Strike Two


He just did it – again.

Trump announced the appointment of another “COVID” thug, Florida Sheriff Chad Chronister, to a position of high government authority. Chronister has been tapped by Trump to head the Drug Enforcement Administration, which would be funny were it not so tragic.

This man being one of the men who amen’d the sickness psychosis that led to drugs being pushed on hundreds of millions of Americans. Now he will have the power to do that again.

Federal law enforcement power.

This man personally went after a pastor – Ronald Howard-Brown of The River at Tampa Bay Church – who refused to play “COVID” Kabuki. When Howard-Brown continued to hold services that people were not forced to attend, this government thug Chronister arrested the pastor and publicly denounced him. Pastor Howard-Brown “intentionally and repeatedly disregarded state and local public health orders, which put his congregation and our community in danger,” said the badged and armed two star “general” back in 2020. 

The pastor didintentionally and repeatedly disregarded state and local public health orders” – because they were evil bullshit. This is what pastors are supposed to do. Call out bullshit. And refuse to bow to evil. Else why bother with them? The badged and armed thug who arrested the pastor claimed he “put his congregation and our community in danger.”

As we all know, that was bullshit, too. Bullshit of the most evil sort – as there was no danger, except to the basic liberties Americans used to assume were inviolable. Such as being free to attend a church service no one else was forced to attend. 

Now this bastard is to be raised to high office – by the man who was elected, in great measure, as an electoral repudiation of everything that was done to America under the auspices of “COVID.” The same man who recently selected another amen’er of “COVID” Kabuki  – and worse – to be the next surgeon general and so in a position to foment a similar mass hysteria event again.


Why – of all the people available to be the next surgeon general or the next head of the DEA – did Trump choose “COVID” amen’ers and enforcers?  There are so many other people available – including people who refused to play “COVID” Kabuki and called out the bullshit and the evil when it was in full force.

But Trump chose not to choose such people. Instead, he has chosen these two. It tells us either of two things must be true. The first is that Trump is an idiot who actually still believes that “COVID” Kabuki wasn’t bullshit or evil and supported it for that reason. This appears to be the reason, given his idiotic assertion made the other day that the drugs he helped push on hundreds of millions of Americans “saved hundreds of millions of lives.”

It is possible Trump actually does believe this. That kind of stupidity exists – and it is hard to treat.

The other explanation is he knows perfectly well it was all bullshit – and evil – and is setting us up to endure more of the same.

Either way, it amounts to the same. If he’s an imbecile – and believes it – it explains why he’d anoint people he does not regard as amen’ers and enforcers of evil bullshit to positions of authority. If he’s part of it, that explains it.

But the take home point is we can expect more of it. To expect otherwise would be imbecilic on our part. If Dracula were appointed to oversee the blood bank, do you suppose some of the bottles of the red might turn up empty? What would you think of the person who appointed Dracula to oversee the blood bank?

Are we imbeciles?

Some of us are, apparently. The some-of-us who see nothing-to-worry-about here. Because it’s our guy – and not the other guy – that is setting us up for another round of “COVID” Kabuki with these appointments. Who is letting us know – right to our faces – what he really believed about the evil bullshit that was “COVID” Kabuki.

The sole voice on our side who is calling out this evil bullshit is Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky.  “I’m going to call ‘em like I see ‘em,” he said. “Trump’s nominee for head of DEA should be disqualified for ordering the arrest a pastor who defied COVID lockdowns.”


But Massie isn’t the one making these choices. The Orange Man is.

And it is very, very bad.

. . .

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  1. Strike three?

    ‘A festive gathering at Mar-a-Lago, featuring a beaming Donald Trump seated with Senator Lindsey Graham standing behind him also with a big smile on his face. Seated next to Trump were two grinning apparent guests of Trump whose faces would not be familiar to most Americans.

    ‘The woman is Sara, the wife of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and seated next to her is her son Yair, who reportedly has been living in Miami.’ — Dr Philip Giraldi, post titled ‘Who the Hell Is In Charge Here?’ at unz dot com, Dec 6, 2024

    Orange Man Bad is up to his old tricks again. He’s hanging out with rum-soaked neocon war faggot Lindsey Graham, and the wife and son of an ICC-designated war criminal with an international arrest warrant out for him.

    How do these undesirable aliens even get admitted to this country, much less entertained by the president-elect? Something is very wrong with this picture.

  2. Have I personally offended Eric with the TDS comment? Or does 2 links equal auto flagging of content?

    I’d like to make my first contribution, especially with my ability to frame Dr. Fauci as an evil leprechaun hanging in the balance. I’m pretty sure it came out in that report from congress anyway.

    Serious question I’ve been thinking about. Eric you do still have the no clover car magnets on hand right?

      • I would like to know if the magnets are still around. I’ve been a reader for several years and I’d be happy to send the asking price adjusted for some inflation.

      • Hi Steve!

        No offense taken! I’m a grown man; not a little girl. I enjoy a good debate. As RG explained above, the site has a spam filter that sometimes catches legitimate comments. I try to get these approved ASAP. Apologies for any inconvenience and rest assured there’s no speech suppression happening here.

    • Hi Steve,

      Two links in one post sends it to moderation, because the system believes it is spam. When Eric comes back in the morning he will release the post.

      I highly doubt Eric is offended about anything you said. This group is made up of tough cookies. We argue, critique, insult, and move on. 😁

      Welcome aboard!

      • Cool. It’ll probably be two weeks but well worth it. Picked up on this site when David Knight used to link to your articles on Infowars. Articles like Full Disclosure are like a juicy steak. Pretty much everywhere and everyone else who does automotive news is – Fork you’re carbon taxes over to the UN – communist beyond beef drivel. And here your site has been, telling it like it is, and encouraging others to have conversations freely, not more slave training with armies of NPC’s to argue with fruitlessly under articles about how cool the future will be, reviewing the next $100,000 5,000Lbs sports car, whilst training the public to love their 3cylinder. I’m glad this corner of the internet exists.

        • Thanks, Steve!

          I have always relied on reader support to operate this joint; no paywalls or peddlering – which I myself cannot abide. You’ll never hear me pitch Rough Greens or Buy Gold Now.

    • Good news. Wish we knew more about who pulled the strings of that smoke show.

      Big test if Trump learned or is capable of learning. I learned yesterday that Chronister is for amnesty/sanctuary cities, and, all the trans/queer crap. If it wouldn’t be a loss to Yavapai county, Id recommend our sherif, David Rhoades. Not perfect, but he has no love for cooperating with the FBI, and he’s not a rabid anti-drug crusader.

      Better yet, Trump could just leave the office vacant, or put an NPC ombudsman in charge.

      • I question the company that Pam Bondi keeps. I am now automatically suspicious of her. How do you promote or befriend someone who not only believed the “COVID” narrative, but enforced it? They should have asked his unvaccinated officers who went without pay when they were sick due to this psycho’s “leadership”.

        Hegseth is the next one out. Too many skeletons.

        • Hope Hegseth survives. Not because he’s that great, he’s a shill for Israel after all, but because he’s actually shot a rifle. If we’re being honest, even though I’m against all warring, except maybe against the cartels at our border, Hegseth knows the only job of the military should be killing people and breaking things, and doing it well.

          As for Bondi, IIRC she was hooked up with Jeb or George, not sure which, but either way, thats a disqualification in mu mind.

        • I disqualify Pam Bondi because she’s all in for no excuses “red flag” laws. The mere accusation that you’re a “threat” will result in your legally owned firearms confiscated for “safety.” And she doesn’t want them returned to you if you are no longer a “threat.” Ever heard of the 2nd Amendment, Pam??

      • Aww, don’t worry, Eric [Translation: Do worry. A lot!] I’m sure Trump will find another rabid Zionist COVIDIAN (probably a woman,and or gay) to put in the role.

        And people keep trying to tell us that the “conservatives” won…. I see no evidence of that, but quite the opposite.

  3. Its painfully obvious that “Trump” has little if any say in this string of “picks”. Daddy kush prolly appointed itself. . . To gay pareeee. .

    Hes just a dumb dupe of deciders like yall who “voted” knowing damn well deep down on yr pathetic death bed insides its a total crock a bs.

    Im gonna hammer this nail cuz its the only one that matters in this discussion.

    For the love of god stop gaslighting yrselves n human up already !

    Every four years you roll out the same lie and play like yr forced to believe it.


    THE psychopath controls you completely.

    • (((Trump))) is here to bring WWIII and Civil War to the US.

      Not today or tomorrow….but sooner than any of us want.

      Mark my words… although I’d give up my castle to be wrong about this.

      Read it now, and believe it later….

      • “Trump))) is here to bring WWIII and Civil War to the US.”

        More accurately, whoever occupies the WH. It makes no difference. They all serve the same masters. They even openly acknowledge it: No one even begins a campaign in this country anymore, if they’re a serious contender, without first and foremost pledging support to….ISRAEL!

        Makes absolutely no difference which figurehead is on stage, be Big Doofy Orange, or Kommie-lala, or Bozo The clown. (Actually, things might be a bit better with Bozo. He’s less evil!)

    • No, this is us taking the country back. I never once thought we would have anyone but NPC’s to vote for in my lifetime, yet here we are. Trump is real, not an NPC, makes mistakes, and trashing the globalists’ system. You know the globalist scum are desperate when they roll out Dick Cheney’s daughter to endorse the democrat.

      Imagine that. A real president in the 21st century. No wonder his Executive Orders were being thrown in the Trash.

      • Good morning, Steve!

        We’ll see – regarding Trump. One clear test will be whether he pardons all the “insurrectionists.” Another will be whether indictments and serious prosecutions of every official responsible for “COVID” are forthcoming. This is not vengeance. It is necessary accountability. If this does not happen, then it will happen again.

  4. I’m not afraid to die. Lived my life, just a few things left to do, but I am ready anytime.

    I am not afraid to die.

    They….cannot force me to do anything I REALLY do not want to do.

    • This. It doesn’t matter who the orange man appoints. The worse the “appointees to power” can do to me is kill me, and since I’m not afraid of death and in fact welcome eternal life, it’s a blessing. I still will not comply with ANY of it, and that includes voting.

  5. The alligators change, but the swamp remains the same.

    In other news, politicians are known to lie, but only during days ending with ‘y’.

    The ‘warp speed’ quackcines weren’t the only screw up during Trump’s first term, but I’d certainly argue they were the most significant one.

    For him to still defend it, AND to up the ‘number of lives saved’ to hundreds of millions now, makes me think he’s probably closer to the ‘stupid’ rather than ‘evil’ description.

    But hey, what do I know, when we have experts like Dr Fauci and such?

    • Morning, John!

      I voted for Trump because (like RG and some others here) I thought that, on balance, the effect would be better if he became president rather than Harris. I am beginning to question this. I consider it inexcusable and gratuitous that Trump tapped two “COVID” creeps to be in his administration. This is an “in your face” to everyone who voted for him because they wanted to flush everything associated with “COVID” down the toilet.

      • The only saving grace is that orange man has a tendency to fire people, except for Fauxi – his hatchet man for the “beautiful vaccines!” Maybe he’ll fire all the covid me-too freakouters after they don’t kiss up to him enough. But I’m sure those people are boot-lickers so that will probably never happen.

        • Hi Pug,

          I think I’ve developed a pretty effective early warning radar over the years and these two appointments – the surgeon general and the head of the DEA – cause my radar to blip with alarm. He chose them deliberately. It is a “psychopath signal.” Meaning, it is his way of letting us know what he is planning to do. These creeps always do it this way and once you become sensitive to it, you see it immediately. I saw it when the “mask” crap began. I knew – as if by instinct – that it would lead to the pushing of drugs on people. Trump wore the “mask.” He is one of them. I am truly praying I am wrong. But every instinct tells me that we got taken for a ride, again. Or soon will be.

          • Thecashier I had at the store today was wearing a disgusting diaper! They must be ramping up the propaganda again, already! And the creep and his lackeys haven’t even taken office yet. Meet the new boss; same as the old boss.

            I really am beginning to believe that it is time to start looking into leaving this country, -while we even still can. Never imagined I’d be saying that, but that’s what it’s come to. I have a sinking feeling that we’re on the Titanic.

            • Hi Arthur,

              Yep. I saw two the other day – in addition to the two at the airport. One was a woman alone in her car. The other another woman – checkout girl (obese) at the supermarket. She had her “mask” on such that her nose was exposed. The idiocy was strong in this one.

      • Eric: “I am beginning to question this. I consider it inexcusable and gratuitous that Trump tapped two “COVID” creeps to be in his administration. ”

        I worked for a guy who always had to find mistakes in any documents we submitted to him for review. Every single page had to have at least one red mark. We started putting in intentional errors so he would leave the rest of our stuff alone.

        I wonder if Trump’s Surgeon General and DEA head cop might be some of those intentional errors. I suspect Gaetz was, considering his questionable character and the fact that he was disliked in Washington. The rest of the health appointments have been reasonably sound (well, maybe not Dr. OZ). Trump’s pick of Jay Bhattacharya was superb. I hope even if the bad ones survive confirmation, the rest will stiffle their authoritarian instincts.

        Kind of off topic, but the lab leak is sneaking into today’s headlines. I wonder if it is because some of the appointments would discover (already know) what congress has not been able to see for 4 years and it is a Congressional CYA.

  6. The Trump-Musk alliance is a little off-putting. I was hoping the Orange Man would put a stop to EVs being forced down our throats, but now that the King of EVs is his best buddy, I doubt that’s going to happen.

  7. Whats the point of even having a Drug enforcement admin? With pot becoming legal, and the fentanyl/cociane trade run from DNC/Mexican cartel/Chinese military HQ, its a make work job for psychopaths at best, why bother?

    I’ve heard that no one, at least around here goes against the cartel. If you try, they give you a choice, a bag of cash on your doorstep, or, your families faces sewn to a soccer ball. And Big Pharma, the true drug dealers, puleeeze. The lambs go to slaughter, the wolves run free with that bunch.

  8. DEA has always stood for Depraved Evil Assholes.

    We are all from planet earth and that is all that counts.

    The good news is Bibi, the most depraved evil asshole ever to exist on God’s green earth, will one day die and be dead.

    What a relief that will be.

  9. This country, it’s politcians, and the people who support them MAKE ME SICK!

    Let US not be among those who support them BY VOTING FOR THE BASTARDS!!!!!!

    Why on earth would anyone think that Trump would now do anything differently than he did during his first term, when we had four years of his actions that proved his true intentions; not to mention that he STILL glories in his pushing of “the beautiful vaccines”!

    What really gets me down is seeing how even some of the best Libertarians can be fooled by these double-talking actors. I mean, I expect it of the average person, -but seeing Libertarians hoping in these pricks and even voting for them… I’m just astounded. I don’t even know what to say. Santa Claus is not real!!!!!

    • Read “Political Ponerology”.

      You may better understand psychopathy and its control dynamics known as sociopathy.

      Makes NLP seem like a nursery rhyme. Rime? F it you know what I mean.

  10. Trump has always been a Zionist deception. He is owned by extremely wealthy billionaire Jews – who bailed his bankrupt corporation out 6 times – thus making him a loyal tool they could use to advance their agendas. Trump is a marionette, animated by Jewish power, to fool you, presented as a hero to save Amerika.

    But why believe anything I assert? Read what a Jewish newspaper in Israel says about Trump and his cabinet picks:


    Or this piece from the Time of Israel: Donald Trump, America’s first Jewish president

    “On policy, there is no question that Donald Trump is the most pro-Israel, pro-Jewish candidate to ever run for the U.S. presidency. And this year’s Republican Party platform is the most pro-Israel political platform in the history of the United States, on either side of the political aisle. That is why when Jewish and pro-Israel voters learn about Donald Trump’s policies, they support Donald Trump. Let’s examine the evidence and look at other ties that bond Mr. Trump to Israel and the Jewish people. ”


    Why is this important? Because the Jewish agenda is to kill off the Goyim – meaning you – and the only way to do that is with the Jew death jab. Jews (who own the media) got the Goyim convinced they have to get vaccinated to stay healthy. Jews are using the vaccine to kill off vast swaths of Gentiles. That is their plan, Covid-19 was their first overt try. And when you don’t succeed, try try again. Maybe try nuclear war too.

    Who runs Pfizer? A god damned Jew.named Albert Bourla, who’s Covid “medicine” wounded, sickened, and killed millions and millions of people. It was intentionally, it was their plan, they did it specifically to wound and kill you.

    Then Israel celebrate Dr. Bourla by awarding him the Genesis prize – for a job well done. Look it up. Jews in Israel give the million dollar prize to a genocidal maniac Bourla. Bourla should be tried at the Hague and executed for mass murder, not celebrate, not rewarded.



    The truth is the western world lives in a Jewish matrix of complete deception. Everything in the MSM news is fake, meant to confuse you, so they can carry out their plans.

    I would also add that if Trump is OK with the Gaza genocide, then why would Trump have a problem killing you? Trump converted to Judaism after his beloved daughter Ivanka did, she married a Chabad Lubabitcher Jared Kushner. Trump just appointed Charles Kushner as Ambassador to France. Nepotism. Trump is a Jew and you are a Palestinian, get it?

  11. Just another POS AGW dressed like a little 8 yr old boy playing war while insisting that we call him a Hero for collecting his pay check.

    Never mind that his retirement pension plan will be better than 99% of those that paid his salary.

    America gets the government it deserves.

    Vote harder!

    • So let’s summarize:

      Trump chief of staff is Susie Wiles – lobbyist well connected to FL billionaires

      Chad Chronister was initially a security guy for the DeBartolo family.

      “Nikki met Chad when the FBI National Academy Graduate was working in a security role for the family. They got married in 2010.”

      So the DeBartolo family buys the new son-in-law a gig as local AGW.

      Said AGW has no respect for the Constitution despite a connection to the FBI. What a surprise.

      So then this local AGW ends up in charge of DEA?

      Yeah – must have been because he’s so bright and doing a great job.

      As George Carlin said, it’s a club and you ain’t in it.

      • Yeah, the criminals just looking out for themselves. What I do laugh about is, from a spiritual perspective, these people are heading down the wrong fucking road…big time. I wouldn’t trade places with them for anything.

        The best we can do is to continually call this Orange Bastard out for the piece of shit his is and undermine his support.

        These are just different organized crime syndicates fighting over territory, they aren’t looking out for anyone other than themselves.

        Government is slavery.

        • “from a spiritual perspective, these people are heading down the wrong fucking road…big time. I wouldn’t trade places with them for anything.”

          Exactly. They are trading their souls for earthy riches. It’s a tale as old as time.

  12. Now that they’ve felt the overseer’s lash, your garden variety MAGA conservative wants to do something about the FBI, the DEA, etc. They want to reform them so they work right.

    It’s been said that a liberal is a conservative who’s been arrested. And that a conservative is a liberal who’s been mugged. Que sera sera.

    The FBI, the ATF, the DEA, etc. all are illegitimate agencies doing illegitimate things. Reforming them is the height of insanity, they shouldn’t exist and must be abolished.

    Reforming the shape of a turd doesn’t change what it is.

    • The only reform that works for the federal agencies is the one that abolishes them altogether.

      Can’t see that happening though.

    • You can only put so much lipstick on a pig, it’s still a pig. I remember when the sickness started an I was not of the body. I was stunned at the level on stupidity that John Q. Public processed. I, like Eric , knew where it was heading nothing-would return to pre covaids (misspelling on purpose ) until everybody had taken the magic elixir, snake oil. With some faith hopefully these rats will get theirs. Hell being forced to watch reruns of The view forever more.

      Ps AIDS was one of Dr. Fauci first grifts

      • He’s fucking us with these picks for sure. I hate the bastard. The only thing about this animal that I can say is that at least the guy isn’t in charge of the FBI or something like that. He’s watching drug dealers

      • I’ll just keep calling Trump out for being a douche-canoe and feeding that into the zeitgeist. The noise will get loud enough and will make its way back to Trunk…maybe it’ll influence him, who knows?

        • Hi Gary,

          I think it’s important to hold Trump to the same standard we’d hold Harris or any Leftist to. I think it is incredibly foolish to ignore/rationalize Trump’s decisions and actions when they are egregious. And it was egregious of him to appoint a zealous “COVID” enforcer as head of the DEA and a “mask” believer to be surgeon general.

  13. Notice the fake militarization.
    1. Hash stripes on the lower sleeve.
    2. Ribbons on the chest.
    3. Two stars on the collar.

    If he were in the U.S. Army, which he is not, two stars would signify the rank of major General. According to Wackypedia, “A major general typically commands division-sized units of 10,000 to 15,000 soldiers.”

    Did the stars come in a box of Cracker Jacks, or did he buy them at a yard sale?
    Either way, he is impersonating a military officer.

    According to one website:

    “Anyone who impersonates a member or veteran of the military by wearing uniforms, badges, or medals with the intent to deceive is considered a military imposter. Each state has slightly different definitions and punishments for impersonating a military member.”

  14. I don’t believe in nothin’ no more! I’m going to law school!” – Eric

    OK, maybe I’m being a little harsh. Love ya no homo! 😀

    I voted pretty much straight republican and would do it again today. I did so knowing full well they’d somehow manage to piss away the opportunity they’ve been presented. It’s right in their platform. Same old law and order bullshit from Reagan’s day, with a Trump twist. One man isn’t going to drain anything. At least not this man, who seems to be better at self-promotion than anything else. But again, I knew that going in.

    BTW did you see that O’Biden pardoned his ne’er-do-well son? I wonder if ‘Ol Joe has an email server at the Rehoboth beach house? So hard to maintain those Exchange servers… one day the hard drive just goes kablooie. Backups? You mean we should have been keeping backups?

  15. The charges against Howard-Browne were later dismissed by Andrew Warren, the Prog Hillsborough State Attorney whom DeSantis famously fired.

  16. Chronister is well connected. He’s married to Nikki DeBartolo, a member of the billionaire DeBartolo family.

    That he arrested a pastor exercising religious freedom specifically protected under the 1st Amendment is entirely disqualifying. Of course, he’s perfect for heading up the evil agency that fights the “war on drugs.” This guy’s a real piece of shit.

  17. Yep, and I figured you might be on this one right quick, Eric.

    Still not much excoriation of the DEA as the abominable entity it is, though I know you understand it to be.

    But then, “Drug Enforcement” maybe exactly what the Orange Man will be after. As in, your taking of the “beautiful” drugs will be enforced at gun point. Likely not, I’d think, as that would be the undoing of the entire charade, but you never know at this point.

  18. Setting aside for a moment the fact that Federal GovCo has no Constitutional authority to even HAVE a “Drug Enforcement Agency” it is monumentally ironic that the person that will now head an agency ostensibly set up to prevent the consumption of some drugs seems to have the attitude that GovCo can force you to take certain drugs.

    Pogo…call your office…


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