Do you remember the scene in the movie adaptation of Orwell’s 1984 in which the main character – Winston Smith – attends a party rally at which the party orator is railing against the official enemy of the moment (I think it was Eurasia) and then, without skipping a beat, changes the focus of his rant to the new official enemy (Eastasia) after another party apparatchik whispers in his ear?
That was, of course, fiction. But is it not similar to our reality?
Only two years ago, Elon Musk was the darling of the Left. His electric car grift was practically ennobled. The Right despised him – and his electric car grift. Now – as if on cue – it’s all reversed. Elon Musk is reviled by the Left. Leftists have stopped buying his devices and rail against him for buying Twitter, which they also used to love – especially when it suppressed the truth by styling it “misinformation.” And now the Right loves him – and pretends he’s not a grifter.
He’s an innovator!
Not kidding.
Rand Paul thinks it’s a fine idea.
“The Speaker of the House need not be a member of Congress, ” he said the other day. “Nothing would disrupt the swamp more than electing Elon Musk . . . think about it . . . nothing’s impossible . . .not to mention the joy at seeing the collective establishment, aka uniparty, lose their ever-lovin’ minds.”
Well, how about Rand’s?
The son of Ron Paul is not a stupid man. He is a medical doctor – though of course, so is Dr. Fauci and that “mask” lover Trump selected to be the next surgeon general. But smart people are not always right people. And – sometimes – they do not have good memories.
The more worrisome thing is whether Rand Paul has lost his principles.
Musk is a grifter. He is a billionaire chiefly on account of the inflow of billions of dollars’ worth of “carbon credits” that other car companies were placed in the position of having to purchase from him in order to get credit for not manufacturing devices (electric cars) which the federal government effectively required them to manufacture, via regulations requiring the manufacture of (cough) “zero emissions” devices. Only electric vehicles qualify. The other car companies could manufacture their own devices – or buy credit from Elon (technically, Tesla) that was considered equivalent to having manufactured them.
In this way, Elon built Tesla at the expense – literally – of his rivals. It was and remains an epic grift. It is why, by the way, Dodge stopped manufacturing the Charger and Challenger and also stopped offering V8s in almost all of its models. The cars people on the Right love that those on the Left loathe.
Stellantis – the corporation that owns the Dodge and Chrysler and Jeep and Ram truck brands – was hemorrhaging billions annually in “carbon credit” payments to Elon Musk (Tesla) to atone for the green sin of manufacturing cars like the Charger and Challenger as well as the V8 engines that made so many other Ram, Jeep ad Chrysler models desirable to people who are not on the Left.
The cost of paying for all these “credits” – to appease the feds – was making the cars unaffordable, resulting in them not selling. At the same time, Stellantis was being bled white just to be able to offer them. That’s why the now-ex CEO of Stellantis cut bait – and pulled the Charger and Challenger out of production – along with the V8 engine – and “committed” the Dodge brand to manufacturing “zero emissions” devices instead. Stellantis won’t have to buy credits from Elon Musk anymore. But it probably won’t be able to sell devices, either – because people who buy Dodges and Rams and Jeeps don’t want to drive devices.
This is what Musk’s EV grift has bought. It is arguably why the cost of the average new car is up $15,000 over the past four years to a record high of nearly $50,000. It is arguably why the cost of car insurance has increased ballistically, too. Even if you didn’t buy a device, the costs incurred by devices are being offloaded on everyone.
Elon’s latest grift is to hide the crashing of his devices. He reportedly wants incoming president Trump to suppress reporting of cases of self-driving cars crashing into things – because it doesn’t make his self-driving devices look so good. You can read more about that here.
This is the man the Right now loves. Never mind the grift. Perhaps because of how much he paid (reportedly, a quarter-of-a-billion dollars toward the election of Donald Trump).
Hair Plugged Man Good!
Just like that.
It is – as Mr. Spock used to say – fascinating.
. . .
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And then James arrived, in his most favorite thing: A contrary opinion.
“The more worrisome thing is whether Rand Paul has lost his principles.”
If a Congress Clown goes missing for six months … will anyone notice?
’81-year-old Rep. Kay Granger (R-TX), who hasn’t been seen for 6 months, has been found living in a dementia care facility.
‘She suddenly disappeared in July, when she cast her final vote against an amendment to reduce the salary of the Deputy Assistant Administrator for Pesticide Programs to $1.’
Bloody hell: what did the Deputy Assistant Administrator for Pesticide Pogroms (a position nowhere found in the Clownstitution) ever do for her?
US fedgov: it is to laugh, comrades!
Tesla’s Market Cap Nears Half Of Global Auto Industry
Its valuation surpasses the combined value of the next 29 automakers.
Good for a laugh.
I agree Tesla makes a lot of money from carbon credits, but I don’t think that is the only, or even primary source of income, for Musk’s wealth. Tesla has sold a lot of cars, and services (auto-drive as a subscription, which I do not like BTW, and so on). I think he has a pragmatic view of the rules: he didn’t make them, but positioned himself to profit from them. Do you remember Trump talking about how, of course, he took advantage of tax loophole when HRC pointed a crooked finger at him?
The real source of the problem is not Musk. It’s the government (EPA, et al.). I think you already know this.
Great, another Elon apologist. That’s like saying, “The neighborhood drug dealer didn’t make the market, he just positioned himself to profit from other people’s addiction. The real source of the problem isn’t the dealer, it’s the producers.” That still doesn’t exonerate the dealer for his participation in a society-destroying activity.
Well-said, Jason –
It astounds me that – just two years ago – almost everyone on the Right loathed Musk and derided him and his greasy EV grift. Now – just like that – they love him. It is exactly of a piece with the way Leftists just fall in line with whatever the orthodoxy du jour is – even when it is at odds with what the orthodoxy du jour was just the other day.
Hi Eric,
Here are other examples of Lefties who just fall in line with whatever the orthodoxy du jour is….for years prior to COVID, they criticized Big Pharma, but after the rollout of those mRNA COVID jabs, they’ve effectively become Pharma’s biggest cheerleaders. They’ve also called themselves ANTI-WAR for decades but have been cheerleaders for the nonsensical proxy war against Russia under Joe Biden. I guess they only oppose war when a Republican is President. They even opposed censorship once upon a time, but now CHEER censorship if government frames it as “Stopping mis/disinformation”. Why, they don’t even say anything anymore about the toxic stuff that’s put in food you buy at your local grocery store. It’s as if they just buy the FDA’s narrative of “Generally recognized as safe”. And lastly, they’ve screeched “My body, my choice!” for years when it came to the issue of abortion, but that went right out the window when they advocated mandates for everyone to take an experimental pharma product falsely called a COVID vaccine.
As for people on the right, given that Elon Musk still seems to push some of the stuff pushed by globalist technocrats such as carbon taxes, will they fall in line with whatever is pushed by technocracy, such as digital ID (if framed as securing elections or stopping illegal immigration), CBDCs (if framed as “Safe and Secure!”, stopping inflation, or keeping the dollar strong), MORE endless wars (If framed as necessary for national security or protecting the Homeland as we saw with The Chimp), or something else pushed by technocracy? We shall see.
You have no idea what I thought of Elon Musk two, or any other number of years ago, and you are implying I support drug dealers and addicts. Ad hominem with one level of indirection.
A better comparison would be a tradesman, say a plumber. If I need plumbing done to code, I can go learn how to do it, what the code is, do the work, get the inspection, or I can hire the plumber. Is the plumber evil because will do the work for a price so I don’t have to? Am I addicted to plumbing, so he’s exploiting me? What if I believe the code is a temporary thing and I don’t want to invest in learning it, or how to plumb?
You could argue the existence of a plumbing code is evil and I might agree, but you’re not arguing against the code, nor doing anything to correct that problem. You’re attacking the plumber.
You’re doing what it seems some “conservatives” have copied from the left: demand agreement with whatever moral or philosophical position you hold, and if someone does not agree, that person is evil and will be opposed and/or attacked.
Are you saying that the problem here is not carbon credits, but the people who make and sell EVs then sell the credits? What happens to the companies who buy Tesla’s credits if it refuses to sell them? Either they buy them from someone else, probably at a much higher price as supply has dropped, or they add $10k to every vehicle they sell, then go out of business.
I am going to suppose you want both no EV mandates and no carbon credits, but your way to make that happen is to attack Elon Musk?
Hi Mike,
Did I say that about you, specifically? I made a general point – that’s accurate – that most “conservatives” disliked Musk and were opposed to his EV grift just two years ago. Musk is a grifter. His EV operation is the very definition of grift. He also supports the carbon tax. Am I wrong about any of the foregoing?
You’re not answering my questions, saying what it is you want to happen.
Does Musk support the carbon credit market? I’m sure he does: he’s shaped his business around it, but so has the plumber. Is the plumber a grifter? I’ll bet he supports the plumbing code.
“…definition of grift…”? Who is Musk deceiving? He makes and sells EVs, then gets credit from the government for doing so. You and I do not believe mandating EVs and eliminating CO2 emissions is a beneficial policy, but Musk might think it is a good policy. He says he does. I don’t know what he thinks.
As I’ve asked, what is the end result/goal you’re after? Take Musk down (jail him?) for making money from a legal, but foolish policy/regulation? And why only Musk? What about Rivian,? Lucid? BYD? Are you ready to pay $10k more for an ICE auto?
To be clear, I’m here reading this because I believe the same about over-regulation (safety, air-bags, crumple-zones, lighting, emissions, mpg requirements, etc.): there is way too much of it, and the result is a very net negative on both the economy and the ecology. I’m interested in finding a way to change/eliminate those damaging burdens. How does rebuking and/or punishing Musk achieve this?
It’s like hating on lawyers because laws and the legal system are overly complicated:
Q: What’s the difference between a lawyer and a carp?
A: One’s a scum-sucking bottom feeder, and the other is a fish.
Hi Mike,
A plumber is not a grifter. He provides a legitimate and needed service for which there is natural market demand that would exist and be profitable absent government. Tesla is a grift that would not exist without the artificially created demand of government mandates and subsidies. There is no equivalence.
I have already explained this multiple times.
Musk think it’s a “good policy”? That makes it not-grift? How? Objective reality says otherwise.
X is another grift. Musk says he supports Free Speech. The facts say otherwise. X allows some people to speak freely – rather, allows their speech to be visible – provided they pay a monthly fee. And provided they do not speak about certain topic that cause their speech to be hidden or disallowed altogether. Musk has every right to control, suppress and even charge for speech on X; his making money is not the grift. His lying about what X is, is.
You ask what I would like to see happen. How about no more pretending Musk isn’t a grifter?
Would so many plumbers exist without plumbing codes? It’s not a perfect example, but you should be able to see the point.
I would like to see EV subsidies and carbon credits go away. The Tesla problem, if it is a grift as you say, would take care of itself.
What about Rivian, BYD, Lucid, are these OK because they don’t have a Musk-ian mascot/target?
I think this is a much more worthy issue to have with Musk:
Hi Mike,
Actually, the bulk of Tesla’s income comes from carbon credits and stock valuation – the latter predicated upon the government’s de facto mandating of EVs, thereby creating a “market” for EVs. As far as the rest: Help me understand how it’s ok for Musk to exploit the regulatory apparat to make billions via what amounts to extortion – because he didn’t write the regs but only exploited them?
Pretty much.
From where do those carbon credits and that stock valuation come?
So he should stick to your principles and not sell the carbon credits he earns by selling cars? What does he gain for himself or anyone else by doing that other than your approval, if you even notice him, as he stands in the bread line?
Instead, he makes bank, leverages it into another company which brings the internet to the world as it works toward going to Mars, helps DJT retake the presidency, and volunteers to take the first hard look at how to reduce federal spending since, ever.
Take the wins you get. The fedgov is doing the extortion, not Musk. You’re best bet on ending that, at present, is Trump (and Musk).
Put another way, what would you like to see, and would anyone be better off?
That is incorrect, Eric. Tesla takes in about $1.7 billion in credits annually. Tesla’s annual revenue is around $98 billion. Starlink and Space X are about $9 billion annually. Telsa sells the excess credits voluntarily to companies that want them.
The anger should not be toward Musk and Tesla for creating a secondary revenue stream for the company, but the UN and US government that mandates these requirements.
What Tesla is doing is no different than what my business does by setting up books to adhere to DCAA requirements put forth by the DoD for defense contractors. Are my clients obligated to set up DCAA accounting systems with me? Absolutely not. They can do it themselves or through someone else if they prefer, but it is pretty much an untouched field in cost accounting and my prices are much more affordable than the larger accounting firms.
The carbon credits decrease overtime and if Tesla isn’t using them why not sell them for some additional profit? Do I like carbon credits? No, but they are being enforced globally by bigger puppets than Elon.
[…] Guest Post by Eric Peters […]
#stop stakeholder capitalism….
stakeholder capitalism is the life long project, of klaus shwabb of the WEF….
Who are the stake holder’s?….the CEO’s of the huge corporations owned by the slave owners….the masters….through….BlackRock, vanguard and state street……all the G7 politicians who are members…..
The transistion to Stakeholder Capitalism is happening
free market capitalism…the good…
state capitalism….China….
from the comments…..Simply put its communism for us , capitalism for them.
stakeholder capitalism….Trump opposes it…..
Tools to implement it…DEI, ESG…..
#stop stakeholder capitalism….
commiela….brandon…. 100% into stakeholder capitalism…..
Stakeholder Capitalism Summarised
What is Stakeholder Capitalism?
Stakeholder Capitalism ……Communism in drag….
Stakeholder Capitalism is an investigative documentary series about our undemocratic transition to a global, authoritarian political system called Stakeholder Capitalism.
Congress Approves Full Social Security Benefits for Public Sector Retirees
… so they can double dip.
Ain’t it amazing how these giveaways for government tax feeders just sail through Clowngress?
For the rest of us, this $200 billion embezzlement means that the Social Security Trust Fund will be exhausted a year earlier.
Learn to forage for mushrooms, nuts and berries, comrades. The Treasury has been looted in broad daylight.
Clowngress: ‘What are you gonna do about it, HUH? Are ya feelin’ lucky, PUNK?’
Seems like every American has been Queequeg-ed or something.
Every bear in the northern hemisphere is hibernating, too cold to be anywhere else for them. A long winter nap for those bears.
When the Russian bear wakes up from its slumber, everybody knows the bear will have a voracious appetite.
The vampire squid had better seek oceanic depths!
Russia has 6000 hibernating bears, in essence, nuclear bombs attached to rockets ready to launch, really, can’t deny it.
The District of Criminals can be glass-bowled for all I care.
Don’t poke the Russian bear.
You’ll get a dark nuclear winter. You will be sleeping with the fishes.
Dark enough winter the way it is.
Winter solstice is over, more light each and every day from now on.
For God’s sake, people, get a hold of yourselves. Please.
Life is a precious gift. Get that through your stupid thick skull, Bibi. You are a black hole, don’t you ever forget it.
Say what you will about Elon, he is still my favorite African-American.
I admire what he’s done, he saw the inevitable coming of green communism and figured out a way to cash in on it. Electric cars are a niche product, but pretty darned easy to make. Compared to all the machining that goes into an IC power train, hooking up an electric motor on a skate is trivial.
Tesla motors was designed to take advantage of elitists’ snobbishness and foolishness. Selling overpriced EVs, and “carbon credits” is a damned clever way of moving money from undeserving hands into more deserving hands.
As to X, it’s still the internet for 8 year olds. All social media is designed to addict people too vapid to make their own web sites. It’s a simple template to allow the unthinking to form into mobs to shout down what they don’t agree with. But nobody ever went broke appealing to the stupid and vapid.
Let me hop on that Elon dick for a moment, because why not.
Elon gets a gold star for putting his reach behind tanking the hyuge bill with it’s embedded medical tyranny and forced injections. That’s the story.
Not the image I wanted to visualize before going to bed, Steve. To each his own though. To each his own.
I applaud Trump and Company for wailing enough to make the Elephants drop some pork from the CR though, mainly their salary increases. It isn’t perfect, but it is a start.
Its a start, as in the beginning of the end. The fact that the Rs, led by such a clearly compromised loser, couldn’t even hang tough when holding the winning hand says it all. The best we’ll get now is more strongly worded letters. Dropping a little pork here and there wont get it done anymore.
With Harris I’m pretty sure we would have had a shot at guillotines and piano wire. But hey, maybe if we just vote harder next time, it’ll all work out. I feel horrible for everyone under forty, we just blew a golden opportunity to give the kids and grandkids of this country a shot at a solid future. I plan to support any young people who decide to rage and act against oligarchs, politicians, and media mouths.
Mike Johnson is clearly the problem here, well that and the RINOs who are right there with him in government capture.
OK so Eric participates in the Biden funded Reuters smear against him because he covers cars, but also ignoring the total medical tyranny that was just lauded at us? I find that strange.
It’s a complete shitshow and I’ve been calling out Johnson from the very beginning voting with the democrats and parading these huge bills. The one thing the media wants to do is drive a wedge between Elon and Trump, and encourage Trump to keep Johnson if they could.
I fall in that age group and I’m proud I voted to not end my future by voting for anyone but Trump, because he was the only one who could win against Harris and the swamp as it exists today.
Hi Steve,
Prepare to be disappointed – but hope you won’t be. That’s a generally sound policy when it comes to grifters and politicians. The two being the same. You say I (and Reuters) “smeared” Musk. How so? Is anything I wrote in re Musk not factually correct?
An excellent summary of an extensive corruption scheme between big businesses and (((government))).
The Grift may be in, but …
The CON is On!!!
As in (((CONgress))) and CONtrolled opposition throughout the mockingbird media.
The rabbit hole is deeper than Alice’s Wonderland, unfortunately…..
No, and of course you’re going after Musk’s grift here, where it makes a lot of sense. But you have to admit the timing was pretty poor, and that a lot of good is happening as well. How about a positive news story as well? Because if anyone’s the boogyman of the moment it’s Johnson. Might have tied a few on last night, so no, no disappointment. Cheers!
Also you did cite Reuters, and I’m totally calling their BS into question. Factually accurate? Sure but it’s damn well malicious, and funded by the government. Personally I don’t think the freedom to travel should be regulated, but made clear any gimmick you activate while driving is your own responsibility.
No, Rand Paul hasn’t lost his principals. It’s as predictable as the sun rising that every time Trump or Elon have done something right that the “2 minutes hate” is fired up here. That’s latent TDS, it obviously gets under Eric’s and others skin.
I can’t wait for this year’s Festivus report and the next time Rand gets to filibuster on C-span.
Are the flowers blooming? I see the TDS flaring up from here. Remember it’s always cool and edgy to blame political when they are helping us. I’m sure Trump’s hair had something to do with it as well, positive!
Do you think it is the new hairstyle? I was used to the comb over. The slicked back look may take some getting use to. What’s next? Trump in Bermuda shorts?
I’ve only seen the short video from the front. The first thing that came to mind was the older brother “Chet” from Weird Science.
I really want the famed pointy comb over back.
I will allow it, if war is averted than I think he’ll have earned the right to whatever hair and whatever skin color he may choose.
I’m definitely not that way, and I do care about what people do behind closed doors sessions of congress. But while you’re on the subject,
what kind of a psyop is Zelensky? I mean how many billions of dollars do we have to launder through for him to wear a proper suit? It’s literally just for US public consumption to turn us communists or something.
Hi Steve,
Keeeeeeeeeeevvvv is just another grift. Zelensky is just a front. The pols pretend they “stand” with him. I fact, they are well-paid by “defense” contractors, who are the ones who receive much of the “aid” ostensibly meant for Keeeeeeeeeeeeevvv. So – basically- it’s a transfer payment grift from taxpayers to defense contractors.
Zelensky gets his cut too of course.
>Trump in Bermuda shorts?
Let’s see his wife in Daisy Dukes, instead. 🙂
Works for me… 🙂
BTW, why didn’t Melania attend the grand re-opening of Notre Dame de Paris?
Hi Steve,
Thing is, I’ve been down this road before. Are you old enough to remember The Chimp? At the time, I was one of the few people on our side (I speak generally here) that loathed the beady-eyed simian sociopath from the get-go and especially after Nahhhhhnnnnnnleven – which he used to bequeath unto us a militarized civilian police, a “Homeland” and a war in the name of “Trrr” that did just that to millions of Iraqis and us, too. You were an “enemy of freedom” and “with them” if you objected to any of this.
And – of course – because of The Chimp, we got Obama.
But most people on our side loved and defended The Chimp. They humped the flag and crossed their hearts and sang along with Lee Greenwood and excoriated people like me for not supporting him.
What will we get as a result of Trump and Musk?
How is that so many on our side forget that Tesla was used to make battery powered devices seem “cool”? So as to get the momentum for devices going? That he used the “carbon credit” scam to build Tesla on the backs of what are now styled “legacy” automakers? And now – of course – Musk wants the federal subsidies that were so crucial to the success of Tesla ended – so that other device-makers who have been effectively forced to become device makers don’t get the benefit of the subsidies that Tesla got.
Also, look at X – and the lie that it is a “free speech” platform. It isn’t. Only the posts of those who pay – who are “boosted” and “verified” – get seen. The rest get shunted to a time-out room where they are not seen. And Wrongthink – as regarding the Holy State of Israel, for instance – is purged as quickly as you can say gefilte fish.
Advice: Go by what people do. Not by what they say.
Eric, like the old radio station contest DJ’s used to say …
“Stop the calls, we have a Winner!!!”…
Your assessment is spot on, the entire political process in the US & the West is controlled by (((them))), as is our money, big businesses and legal systems.
Oy Vey!!! The Goyims know but can’t do anything!!! BWAHAHAH
I was starting 7th grade when Obama got elected. Moved across the street to the Middle (7&8) plus high school building. Man in Northern Virginia you were racist if you weren’t voting for Obama for his re-election. And we couldn’t even vote. So much peer pressure. By the time I entered 11th grade, Obama re-election was at fever pitch. I would go on to start getting scholarships in auto-tech from UNOH, my best friend was a stranger who was in his 40’s and at school I would start hanging out in teachers rooms talking with them at lunch. In 2011 we were offered green cards in government class, and you could feel the pressure of the democrat machine wanting us kids to blindly vote for Obama, because we would have and not known better.
Alas it wouldn’t have mattered and we knew it, we just knew that fair elections were a myth, and there probably wouldn’t be a consequential election in my lifetime. That was a rough assessment, but that’s the world I grew up into.
Of course the brainwashing of public schools and the peer pressure meant I started to hate Bush right around the time Obama started running. But I was woken up when a government class teacher around 9th grade showed us a video, and went frame by frame of what hit the Pentagon, and told us that “With my private citizen hat on, I’m not sure it’s a plane.”
Man everybody would have gotten on their desks if we knew building 7 even existed. There were 5 news channels and that is the only information we were allowed to have, and wikipedia was not a trusted source for papers. I learned real quick the tactics used by the WAPO myself. Blatant editorializing, plagiarism, citing sources that didn’t exist or just cite them to twist whatever they said into my paper because it had to have so many sources.
I remember the Chimp very well. Being groomed by being raised by Comedy Central, I also hated the Chimp. I remember Obamas initial appeal like it was yesterday. I remember Bush’s big promise besides the wars was to build a wall. Never happened.
Anyways, my 2004 – 2012 was the whole world to me, so I remember.
Who was going to build the border wall? Well we were told Obama was going to actually make it happen! Because Bush said so but was on his way out.
It wouldn’t be until my first year in college 2014 that I discover, led there by YouTube suggesting them, because I was looking at ridiculous UFO propulsion unprovable and irrelevant garbage. I would then see Alex’s films on 9/11, martial law and fema camps, bohemian grove, and the Obama Deception. And of course End Game. So I went from brainwashing by default Democrat to a Ron Paul libertarian, but still on the Left until Trump rolled around at the time predicted Hillary was going to win by default rigging.
I digress, and I could go on about the story of Tesla. You missed the part about suing to pretend he invented the roadster, and suing Top Gear for reviewing it, and I hate the guy for working with the globalists to his own interests by pumping his stock to keep his dream car come true. Uber and Lyft came around and promised his future car that didn’t exist as their long term goal, therefore the corrupt Obama administration and DOT green-lit all the corrupt democrat mayors to let them get around medallion laws, and now we have to drive drunk everywhere, and can’t travel with a bike or a suitcase or travel with only cash or no sail fawn any more.
But he tied his personal image into the stock price of Tesla at that point, put that into Space-X and that kept Tesla around long enough to begin to seem like not a complete and udder false promise stock grift at the point the successor to the roadster started to appear on paper but were super rare. But the promise of more screwed the Taxis out business, while hitch-hiking is still illegal but Uber isn’t. And Uber drivers could do things Taxis couldn’t, they could flat ass deny people the pickup, and the drivers were super sketch. The only reason they allowed them the privilege of operating at first was the promise of driverless taxis, for your future 15 minute dystopia. He was either preferential and semi-part of the globalist club, or at a minimum indifferent to their operation, but getting insanely rich because his inflated company had the dystopia product they need, and was basically no competition for EVEES.David Knight would go on to keep tabs on him me at Infowars and occasionally link here. And later when the cars would roll of the line en mass, it was surprising just how much he would make from the carbon credits and tax-deductions, with Obamas DOD contracts to bolster Elon’s rep and that the promise of space-x put into the asset column of Tesla, he could double down once they had a machine that pumped one a day out, to turn Tesla stock into one great big pile of cash he had reached escape velocity and fund whatever project he wanted to, and claim he was the inventor of everything.
I would get my hand out and point, and laugh, in public, at acquaintances that were Elon Fanboys as recently as 2/3 years ago. He was the Grifter of Grifters. He was on par with Zuckerberg trying to extend his grift politely to Trump.
Since then the public has seen what happen under Trump, promises made, promises kept. The world has seen the limited potential of a actual president, not a puppet, in office. Elon blames the globalists and all the UN types for killing his kid. Trans brainwashing clown world was extended to him, and now he’s on our side. As a show of good faith, he bought Twitter, and pulled the curtain back on Biden’s government and their censorship requests. Pulled the curtain back as to how it works at facebook and youtube and everywhere else.
Space-X has become very real, and his companies presence in space necessitates that he be read-in on the UFO file, more than Donald Trump was willing to listen to the people trying to bring him info, which he was not read-in on but could be read-in if he knew what to ask for.
So they trans his kid, and he buys twitter, and allows unpopular speech. It came with a bunch of bugs and people actively working against him, and he put’s a CEO in charge that’s probably doing just that and his big focus I see now is AI datacenters and Space-X.
I don’t use X, but am thinking about making an account so I can see content from posters in chronological order and parse. Some people can pin their latest post right to the top of their account so I would be able to see it. Otherwise it’s like a greatest hits list in no particular order and is limited.
So that’s one reason people wouldn’t be seeing your stuff, as the people here I doubt would use X either.
Another reason, as Alex Jones has proven, is the algorithms to which you speak, which were a huge part of the Twitter Files, the Shaddow Banning and no freedom of reach, can be re-activated since his purchase, by rogue moderator groups, or by algorithm and nobody still knows what’s going on, but that isn’t necessarily his fault.
And if your critical of Israel or the SPLC or George Soros or hell Mercedes doesn’t like you, there will be an army of bots to mass flag you. To where before you might have gotten in trouble, now your content is still there but throttled, and you wouldn’t know.
Now if you had a real account, and were willing to pay $8 to say you are a somebody with a website thats an outlet, then you could complain a few times and once you get a mod that looks over it, the throttling could be disabled, until Mercedes or the DOT or some green group flag you again and you could maintain your free speech on their platform if you were willing to complain when you think it’s being throttled. It’s not like your going to have as many views on X as Elon Musk gets though, so prepare to be disappointed.
I’d say it’s undoubted Biden would have won this rigged election if Elon Musk hadn’t stepped it and purchased Twitter. There was the censorship that he exposed by the Biden administration, and there were definitely stories and content and discourse that made this election what it was, and he bought the receipts that stuff would never have made it to Twitter, because the government was telling them to censor the crap out of all of it.
The biggest endorsement of Elon and Trump has been from our bona fide enemies.
Freedom of reach for $8 to go in there and turn off the censorship. You’ll have to maintain from time to time. So Elon’s self interested, and expects you to pay $8 to sort of make back the 44B? he had to spend from the Telsa grift stockpile. Hopefully somebody in the Trump administration can cut the carbon credit grift. But that’s the whole American auto industry your talking about. Ford and GM owned by the o to give us free speech in a meaningful place enough to sway the election, by letting the truth out. I’m hoping he goes right at the carbon credit scheme Obama administration seem perfectly satiated keeping any other competition out. Saftey standards and CAFE the lot.
Let’s see, but I think DOGE is mainly going to freeze government grift funds before evil can materialize. It’s not going to change any laws. Even if he doesn’t touch the tax write-off or make a fuss about the safety standards, he’s still called out the CO2 myth extremely publicly on Joe Rogan before election night. He might avoid helping any of us car lovers to benefit Tesla. I’m on board with Space-X, and Space Force is Trump’s mechanism to reign in the secret government, return the UFO file to the control of the presidency, that Eisenhower addressed that the executive was loosing control on his way out. At this point Elon has his bona-fides, and I hope he moves away from Tesla, so there is no conflict of interest in returning Agency to congress and cutting massive unnecessary regulation and grift to the automotive realm.
The $8 is to be able to turn of Biden’s cabinet censorship by default from your account and pay people to turn your freedom of reach back on all the time manually because you continually offend the mass reporting groups. You should have freedom of speech though, meaning now there is no ban immediately for posting something reasonable if the powers that be deem it wrongthink.
It would be an interesting journey for the readers here if you tried it. However I wouldn’t be finding you on X and your politics speak to the kind of people that don’t have X accounts, and unless you pin the latest post to the top we wouldn’t see any of it anyway. Damn X want’s me to make an account to parse through other peoples posts on their server, and be able to flag people. So anonymous people can’t do the mass flagging.
That’s a lot of words! Has to be a word counter website somewhere in the ether. It’s work to read them all.
To search for a person, you see an X account of that person in the search.
For instance, Lara Logan. Lara has an X account, go to her X page.
There is an entry of the Epstein Island visitors on Lara’s X account page.
For your information.
X is the epitome of the phrase ‘the time to speak up has passed, now is the time for senseless bickering’.
You ghost X, nobody goes there anymore, it’s too crowded.
It’s Honda dull, as they say out there wherever that is.
Hi Steve,
I appreciate you taking the time to respond at length and I think we are roughly in alignment insofar as most of the things you wrote about. Except as regards Musk’s putative (as I regard it) conversion. I do not believe it. Because the facts don’t support it. If he wanted X to be a free speech platform, he could order it to be exactly that. He chooses not to. Some may say he is too busy. Yet he has time to post dozens of Tweets every day. Twitter is a mercenary data-mining operation – and it is risible that he needs $8 per month from everyone to cover his expenses. Has he renounced the EV grift? No, he has not. He says the subsidies should be ended – now that he’s made bank and established Tesla as the dominant device-maker. He favors the greatest grift – and threat – to us imaginable. The “carbon tax.” Until he renounces that, he is one of them.
We – people like us – live in a swimming pool full of piranhas and none of them are friendly.
The only people who deserve your trust are those whose actions line up with their words – and who are honest, just and do not want to manipulate you or control you or mulct you in any way whatsoever. Anyone who does is not your friend.
Hi Eric,
There was a typo in there. It seems Ford and GM (and by extension the government) haven’t complained or pushed back against the Carbon Credits. I guess since they couldn’t kill Tesla, they still would rather keep competition out of the US market, rather than advocate on behalf of the consumer and try and get us our V8’s back. They’re happy with passing the mark-up on to us, and it’s one great big austerity measure against private car ownership. I’m leaning in the general direction that Elon’s not going to do anything about it, a shame for us. It feels pretty strange sticking up for a freaking technocrat. Yeah it’s uncanny the political shift over the last couple years. Getting off the Elon dick now. Cheers!
Hi Steve,
Yup. The go-along/get-along poltroonery of the “legacy” automaker is contemptible – and they deserve to go out of business. But this does not exonerate Musk. Of course he took advantage of the regulatory situation. But he chose to do that – just the same as someone who notices you left your car unlocked chooses to snatch the laptop you left on the seat. Just the same as some scumbag “defense” contractor chooses to use the system to have the government mulct you and me to pay for their weapons systems – sent to Keeeeeeeeeeeeeevvvv (and Israel). They’re contemptible. So is Musk. I despise his posturing. The way he talks about Twitter and “Free Speech”- provided you pay for it. Provided he (or the algorithm) likes your speech. This – EPautos – is a Free Speech joint. I charge no one to speak and I do not censor their speech, either. Twitter is about making money – and there is nothing wrong with that, per se. But – please – spare us the bullshit about “free speech.” Because it isn’t.
I still haven’t fully understood why at least one car company hasn’t sued the EPA. With Chevron now overturned, their likelihood of successfully dismantling many of the “rules” and challenging the “constitutionality” of congressionally passed regulations is higher than ever. The only thing I can grok is that the executives in the car companies (and, ergo, a majority of their shareholders) are somehow all in on the idea that “free” travel needs to be controlled.
The nail that sticks out gets hammered, and the controlled government would come down on the first company to affront their grift from every other angle, it would clearly be political suicide, unfortunately for us.
I think for the most part the big car companies want the regs, and for them to continue to get worse. Limits competition. They know who their competition is now and can deal with them, but ad another 10? car companies (mostly asia), and even non-usa-compliant models that are much less expensive and they lose lots of sales. Just my opinion.
Granted, there’s an argument to be made that their losing sales now because the average car cost has skyrocketing recently.
And I hear there are new diesel engine regs coming, and these are insane compared to the last disaster called Tier 4. BTW, when these things happen we all pay, not just farmers and truckers. I ship stuff across the country a lot. Costs have tripled in just a few years.
It all goes back to the Watergate adage of “follow the money”. Elon is an ace at following – and getting – whatever money he can scam from anywhere. If the WEF proposes a ‘carbon’ tax to help the cliiiiimate Eloon will be right there to help implement it and see that most of the money ends up in his pocket. He reminds me of Matt Taibi’s description of Goldman Sachs, the vampire sqid sticks its blood funnel anywhere it smells money.
>see that most of the money ends up in his pocket
Doggone, Mike, you are dangerous.
Keep thinking, while it is still legal to do so…
Lots of those who claim to love liberty can’t help themselves from riding the Musk Meat, huh?
Defending him taking advantage of the carbon credit scam is the same excuse CopSuckers hide behind with the “the police don’t make the laws, so if you don’t like it, vote out the lawmakers. We can’t blame them for being exempt of gun control laws and getting Cadillac pensions for life after retiring at age 43.”
Let’s not forget that he sued the founders of Tesla so that he could pretend to have founded the company.
This Flim Flam Man needs to go the planet of Mars that he claims to love so much – and stay there.
[The more worrisome thing is whether Rand Paul has lost his principles.]
Can’t believe the word “principle” appears in any article speaking of corpgov or the criminals that run it. That goes for Ronboy Paul as well. He talks the talk but rarely walks the walk. He provides the fakery that there was a two party system. Rand, though not as forceful, provides the same pretext.
Obviously with the millions ‘donated’ out to the con-gress critters, it’s a fair assumption the selected will be working for the Donators and not the People. That is just how it is!
Elons millions will likely get the agency he is supposed to oversee reduce the number of Tesla fire reports and Mirium will likely get her war on Iran.
That’s fair, Ken –
Still, Rand seemed to me at least not evil. I suppose that’s a measure of how far we’ve fallen.
Musk and Trump ennui has arrived. Fuck them!
What a stupid bromance going on there!
War ennui has been here for about two years now. Fuck fucking war! Fuck the warmongers and the dead horse they rode in on. Fuck ’em!
That means you too, Victoria. Fuck you too, Bibi. Freaking girly man that you are.
Talk about grifting, the nascent origins are in full view.
Poor girl wants to marry, rich girl wants to flirt
Rich man goes to college, poor man goes to work
Me, I don’t want much of nuthin’ at all
But I will take another toke…
I ain’t askin’ nobody for nothin’
If I can’t get it on my own
You don’t like the way I’m livin’
Just leave this long haired country boy alone – Charlie Daniels, Long haired Country Boy
Fuck the war-mongers is right!
All I can add is,
“With knobs on it!”
Raider Girl is on fire this morning and not backing down – love it!
Thanks, BID. RG is also going through an audit right now. So I may be a bit hyped up.
It’s astounding to me how many conservatives love Elon Musk after he purchased Twitter in 2022, pledging to make it a free speech platform, & then decided to support Trump in 2024. IIRC, Musk hired some WEF goon to be Twitter’s (now X) CEO.
Musk may say the right things at times, but he’s still pushing some of the things that technocrats want to foist on the masses, such as carbon taxes and implanting chips into human’s brains. Will conservatives fall for other things being pushed by technocracy, such as digital ID or CBDCs? That remains to be seen.
Hi John,
Musk “pledged” to make Twitter a free speech platform. It isn’t. It is pay to post (or at least, be seen) and only if you “stand” with Israel.
Hi Eric,
I’ve never had a Twitter account, and even after Elon Musk purchased Twitter & renamed it “X”, I wasn’t one of those people who rushed out to open a Twitter/ X account, and I likely never will open an account with them. Patrick Wood, who has been writing on technocracy & warning people about that ideology for years, posts articles about their sinister agenda on his page. He’s even posted articles on Elon Musk, and based on that, I find Musk to be an enigma who shouldn’t blindly be trusted, as that could be as foolish as people who blindly trusted Tony Fauci because “Orange Man Baaaaaaaaaaaad!”.
At best, Elon is capable of being slightly less bad vs. most of the others, and never quite delivers what you imagined when he originally promised (much like Imperator Orange Julius).
At worst, he is ruthless, a grifter, and a crook.
Not reporting “self driving” accidents is like not reporting “vaxx” related deaths and side effects. It encourages people to act in ways counter to their best interests.
We’ve been lied to for so long that even if the truth came up and slapped us in the face we wouldn’t recognize it anymore.
“You go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time.” ― Donald Rumsfeld
Musk and Trump have identified the problem. If the first Trump administration was any indication he’ll just continue to talk, the media will twist the hell out of everything he says, and it will just be another reality TV show. COVFEFE!
It’s all talk anyway. Nothing substantive will change. The government has spent the last 100 years trying to please all the people all the time, so odds are there’s something in the budget you’d not want to see ended. One man’s overreach is another man’s supper. Even the supposed low hanging fruit won’t go away without a fight.
I very clearly remember when the Berlin Wall fell. I thought that we’d stand down our standing army, dissolve the CIA and generally go back to our traditional (19th century) stance of staying out of Europe’s problems. What can I say, I was a wet behind the ears college kid. Fool me once, mee-ma-moo won’t be fooled again…
Meanwhile, Nancy Pelosi got millions in COVID bailouts for her never-profitable luxury resort. Everyone in DC is a grifter.
Musk is a grifter, no doubt, but I can’t fault him for playing the game under the rules established by those who make the laws. Or just as much, those who allow regulations to take the place of their duty to pass laws.
I disagree with his use/abuse of those laws, but as RG wrote here, did the automakers suffering now go along, or support, these rules? If so, that goes into the reap what you sow category.
Markets work. When big daddy tries to foist a false choice upon the customer, the customer answers by not playing along.
If this throws a wrench into the plans of the auto makers of constant leasing of cars or their add on services, I won’t be crying them a river.
The American economy is an Italian fascist system. From Cool Hand Luke, this is the way he wants it, well he gets it. US auto makers have travelled hand in hand with the regulators and rule makers. This is the system they created. They just lacked the foresight that the guy from Paypal would show up and get dealt in.
As for Musk being a darling of the “right”. This has to do with their shared messaging about censorship and massive debt. You can find common ground with your enemies.
Rand Paul – I suppose he was trolling to explode the head of the libs.
Right on Dan!
I’ll add: “The more worrisome thing is whether Rand Paul has lost his principles”
I’m not sure he ever had principles. Rand isn’t Ron. . . Not even close.
“The culture has degraded such that seeking and/or holding office, especially national-level office, is, in and of itself, proof that a given person is psychologically and morally unfit to hold public office.” – author unknown
“Rand Paul – I suppose he was trolling to explode the head of the libs.”
I certainly hope so. You’d think Rand Paul wouldn’t have to look very far to find a suitable Speaker.
“The Speaker of the House need not be a member of Congress.” — Dr Rand Paul
This is merely a House rule, not a federal statute, much less the Constitution. By contrast, here’s an excerpt from our ‘precious’ Bill of Rights (Amendment V):
“No person shall be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb.”
Now process this:
‘Federal prosecutors in Manhattan on Thursday leveled four charges against the suspect in the fatal shooting of UnitedHealthcare’s chief executive, including a count of murder that could bring the death penalty.
“The federal government’s reported decision to pile on top of an already overcharged first-degree murder and state terror case is highly unusual and raises serious constitutional and statutory double jeopardy concerns,” Luigi Mangione’s attorney said. — NYT
This is usurper ‘attorney general’ Merrick Beria Garland [not his real name], taking his last lick at demolishing the rule of law. His mentor and namesake, Lavrentiy Beria, would be proud. ‘Show me the man, I’ll show you the crime.’
Rule of law in America’s little west Asian apartheid colony:
‘Mainstream seem to have largely stopped to report about Gaza. But the Zionist genocide of the people in Gaza continues. Haaretz continues to document how the Zionist forces on the ground do it:
‘No Civilians. Everyone’s a Terrorist’: IDF Soldiers Expose Arbitrary Killings and Rampant Lawlessness in Gaza’s Netzarim Corridor – (archived) – Haaretz
‘Of 200 bodies, only 10 were confirmed as Hamas members’: IDF soldiers who served in Gaza tell Haaretz that anyone who crosses an imaginary line in the contested Neztarim corridor is shot to death, with every Palestinian casualty counting as a terrorist – even if they were just a child.’
‘Speaker’ Mike ‘Judas’ Johnson thought it appropriate to desecrate the people’s House last July 24 by inviting the odious mass murderer Netanyahu to perform before his clapping trained seals. Now Mikey’s job is on the line. Traitor begone.
Oh, dear. Let me know sure I understand this. Dodge is going to go bankrupt because of Elon? It is Elon’s fault that Stellantis took the V8 out of the Charger and Challenger? Poor, Dodge. I guess it is like how every one of us here decided to don mask and roll up our sleeves because our employers and government told us do. Oops, well that comparison is no good, because we didn’t.
Why didn’t we do that? Because we have principles. See the difference? A large global conglomerate can’t stand up to Uncle Sam, or apparently Elon, but a couple hundred individuals on an auto forum can.
We keep saying Musk is a grifter. Who did he deceive? I am not a fan of Tesla. I will never buy one, but it doesn’t seem Elon is the con man as much as the government saw an idea that would gain them the control they wanted and backed it. Elon saw a way to make money. The government saw a way to push their narrative. Does anyone really think one guy completely changed the direction of automobiles? If yes, then the rest of us need to stop bitching and start working. If one guy can make a difference then what is our excuse?
Let’s be honest we don’t like Elon because his views are different than our own. I bet if his views were to change and he started manufacturing V8 and V12 engines our opinion would probably change.
As I have stated 100x before. The incoming Administration are moderate Democrats. They are not Libertarians, Conservatives, or even, Republicans (whatever that means in this day and age). The only thing any of us can hope for is for Trump and Company remove the final layer of skin so we can really see how the sausage is made. They will do that. If we can get lucky the system will collapse onto itself.
Hi RG,
Elon has profited hugely from the Green Grift. Specifically, from the “zero emissions” mandates that effectively forced other businesses to buy “carbon credits” from him or malinvest in battery powered devices they cannot sell at a profit. Tesla does not sell cars. It sells carbon credits. The stock value of Tesla is founded upon the assumption that the government will continue to push devices – and push cars off the road. In other words, that a “market” will be created for devices.
That is an example of a grift.
You write: “Does anyone really think one guy completely changed the direction of automobiles?”
Yes, he did. He made devices seem “cool” – because look how ludicrously fast they are! Look how “tech” they are! This helped the pushing of devices generally. So now – thanks to Elon – devices are focused on quickness and tech – which has made them very expensive. Which has made them unaffordable.
“If one guy can make a difference then what is our excuse?”
My excuse is I don’t have billions of dollars to buy political favors – not that I would if I did.
A buddy of mine and I have the skills to build a basic, low-cost car. But if we were to build more than a handful of them, we’d be shut down because what we build would not be “safe” and “clean.”
Much less “green.”
And we’d do it without government subsidies – or government mandates.
PS: The Hair Plugged Man is regarded now as some kind of Free Speech maven. Nothing could be further from the truth. Twitter continues to censor and “timeout room” posts that are Wrongthinkful (even if true). And he has the audacity to demand that people pay to provide him with content, to boot!
Pushed by whom? Elon didn’t do this on his own. Where were the rebels? The fighters? Dodge, Ford, and GM played along. They had the power to stop this in its tracks from the beginning. They didn’t. I have zero sympathy for those who played along to get along. Stupid rules, laws, and regulations are made throughout this country on a daily basis. Principled people and companies choose to fight them…not line up for them. If the auto companies fail because they refused to speak up on this “grift” just shows the rest of us then they really weren’t against it.
Hi RG,
I do not defend the poltroonery of Stellantis – or the industry in general. But that does not mean Musk isn’t a grifter who used the regulatory apparat to make money. He’s a rent-seeking grifter.
By the way: Do you know he favors taxing “carbon”? And whom do you suppose would profit from that?
The government.
Always remember, YOU are the Carbon that (((they/greenies/FEDGOV, etc))) want to recycle…
And remember the (((government))) is never your friend….bank on it!!!
None of this makes sense if you think it’s about controlling the climate. But it makes perfect sense once you realize it’s about controlling YOU.
I agree, RG –
And: Principled people do not exploit government regs to fleece others, either.
They shouldn’t, but there are a handful on here who would say I aid Uncle Sam by collecting taxes on the IRS’s behalf. Of course, do I think that? No, I view it as helping people to pay less in taxes to the US Treasury, but not everyone sees it that way.
Life is not simply black and white, but a whole lot of gray. What one considers principled is someone else’s idea of unethical.
I agree, RG –
But Musk irritates me because he does more than just deal with the regs – as in finding ways for legitimate businesses to limit the damage done by them and to go about their legitimate business. Tesla is a 100 percent illegitimate business. There is no “market” for what he sells. He makes money by selling credits – and via the artificially inflated stock value of his company, which is based on expectations of government mandates. Take away the carbon credits scam, the mandates/regs and the subsidies and there would be no Tesla. EVs would be what they were before of all of these things – nonexistent. Because they are an inferior way to get from A to B vs. a car. And they cost more!
Add to this the effronterous bullshit about “free speech.” Now, if he were honest and said something like: X is a service we offer for people who wish to pay. Those who do not wish to should know their material will be hidden from view by our algorithm. Also, we exercise editorial judgment over what we permit to be seen on our platform.
Then, ok.
But he doesn’t – so it isn’t.
In this country, personal income tax accounting, in particular, is not simply a matter of defending from or minimizing clients’ tax obligations. Around 51% of people (per Mittens hot mic comment in 2012) don’t pay taxes at all and, in fact, receive monies in excess of any tax obligations via refundable tax credits. Many accountants, including the big corporate outfits, make their rips on the extreme volume of such situations. Any licensed accountant is an agent of this system and it is likely that publicly speaking out against taxation generally, or refundable tax credits specifically, is grounds for “discipline” up to and including loss of license.
The same “defensive” myth, promoted by countless TeeVee shows over the decades, portrays lawyers as defenders of the citizens against the gov’t. In most but perhaps not all cases, nothing could be further from the truth. Lawyers are specifically referred to as “officers” of the court. They are the “system.” I know for a fact that a licensed attorney publicly espousing views contrary to the gov’t’s interests can be grounds for discipline up to and including disbarment.
You’re not allowed to be the “system” and not be the “system.”
“Any licensed accountant is an agent of this system and it is likely that publicly speaking out against taxation generally, or refundable tax credits specifically, is grounds for “discipline” up to and including loss of license.”
You mean like being audited by the state? Like I was this morning.
Can I understand your thinking, Funk? Absolutely. I can even agree with a it…a little. But, if those that work within the system refuse to address the issues of the system then nothing gets resolved.
My clientele are small businesses, very rarely individuals, because my hands are pretty tied in trying to save tax liability on a W2 and some itemized deductions. Businesses have a little bit more leeway when it comes to creative accounting and the options available. I realize that isn’t going to change your mind, but I do try to assist where I can, because I am a small business owner, too. Uncle Sam is my competitor not my teammate.
Didja see this one from today?
Wild story. Shows you the magnitude of the refund game, especially when a priest of the system goes “rogue”, at least according to it. The system is now probably disturbed and going crazy looking for “insider threats.”
How dare he try to reduce the amount of theft the government perpetrates on his clients! To me, he’s a hero.
If RG tax service goes outa biz Uncle Sans done for sure, or is it the other way around?
Yr not alone, I worked in a totally government defined and protected niche specialty.
IOW, no FAA no regulated industry.
>I know for a fact that a licensed attorney publicly espousing views contrary to the gov’t’s interests can be grounds for discipline
Don’t know anything about attorneys, but I do know of my own personal experience that expressing views contrary to government “orthodoxy” will get you kicked off a jury. Happened to me.
“Stupid rules, laws, and regulations are made throughout this country on a daily basis. Principled people and companies choose to fight them”
Speaking as an individual, I much prefer the principled libertarian approach of disregarding bad laws. Go about your business. Do as you will and let them find you (they probably won’t because incompetence) and force them to take the next step (threats of violence, because that’s all they have).
Fighting them will certainly expose you and allow them to single you out and destroy you. When they do this, nobody will come to fight with you because they also do not wish to be singled out and share your fate.
There is always the miniscule chance that you can fight and win, like the fishermen who dismantled “Chevron deference”. Miniscule.
Hi Philo,
If we can avoid them or outrun them I am all for it, but there are times that a fight must take place. An example, the BOI requirements that the US Treasury is trying to enforce on every small business owner in this country. There is no outrunning this or disregarding it. The “crime” is punishable with a penalty of $10K and jail time. This is a red line. There are too many links in the system to evade this starting from the banks to the state secretary’s that hold the renewal of the business licensing and name renewal of the organization. This information will be reported back to big Gov.
If we try to ignore it, it won’t stop at small business, but sole propertiorships and then individuals. Sometimes a torch and pitchfork are needed to get our point across, otherwise, we will find ourselves with zero liberty and zero privacy.
You are right they will come after us, but I much rather be shot standing than groveling on my knees.
“You are right they will come after us, but I much rather be shot standing than groveling on my knees.”
We are in agreement on the final step.
If you have principles in this country you’re never going to be rich. Because of the prisoner’s dilemma, somebody is going to go along.
I have a successful business. If I try to grow it, I will be subjecting myself to a whole litany of government rules and regulations. If I hire employees, I will be in essence adopting adults and taking 200% responsibility for them. I’ll be paying workman’s comp, so when they want they can do something stupid and cash in. I will be a tax collector for them. I will be the agent of implementing their sexual circus, and demanded to pay for them mutilating and killing children.
It doesn’t help that I live just inside the border of the home of European communism in the USA, communisota.
Or I can sell a service, remain my own man, and be as free as possible in the panopticon.
Just remember, if you rock the boat effectively, they’re going to get you, even if it requires lying and fabricating.
An effective resistance has neither a flag to fight under, nor a newsletter.
“The incoming Administration are moderate Democrats. They are not Libertarians, Conservatives, or even, Republicans”
Totally agree. I’ve had conversations about this topic. Republicans are 80s/90s democrats.
Democrats are circus freaks and socialists.
Conservatives no longer exist in government, outside a few Massie types.