Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show/KMED 01/26/2023

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Here’s the audio of my weekly talk with Bill Meyer over at KMED radio in Oregon! We talked about the Chrysler 300 C, the “health care” industry and that which must not be uttered – i.e.,, the truth:

EP on KMED 01-25-23     

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  1. Chevrolet is changing its longtime sportscar Camaro into an electric crossover? To quote the comedy duo The Hodgetwins, that’s crazy as hell. In today’s culture, would that be called a Trans _____?

    I wonder if Toyota is also changing their Corolla into a crossover or if they just decided to make a crossover version of that particular model, as lately The Price is Right has had a Toyota Corolla crossover as one of the new cars contestants would play for.

  2. Would you accept a car repair being billed that way? The repair bill, the parts bill, the machine shop bill, etc.? Hell no!! But that’s exactly how medical care is billed. In the past it has often taken me 6 months or more to get the last bill for medical service.


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