Latest Radio: Bryan Hyde Show 10/15/2024


Here’s the audio of this week’s talk with my friend Bryan Hyde, host of the Bryan Hyde Show in Idaho! We  talked about the Overton Window and “allowable narratives” and how to ignore and transcend them, among other things:

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  1. Religions have “magic” numbers embedded in their memeplexes. For instance, Evangelical Christians often mention only 144,000 elect getting into heaven. Krishna had 16108 Gopi consorts, which is close to the golden ratio of 1.6180 x 10e4.

    Jews have the magic number of 6, the Bible mentions 666. 6 million = 6 x 10e6. The 6,000,000 million number is often used by the Rabbis to describe a large number of Jews, it is not to be taken literal no different than in Arabic literature of a long time period of 40 days and 40 nights.

    Long before Hitler, WW2, and the Holohoax invention, Jewish articles used the 6 million number over a 100 times in the press. This video details some of these uses:

    The six million number is used as a psychological weapon against the non Jew which they call goyim (meaning cattle, without souls). When Jews butcher Palestinians, they hide behind the 6 million Holocaust fake number, when researchers have determined 284,000 Jews died in the work camps. Gas chambers are part of the hoax. Jews insist their suffering was the worst, I disagree. What the Jews are doing to the Palestinians right now is far worse than the German work camps.

    Wikipedia – “World War II was the deadliest military conflict in history. An estimated total of 70–85 million people perished, or about 3% of the estimated global population of 2.3 billion in 1940.[1]”

    If you ask internet “how many times was the 6 million number used before ww2”

    “The phrase “Six Million Jews” is Communist propaganda which was used in the media or by politicians or propagandists at least 253 times after 1850 and BEFORE May 1945, when Allied troops arrived at the first German internment camp. Claims that the 6 million were under persecution were attributed to Russia, until the Zionist overthrow of Russia in 1917.”

    The real Holocaust in Europe was the German peoples – just in Dresden fire bombing alone the death toll is estimated at 400,000 to 600,000 as it was a refugee city. Dresden HOLOCAUST was bigger than Nagasaki and Hiroshima combined.

    Eisenhower (a Jew) hated Nazis. After the German army surrendered he starved to death 2.3 million Germans soldiers in the Rhine meadows. Huge war crime you never hear of. What you do hear are bullshit numbers by the Juden Presse – which controls your perception of reality, and gets you to lick the jack boot heels of the demonically evil Rabbinic class and their machinations of wars on the world’s peoples.

    DJT is beholden to these evil ones, which Jesus called the Synagogue of Satan. I think Trump is going to win by a landslide and then Trump will have to do the bidding of the evil ones as part of deal he made with them.


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