Keeeeeeeeev! T Shirts & Cups . . .


If you’d like to express your thoughts about “standing with Ukraine,” you might wish to do so via wearing our new Keeeeeeeeev – and Baaaaaaaaaaa! – T shirt! Coffee mugs are also available.

Check ’em out, here!


  1. Eric, this is awesome! Slightly pricey, and I’m not sure why the Sheep is wearing the mask as an earring, (though I guess it makes sense, because there’s no reason to wear it at all…) but, if this is going to support your efforts, sold!

    • Hi BaDnOn,

      These are more for fun – and sanity enhancement – than anything else. I’d like to be able to do them for $10 or so but I can’t make the T shirts; another company does. GF did the artwork, which we have them apply to the shirts on a per-order basis. I had an idea for another item: A pair of shorts/sweats with a Diaper image on the rear and, above it, the logo: Stop the Spread! What do you think?

      • Honestly, I think that one is terrible. Wouldn’t be wearing that, though I get the point, haha. Also, luckily, it appears that these shirts come in black. It’s horribly difficult for me to maintain a white shirt.😉


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