
Tickets/Driving Stuff

Anything related to speeding tickets, driving & stuff like that.

Accidents . . .

People often speak of "accidents" as if they justĀ  . . . happen. As if they aren't - for the most part - avoidable. Many of these same people also wonder...

FRED Says . . .

Imagine a red light that never goes green - unless you obey. The speed limit. Whatever it is. And sends you a ticket via mail if you don't. Say hello to FRED - feu...

“Court Costs” Times Twice

The cost of everything is going up - most especially the cost of the things you're forced to pay for and don't want. Like traffic "tickets," for instance. It's noteworthy that much of...

You May Not Know…

Everything's so much the same now that many don't know it was once different. And in some ways, the same - again. They also think they know about some things -...

Arrest That Corpse!

An interesting thing about government - about government workers - is that they can legally do things that would be criminal under the law if we were to do them. This begs...

The Irony of Saaaaaaafety

It is said - we are told (lectured) - that "speeding" is "unsafe." This dictum is regularly enforced by cops who "speed." Often, they "speed" to a much greater degree than the...

The Auto Bahnned

A simp by the name of Paul Hockenos of CNN thinks that driving on the unrestricted speed sections of theĀ  German Autobahn is a "chilling" experience for "the timid," such as...

Learning Helplessness

It's astounding they still allow kids - allow adults - to ride bicycles without training wheels. Probably not for much longer. Keeping them affixed might prevent someone from falling over. The same...

No Net Driving

Why take off the training wheels? Ever? Wouldn't it be "safer" to leave them on - even after the kid learned how to ride the bike without them? It would help prevent the...

Driver Re-Education

"History," said Henry Ford, is "bunk." What he meant by that is that the "history" they teach in government schools is largely "bunk." It is either false outright - as for example...
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