Reader Question: Harley Value?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Frank asks: How much is a 2009 Harley Fat Bob with 45,000 miles worth?

My reply: According to Kelly Blue Book (KBB) the average retail value of this bike is about $5,900. See here. But it’s important to keep in mind – and why I put in italics – average retail value.

Condition is a huge factor – even more so than miles. A bike with 80,000 on the clock that was stored indoors and well-maintained could be worth more (and a much better buy) than a bike with 45,000 that was kept outside and not well-maintained.

How are the bike’s cosmetics? Is the tank dented? Does it need any major work? All of thee factors contribute to a specific bike’s fair market value. Use the value guides as just that . . .  a guide!

Got a question about cars – or anything else? Click on the “ask Eric” link and send ’em in!

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