Strike One


It appears the Orange Man hasn’t learned a god-damned thing. Or – worse – he was a knowing backer of the whole god-damned thing.

How do we know?

The Orange Man has just tapped a younger, female version of Dr. Fauci to be the next surgeon general. Her name is Dr. Janette Nesheiwat  – another quack who was among those pushing drugs on Americans at the height of the engineered mass panic event of 2020-2023 that some still refer to as “the pandemic.” Which is something like saying driving 5 MPH faster than the speed limit is “unsafe.”

Back in 2021, Nesheiwat urged people to “Be safe & protect yourself this thanksgiving holiday. Flu shot, booster shot, first shot etc.  If you’re not yet vaccinated, get tested before gatherings to minimize spread.”

She’s a “masker,” too.

And claimed we were “running out of ICU beds.” That kids – the demographic for whom “COVID” was as much a serious threat as a slip and fall neck injury in the boy’s room – were being “put in the hospital in record numbers” by “COVID.”

But she was – and apparently still is – a believer in Trump’s absurd assertion that the “beautiful” drugs she and he boosted “saved millions of lives.” This is a core tenet of the “Q” (or “anon”) theory – also styled “devolution” – that asserts  the real meaning of “saved millions of lives” runs thus:

Orange Man used the “beautiful” drugs to undermine the narrative of “the pandemic,” which the “black hats” intended to last for a decade or longer, slowly attriting the population via endless lockdowns and societal economic-societal collapse.

And that is how Trump’s “beautiful” drugs “saved millions of lives.”

In fact, they destroyed millions of livelihoods – and ended more lives than any other drug pushed on us by the legalized drug cartels. How many millions lost their jobs – or their businesses – because of the mass hysteria and their refusal to play along with it? To abide by or enforce the “mask” mandates? To roll up their sleeves as a condition of employment? To jab kids – who had no meaningful ability to refuse?

She was one of the people who egged it all on – or was too stupid to understand what she was egging on – and either ought to be an automatic disqualification to hold the job of surgeon general.

And yet, her she is. More like here we go, again.

This nomination is early evidence that Trump does not get it. Which is persuasive evidence that we’re likely to get it, the next time a mass-panic event is engineered. There are many better qualified people than this woman – among them Dr. Joseph Lapado, surgeon general of Florida. He didn’t fall for – or peddle – the “COVID” bullshit. He deserves to be considered. Not someone like her.

Of course, she has a better rack than Dr. Lapado – and that may be all that Trump, in his infantile narcissism, cares about. See also the new impending attorney general.

Strike One, for the Orange Man. And he’s not even in office, yet.

There is some good news. This “masker” and believer in the “beautiful” drugs is not yet surgeon general.

If there is immediate and severe pushback, she might not become surgeon general.

This is important – not so much because the position has great power – but because the Orange Man’s feet have got to be held to the fire. Zero tolerance for more of the same – from the same people responsible for it last time.

Pretending Trump’s a good guy when evidence suggests he isn’t – or that he’s an idiot, which is effectively just as bad – is even worse than the habit Leftists have of backing their people no matter what they do, just because they are their people.

If Orange Man is bad then it is on his supporters to call him out.

Count me in.

. . .

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  1. Gonna need knee surgery after this reaction.

    constructive criticism
    noun [ C or U ]
    us/kənˌstrʌk.tɪv ˈkrɪt̬.ɪ.sɪ.zəm/ uk/kənˌstrʌk.tɪv ˈkrɪt.ɪ.sɪ.zəm/

    a comment or comments saying in a helpful way what is wrong with something and how it could be improved:

    Thanks for all the positive feedback and constructive criticism.

    He is happy to accept constructive criticisms, many of which have already been acted upon.

  2. Hi Folks,

    As the amerikant empire continues it’s accelerating decline…..How about a Travel/Automotive story of where “We” are heading in the very near future…


    July 2017 “Jo berg” South Africa…my younger brother knows a TX A&M Land Mgmt. prof. organizing some safari stuff in “Southern” Africa.

    Per my SOP, I “bookend” all my flights to encompass more than the “Engagement” itself..
    Thus my older bro flew down early…(an expert left hand driver…right side …not so much)

    I needed him as my “designated driver” for the backend stuff along SA’s “Garden Route”
    after the “Bwana bullshit”….

    Anyhoo, we head out to the Africa museum in Downtown Joberg on a Sunday morning….
    “cell phone’ gets us there … the place is closed and the signal drops….hmmmm..
    I tell him to pull over …”before we get lost”..pulling up to the curb , he rips the sidewall of
    the left front “tyre”..

    after a moment “of reflection”…consisting mainly of problem’ solving banter. To wit..”.holy shit..holy shit.” necessary…….

    We next experienced what can only be described as a “Deus ex Machina”…

    The car was surrounded by a dozen coal black faces peering into the windows…
    (Al Sharpton would be classified White)….

    Check out this action kids … I look at their faces AND 0 malice in the eyes!!
    They expressed wonderment and the facial expressions conveyed “White Men are here! Please save us”!
    I gingerly exit the vehicle holding a US twenty saying “200 Rand”….the money was thankfully accepted…then look to my left AND.. there is a Dunlop tyre shop right at the corner…
    The eclectically attired retinue…pushed the car to the shop jacked up and changed the tyre.
    I handed out another $20 then asking for directions back to the highway we transported a couple of dudes to their abode… an underpass on the highway we were looking for!

    BLM agitators are DISGUSTING…”Can’t we all just get along”??

    Real Africans are very kool with White people and realize what the fuck has happened to their country after 25 yrs of DEI stupidity.

    Semper Fi!

  3. A better rack? Really, Eric? If you want to hammer the women on their policies that’s one thing, but to insinuate they are being picked because they are all tits and ass is downright insulting. Are Turner and Hegseth being picked for the size of their dick?

    I don’t like all of Trump’s picks or their ties to certain people and organizations, but most are 1) outside the Swamp; and 2) they all have the credentials. As you stated above RFK would be her boss so the damage she can do is limited. Lest not forget that the majority of doctors and “influencers” lined up and promoted vaccines including Robert Malone and Marty Makary before they didn’t. Personally, I would have liked to see Dr Simone Gold (a woman who never fledged on the danger of these shots).

      • Hi Adi,

        She was also paid a visit by a 20 member swat team under Uncle Joe’s Administration and thrown in jail for 90 days.

        She saw the Plandemic for the scam it was and had the guts to speak out about it early on.

          • Mr. Fine sounds like an ass, but I think Trump is playing both sides. At last week’s UFC fight he sat next to and talked to Yasir Al-Rumayyan, the head of Saudi Arabia’s PIF and a Board of Director at Saudi Aramco. At the end of the day the elites all agree on one thing…their love of money. I think a lot of this “You hate me, I hate you” is for show. The only ones that get hurt are the peasants (us) who believe their detest of each other is real.

            • I agree, RG. 🙂
              >Trump is playing both sides.
              Or, you could say he is playing his own side, meaning whatever he thinks is good for DJT at any given moment.
              And the winds have been known to shift rather quickly…
              Can you say “shameless opportunist?”

            • He’s a DEAL MAKER, that’s what he brings to the White House.

              The VULCANS have a saying: “Only Nixon could go to China”. Likewise Trump can deal with parties that would readily stab America in the back, especially Isra-Hell.

          • It’s been known that Trump’s long been friendly with J-O-Os. Really, he made his bones in Tri-State area commercial real estate in the 1970s and 1980s. Do you think he didn’t at least work out some accommodation back then with Gotti in order to get concrete delivered and trash picked up for his construction projects? Likewise, to get building permits, he’d have to have at least said good things about politicians that AIPAC supports. Plus, two of three of his kids with his late first wife married into the “Tribe”.

    • RG… please relax…no one is shooting at you, this is Swamp politics as usual, nothing more. Eric is merely stating an astute, if cynical, observation about Orange Man Bads preferences.

      Truthfully, Trump’s most likely a Trojan Horse of epic proportions,. Once the coming combined 9/11 and December 7th false flag event happens, stupid people everywhere will line up to WAR WAR WAR on behalf of the (((JUSA))).

      And the nukes will fly, and hundreds of millions will die.

      Study history, it’s all plain as day, the 4th turning is upon us. God help you if you’re not ready for it.

      (((TPTB))) want to encourage Goyim infighting, amongst white Christians particularly. Such conflict take your mind off the real source of the (((problem))).

      YMMV….Good luck and Godspeed.

      • Hi Sax,

        I didn’t think Eric was coming after me at all, but let’s be honest, usually the pick of a woman in a high ranking position is either she received the job because of her looks or she was a DIE hire. Very rarely is it stated that she is smart and capable.

        I am glad you mentioned the 4th Turning though, because I agree with you 100% on this. I believe we have lived through the Crisis and have reached the Awakening though. Why do I think this? It has very little to do with Trump, but the eye opening of the public. We are rebelling against the established order. Look at the mainstream media it is figuratively exploding. DIE/ESG is deteriorating before our eyes. People are no longer scared to speak out.

        Personally, I think we have made it through. Some will disagree with me waiting for an inevitable World War or a cratering dollar. I don’t think it is coming. We (the world) have experienced hell for the last 25 years: the diminishing of our individual rights under the Patriot Act, the 2008 Recession, and the COVID Plandemic. Then there are the rocket high inflation numbers, the political prosecutions of Americans, and the loss of our privacy due to technology. It is coming to an end.

        I believe the next 20 to 25 years will bring a push toward personal freedom and Constitutional Rights. I believe there will be hiccups, but all in all the individual will reign supreme. I am not waiting for the shoe to drop. The system is crumbling now and she is a site to behold.

          • Hi Eric,

            What a great passage from Adams.

            There is no doubt that the last 24 years has been a test of endurance and personal strength. I believe you should be very proud of what you have accomplished by maintaining your principles, but also offering a sanctuary to others who think similarly.

            I do sincerely believe we have seen the worst of times and people and have been able to triumph against it and them. I hope 2025 is the Enlightenment that I presume it will be and we can all take a collective breath and be proud of our resolve.

      • It’s been eighty years since the last great killing-off of whites, and from the Zionist perspective, the best part was, they were doing it to EACH OTHER.

        I definitely don’t trust that those pulling Biden’s string won’t try something over the remaining 56 days of his lawful term. Including getting OM out of the way. I have greater confidence that Putin’s smart enough to wait things out until Trump is sworn in, ASSuming he survives that long. We shall see…

    • Why are you upset with Eric? Trump has a history of picking women based on looks.

      Or is there no one more qualified for the supreme court than Pam from The Office?

  4. I held out no hope he would learn much. His ego won’t allow it.

    What he could do is end the Ukraine support and get rid of some of the government.

    In the end it probably won’t matter because in 4 years, the next swamp creature will assume power.

      • Pug,
        Geting rid of DST would have my Caracas GF contact some..” Venezuelan friends”….to occupy some nearby apt complexes proximate to you…..She “frowns upon” darkness at 6pm…and that’s in Florida…

        My advice, pick your battles and keep your fingers crossed that Maduro…..encounters a health crisis soon ….

        THEN, hope you can score some Venezuelan Real Estate before Blackrock sucks it all up…….
        At 3,000 ft elevation only 20 miles from the coast, Caracas is spectacularly situated.

        Oh yeah, if you want the best inflation fighting advice you will encounter for a generation….learn Spanish, then Roll the dice with VE real estate!

        Did anyone mention….World’s largest known oil reserves….just for “collateral” of course… Isn’t Marco Rubio up for some .gov position?

        Just saying..

        • I have a feeling “Securing a safe energy transit from oil wellhead to refinery”…

          sans traversing the Red Sea……increases Yanqui prospects for ..

          Reduced shipping/insurance rates;

          TX refineries et al can handle heavy sulfur crude……

          Hurricanes are virtually non existent (rare seismic activity)…

          Forget chopping firewood for heat Occasional refreshing mountain chill…
          as low as 40F!!! an event known as “Pacheco”…

          Rebuilding decrepit oil infrastructure will require beaucoup engineering…

          And Shitloads of accommodation for the influx of carpetbaggers!!

          Why wait ?? start your “exploitation plan” Today!

  5. The people running the show are collectivists nothing else.

    Like how Norman Finkelstein said about Bill Maher, they’re all ignorant sacks of shit.

    They are only thinking of themselves. Solipism writ large.

    Be glad you are on the outside looking in.

  6. A slap in the face of RFK. But then, he will be her boss if both are confirmed. That could get mighty contentious. He will be certainly be questioned on this today or tomorrow. It will be interesting to see how/if he responds.

    I believe Trump would like like to see him gone anyway. He is Trouble, capital “T” intended.

    • There’s plenty of meaningless post to offer RFK. The best way to deal with gadflies and troublemakers is to “damn” them with FAINT PRAISE.

  7. Trump should rightly be called out for doing things that are not consistent with his promises. Trump is not our savior though. No man is. He will disappoint many.

    That said, during the Biden admin it has been wall-to-wall bad stuff. During Trump 1.0, he at least neutered Obamacare and didn’t start new wars. I expect Trump 2.0 will be a very mixed bag. I just hope a few good things will result. He will not be a panacea and government fuckery will not end. Don’t forget that the purpose of government is for those in power to plunder those who are not.

  8. Nicholas J. Fuentes

    Trump’s team says NO BLANKET PARDON for January 6th protesters.

    If true this would be the first and possibly most evil betrayal of the second Trump presidency.

    Justice is not possible in the DC District Court, because the jury pool are 90 percent Democrats. J6 convicts are political prisoners. Drain that swamp.

    • Morning, Jim –

      If Trump does not pardon all of them shortly after he has the authority as president to do so, then I wash my hands of the bastard. They have been held in prison for years for doing nothing that amounted to a serious crime. Maybe some deserved to be cited for disorderly conduct and fined. But years in prison for walking into and around public buildings and harming absolutely no one?

      • The Q anon people will just say that someone from a three letter agency pulled him aside and told Don how that kid who shot him in Butler was working for The Company.

      • You know I wonder about some of those people. They could have easily requested a speedy trial per the Constitution. Why didn’t they? Sometimes I wonder if it is all just a big, boring show.

      • A moot point, Eric. Trump’s a lame duck now, thanks to the 22nd Amendment. The only way his being in the White House won’t happen is if another shooter has better aim, or Trump doesn’t wiggle so much, or he wolfs down one McRib too many and his ticker explodes.

        He’s got NOTHING TO LOSE and PLENTY TO GAIN by blanket pardoning the J6 protesters. Let the libtards, the Deep State, and “Mittens” Romney howl with indignation. It’d be like what our 17th POTUS, Andrew Johnson, did on Christmas Day, 1868, by pardoning ALL ex-Confederates, including former POTCS Jefferson Davis, who was the ONLY Confederate civilian charged with any crime WRT his duties for the CSA. Charged with treason, and bailed out by none other than Horace Greeley and Cornelius Vanderbilt, Davis was actually living in Canada when he got the pardon, but he’d promised that if the US Government were to proceed to trial, he’d return.

        I’d also like to see the incompetent diversity hire that killed Ashli Babbit fired from the Capitol Police, but since Trump has no authority over them, but the Speaker of the House does, it falls to that representative to show some guts and can that moron. At least a DC court has ruled that Ashli’s family can proceed with their lawsuit against the US Government for her wrongful death.

  9. I asked ChatGPT this question and couldn’t get a straight answer, but if anyone knows please inform me: how many of Trump’s cabinet picks are former Democrats? Trump, who himself is a former Dem, seems to have surrounded himself with erstwhile members of that party who have only recently “converted” to (putatively) being conservative. Even Trump supporter Tucker Carlson was a Democrat until 2020.

    It’s as if the leaders of the Left figured out they had lost control of the country in the Scamdemic’s wake and decided they needed to infiltrate the ranks of the conservatives. The Right seem to have fallen for the ruse, so it doesn’t take a genius to figure out what the final outcome will likely be.

    • In fairness the dimmies have been bleeding support for decades, relying on the huddled tax consuming masses in he large urban areas for their core voter base.

      Since they’ve been losing actual support, they rely on a combination of naked cheating and recruiting from radical and deranged subgroups to maintain enough supporters to make the cheating plausible and maintain power. They’re communists, nobody really supports them but still they maintain power by cruelty and terrorism.

      As a consequence the older, more patriotic or at least saner dims are leaving them in droves.

  10. quote “This nomination is early evidence that Trump does not get it.”

    Or perhaps Trump is in on it.

    After the 2016 election, a video surfaced exposing Trump and his loyalties to Israel. Nothing has changed. Trump is MIGA, not MAGA. Trump was not duped by Fauci, Trump is in on it, perhaps even bankrolled by it.

    The Covid hoax and death jab is directly linked to Israel, Jewish newspapers in Israel say those who resist the vaxx are antisemitic, and Israel gave Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla the million dollar Genesis prize for his killer vaccine. Look it up.


    Bourla should be in the docket along with Netanyahu for genocide.

    • Is Albert Bourla a hero or is he a mass murderer, in on a plot to exterminate the human population? Unless you are brain dead, the answer is obvious. The same tribe that owns Hollywood, the US Government, big pharma, the medical industry and the media all worked in unison to convince us to get jabbed.

      Trump is a front man for this tribal group out to exterminate us. And if they can not kill us off by the jab, maybe by WW3. The current theory about Trump is that he was selected to lead us into WW3 and convince the Goyim to fight and die for Ukraine and Israel.

      • That’s well-said, Jack – and I agree.

        Bourla is scum. Fauci is scum. All who pushed the drugs – and the “masks” – are scum. Trump’s surgeon general is one, too. And – thus – so is Trump, for nominating her. I increasingly suspect nothing is going to change – except for the worse.

        • You got it Eric! In my 58 years on this planet, the only thing that is consistent is that everything stays the same, except just a little bit worse. It matters not one whit who holds the political reins. Not at all. The only thing we can change is our reaction to the worsening and try to bring a little joy and peace in our own lives. That’s it.

    • Who was exempt from the mandatory Covid vaccine?

      Natural News: Resident Biden has signed an Executive Order that requires all federal executive branch workers to be vaccinated, except the House, Senate, himself, and all judges.

      On September 15, 2021, Jeff Rense listed the groups that have been exempted from getting the vaxxines:

      • All of Congress
      • All of the Congressional staff
      • 6,000 White House employees
      • 2,500 Pfizer employees
      • 1,500 Moderna employees
      • 120,000 Johnson & Johnson employees
      • 15,000 CDC employees
      • 14,000 FDA employees
      • 8,000,000 Chinese students in the US (85%-90% of whom are CCP and/or PLA members)
      • 2,000,000 illegal invaders
      • 500,000 homeless people

      • ATTENTION: Places you can work where the jab is NOT mandated

        1. The White House 2. The CDC 3. The FDA 4. The WHO 5. Pfizer 6. Moderna 7. Johnson & Johnson

        ATTENTION: in australia all doctors are exempt from injection.
        i would bet the doctors in lots of other countries are exempt too, that explains why they don’t say one word about the injections, they don’t care and are probably paid well to cooperate.

        a scientist working on gene modification says he only has a piece of paper saying he is injected (faked)….haha….sounds like the scientists are exempt…
        NOTE: sounds like the exempted ones get a passport saying they are injected, but aren’t….so they can dine out etc.

        the nurses aren’t exempt, when the population is reduced 90% (the wef goal) less nurses are needed,
        same applies to enforcers, plus they will be replaced by robots soon, they are cheaper and follow any order. some of them are starting to push back because they are getting mandated now, joining with the little people on the bottom.

        The Governor of Virginia is making all Commonwealth employees take the jab or be fired.
        attention: but He has EXEMPTED POLITICIANS AND JUDGES, so it looks like that group are exempt too.

        NOW ALSO: Members of Congress, their staff, and federal court system employees are exempt from the Biden administration’s new vaccine mandates,

        another exempt group: U.S. postal service

        NBA players exempt

        ATTENTION: 6 million foreign chinese students exempt (the ccp doesn’t control the leftist government…haha)

        NOTE: All illegal immigrants or non citizens are exempt because if they are injured big pharma can be sued, all citizens were sold out to big pharma, they have no liability.

        NOTE: if you have a lot of money you can probably buy a faked exemption like the exempt get. so again this is just bashing poor people……….

        NOTE: here is another exempt group, don’t get the extermination injections….the billionaire elite:

        gates and other .0001% rich families don’t vaccinate their own children,

        gates, his wife and their children have never been vaccinated….
        NOTE: gates uses hydroxychloroquine.

        elon musk and his family will not be vaccinated….musk is far too intelligent….copy him…

        the 17 elite nobility families are exempt of course:
        one example of the families: the queen of england and her family (they are at the top of the pyramid of power on the planet at the top of the elite nobility control group, controlling the whole thing), ATTENTION: they use homeopathic medicine.

        rockefeller who created our worldwide, fake, fraud, germ theory based, allopathic medicine, didnt use his own allopathic nazi death medicine, NOTE: he used homeopathic medicine.

        FAUCI TAKES 6,000 IUs OF VITAMIN D PER DAY. but he tells you to get poisonous vaccines

        NOTE: Dr Suhab Siddiqi, Moderna’s former Director of Chemistry told CNN that he would not allow the vaccine to be injected into his body


        exempt…..the liberal areas that got the placebos….lol…..3 shots…one placebo…two….non placebo….

        NOT exempt…….Re: targeting of the non placebo nazi needles to conservative areas….data shows that is what was happening..

        Putin said he will not mandate injection of their military,

        (xiden and blackface are owned by china)……..canada and the US will mandate injection of their military, (helping china’s agenda) that will cause them to lose the next war, maybe.

        china only has about 3% of their population injected, they do not use the mrna injection and they do not inject their military…..then they are healthy for the next war.

        whole parts of the globe weren’t complying: China, India, Russia, most of Africa, Japan, Indonesia, US Red states, Denmark, Sweden,….North Korea never did and has zero cases and no injections…

        India had a very low injection rate and only use Hydroxychloroquine now….

        nicaragua booted out the nazi needlers on day one…deported…
        note: nicaragua is doing great with no lockdowns or masks, no injections, no mandates, no deaths or cases, nothing, complete rejection of the whole wef/who/cdc covid narrative, a paradise for 2 1/2 years…lol…….so the leader didn’t get his $1 billion bribe like all the G7 leaders…..

        japan dumped millions of doses of the injections because they are contaminated with metal, Japan stopped complying, they are using ivermectin only now, no more killshot very smart………then their prime minister Shinzo Abe got assassinated

        it is hard to exterminate the japanese with the experimental gene therapy extermination injection, they are too high IQ. japan has no injection mandates, in the U.S. children are mandated 72 injections. japan will survive, the whites won’t.

        what is in there?

      • Even when Biden postured by having the “clot shot” administered on TV, who’s to say it wasn’t a simple SALINE injection? People are so Gott-damned GULLIBLE.

    • I have seen and read enough Jack. Trump is in on it. He was the double-double cross back in 2016 and I imagine that the covid hoax was already on deck at that time. It’s just like Eric has said here several times, it’s easier for them to sell their tyranny when it comes from someone people like. That is Trump’s role in the play.

      Looking back over the years, the choice has basically been, “we’ll give it to you good and hard, or with a spoon of sugar.” In other words, Killary would have done it good and hard but Trump was the candy coated tyranny.

      Then, they faked the election up to install Biden for another round of “good and hard”. Now, that’s played out, I’m pretty sure they faked up the election again for the second act of sugar coated tyranny.

      It’s really so simple. There is zero fucking chance that we’re ever going to vote our way out of their insanity. Zero. It has to blow up or it never gets better.

  11. “This nomination is early evidence that Trump does not get it.”

    I think that was quite obvious to anyone with even basic observational skills way back during his first term.

    Alas, in a society dominated by obese diabetics, who grew up believing that ‘there is a pill for every ill; no personal effort required’, messages such as this quack’s do truly fall on very fertile ground.

    • Hi John,

      That’s fair. I suppose many of us had hoped maybe he’d learned; that – maybe – last time, he got rolled by events that happened so fast and by so manu people he didn’t realize were so malicious. And – of course – the alternative seemed so much worse.

  12. Hope for the best but anticipate the worst.

    The image search revealed a bunch of pics of the chubby but photogenic woman in front of a Fox News logo, so she’s part of the controlled opposition. Probably will be on par with C. Everett Coop, someone who will cajole and shame people who aren’t participating in the current narrative. Or maybe she’ll just be another stuffed shirt, showing up in the press room for whatever “National (affliction) awareness week” it happens to be, then shuffled back into the bowels of the White House until she’s needed again. Or worse, she’ll be put on the rubber chicken circuit, hitting up conferences to spread the message to the masses.

  13. This health-related nomination sounds a LOT better:

    ‘In another appointment with potential to shake up the federal health regime, Donald Trump on Friday nominated Dr. Martin Makary to lead the Food & Drug Administration. Makary, a Johns Hopkins University pancreatic surgeon and author of three New York Times bestsellers, has been critical of the government’s role in health care.

    ‘Makary grew to national notoriety as one of several highly-credentialed physicians who pushed back on many elements of the federal response to the pandemic. Testifying before Congress, Makary said:

    The greatest perpetrator of misinformation during the pandemic has been the United States government. Misinformation that Covid was spread through surface transmission, that vaccinated immunity was far greater than natural immunity … that myocarditis was more common after the infection than the vaccine … that young people benefit from a booster …”

    ‘Makary condemned the Biden administration for pushing boosters on young patients for whom the virus presented a far lower threat. He declared that heavy-handed vaccine mandates “created never-vaxxers.” He co-wrote a study that concluded that Covid vaccine booster mandates for college students created net harm, with adverse reactions like myocarditis in young men outweighing slim benefits from vaccination.

    ‘Makary also ridiculed fear-mongering about the Omicron variant as “fueling … a pandemic of lunacy.” The WaPo reports that Kennedy was influential in Makary’s selection, as Kennedy urged Trump to favor candidates that are not tightly linked to either the health care industry or government. Kennedy is said to consider Makary as a like-minded reformer.

    Now we’re talkin’. Smash the FDA.

    • I dunno, something is not right. Saying, “vaccinated immunity was [not] far greater than natural immunity” means he thinks the Vaxx works, just not as good as claimed & very far away from cardiologist & other Doc’s & such who say the Vaxx is a killer and/or a bioweapon.

      Again, “outweighing slim benefits from vaccination”? Wtf?

      Perhaps, consider:

      “The FDA is basically on record stating we are going to provide vaccines without getting any safety data, efficacy data or immune data to see how the body is going to respond. We are not going to even look at animal studies before we release these on the American people, and we will tell them that they are safe and effective. This is literally the definition of biowarfare.” …

      See also: Dr. McCullough is on record saying “The CV19 vaccine did not help a single person.”

      • I suspect what the Dr is saying is truth, that no vax created immunity superior to natural, because vaxes are designed to trick natural immunity. Put another way, all immunity is natural, but the artificially stimulated kind is inherently not quite as good as the body’s natural response to an invading organism.

        In coming centuries, vaccines will be seen as quackery and medical barbarity on par with the way we see bleeding (the medical procedure) now. In fact both bleeding and artificial inoculation have some limited value, but injecting pints of unknown chemical/biological concoctions into defenseless kids is an outrage.

      • The PHONY vaccine didn’t “work” one Gott-damned bit. I suspect that was NEVER what it really was intended to do. I never got sick at least prior to being arm-twisted to retain mine long-term employment, to get it in November 2021. Since then, all sorts of problems, though I was 62 years and 7 months, so that’s not definitive proof, as age and weight could also simply have by then taken their toll. But I got the “Coof” at least TWICE afterwards. Vaccine, my ass.

  14. ‘If there is immediate and severe pushback, she might not become surgeon general.’ — eric

    I have a lengthening list of Trump appointments to oppose in the Senate, starting with Little Marco Rubio at State, zionist freak Hegseth at Defense, fundamentalist flake Mike Hucksterbee as ambassador to Israel, and shabbos goy Elise “flop down and spread ’em” Stefanik as ambassador to the UN.

    It’s a measure of how badly the Trump administration has been infiltrated and subverted by the Jewish lobby that Hucksterbee and Stefanik were nominated well before far more important cabinet positions.

    Some say that writing to Congress Clowns is as useless as voting. Nevertheless, I speak up, LOUDLY, and just keep punching the shit out of them until my fists break. Destructive, anti-American flakes who pimp IZZZZ-ruh-uhl and vaccines just send me into paroxysms of focused, productive rage.

    RFK Jr, take down this Nesheiwat pharma whore!

    I ain’t the world’s best writer nor the world’s best speller
    But when I believe in something I’m the loudest yeller
    If we fix it so you can’t make no money on war
    We’ll all forget what we’re killing folks for

    We’ll find us a peace job, equal and free
    Dump Marco Rubio in a salty sea
    Well, this makes Robert Kennedy the man for me

    — Woody Guthrie, Stetson Kennedy

    • Good observation Jim,
      Orange Man is packing his administration with Ziowhores who will have no problem being confirmed by the Knesset aka the Senate. The few good appointments will not be approved and then he’s going to fill the rest of his administration with people approved by the Blob. I will not be surprised if he caves on the appointments of RFK,Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard as well.

    • You forgot Soros boot licker Scott Bessent, Jim. A pick I am not the least bit happy about. If he overturns the BOI requirements I may alter my opinion but I am not holding my breath.

  15. IMF Calls For Economy-Crushing Carbon Restrictions That Dwarf COVID Lockdowns

    The slave owners say……

    ….. that the covid lockdowns were a practice run for what they called “climate lockdowns”

    Globalists also presented climate lockdowns as a kind of collective social punishment in the event that slaves refused to cut carbon output on their own…..slaves didn’t buy EV’s, etc…..punishment coming…. As World Economic Forum “Agenda Contributor” Mariana Mazzucato argued in 2020:

    “Under a “climate lockdown,” governments would limit private-vehicle use, ban consumption of red meat, and impose extreme energy-saving measures,

    the IMF states that restrictions on economic activity and general emissions activity would have to far surpass those enforced during the pandemic….way worse lockdowns coming…..

    The IMF and other globalist organizations suggest that all nations must achieve a net zero carbon goal by 2030…in 6 years….starving and freezing in the dark….

    An indirect economic shut down of this magnitude would be absolutely devastating for western nations in particular, resulting in crippling energy shortages, food shortages, job losses, and eventually total collapse and a population plunge. …reread Forecasts

    Net zero is not possible otherwise.


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