seen that too.

            They are heads of agricultural boards, heads of corporations, and ‘nobodies’. They all come across as feeling as if they are in positions of power over others. Even if they are not truly such.

            They, “have no fight left in them” might be a good description.
            They’ve gone over to The Dark Side, might be a good description too? …They sure like to Act like they haven’t gone over to The Dark Side, that’s for sure.

          • I see it as distinctly different groups.
            The people who don’t care are not involved. They focus on their day to day….

            The people who enslave and those that cheer on their own enslavement are in a different class IMO.

  22. If I could think fast enough in your situation, and only if I was alone, not affecting my wife:
    1st: “Just put 116 over 76, I just checked it and that’s what it was.
    2nd: “Just leave it blank then”
    3rd: “I don’t give out personal information, that form is not my problem”
    4th: “I’ll have to make other arrangements, you seem to be more concerned with filling out forms than with my health.
    5th: “I’d get a second opinion on your record-keeping obligations, I’m going to tell everyone I know about your new Nazi attitude”

    Never let the wardens off the hook. Always make them uncomfortable. Rethink whether they’re really “nice guys.” Usually on reflection, you’ll realize it’s just boilerplate pleasantries and they really could care less.

    I always have cheatsheets memorized of facile lies, and fill in the blank responses for all potential Gestapo situations.

    That’s not to guarantee these don’t shoot you in your foot, or blow up in your face, because they too may have escalating responses at the ready.

    #be sure to register for obamadontcare

    • I’d rather use an old Italian Stiletto.

      See, the msitake everyone keeps making is, “WE” act like reasonable people, then go debate with a Lunatic, who frames the debate from the beginning – and then CONTROLS the debate all along – and finally gets the result demanded from the beginning, and both sides call it compromise, and shake hands, and business as usual goes on.

      We’re dealing with a single entity (government) with a “timeshare” multiple personality disorder.

      so, it’s almost at the point…
      “Have YOU done YOUR patriotic duty?
      Did YOU Shank a government official today?”

      Evil is evil. Allowing to take root is wrong, and foolish. And that happened here by 1789, if not 1778. (thinking Whiskey rebellion, which IIRC was 1778, imeediately following the Revolution itself.)

      1789 was of course the Coup of the Constitution.

      225 years. Right on schedule for our “fourth turning.” Maybe if we push, we can turn the wheel a little faster?

      BTW – trucker’s strike is this weekend, we should help them out. NO PURCHASES Friday – Sunday. NOTHING.

      • Jean, you definitely channel the Tru Tru, the language of powerful meta-life-forms we perceive with our subconscious, We all understand the Tru Tru as children, but usually lose the ability as we grow older.

        The trouble with initiating a pre-emptive shanking is keeping the Tru Tru, our inner Archon alter, in check in the aftermath. The bad guy’s Archon is usually able to transfer to the good guy. He quickly makes himself at home and soon the former good guy is now a bad guy himself continuing the dark tradition.

        Old Georgie – Archon -Speaking Tru Tru – Cloud Atlas

        Maths of pre-emptive strikes –
        1 Good guy A = 93% good. Evil govt guy B = 5% good.
        2 A takes out B righteously. Good guy A = 70% good
        3 Day later Good guy A = 40% good
        4 Week later Good guy A = 7% good

        This “Breaking Bad” as it were may be a part of our European Judeo Christian programming. If you feel sufficiently deprogrammed to take out a few violent statists, by all means do so.

        Fallen – Azazel Archon – Leaves dead guy for live one

        There is a living cloud of shadows surrounding this planet, populated by energy parasites. These parasitic beings experiment with the illusions of separation, fear, darkness, isolation, conquering, enslavement, pain, suffering, torture, etc. to the strongest degree possible.

        In doing so, they have completely cut themselves off from the nourishing Light of Being that supports life in the universe.

        The result is that they must energetically nourish themselves by feeding on low-frequency energies that resonate with their chosen mode of expression.

        These beings call themselves “Archons” which means “Rulers” or “Lords” because they see themselves as the rulers and enslavers of humanity. (The ancient Gnostics first gave them this title in their writings based on direct psychic experiences with these beings.)

        While these unseen being’s clever enslavement and manipulation of humanity has been quite successful up until now, I will NEVER address them as my ruler or superior in any way,

        just like I wouldn’t consider physical, intestinal parasites as my superior even though they might cause me physical discomfort until I remove them from my body.

        Our thoughts have power – much more than we often realize. Words and titles have power because they frame our thoughts into a certain set of beliefs without us even realizing it.

        Calling a “royal” human “Your Highness” automatically places them above you in your mind. Calling a judge “Your Honor” achieves the same thing.

        Therefore it very is important that when you think about these energy parasites, that you NEVER call them “Archon” because you will be literally handing them your power and energy by doing so.

        I prefer to call them Ankle Biters. This lets them know exactly what I think of them, which is that they are lowly parasites, an infection of consciousness that I will purge from my system

        – Cameron Day

        Never Call Them Archons

          • It all jibes with my experiences. I part ways with Cameron as far as passing judgment on these beings or Jungian phenomena or whatever they are.

            They’re Just more examples of bullies and bullshit, Force initiators that live in the mind.

            I don’t find it my duty to do any more than be aware of them, the PTB, the illuminati. I only care about their potential effects on my rationality.

            It’s too passive to consider one’s fight or flight response as mere chemical and cellular process; It’s more activating to consider them as ancestral meta-beings that lives inside us.

            Only 15% of our decision making is rational, on average. Who or what is making the other 85% of our decisions?

            Why is it I intend to behave one way, and when the critical time arrives, I do something completely unexpected?

            How do I tie down my goat, so no one can get him?

            Josh $apan/AMC CEO/Wire/Mad Men/Breaking Bad/ The Cable TV Ca$h T$unami

        • @Tor – said “While these unseen being’s clever enslavement and manipulation of humanity has been quite successful up until now, …”

          Why would the ‘unseen” give a shit about us? They already have the Romulan cloaking device and faster then light travel.

          • @ Garysco: “Why would the ‘unseen” give a shit about us?”

            Why does a child throw rocks at a bee hive?

            Ever hear of the frog and the scorpion? Why does the Scorpion sting the frog, killing them both – halfway across the water?
            It’s in his nature.

            Phrasing it as, “the unseen” giving a shit about us, is asking the wrong question.
            If you were invisible – would you walk into the girls locker room in high school?

            You could do it and get away with it. Especially at that age – I’d bet you would’ve. 😉
            Do you think about the ants? Play with a dog? Ever pick up a hamster, or wake it when it was asleep?
            Would you consciously avoid being Q from Star Trek: Next Generation? (THE “Q,” of course, not referencing the collective race.)

            People do things becaue they can, because it amuses them. Game, in the dating world. Teasing her – because it gets her, uh, excited. Driving fast on an open road – because you CAN, and it’s fun, and gets the BLOOD FLOWING…. (And it doesn’t hurt anyone.)

            The Unseen want to play; want to enlighten us; want to benefit from using us. No different from any other creature.

        • Tor,
          I do not think your math is wrong, nor the concept incorrect.
          For personal reasons, I cannot accept it. Call it my urge for self-preservation.

          “He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. ”
          Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, Aphorism 146

          At the same time, doing an evil deed for the right reasons, is unlikely to produce ANYTHING positive. Two wrongs don’t equal a right, as the saying goes. though I’d point out – Three lefts, DOES equal a right…

          I cannot surrender to the Catch-22 of the logic. Doing evil may corrupt me (AS IF… Lucifer steps aside for me.) But doing NOTHING, being both an action, and an apathy – THAT is truly evil. Right or wrong, action trumps inaction. Evil actions may be corrupted by their source, but they can still benefit others.
          History can sort out the details…

          • Jean,

            If you’re able to garote the Saudi royal family and then crack open a few kegs of pilsner and have a big pig roast Oktoberfest at Jeddah on the Suez, I’ll be on the Redeye.

            If you can keep Mr Hyde put away, more power to you. Quit when you’re ahead, like the 6 million Israeli’s did. Enjoy victory. I think a nice Israel sized white’s first libertarian nation with Jeddah as it’s capital sounds doable.

            A golden dawn will rise on the Suez Canal. A place for the 3 p’s: pioneers, producers, and preference. People living among their kind as they locally define it.

            There’s a lot of people fighting mad that white women of child-bearing age comprise only 3% of the earth’s population. The catch is, after violent revolution, how do you persuade everyone to go back to their day jobs?

            Hitler’s bankers wouldn’t let him stop I’m sure. If only he could grow enough food during the blockade and not need death panels.

            Re-uniting the Germanic peoples would have assured him honor as the leader of the Greatest Generation. Instead he chimped out and the name goes to those conscripted babbits Brokaw so named in the 1990s.

            You have to allow the vanquished people autonomy, no massacres. There’s 28 million Saudis, many to relocate. Israel is 8 thou sq miles, Saudi is 830 thou sq miles. You’re only taking 1% but do it right to keep NATO happy.

            Keep those wires and blades sharp!

            British Babes love Jeddah’s Azan which is also Barack O’s favorite sound

          • Tor,
            I hear Russia’s still selling Nukes… House of SaUd has much to answer for. Though the artistry of the Garrotte would likely be more refined, I doubt the benficiary cares either way. 😀

            There is, however, the whole problem of WTF is a WHITE guy doing here? Russian benefactors would make that go away. 😉

      • “BTW – trucker’s strike is this weekend, we should help them out. NO PURCHASES Friday – Sunday. NOTHING.”

        I’ve been trying hard to figure out exactly how this is supposed to help the truckers. The government doesn’t care, and certainly won’t be hurt by any of it.

        I’ve seen dozens of these boycotts and other such schemes over the last 40 years or so. I haven’t noticed that they’ve made any difference at all to how government functions.

        What is the point?

        • Well, you’re probably right, but… hope springs eternal.
          We know where the road goes, if we do nothing.

          Not like I can go snipe the responsible parties – but I can try to help make purchases drop to nil, make the news that way, make The Parasites That Be look around, before they go back to devouring Uncle Sam’s corpse.

          • nah…hopium inebriates eternally, is the saying….

            i thought unc metastasam was the corpse doing the devouring.

            but ouroboros is the pic i like best – along with a “rest of the story” perspective tweak:

            but is the snake’s head eating its tail, or is the tail infiltrating the head? look closely: both are being done simultaneously….

            “Plato described a self-eating, circular being as the first living thing in the universe—an immortal, perfectly constructed animal…The living being had no need of eyes (see no evil) when there was nothing remaining outside him to be seen; nor of ears (hear no evil) when there was nothing to be heard; and there was no surrounding atmosphere to be breathed; nor would there have been any use of organs by the help of which he might receive his food or get rid of what he had already digested, since there was nothing which went from him or came into him: for there was nothing beside him (reptile exceptionalism). Of design he was created thus, (his own waste providing his own food), and all that he did or suffered taking place in and by himself…For the Creator conceived that a being which was self-sufficient would be far more excellent than one which lacked anything; and, as he had no need to take anything or defend himself against any one, the Creator did not think it necessary to bestow upon him hands: nor had he any need of feet, nor of the whole apparatus of walking; but the movement suited to his spherical form was assigned to him, being of all the seven that which is most appropriate to mind and intelligence; and he was made to move in the same manner and on the same spot, within his own limits revolving in a circle. All the other six motions were taken away from him, and he was made not to partake of their deviations….”

          • whose voice is that i hear, 8? (now i’m flashing on magic 8-balls…☻)

            Ventriloquism, or ventriloquy, is an act of stagecraft in which a person (a ventriloquist) changes his or her voice so that it appears that the voice is coming from elsewhere, usually a puppeteered “dummy”. The act of ventriloquism is ventriloquizing, and the ability to do so is commonly called in English the ability to “throw” one’s voice.

            Originally, ventriloquism was a religious practice.[1] The name comes from the Latin for to speak from the stomach, i.e. venter (belly) and loqui (speak).[2] The Greeks called this gastromancy (Greek: εγγαστριμυθία). The noises produced by the stomach were thought to be the voices of the unliving, who took up residence in the stomach of the ventriloquist. The ventriloquist would then interpret the sounds, as they were thought to be able to speak to the dead, as well as foretell the future. One of the earliest recorded group of prophets to utilise this technique was the Pythia, the priestess at the temple of Apollo in Delphi, who acted as the conduit for the Delphic Oracle.

            Probably the very first authentic mention in ancient times of ventriloquism is in the First Book of Samuel in the Hebrew Bible, when King Saul, (who lived in the middle of the 11th century B.C.E.) concerned about a coming battle, goes to the Witch of Endor, who, supposedly summons a spirit. The Hebrew text can be translated as a voice speaking from a jug, or wineskin, typically ventriloquism. One of the most successful early gastromancers was Eurykles, a prophet at Athens; gastromancers came to be referred to as Euryklides in his honour.[3] The New Testament (Acts 16:16-18) relates the story of a girl who had a “spirit of Python” (ἔχουσαν πνεῦμα πύθωνα) and followed Paul and his companions around the city of Thyatrira, crying out after them.

            In the Middle Ages, it was thought to be similar to witchcraft. As Spiritualism led to stage magic and escapology, so ventriloquism became more of a performance art as, starting around the 19th century, it shed its mystical trappings.

            Other parts of the world also have a tradition of ventriloquism for ritual or religious purposes; historically there have been adepts of this practice among the Zulu, Inuit, and Māori peoples.[3]


          • ozy, one thing I like about truckers is the mixed bag. I never knew one(or very few)who didn’t have other talents. Had you been around in the days of Eightsouth, spiritualism would have taken on another meaning to you….and you’d have been all the good for it. I considered it an honor to be referred to by my peers as “Captain” since they knew I piloted the ship we rode….and nobody complained about my course changes, just took it in stride and complimented me on my far-sightedness and ability to see through the shit. Feds hated me, still do, and the feeling is mutual. Too bad I never had the ability to really hate like they do. A friend did and left them dead in his wake and eventually suffered the same fate.I’d leave this country but doubt I’d live to touch another shore. Funny how they don’t follow me into Mexico and federales seem to not see me, now that’s spiritualism.

          • Sure thing, 8… I protest a lot, in voice, on line and every time I walk into town, always armed. I am happy to talk to people about it and why freedom is so important. I go to town twice a week, usually, unless I’m snowed in.

            Can’t see how not getting groceries that weekend is any form of “protest,” that’s all. I don’t know if I even want any voice in what the truckers are doing. I don’t know what they are doing… and I’m very sure not all of them do… and that they’re not all doing the same thing anyway.

            But, for whatever it’s worth, I wish them well.

  23. Thanks for the heads-up on that one.

    Dr. Leviathan Will See You Now

    Looks like I really am done seeing any and all doctors unless I’m dragged there in an unconscious state.

    I may actually live longer as a result:

    Shock: Comparing deaths from medical drugs, vitamins, and all US wars


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