Could Use Some Cialis . . .


Just a little heads-up that we’re a little low on the dipstick this month – see the pie chart; we have about 40 percent to go in the week or so that remains in the month, in order to not end the month in the red.

I haven’t had to post one of these appeals in awhile – several months – because we’ve had no issues making it to the green, often a little head of the end of the month. But this month has been slow so far.

I hope it’s not because you’re mad about the delays getting the eBook to you. The problem there is it’s out of my hands; I have a guy formatting it – but he hasn’t finished it yet. Hence, it’s in limbo. He promises it’ll be ready by the end of the month and I will hold him to it. If need be I’ll send all registered users a freakin’ PDF until the real-deal is ready.

Mea culpa.

But this is what comes of a shoestring operation with just me pulling the strings. We have come tantalizingly close, a few times, to being in a position to think about hiring help. But not quite there yet – and right now, it’s pretty far from not quite.

It’s why, incidentally, I have not been able to order new magnets and have had to fall back on sending out the stickers instead. They are much less expensive than the magnets.

So, if you like this little show, please consider supporting what goes on here.

We depend on you to keep the wheels turning! 

Our donate button is here.

 If you prefer not to use PayPal, our mailing address is:

721 Hummingbird Lane SE
Copper Hill, VA 24079

PS: EPautos stickers are free to those who send in $20 or more to support the site. 






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