The Female Fauci Has Got to Go


Just an audio indictment of Trump’s “COVID” Kabuki pick to be the next surgeon general:

. . .

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  1. Evil leftist eggheads trash RFK Jr:

    ‘More than 75 Nobel Prize winners have signed a letter urging senators not to confirm Robert F. Kennedy Jr., President-elect Donald J. Trump’s pick to lead the Department of Health and Human Services.

    ‘The laureates questioned whether Mr. Kennedy, who they said has “a lack of credentials” [sic] in medicine, science or administration, was fit to lead the department responsible for protecting public health and funding biomedical research.

    ‘If confirmed, Mr. Kennedy’s opposition to well-established public health tools, like vaccines and the fluoridation of drinking water, would pose a risk to the country’s well-being, the letter said. The laureates decried Mr. Kennedy’s promotion of conspiracy theories. Mr. Kennedy has falsely [sic] linked vaccines to autism.

    ‘For many of the signatories, this is the second political campaign they’ve participated in this year. Dozens of Nobel Prize winners signed an open letter in October endorsing Kamala Harris for president.’

    Where do these Kamala-bots get off, interfering in our politics? If appointed as head of DHS, I will smash their coke-bottle glasses and rusticate them to rural farms to dig irrigation ditches with their bare hands in the hot, hot sun.

    • There was a documentation of child psychologists on a TV channel named World TV. The featured psychologist was Noam Chomsky, the psycho-linguist.

      The program was about four hours long and the much-respected child psychologist Jean Piaget was also in the documentary.

      Some have said, say, that Noam Chomsky had no known credentials, way back when, long before Noam was a nascent scholar or something.

      The prominent child psychologist Jean Piaget was not impressed with Noam, you could see it right on the TV program. The body language was apparent. Not buying anything Noam had to say, it looked that way to me.

      I have Noam’s book, Psycholinguistics, and have had it for more than 50 years. Probably worth a mint these days.

  2. Covid virus never existed,,, doesn’t exist.

    The CDC finally come out and said the PCR could not distinguish between the Flu and the fake virus covid. Of course not,,, the fake virus WAS the Flu which explains how the Flu disappeared that for over a year.

    The infamous ‘vaccine’ was here long before the fake virus. There are/were corpgov purchase orders showing the purchase of the ‘vaccine’ years before the fake disease. I imagine those have been destroyed by now.

    The disease was hyped to get people to take the ‘vaccine’. It worked like a charm.

    People walking into hospitals testing they had the fake virus was immediately taken to an isolation room, given the poison remdesivir, had a breathing tube shoved down their throats which blew out their lungs. They were marked as covid deaths and cremated to eliminate the evidence. Hospitals gots thousands of dollars from government for the murder.

    So long as people ‘believe’ the virus actually exists very few to none will ever pay legally or otherwise for the harm and/or murder of millions of victims around the world.

    Awhile back Trump said (paraphrasing) ” he could “stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody” and not “lose any voters.”

    He was right!

    • That is why they were so adamant about face diapering too. It was the wearing of the holy rag that above all established the media-hyped illusion of a pandemic, which in reality was nothing more than the flu.

      • 100 percent, Arthur!

        That is why I was (and remain) so vituperative in re the “masks.” It is why I had a several-years-long argument with a poster here named Mike Pizzo, who derided what he considered to be my obsession with “masks.” I kept trying to explain it to him. The “pandemic” would have ended by summer 2020 if not for widespread “masking” – which created the illusion of a pandemic. The sight of all those “masked” people made it easy to persuade/intimidate people that a “pandemic” was afoot. Imagine how it would have been if only a relative handful of people “masked” – and it quickly became evident that those who did not “mask” were not dying. The fear would have dissipated – and the Kabuki never gotten a toehold.

    • Ken: A coronoavirus has always been around (see any old canister or Lysol spray). It is one of the main viruses, in addition to rhinovirus, that cause the common cold. In a classroom discussion of those two cold-causing viruses, back in the day (1980s), our professor wanted to discuss why we don’t have vaccines for those cold-causing viruses. The answer was because “those viruses always evolve/mutate and we’d be chasing a new vaccine for them every year, to no avail.” As we saw with the Covid coronavirus, that’s exactly what happened. Otherwise I agree with everything else you say.

      • Oh boy. So now the evidence cited for the validity of the BS of virology is a can of Lysol?

        Jeff: Beside the can of Lysol that you cite, what evidence can you point to that proves: (a) the existence of “viruses,” including the “rhinovirus” (a fancy word with a Greek prefix that means nose virus) AND ALSO (b) that any one of these alleged “viruses” is the cause of disease in humans (or any other living thing).

    • You would think that he or she would go to a grocery store to buy a sandwich and a case of beer.

      After shooting a CEO, you would want to have some kind of drinking respite, beer does work.

      I don’t want to kill anybody, if I did, the bodies would stack pretty high on a good day.

      Bill collectors would be first on the list, not a safe occupation.

      Lawyers, a good second for stacked bodies.

      Healthcare CEO’s are now at the top of the list, far above the first choice.

      I’ll keep digging carrots and potatoes, a safe occupation that keeps you alive.

      Food keeps you from starving to death, and that’s the truth.

      War is probably going to be fatal, a no-brainer there.

    • Sorry RS,

      No one reported finding an Iranian passport, on the sidewalk!!!
      Thus, he’ll only be used as an Oswald patsy…

      Some pig MIC.(Med Indus. complex) conspirators realized the guy was a major vulture during the fraudchi scamdemic

      and wanted to “Clean up loose ends”…before subpoena time!

      • That’s because none of it is real.

        This should be the first question: Where did you see it?
        On Tell Lie Vision.
        Then it’s not real – SHOULD BE YOUR DEFAULT ANSWER TO EVERY “STORY”.
        At some point you have to stop struggling with the question of “which of these stories are real and which ones aren’t real”.
        At some point you must reach the actual level of intellectual understanding that nothing you see in the media is real. At all.

    • ‘Does anyone else smell BS?’ — Raider Girl

      Allegedly, the shooter made it from midtown Manhattan to the 178th Street bus station in northern Manhattan in 46 minutes, using a combination of hoofing it, riding an e-bike, and taking a cab. Pretty impressive. Seemed like the perfect crime — especially after he ditched his backpack (but not the gun) in Central Park, and left the cops searching a lake looking for the missing weapon.

      Then a suspect is caught in a Pennsylvania McDonalds with an incriminating manifesto, four fake IDs, and a ghost gun with a silencer??

      If this is the same person, he went from criminal genius to hapless retard in five days flat. And if back pain drove him nuts, he should have read this classic book by the late Dr John Sarno. It contains deep wisdom from a physician who actually listened to his patients and paid attention to what worked and what didn’t:

  3. I don’t get it. Sorry to complain, Eric, but while I do agree with everything you say, I simply don’t understand your premise. Do you not realize that ANYONE whom these shit-heads put into a position will do the bidding of the people who decree these agendas?

    If RFK Jr. gets approved, watch as he ends up peddling the same crap (Only while soothing people’s fears and bringing back those who strayed from the official pharma-cartel fold by proclaiming the next round of ‘beautiful drugs’ “safe”.)

    I think I need to take a break from this site. As much as I love many of the fine Libertarian articles you post and what you stand for, I must say that so much emphasis on statist politics is off-putting. I could read WorldNetDaily and get that.

    It doesn’t matter! These people are POLITICIANS and authoritarians, and regardless of their words or backgrounds, none of them are going to buck the system or stand for truth and liberty. And if they did that, they would simply be removed.

    One couldn’t reform King George’s England by putting a few less-evil people in a few key positions; One couldn’t reform the Catholic church or Nazi Germany by doing the same. You could put one of US in one ofthese positions, and we could do nothing other than amen the official agenda, or be removed, -ESPECIALLY in the administration of the guy was the enabler of the first round of this fraud known as “the pandemic”, even to his own detriment.

    Why waste your time? In The Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion it states that *they* will use “healthcare”/medicine to ultimately control society and accomplish their agendas in the final stages of their takeover, and that is exactly what we are seeing. The only method we have of opposing this is to know the truth (and you do do a great job of proclaiming that!) and to live free and not participate in their evil nonsense; to resist. It doesn’t matter who is appointed to these positions! Just as it doesn’t matter who is elected president, and in fact, the more agreeable the candidate, the more dangerous they are, as there is less resistance and diligence.

    Again, watch what happens with RFK if he makes it.

    tl;dr; Yeah, whomever is appointed to an authoritarian position that shouldn’t even exist is not going to be our friend.

    Might as well be reading Ron Unz, who seems to think that the common flu which killed nobody other than those who die from the flu every year, is somehow a “bioweapon”.

    Eric, politicians are con-men; a.k.a. confidence men (And now women and he-shes, et al as well). Their key function is to create confidence in the minds of their marks (the public) so that you will engage in their game. The more seemingly upstanding and agreeable the con-man, the more people he can fool and the more victims he will make his allies.

    • I agree nearly in totality with what you said, however, “Nazi Germany” didn’t need any reform.
      What it needed was unrelenting and unapologetic global support.

    • Hi Arthur,

      I’ve tried hard to explain that I do understand the nature of politics – and politicians. I am not naive. But – per Lenin – while you may not be interested in government, government is interested in you. So I do what I can – even though I know it’s not much – to seek the better over the worse. The other option is to do nothing and maybe that’s the better course. But I don’t think so. The world is imperfect and I try to make the best of it. Your mileage may vary!

      • Hi Eric,

        But see? You are somewhat naive if you think that any of these monsters are less evil; If you believe that anything they say that appears to be less evil is sincere and means what you hope and believe it does. That any reprieve we get from the constant barrage of evil is anything more than coincidence or a piece of the Hegelian dialectic; THat there is any difference between them.

        You still believe, which is why you continue to vote. Even after being ass-raped by Trump once….

        I know it’s good-intentioned though, as is Libertarian philosophy, which is why Libertarianism tends to attract the best people, -including you and pretty much everyone who posts here. Guess that is why the good always seem to lose, too. We’re too nice; too hopeful; too willing to forgive and forget.

        • Hi Arthur,

          I am seriously not trying to be a douche, but I am going to be. How many times will you continue to browbeat your point?

          We get it…you are against voting. You are against people who vote. You hate politicians. Everyone that votes for a politician is a naive ignoramus. Got it. Voting took place a month ago. A selection has been made. Now let’s see what the selector chooses to do with it.

          Eric is almost 60 years old, not 16. He is well past the point of suffering from anything that resembles naiveness.

          As for Libertarians being too nice. Really? I have never met a more cynical bunch of people in my life (that is a compliment, guys, not an insult). Willing to forgive or forget? Just curious, who on here did that?

          We can rehash this all day long, but are any of us going to change any one else’s mind? Nope. I would like to add stubborn to the list of Libertarian qualities.

          Personally, I would be interested in hearing your thoughts on other subjects.

          • Raider Girl, it’s not so much voting that I have a problem with, as the act itself is usually completely benign (Although the principle is malignant). It’s just that I am rather fascinated when I see someone of Eric’s integrity and intellect participating in it (Which would imply that he at least somewhat believes that we actually have a say, and that the candidates mean what they say. To the point where it justifies participating in democracy in order restrain the evils democracy has brought upon us. I realize that he does this in a effort to try and achieve some good. But that expectation of being able to achieve anything (much less good) through participation in that system is pure hopium.
            But enough of that (I just can’t resist the urge to post on the subject whenever I see someone mentioning it. Just as I would be forced to comment if I were to see someone here say that “masks save lives” or some such)
            Yes, Libertarians are too nice! Cynical? That’s just the average person’s word for a realist, and I am the king of that “cynicism”! There’s nothing ‘not nice’ about about it.
            Whatever our personality traits, we ultimately practice one of the strictest forms of love-thy-neighbor and do-unto-others, and that’s about as nice as it gets. Libertarian is restorative; it seeks to restore to all men the dominion which government has robbed them of; to recreate a free society and combat aggression and war. Those things are nice, and so are the people who believe in and practice them. (Even “pricks” like you! 😀 )
            The world doesn’t see us that way- THEY think we’re the pricks/the problem because we don’t support “the troops” and wouldn’t piss on a cop if he were on fire. But that’s because “nice” in their world is going along with tyranny and wearing the holy loogie-rag to make people feel better when they’re scared by a non-existent pandemic.

        • Hi Arthur,

          Evil and narcissistic/opportunist are points on the spectrum. Some politicians are evil. Others are just opportunists. Some are just dumb. Some are well-meaning dumbos. Most are corrupt to one degree or another. But not all of them are evil. That’s a bit much, I think. I think it cheapens the currency of “evil.”

          I understand the dialectic. I also understand we sometimes have to deal with the hand of cards we got and make the best of it. I keep reiterating this point, which seems to me self evident. Obviously, I’d prefer an ideal libertarian system. For that matter, I’d be very happy if things were more as they were in the ’90s, even – which in some ways was a libertarian paradise relative to now.

          I understand perfectly that voting is flawed and that the results are never what we’d prefer, ideally. But – as I have said – when it seem to me that voting a certain way might result in a better outcome, I will vote for that because that strikes me as reasonable. Were I an inmate in a prison – and I kind of am, just as we all are – I’d also vote (if offered the opportunity) to improve the meals and maybe for an extra half hour of yard exercise. It does not mean I embrace my imprisonment. It does not mean I stop seeking to get out of the prison. It means I act to do what can be done to make things better rather than worse.

  4. It ain’t much fun watching this circus go awry.

    It is the eve of destruction, so easy to see.

    Bring back Derek Jeter’s Taco Hole on SNL.

    Peace and tranquility we don’t have.

    Laugh and point, mock them all. Trump included.

    330 million court jesters can get a lot done.

  5. Today Ron Unz posted an essay asserting that covid was a US biowarfare attack on China and Iran. He notes that:

    ‘From January to August 2019, Robert Kadlec’s department ran the “Crimson Contagion” simulation exercise, involving the hypothetical outbreak of a dangerous respiratory viral disease in China.’

    Yeah … kind of like the exercise that was underway on Sep 11, 2001, which led to delayed air defense response because real events were thought to be part of a scheduled simulation.

    This stuff goes deep, and it’s not going to be fixed by a superficial talking head like Nesheiwat. Unz quotes former Ambassador Chas Freeman on imperial rot:

    There is no longer an orderly policy process in Washington to coordinate, moderate, or control policy formulation or implementation.

    ‘Every internationally engaged department and agency – the U.S. Special Trade Representative, the Departments of State, Treasury, Justice, Commerce, Defense, and Homeland Security – is doing its own thing about China. The president has unleashed an undisciplined onslaught.’

    When I get to the bottom
    I go back to the top of the slide
    And I stop and I turn and I go for a ride
    And I get to the bottom, and I see you again
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!

    — The Beatles, Helter Skelter

    • Finally!
      A fellow poster saying what I have been thinking and saying ever since the phony “plandemic” was foisted upon the world.
      Thank you!
      Now for some parallels…
      There have been many claims about the origin of viruses, especially today’s latest
      “COVID-19 coronavirus”.
      However, there is a long history of viruses throughout human history and false claims as to their points of origin.
      In fact, the “1918 Spanish flu” virus actually originated in the United States of America and was spread to Europe during the First World War, transmitted by the U. S. military during American military transports to Europe. It was an experimental meningitis “vaccine” which spread the disease. The commonly-accepted misinformation that this virus originated in Europe is false and can easily be proven by careful research.
      A majority of “1918 Spanish flu pandemic” deaths were not from the virus itself, but were from the then common practice of mask-wearing. In fact, “mask-wearers” were being buried by non-mask-wearers.
      You see, just as is the case today, breathing in one’s own exhalations is dangerous and is being promoted by the misguided government-imposed mandates to wear masks.
      99% of the deaths during the “1918 Spanish flu pandemic” were a result of bacterial pneumonia, NOT from the virus itself. As there were no treatments for bacterial pneumonia in those days, the death rate was horrendously high. Those who contracted the flu, but not pneumonia survived. As is the case today, almost everyone that dies with COVID-19 dies from questionable COVID-19 “treatments” or complications from other causes, NOT from the virus itself.
      Fast forward to today, with our latest “COVID-19 pandemic”.
      Today’s “Chinese COVID-19 pandemic” actually originated at the American bioweapons research facility at Fort Detrick Maryland and was purposely brought to China by an American military “trade delegation” where it was released into the Chinese population. Biowarfare at its worst…
      The “COVID-19 vaccines” being pushed are “game changers” as they are replete with substances which will materially change human DNA, unlike previous vaccines which were merely weakened or killed virus remnants which would evoke a protective antibody response.
      Sound familiar?
      Today’s “COVID-19 pandemic” is actually a “plandemic” that has been used to take down a legally elected president and to usher in a “new world order” in which medical tyranny will be used to subjugate an entire world population, using FEAR as a weapon.
      Today’s “pandemic” is misnamed as it does not meet the definition of a “pandemic” but is being touted as such for political reasons—nothing more. Observe non-medical types such as Bill Gates and others touting untested vaccines with questionable substances, mask-wearing, and other social restrictions such as (selective) business closures, lockdowns and social distancing.
      For one, Bill Gates is not a “doctor”, has no medical training, and is a major proponent of “depopulation”–genocide. Gates is a “silver spoon” recipient, both of his parents being proponents of forced sterilization and eventual world depopulation.
      In fact, Bill Gates’ “vaccination schemes” have resulted in not only diseases being spread, but the use of birth-control and sterilization agents surreptitiously being a part of Gates’ “vaccination” schemes without “informed consent” being a part of the vaccination protocol speaks VOLUMES. Recipients of Gates’ “vaccines” were not informed that they were being sterilized—a violation of the Nuremberg protocols on “informed consent”.
      Quite some time ago, the U S “Supreme Court” ruled that artificially constructed DNA sequences could be patented. As the COVID-19 “vaccines” contain artificially sequenced DNA it could easily be argued that once a person receives the mRNA “injection” he becomes the property of the artificially-constructed DNA “owner”–a slave.
      It is easy to see that there is much more going on than a response to a minor seasonal “flu virus”.
      Its about CONTROL and eventual human genocide—nothing more. The “jabs” are genocidal poisons.

    • A “bioweapon”, that killed no one except some very frail and very old people or AIDS/chemo patients, who tend to die from the flu every year….. Yeah, some bioweapon. How it being the pretext for the REAL bioweapon, which was used against our people? a.k.a. the clot-shot. How about it being the final blow to a once still-somewhat free-market economy? How about it being the trial run for minute-level mass surveillance and control on a global level?

      Seriously, are some of these writers controlled opposition, or are they just stupid?

      • How about the “COVID” “vaccine” targeting ACE-2 receptor sites found only in white and black genomes, but strangely absent from Ashkenazi Jews?

      • Agreed, Arthur. “Covid” was a hysteria created by propaganda and the rebranding of disease and death brought on by other causes (and in some cases murder through withholding medical treatment, cutting off patients from loved-ones, Paxlovid, ventilators, the clot shot, etc.).

        The supposed bioweapon had the same damn symptoms as what’s known as the common cold.

        • Yup. It is the common cold. Always has been and always will be. The “pandemic” was just a covid ME-TOO FREAKOUT. What that means is that everybody wanted to sit at the cool kids’ lunch table in middle school.

          That’s it. Everything that happened during the covid me-too freakout is what happens every day in a middle school cafeteria. Once you understand that politicians will ALWAYS be lobbing tater tots at your head, nothing else matters.

      • Excess mortality shot up in March 2020 and remains elevated to this day. See Figure 1:

        Before December 2020 when the ‘vaccines’ were released, this excess mortality was from covid infections. By mid-2021, excess mortality likely derived more from the ‘vaccines’ than from covid itself, which was mutating to become milder.

        Whether covid was a bioweapon remains unproved, and may never be proved. That excess mortality rose very notably is not in question. It’s a stone-cold fact.

        • Gubmint stats are BS. You don’t think they’d lie?

          Also, when you deny medical treatment, cut off patients from loved-ones, destroy people’s livelihood, lock them in their homes, administer Remedesivir, Paxlovid, ventilators and the clot shot, etc., you might just get some additional deaths.

      • Hi Arthur,

        There is a Danish scientist who asserts there will be a mass die-off of “vaccinated” people this coming year. Maybe. Maybe not. If it does happen, it will be like something out of an H. Bosch painting.

        • Hi Eric,
          Yes, I’ve heard of several people proposing the 2025 die-off for quite some time. While of course, their guess is as good as ours, I could see it happening. And if not in ’25, then more slowly over a slightly longer period. But I’ll tell you, I know a lot of people who took the clot-shot, and a disproportionate number of them have already died, and many of them are being afflicted with the return of problems they had but which hadn’t been a problem for decades, and or are people who were always very healthy but who are suddenly now suffering symptoms of many diseases. So while I wouldn’t put stock in such predictions…it certainly wouldn’t surprise me if that is what happens.

  6. I give people 1 month (at most) to have figured out that the “pandemic” and everything that followed was absolute bullshit. If they went along with any of it after April 12, 2020, I consider them stupid, weak or evil. Any of these qualities are disqualifying for any position of authority.

    • Hi ML,

      Unfortunately to this day, there are people out there who STILL think that the government’s insane COVID pandemic response was about “Protecting Public Health” & “Saving lives”. They’re probably the same people who STILL wear face diapers everywhere and think Tony Fauci is a “Public Health Saint”. They probably STILL listen to the corrupt CDC as well & follow its “Adulthood vaccination schedule”. Fortunately though, they appear to be a fringe minority, as very few people even listen to the CDC anymore, let alone take “the latest COVID booster jab”.

      • Agreed, but my point was if you were going along the “pandemic” after April 12, 2020, you CURRENTLY fall into the category of stupid, weak or evil. While I applaud those who, after a year or two, figured out the con and took corrective action, they would be considered the stupid ones.

        Further evidence of their stupidity is after running the gauntlet of propaganda for 2 years and then finally figuring out the “Covid” con, they then immediately fell for new con and mindlessly started flying the Ukraine flag and calling it Keeeeev.

        Those who quickly figured out “Covid” con, but kept going along with it are the weak or evil ones.

        • Well there are some really stupid people out there. Also, many people who went along with the COVID protocols even after figuring out it was complete bull crap had a McJob at some medical facility owned by a medical cartel, or they had college debt that needed to be paid off. And then there are others who went against “protocols” and ended up LOSING their medical licenses and/ or practice for it, or just flat out quit their medical McJob because they couldn’t stand what their employer was doing to innocent people who had the dreaded ‘Rona.

          It increasingly appears that the 2006 movie “Idiocracy” wasn’t just a movie about a dystopian future America, but rather an instruction manual for those who wanted America to be a society of MORONS. Why, there are probably people out there who thought that we could “vaccinate our way out of the COVID pandemic” with a brand new, untested mRNA jab made by Pfizer.

          • Idiocracy would be accused of “raciss” behavior ….
            because there are nowhere near enough “darkies” to satisfy
            the woke crowd in the movie!….

            Plus I object!…I object to not being able to watch “Oww my Balls”…without interruption…… 🙂

          • “or just flat out quit their medical McJob because they couldn’t stand what their employer was doing to innocent people who had the dreaded ‘Rona.”

            You just described my former doctor.

    • Here’s the truth, though.
      COVID is only the first medical scam you’re all privy to.
      By matter of fact, they’re ALL scams.
      Cancer, polio, AIDS, Flu, you can’t name something you get a “vaccine” or “treatment” for that isn’t a scam.
      The “medical industry” is NOTHING BUT SCAMS.
      That just happens to be ran by Jew. *Ahem*.

    • Had a lot of ‘friends’ and ‘associates’ believe for one reason or another. Most of them did ask me my opinion though, but proceeded to believe the kabuki more than me.
      Today, most of them are scared shitless as middle-aged, and upper middle-aged, healthy men are dying all around them. They know now, especially when they knew the very healthy person who died. But still, most of them won’t admit it, that they got dup’ed, and could lose their life over it.

      • Here’s a true story, Chris –

        Someone close to me has a daughter from a prior marriage. She married a guy who recently graduated medical school; both of them are in the late 20s and fit/active people. The guy got jabbed – and developed blood clots in his legs. She developed Graves disease. But the one factor that probably explains why cannot be discussed.

  7. Agree 100% Eric.

    As an aside, the only SG’s name that I can readily recall is C. Everet Koop. That’s only because the old comic strip Bloom County used to mock him.

        >Originally created to protect the health of sailors and immigrants in the late 1700s, the USPHS Commissioned Corps

        It is considered one of the uniformed military services.
        Back in the days of the Vietnam War, it was a little known way to not serve in the other branches, for those with the requisite education. A classmate of mine did so, and spent his time at the USPHS laboratory in Gig Harbor, WA.

      • The US Surgeon General is in charge of the USPHS Commissioned Corps, which, among other responsibilities provides medical officers to the Coast Guard and NOAA which have uniform services but do not commission medical officers.

        The Surgeon General nominee must be an existing member of the Commissioned Corps IIRC.

    • Wonder what ol’ Berke Breathed, the author of Bloom County, is up to these days. My brother knew him in college at UT-Austin.

      ‘Breathed has said that he is an atheist, yet he does not fear death more than “sharing a room in a detox center with a sobbing Rush Limbaugh.”‘ — Wikipedia

      Rush at least could do a hilarious verbal imitation of Bill Clinton. My personal torment would be sharing a room in a detox center with a sobbing Mike Huckabee. 🙁

      • LOL do any of you remember when Bloom County featured Donald Trump running for president in the body of a dead cat?
        An odd bit of predictive programming for old Berkley Breathed.

    • Otis T Penguin for president! Bloom county was great, and is missed. Right up until Berke Breathed went off the deep end with Outland.

      I do wonder if The Far Side could even be done in these waning days of the clown empire though.


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