Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show/KMED 07/13/2023


Here’s the audio of my weekly Wheels Up! segment with my friend Bill Meyer over at KMED FM in Medford, Oregon!


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  1. I found this funny, by some guy who writes about culture wars:

    “Nobody wants these vehicles. These vehicles are for faggots and morons who believe everything the media and government tell them. There should be a surgeon general’s warning on them stating that you could become a homosexual by driving one.

    This whole EV scam is really unbelievable. Not only are they not economical, but they are not good for the environment. All of the mining that has to be done to create the batteries for these cars is insane. They are only being pushed as a population control mechanism.

    You are a giant cocksucker if you buy one of these vehicles. I don’t care what anybody says.”

    I think his sentiment nails it, and it made me laugh, and it matches exactly how I feel about EVs. This guy is not a car guy, just some commentator on the other side of the universe.

    • Morning, Jack!

      Hilarious… also depressing… because I have to give back the Challenger on Monday. And deal with another EeeeeVeeeeeeeeeee.


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