Here’s a What If? scenario that could help to explain the otherwise inexplicable events of the past four-ish years.
It begins with the orchestrated removal of Donald Trump from office via “the pandemic,” which made feasible an unprecedented and still unaccounted for increase in the number of votes awarded to Joe Biden, an improbable candidate who hardly campaigned for the office yet won it (so we were told) by winning even more votes than Barack Obama at the peak of his popularity.
The 2024 re-election of Donald Trump revealed this disparity – via millions fewer votes cast, which is strongly suggestive of something sketchy back in 2020.
Joe Biden assumed the office – legally if not necessarily legitimately.
Almost immediately, the message is projected that anyone who wants to come across the border can and should come across the border. From wherever. It doesn’t matter. No problemo! Just come. Millions apparently have. This predictably created a politically potent issue for the now-former president to rally his supporters around. Trump’s successful re-election effort was largely propelled by angst and anger about not just the deliberate importation of those millions but also the preferential status enjoyed by those millions. The myriad petty tyrannies imposed on Americans did not seem to be imposed on them. An American citizen who gets caught driving without a license goes to the clink. An “immigrant” – as these non-citizen foreigners here illegally are effronterously styled – gets a debit card loaded with thousands of dollars of “free” spending money. Maybe also a “free” room in a hotel most Americans can’t afford to stay in.
It was deliberately egregious. As if designed to provoke a counter-reaction.
It came in the form of the repudiation of Biden’s hurriedly selected successor – who was herself effronterously foisted on the rank-and-file of her party after what can plausibly be described as a deliberate airing of Biden’s cognitive incapacity for all to see. The people around Biden had to know he was not fit for prime time. So why was he placed in that position, in front of a national audience? The question begs an alarmingly obvious answer. Biden did not have to appear on live TV to debate Trump. He avoided debating him in 2020. He could have done the same again in 2024. It might have seemed haughty – or fearful – but either would have been better than being seen as obviously senile.
Enter – hurriedly – Harris, who probably never had a chance. A less appealing – a more flawed – candidate than she is hard to imagine. Did the people who hurriedly pushed her into Biden’s slot want her to lose? More accurately – did they want Trump to win?
Well, he won.
With a clear mandate this time (electoral and popular vote) to do something about the “out of control” border and the millions of random people from God-knows-where and God-only-knows where they are now.
What will he do about it? How will he do it?
How will millions of random people from God-knows-where and God-only-knows where they are now be identified and located? In order to do something about them, such as deport them?
There is only one realistic way they can be identified and located. It is by identifying and locating us. How else to separate out American citizens who are in this country legally and foreigners who are here illegally? Some form of government-acceptable identification will be not merely be necessary; American citizens are already effectively required to have this and to carry it with them in order to legally buy cough syrup or cash a check (as well as legally drive a car).
It will be necessary to check these IDs – regularly and randomly – in order to identify and locate those millions who are here illegally. There will have to be a regime of internal passports and checkpoints that everyone who is in this country will have to submit to, in order to catch all those millions of “immigrants” that Trump promises to deport. Just the same as Americans were told they would have to submit to effronterous and degrading pawing of their persons and possessions at airports in order to identify and prevent “terrorists” from boarding airplanes. Most of the Americans who voted for George W. Bush – the champion of America – supported this. As if that had been the plan all along.
Will the Americans who see Trump as their champion support that?
Is that the plan?
How else could it be done?
Well, there are other ways and one doesn’t even require deportation. Trump could issue an executive order making it a federal crime for any government office-holder (elected or bureaucrat) to provide or facilitate the providing of government benefits of any kind to anyone who is not an American citizen. This would not entail a regime of internal passports and checkpoints for everyone who is in America. It would only entail that those seeking government benefits identify themselves as eligible to receive them. Those who cannot prove they have a right to be here have no right to any government-provided alms financed by American citizens.
The illegals who just want to work and better themselves would not be affected and most Americans would likely be ok with them being here if they are working rather than leeching. The leeches would self-deport or could be deported once identified and located, which would happen when they apply for government “help.”
But will Trump do that? Or will he do something else? And if he does that something else, was it all part of the plan, all along?
Hegel, phone home.
. . .
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I wanted to resist our lovely precursor to a national ID system, and have a drivers license that says “Not For Federal Purposes”, but alas, they gave me the special gold star on their own volition. Bastards.
All you need to know about Trump and what he will do:
IMO Trump is not the one making the decisions (any more than Biden). The Jewish agenda will continue, Amerika will continue to be the Jew wrecking ball, tearing up the world for Jewish interests. Already Trump’s campaign promises are being walked back, billionaire slave masters do not want their little brown H1B imported low wage slaves ejected, Trump and Elon and Swami all want to keep their Mexican slave workers.
Elon is now living at Mar Largo.
Trump lives in a gold palace (Mar Largo) while an army of Cuban, Mexican, and other turd world peoples are brought in to do the cooking, cleaning and maintenance. There is no way in hell the billionaire class is going to send their low wage slaves back.
I see no reason why the wars will stop. Trump has assembled a Zionist Apocalyptic WAR staff. His donors are billionaire Jews, he is directly connected into the Chabad Lubabitcher terror network. The head Rabbi for that cult is Rabbi Schneerson who has made anti-human quotes:
Counterpunch article: Why is the US Honoring a Racist Rabbi?
Alison Weir
“Schneerson’s rarely reported teachings:
“The difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish person stems from the common expression: “Let us differentiate.” Thus, we do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. Rather, we have a case of “let us differentiate” between totally different species.”
“This is what needs to be said about the body: the body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of [members] of all nations of the world … The difference in the inner quality between Jews and non-Jews is “so great that the bodies should be considered as completely different species.”
“An even greater difference exists in regard to the soul. Two contrary types of soul exist, a non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness.”
“As has been explained, an embryo is called a human being, because it has both body and soul. Thus, the difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish embryo can be understood.”
“…the general difference between Jews and non-Jews: A Jew was not created
as a means for some [other] purpose; he himself is the purpose, since the substance of all [divine] emanations was created only to serve the Jews.”
“The important things are the Jews, because they do not exist for any [other] aim; they themselves are [the divine] aim.”
“The entire creation [of a non-Jew] exists only for the sake of the Jews.”
If you think I am making this shit up, I am not, bear with me as I present the facts, facts and stories the MSM, which is run by Jews, is never going to put on that Talmudic spewing hate machine called the television – the purpose of the MSM is to sell the Jewish war agenda. Jews are always at war, they hate all others, the control everything, including president elect Trump. Not a word of condemnation about the current genocide on any MSM channel. That should tell you something about who owns those channels.
Here is the truth, from a Jewish newspaper, during the election campaign, in October of 2024, Trump (the slavish Jewish whore) went to Rabbi Schneerson’s grave to celebrate the Oct. 7th FALSE FLAG Gaza ghetto prison uprising:
“(New York Jewish Week) — Donald Trump visited the gravesite of the Chabad Hasidic movement’s late leader on Monday to mark the one-year anniversary of the Oct. 7 attack on Israel.
The former president’s visit to the Queens grave of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, known as the Rebbe, was thick with ritual and symbolism. And he came to the site, known as the Ohel, with an entourage of prominent supporters, a Holocaust survivor and the family of a hostage held by Hamas in Gaza. ”
(Never mind the fact the entire Palestinian people are being held and exterminated in Gaza prison camp – how dare they revolt! Note the irony here, the Jews have this Holocaust narrative complaining the Germans did this to them in WW2)
What this means is Trump WILL continue the mass murder extermination of the Palestinian natives while the fake Polish Jews will continue to steal the lands, Gaza, West Bank, Jerusalem, Golan Heights, and Syria – as part of the Greater Israel project.
The Jews will continue to milk the US Treasury for endless funds for their endless wars – not giving a shit in the least for Amerika as they send it into the trash bin of history. Just this past week Jewess thief Janet Yellin and shabbos goy tool Biden approve another series of multi-billion aid packages for Ukraine.
Thus, this upcoming Trump residency could easily end up being worse than his first term. Trump has surrounded himself, and taken a knee to the destroyers, so how is he going to make Amerika great again when he is in bed with nation molesters?
Sorry Eric, the post office mailed my contribution back to the house. Will try again next year.
Eric, Eric, Eric, the QAnon folks are very upset with you – “Trust the Plaaaaaannnnnnn” /sarc
If there are 700,000 homeless un-housed unemployed drug-addled lost souls out there from coast to coast, then why does Israel get to kill, massacre, 200,000 Palestinians? What’s the use? A waste of resources and money, whatever that is, abuse of human life is what you get.
And Bibi gets away from it all, shame on the dumbass useless eater, what a damned dumb Jew.
Wouldn’t it be better to wipe out 700,000 homeless here in America, including 100,000 purported homeless veterans?
Go all Pol Pot or something.
If Donald Rumsfeld can do it to Iraq, so can Donald Trump do it to Americans, they deserve it.
At this point, what difference does it make?
The fact that the simple solutions will be ignored is exhibit A why this dog and pony clown show will continue to deteriorate. We were a few months or a year away from hunting communists for revenge and sport, now with Trumps stewardship, we can go back to trying the same gottdamned thing and expecting a different result. I’ll be sure to practice my shocked face for four years from now, when we have more Illegals than we do today.
Another Orange worry – rising interest rates. Based on long trends in the bond market, bonds hit their low in 2020 and have been stair stepping up since. The era of zero interest rates is probably over. The era of increasing interest rates, like the 1970’s, is here again. Evidence follows:
Chart of the day:
(Note that 10 year yields going up while Fed cuts)
Back in 1982 I went to buy my first house in Dayton, Ohio (I was an engineer WPAFB), the 30 year fixed mortgage rate was 18%. The national debt was just crossing the first Trillion at that time. Arizona threatened to leave the union if it reached 2T. Now the national debt is late on the exponential curve, just shot through 34 trillion and nothing I see is going to stop that climb. No political actor has the cojones to actually cut spending to make the deficit zero, and interest on the debt just passed a trillion a year. It could EASILY pass 2T a year if interest rates go up more and Trump spends more.
Putting that into perspective, it took from 1789 to 1982 for the republic to rack up the first trillion, now it increases a trillion ever 90 days. Obviously this can’t go on much longer, and obvious a HUGE debt crisis could be on us any time. Politicians are useless pieces of shit. Nothing will be done until it is to late. They are spending the nation into bankruptcy.
Folks a huge crisis is upon us, no one can solve this problem, so the owners will probably take us to war, to distract us as well as get their money’s worth out of us before our nation is shit canned into the anus of history. Is it really out of the question that rates could go back to the 1980 highs, or even higher, with such fiscal irresponsibility? Is not the Biden regime acting like a banana republik, which often experience rates above 20%?
Then we have this Brandon Biggs “prophecy” or should I call it the leaked plan. Biggs was the online preacher who said he had a dream of a bullet just missing Trump’s ear. He then predicted Trump would win, all charges dropped, and does make it to the inaugeration and takes office. Then immediately this winter, the economy collapses worse than 1929, a greater depression last 4 years. The preacher is right thus far, so it is worth paying attention if his batting average stays at 1000.
With the collapse of the economy much of Trump’s agenda might be shelved and government expenditures increased. Only about a month to go before we find out.
For some reason Americans are failing to see that the Federal Reserve Note is mathematically gauranteed to fail. This fact can be deduced to (P+I)>P. FRNs only enter circulation via a loan of Principle (P) but Principle + Interest (I) is owed. If P is all that came into circulation where does I come from? Answer: another loan of P with another P+I owed ad infinitum. This process gaurantees two things over time, all ‘wealth’ will be transferres those who own claim to I and the debt (FRNs) grows to infinity with an asymptote – the asymptote is the gauranteed failure because when the supply of anything goes to infinity the value goes to zero.
The reason this crime has lasted over 100 years is because the FRNs per capita was held, somewhat, in check from a rapidly expanding population. I wrote a software program in 2004 to find the approximate asymptote and found that interest free FRNs would be required to be injected into circulation within 20 years just to keep up with interest payments and keep the criminal fraud of FRNs going. It was also clear that interest free injection would cause massive inflation UNLESS there was a mass influx in population to keep the FRNs per capita reasonable level. Covid brought that interest free FRN injection and the injection brought the illegal immigration industrial complex for rapid mass influx in population.
Recently I worked with chatgpt to go a little deeper to mathematically calculate the approximate years when each economic group -lower, lower middle, middle, upper middle, wealthy, super wealthy – would fail to be economically viable (fail to be able to afford the cost of typical costs for all needs given the inflation rate and historical wage growth trends. The numbers were aligned across all ai and mathematical models. Results were:
Lower fails 2025-2026,
Lower middle fails 2028-2030
Middle fails 2032-2034
Upper middle fails 2034-2036
Wealthy fails 2036-2038
Super wealthy (EVERYONE) fails by 2060
While these numbers show a maximum limit of 2060, it is clear that, without mass robots of an almost completely automated society, even the super wealthy fails much earlier than 2060 because their economic existence is dependent on the other economic groups.
While most math models are wrong, even ai examining this model realized that the actually historical trends of debt growth, prices (inflation), wealth transfer and stimilus timing within FRNs per capita were a very good match with the math model developed around (P+I)>P and how P is deleted from curculation and I is kept in ‘circulation’ (from the pockets of I owners).
Math can tell you the future but only to a limited granularity. I gaurantee number crunchers at IMF/Treasury/FedRes already knew/know all of this and are inrentionally hiding this from everyone because as Henry Ford said,
“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”
Also worth noting that the solution to the gauranteed failure of FRNs is actually very simple and can be done by executive branch with existing laws but the creditors (criminals) won’t be happy about it.
I think Trump is overpromising on his deportation plans.
1. The first thing the Trump Administration (TA) will do is shutdown the border. Prepare for a lot of wall building. ICE and the National Guard are going to be too busy keeping new immigrants out to go around and locate the ones that are currently here.
2. Next they will go through the federal, state, and county jails and those that are here illegally will be exported immediately. Right now, the jail system is sitting around 97% capacity…some more, others a bit less. The TA and American public are dreaming if they think they are going to round up millions of people. Where are they housing them? Internment camps? Yeah, they won’t get any pushback from that (sarc).
3. Stop the benefits. Many will self deport once the free money has been frozen.
4. Go after employers. Personally, I think this is way down the list. Remove millions of illegal immigrants from this country = watch Stock Market crash. Americans are not hankering for these jobs. Over 70% of the agriculture industry uses migrants. More than half of these are illegal. If the TA thinks they are removing millions of people from the agribusiness they best expect a run on the grocery stores to follow.
5. There will not be a “papers please” regime established. Fed gov has taken twenty years and REAL ID still isn’t implemented (thank goodness). The American people don’t have the stomach for it. Where are they setting these up at…ramps off of I40, outside subdivisions, grocery store check out lines? It isn’t feasible.
The Plandemic was the worst and best thing that happened to this country. It was the wake up call that the citizenry needed to show how distasteful, conniving, and psychopathic our government truly is. Because of this kids are getting less vaccines (good), parents are distrustful on what the schools are teaching their children (good), and we have all seen how political prosecution against one’s enemies has become an everyday occurrence. Even those wearing rose colored glasses can’t keep their eyes closed for this long.
Pretty good take
Thanks, Dan!
Xlnt post. Dead on.
I appreciate it, rain.
Felice Capo d’Anno Raider Girl, et al,
We will just have to wait and see what Trump delivers. Frankly, with a $36 trillion debt, there is no action Trump can take that will forestall the looming economic crises….BUT…..getting out of Ukraine and Israel would be a great start….hell, government especially directed from Mordor on the Potomac cannot address 10% of the calamity they have created since WWII domestically. A lot of people who are deep into the Ukraine conflict want to see something like the Reign of Terror re-imagined…..I doubt most of these armchair warriors know much about history but are running on pure emotion. In any case, I don’t hold out much hope for Trump as savior but imagine if Harris had won…..
WRT the whole RFK vs others in the “Health Freedom Movement”…I think Robert Malone describes it, aptly, as a circular firing squad. Going to be interesting in any case….
Happy New Year, Giuseppe! Agree with everything you mentioned.
“I think Trump is overpromising on his deportation plans”
Yeah, me too. But he has to talk the talk so that the people will accept the Papers Please. Maybe there will be a few “show” deportations or reenactments of such, but you can be sure wee-the-people will be the victims, as usual.
Hi Arthur,
I think he is going to be too busy trying to control the down spiraling of the economy to take much action on anything else, including the enforcement of papers.
Credit card defaults are at a 14 year high (remember how great 2010 was). Yesterday, it was reported that banks charged off $46B of credit card debt for the first three quarters of 2024. On another note, I actually got New Year’s Eve reservations at a popular restaurant two weeks ago. In prior years, this would have been sold out back in October. I read yesterday that only 5% of people are actually attending NYE festivities. The majority (75%) are staying home and 20% are meeting up at a friends or family members house. One of the busiest days of the year and 95% of the population is hunkering down. There is no way this is painted as “good”.
I am curious on how small business optimism is going to effect the outcome. Is there enough of a chance that people start working again and paying down debt or does Trump have a few good months and then the Pied Piper makes an appearance and demands payment.
Hi, Raider Girwl,
Ah, high hopes. Unfortunately I do believe that the economic downfall of the US is a part of the globalists plans. And even if it weren’t, I wouldn’t hold out much hope that the guy who did more to contribute to this inflation (By printing up $4T) is somehow going to rescue us from it. Hey, just wait till those tariffs kick in!
As far as the Papers Please: Everything from “both sides” has been leading up to it for decades now. It’s a-coming. The “undocumented immigrant” crisis is just too good of an excuse for them to waste.
It was one of the key issues among his supporters (Not that he gives a damn, nor do his supporters seem to realize that he had employed thousands of Pedros, Habibs and Francois’s(Haitians) via his NY and NJ development projects). It’s just too convenient and too perfect a set-up; and we haven’t arrived at this point by accident.
“There is only one realistic way they can be identified and located. It is by identifying and locating us.”
This is indeed the problem. The government that has the power to round up and deport millions of people who shouldn’t be here also has too much power over us. Just as the government labeled white guys exercising First and Second Amendment rights, not just Muslim jihadis, as “terrorists” after 9/11.
As Madison wrote in Federalist 51, “In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: You must first enable the government to controul the governed; and in the next place, oblige it to controul itself.”
Not gonna happen.
Once you mix a quart of ice cream with a quart of dogshit, it’s impossible to separate the two and make the ice cream taste good again. Nor will the ice cream make the dogshit palatable.
That is the dilemma that illegal immigration has created for us.
Whatever the plan is, the selected and installed political whores are not the ones doing the planning. I doubt the national ID card for two reasons, first they already have it with the new Driver’s License, and they are not talking it up as necessary – they always use the MSM to storm the sheep’s minds when they make a big change. They already have us pinned down and controlled, and the new REAL ID licenses are required for air travel.
Trump was brought in by Jewish billionaires, like Miriam Adelson and others. Trump is probably a converted Jew, when his beloved daughter married Chabad Lubavitcher Jared Kushner, Trump did not want to be an outsider, he had to convert to go to Chabad functions as they don’t allow outsiders (because they discuss their plans for world takeover and killing off the Goyim). By Trump’s own words – he is fully onboard with the extermination. Trump is the greatest and most slavish Zionist whore POTUS yet.
Times of Israel – Donald Trump, America’s first Jewish president “Donald Trump will protect Israel and its supporters, strengthen day schools and move the US embassy to Jerusalem. On policy, there is no question that Donald Trump is the most pro-Israel, pro-Jewish candidate to ever run for the U.S. presidency. And this year’s Republican Party platform is the most pro-Israel political platform in the history of the United States, on either side of the political aisle. ”
(If you want a deep dive understanding of Trump and the Jews I recommend Adam Greene’s channel Know More News.)
Trump was brought in to rescue Israel, which now has war on 7 fronts (according to the daily whining of Sean Hannity). Israel is up shit creek, having lost the support of the world with their total genocide and extermination plan on the Palestinians, and now at war with the Houthis, Iranians, Syrians, Lebanon, etc. Israel also lost 1 million Jews since Oct. 7th prisoner uprising. The smart Jews got the hell out, and as the war drags on, and the missiles fall on Tel Aviv, the laggards will be leaving also. Who the hell wants to live in a war zone or get drafted – when you can live in Paris or Los Angeles?
The plan is, and has been for thousands of years, to create Greater Israel, from the Nile to the Euphrates. This is no longer a secret but headlines, and they fully intend on killing every Arab and Persian as they take that land and kill every god damn thing in their way. The new terrorist running Syria is a Jew, a Mossad agent, and looks like the twin of Zelensky, also a Jew.
Proof of this theory is that Trump has picked a Armageddon War Cabinet. I said a hundred times to watch who Trump picks to understand what his real intentions are. He has picked a whole gaggle of Zionist DEATH CULT lunatics (actually his Jewish sponsors did the picking, Trump is only a Shabbos Goy errand boy). This means war is coming, big Apocalyptic war, and death like you have never seen before, I 100% guarantee it.
” Trump for his part will enter office owned by Israel and led by the nose by his belligerent cabinet. The actual needs and interests of the American people will be, as usual, invisible to the politicians and lost in the shuffle.””
>REAL ID licenses are required for air travel.
Not really. You can use a current U.S. Passport.
Is yours up to date? Mine is.
There is also a lesser passport card now required to go to Canada or Mexico. That also works.
The jewish takeover of the USA was finally sealed with the assassination of John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963.
President Lyndon Baines Johnson can take true claim to be our “first jewish president”.
Yes, Johnson was a scumbag who betrayed our government by rescinding all of JFKs executive orders regarding israel, foreign lobbyist registration, and its illegal lobbying within the USA. His biggest traitorous action was planning a “false flag” operation–sinking the USS Liberty (AGTR-5) in collaboration with israel.
Not only that is the “false flag” failure with the deliberate israeli “act of war” which was planned at the highest levels of the USA and israeli governments, failing to sink the USS Liberty (AGTR-5) on June 8, 1967.
The jewish “six-day-war” was a pre-emptive strike by israel and NOT a response to an invasion. It was an attack on Egypt and other Arab countries by israel. The USS Liberty (AGTR-5) had to be destroyed to cover up the knowledge of atrocities committed by israeli forces and to justify an attack on Egypt. Sound familiar?
An Egyptian city was destroyed with all occupants massacred. Egyptian POWs were also massacred. The USS Liberty (AGTR-5) was privy to the dispatches both from israel and other countries
The ship was supposed to sink, taking all hands to the bottom so that it could be blamed on Egypt at the behest of the jews.
Johnson was furious when the ship did not sink, a brave sailor reconnecting an antenna to contact the sixth fleet. Requests for assistance for the stricken ship were initially refused, Johnson “wanted that goddam ship on the bottom”.
Not only that, John McCain’s admiral “daddy” presided over the subsequent cover-up which is still in place to this day.
An interesting tidbit: Admiral George Morrison was a part of the “cover-up crew” and protested the cover-up from the get-go. Admiral Morrison was Doors front man rock star Jim Morrison’s father. Is it possible that Jim Morrison was given a “hot drug dose” as a punishment for his father’s protestations against the treatment and outright traitorous nature of the USS Liberty (AGTR-5) affair?
Jews seem to have a love affair with unusual and outright weird and strange sexual practices and behaviors. Jew Lyndon Johnson was no different and was known to “whip out his member” claiming that his “member” was “larger than anyone’s” daring others to do the same. Lyndon Baines Johnson was one sick bastard.
Brandon’s market falling apart….
RIP Santa Rally: Futures Tumble As Mag 7 Slides
Donald Trump the Orange King doesn’t know what to think.
It could be a setup then a trap. Maybe Donald will be gone just like that, then you’ll know it was the plan from the beginning.
First you impeach Donald, then you shoot at him, you get the feeling he is not well-liked among some knuckleheads out there.
Gotta get rid of him by any means necessary. Depose Donald! That’s the ticket.
It is a gnarly situation, Ukraine is a bogged down mess with destruction and death all over the place.
Israel bombs everything into submission and doesn’t really let up on the throttle.
Wouldn’t want to be in Donald’s shoes. Good luck to ya, Donald.
You need all you can get.
I’d be worried, Donald is between a rock and a hard place, looks that way.
Another internecine battle between nihilists, everybody wants that.
Spot-on, Eric!
The scenario you described is what I fear is exactly where we’re headed. And with the levels of technology now in place, e.g. 5G; cars and appliances that spy on you; and almost everyone carrying a tracking device in their pocket 24/7. Just as “terrorism” was manufactured as the crisis to spur the previous step in the globalist’s plan of total surveillance (Which means total control), so too will the “immigration crisis” be used to affect the next step in the tying of the noose around our necks, as those whom we had hoped were our allies against the loony lefties cheer it on.
Truly a terrifying prospect, but we can see it coming.(And CBDCs on the horizon, too!)
Couple all of this with the very likely prospect of WWIII, as we continue to wage war for our lord and master, Israel. When Trump bombs Iran, it will likely be a tipping point. We will then have two “excuses” for them to justify “security”: The invaders; and war.
We are already a veritable police state. Imagine how much worse it will be when what few protections we have left are gone.
This is yet another reason why I am a staunch non-voter, because as you can see, this Hegelian dialectic of creating a problem, and then proffering a “solution” so that “we” cheer for the very thing we should be battling, is the very play being orchestrated through elections of re-selected candidates.
@ Eric,
Oye, pendejp.
En Español, la palabra es “problema,” no “problemo.”
“Problemo” no es palabra española.
Es correcto decir, “No hay problema.”
Perdóneme. Pendejo, no “pendejp.”
Ay carumba! (Lucky bastards! They get to have those upside-down question marks.)
Both Napoleon and Hitler were elected to save their nation. Both failed and actually were responsible for their destruction.
The saying “Make America Great Again” actually is indicative that America has failed. It has taken over a hundred years to destroy the nation,,, no way one person is going to correct it in four years. Unpossible!
Trump has already walked back some of his many promises and he isn’t even sworn in yet. As usual war will be at the forefront of government diplomacy. His infatuation with the Jewish religion and Israhell will plunge America into a raging inflationary depression as a coup de grace. Wars everywhere with a woke military. Good luck with that!
The greatest empire the world ever knew, Rome, fell due to government attempting to confiscate every nickel its citizens had. With confiscatory taxes,,, asset confiscation,,, and other wealth extraction means,,, the USA is well on the same path.
When a new source of taxation is found it never means, in practice, that the old source is abandoned. It merely means that the politicians have two ways of milking the taxpayer where they had one before. Mencken
Oh,,, by and by,,, the Social Security Card depicted in the picture could not be used to determine citizenship. Many foreigners that have worked her in the USA have SS cards and many are collecting benefits. Just saying…. Nope,,, Digital Id is in the cards. Trump will initiate many tyrannical policies but MAGA zealots will say its 5d chess.
“Both Napoleon and Hitler were elected to save their nation. Both failed and actually were responsible for their destruction.”
“The saying “Make America Great Again” actually is indicative that America has failed.”
Conceptualizing the pattern, the great orator who comes in to save the nation actually destroys it. Ergo Trump will destroy Amerika as he attempts to save it.
Trump is a wave repeat of Hitler/Napoleon. Interestingly, Nostradamus said the world would be plagued by 3 antichrists, the first was Napoleon, the 2nd Hitler. I think Satanyahu is the third, and Trump is in bed with that lunatic.
My vote goes to Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy as the third anti Christ. If anyone is going to launch nukes…it will be him.
Not so sure about that RG,
I think Nuttyahoo would launch nukes at Iran if he thinks he can get away with it, and based on the (non)reaction to his genocide of Palestinians so far he probably could.
Hi Mike,
I think he would have done it by now. Netanyahu has pretty much controlled Israel since 2009. He could have easily done it last time when Trump was in office. He probably could have gotten away with it with Biden in office, too.
It is the “new up and coming” guys that unsettle me. The old guys who have been around the last 10, 15, 20 years…not so much.
Hitler didn’t fail.
WE failed.
Napoleon sold the Louisiana Territory to the US to finance his senseless aggression.
15 million dollars, France can pay that amount, no problem, then return the Louisiana Purchase to the French.
France should ask for it back, I’d live in New France.
Make it one province like Quebec.
The Louisiana Province.
The US gov would be 15 million dollars richer.
I would be free of oppressive taxes, fees, being a deplorable would be over.
“Well, there are other ways and one doesn’t even require deportation. Trump could issue an executive order making it a federal crime for any government office-holder (elected or bureaucrat) to provide or facilitate the providing of government benefits of any kind to anyone who is not an American citizen. “
To belabor the obvious, Trump will be the chief executive of the USA, not a legislator. An executive order is a management tool, essentially setting policy for the myriad executive agencies, bureaus, and commissions within the feral government. Trump, or any other president, cannot make law. And our legislators only have the specific privileges granted to them under the constitution to make law, there are infinite laws outside their purview that they are not supposed to be able to make.
Having said that, in setting policy to implement laws already in place, a president can do many things. For instance, illegal aliens are already illegal. They may be and should be prosecuted as soon as found and forced into indentured servitude as punishment for their crimes until such time as they have made restitution to the country for costs imposed, to include their plane ticket back to their home. Fair and humane.
In addition, people who employ illegals can be prosecuted for giving aid and comfort to our enemies (AKA treason) or any lesser crime which is appropriate to the situation.
Will this happen? Probably not, the powers and principalities have their own agenda, which is stuffing the genie of American independence, god given rights, and free commoners, back into the bottle of a system of rulers and rules.
The last 6 years has been enough to wake up a lot of people to where this system has been heading since at least 1865, and certainly since 1913. Hopefully it is enough. Getting a putative R back into the presidency should be helpful.
The price of liberty is eternal vigilance. Let us speak no more of trust in government, but chain it down with the chains of the Constitution. Of the common people, well, at least they are armed.
“The last 6 years has been enough to wake up a lot of people to where this system has been heading since at least 1865, and certainly since 1913.”
Since 1787.
Maybe, probably, but it can be debated by people respectfully. But with a certainty the war to prevent southern independence was a serious structural failure in the federal/state system. 1787 certainly did implement a new system of federal government with far more centralized power.
Strange how the 1787 constitution, passed in the wake of Revolutionary War inflation, bungled the gold clause:
‘No State shall … coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts.’ — Article I, Section 10
That’s nice. But what about the US fedgov? Hole big enough to drive a
truckFederal Reserve through.Learned men wrote the 1787 document. WTF were they thinking?
>Trump could issue an executive order making it a federal crime
To belabor the obvious (thanks, Ernie), this will only be possible should he first declare himself Führer und Reichskanzler, which I consider highly unlikely.
Walls to keep foreign invaders out can be used to keep innocent, hard-working American-born tax slaves in.
Unless D.C. is crushed and federal government reduced to 1% of current size, that is exactly what the parasites in D.C. will do.
Good fences make good neighbors. A good fence opens easily from the inside, but has a key on the outside allowing access only to those with the right to enter.
I dunno, all the push-back from MAGA about the H1B visas suggests this is not the case At All: “The illegals who just want to work and better themselves would not be affected and most Americans would likely be ok with them being here if they are working rather than leeching.”
Anyway, I wonder…
“What is Trump’s definition of great?” – P.C.R.
The H1B visa is a scam to keep wages down for actual American citizens. My son lost out on a couple of jobs because they were filled by foreigners who would work for less and not complain about crappy working conditions. Note that now they’re being pushed by Vivek and Musk, who coincidentally happen to be billionaires. Maybe they could sacrifice a billion or two to spread out among their employees.
There’s more…
An H1b visa is held by the employer. Any behavior deemed inappropriate by the employer (such as asking for higher wages or reduced work time) can result in the H1b visa holder losing his work permit and being deported. H1b visa holders are one step up from being a slave but are still “indentured” by their employers.
A good example of strict employment enforcement is that in Canada.
Any American citizen who has traveled to Canada with more than a few tools will be harshly questioned by Canada customs and can even be refused entry by Canadian customs officials if it is deemed that he is bringing tools into Canada to “work”.
Canada takes their employment of Canadian citizens first seriously. I realize that Canada has its own problems with it’s “guest worker” program, but they do take hiring Canadians first seriously.
I would hope that the MAGA people would push back on such a scheme. I’m encouraged by the H-1B Visa pushback against Musk and Ramaswamy. Until the past week or so, these two were the darlings of MAGA. Now not so much.
Hi ML,
Yes, that is encouraging. However, corporate media & establishment shills are framing that as “Fractures between the Trump team & MAGA”. However, I don’t remember seeing ANY “Fractures” between Democrat voters & the Biden-Harris regime when they tried or did all sorts of things that Democrats would have excoriated a Republican president for. Democrat voters either dutifully lined up with the Biden-Harris regime or just flat out ignored what they were doing.
That was my point. Leftism is a cult. The rank and file go along without any critical analysis. I’m getting the sense that MAGA does not operate like this. They seem to be a lot more critical and are willing to reject ideas.
The ironic thing is, the Left was accusing Trump supporters & MAGA of being a cult, when it’s the modern day LEFT that is a cult. Just look at the way they behaved at the height of COVID hysteria. They once DEMANDED that EVERYONE wear face diapers everywhere AND take an experimental mRNA COVID jab, no questions asked. They even demanded that people bow down to the trans insanity. And now, under guise of “Stopping cliiiiiiiiimate change”, they also DEMAND that people stop eating meat, give up gas vehicles & gas stoves for an electric equivalent, etc. They even wanted people to believe that Kamala Harris magically became a POPULAR presidential candidate after being the most unpopular vice president in decades. And with the incoming Trump 2.0 administration in just weeks, they’re even talking about doing stuff that would have gotten literally ANYBODY who was at the Capitol on January 6th, 2021 to protest Joe Biden’s certification labeled an INSURRECTIONIST.
Yes, the Left, like all proper narcissists, do an excellent job of projecting their own egregious traits on to the normal, non-Leftist folks (which they incorrectly refer to as the far right).
And people on the Left (eg. Jimmy Dore, Naomi Wolf, Russell Brand, Tulsi Gabbard, etc.) who go off the Left/ Democrat Party plantation are called CONSPIRACY THEORISTS, TRUMPERS, RUSSIAN ASSETS, FAR-RIGHT EXTREMISTS, etc.
In a nutshell, heretics. There are always many names for heretics.
One wet dream among technocrats, in addition to others, is a global digital ID. Considering that technocrats such as Elon Musk are trying to infiltrate & curry favor with the incoming Trump 2.0 administration, I find it concerning that many people will fall for some of the ideas pushed by these technocrats. Just look at the way digital vaccine passports were framed early in the Biden-Harris regime. They were framed as promoting saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafety & “Protecting public health”. Heck, this demented push for Net Zero is already being framed as “Stopping climate change” and promoting sustainability in addition to “reneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwable”.
A national digital ID system might be framed as “Securing elections” or “Protecting the Homeland”.
And another idea pushed by technocrats, CBDCs, could be framed as “Safe and Secure!”, “Stopping money laundering”, or something else.
And then of course we have the Peter Hotezes of the world claiming there’s going to be a whole bunch of viruses coming right after Trump gets into office again. The government & corporate media is already trying to frighten people over bird flu, as there are those who want to go to war against real food so all that’s available for us to eat are bugs & frankenfood made in a laboratory funded by Bill Gates.
There are also some really sick, evil people out there who want to generate COVID hysteria all over again, but this time over bird flu or some other pathogen. But don’t worry….Big Pharma will likely concoct some brand new mRNA vaccine for whatever pathogen the government wants us to be worried about en masse. Heck, the Biden-Harris regime already gave Moderna MILLIONS of taxpayer dollars several months ago to develop a bird flu vaccine.
In closing, I will say that had we ended up with Harris-Walz winning last month instead of Trump-Vance, a Harris-Walz regime would have likely ended up being even MORE authoritarian than the Biden-Harris regime has been the past 4 years. With the Trump 2.0 administration coming in, the Democrat Party establishment will likely do their dirtiest to prevent that by invoking the 14th amendment, or we’ll get some form of the techno populism (Technocracy mixed with populism) that Patrick Wood has been warning about for months. As they say, we’ll just have to wait and see what happens, and pay closer attention to what people in power do than we have PRE-COVID.
Trouble is, there’s money involved.
For example, Vail Resorts did the math and decided that snowmelt sidewalks are too expensive. So they hire 30 or so “non-lawful presence” (NLP) employees to shovel the snow off the sidewalk at a rate cheaper than running heat tape. Those NLPs have to live somewhere, so some cheap pressboard housing goes up over in Gypsum (just under Eagle County airport runway 7 glidepath where no one wants to live). Jam 3-4 families in each unit and make sure the code enforcement team never ventures over that way.
Then to help out all the people who speak no English, have never been in a country with rule of law, and quickly learn that food isn’t cheap, set up a bunch of NGOs to help them wade through society (or at least the government). Help them fill out forms, get their non-realID driver license, maybe get their kids in school. Todo es gratis for the NLP.
Once you get money flowing, offices set up, employees hired… it gets expensive to chuck all that back over the border and start over the right way. Sunk costs and all that. “But we have a solution” they’ll cry. “It will be more expensive to export them!” will be the pundit’s parrot on the yack shows. Suddenly all those left liberals will become fiscal conservatives. And they’ll shift the narrative to “path to citizenship” instead. Ignoring the real problem of all the people who come here but don’t shovel snow for Vail. Or what might have been had they not undercut labor cost in the US.
Hi Ready.
The best thing to do would be to deport those illegals shoveling the snow followed by charging their employers under 8 U.S. Code § 1324. If they have to help them with the so called NGOs then they know their in the country illegally.
As for racially profiling people, the biggest problem with it is it might actually work which might be a problem if you’re a libtard.
Yup, Landru. Thanks for the cite (8 U.S. Code § 1324). There’s already a law on the books that every U.S. attorney’s office could use to prosecute. There’s simply no need for any new law or policy. Once a couple of select employers or NGOs get prosecuted, all of the illegals will be abandoned and fired. Certainly, all of the hotel owners housing them should be prosecuted. That’s pretty low-hanging fruit.
That said, I would think once this happens crime will likely spike big time, but ultimately the illegals will have to go elsewhere to survive. This could be hastened with an app for free one-way airfare home (and maybe $1,000 for travel expenses).
Vagrants used to get a night in jail and a bus ride to “anywhere but here.”
Pay criminals to be criminals?
Nothing new bout that.. . .
One sure thing is EVERY Trump move will benefit Bibi. WORD.
Speaking of presidents, ol’ Jimmah Carter — perhaps the last non-sociopath to hold the office — is gone. ‘Jimmy Carter, Peacemaking President’ eulogizes the NY Slimes. And that’s precisely the problem.
Like cannibalism, giving away other people’s money to squabbling foreigners is wrong. What did several hundred billion showered on the grasping mendicants Egypt, Israel and Jordan buy for us? Two oppressive dictatorships and a genocidal apartheid colony.
The best way we can honor Jimmah Carter’s memory is to cut off these truculent leeches and never give them another penny. Let the wretched inhabitants of that wretched region *literally* pound sand.
Is-ruh-uhl is our misfortune.
Here’s a complete list, where you can find out with a couple of clicks how much dirty money your Congress Clowns took from the Jewish lobby.
Had I ever met President Carter (PBUH, and may he RIP), the one question I would have liked to ask him was how it felt to shake the hand of a known terrorist and mass murderer, namely the infamous Menachem Begin.
>The Irgun were notorious for their “guerrilla warfare” [i.e., terrorist] tactics, and Begin was responsible for ordering many of their operations, including the infamous [terror] bombing of the King David Hotel – the British administrative centre in Palestine – which killed 91 [innocent] people in July 1946.
>During the al-Nakba (the “catastrophe” in Arabic) which began in 1947, also known as Israel’s “war for independence,” the Irgun was at the forefront of [terrorist] attacks on the native Palestinian population, including the massacre at Deir Yassin, killing at least 100 civilians.
But I guess if you are Jewish, a career as a terrorist qualifies you for the Nobel “Peace” prize.
Because Ignorance is Strength.
Hi Adi,
I admire Carter for the fact that he didn’t use the presidency to enrich himself, unlike Clinton and Obama. They all came from similar backgrounds but Willy and Barry leveraged the office to become millionaires.
As you noted some terrorists are more equal than others; being a member of the zionist tribe gives immunity.
Hi, Mike,
Yeah, a fundamentally decent man he was.
Refreshing, in our age.
And unfairly portrayed as a “weakling,” by people unfit to kiss his boots IMO.
I dunno Eric, maybe it’s not as nefarious as you think. A bit of racial profiling could help:
Short bald guy with glasses & a thick Alabama accent, software architect, middle class house, DD-214 from the US Army = US citizen.
Non-English-speaking Haitian that doesn’t bathe & is slave labor at Pilgrams chicken farm up the road, lives in a third world shithole style house with dozens of others of the same ilk = illegal.
Short bald guy with glasses & a thick Alabama accent, software architect, middle class house, DD-214 from the US Army = Trump voter.
OTOH the same voter base gave Alabama the regime of “Ma” Ivey, the current authoritarian octogenarian Governor.
As a Trump voter myself, I have been against the idea of a National ID in all of its disguises: National Voter Registration. Proof of citizenship.
Because of the way this “iiiiimigraaaaation” issue has been demagogued, opposition to the idea of national ID has been dissipated. It was surprising 4 years back how many people took to the idea of Vaccine passports.
People, liberals and conservatives, zionists and muslims seem to like the idea of their own oppression to protect themselves against imaginary threats.
The threat of terrorism was completely imagined. Random school shootings were not really random, and this idea of Haitian immigrants walking around with decaptitated and the occasional random murder by a migrant seems to grab the headlines.
The larger threat to us all is right under our noses – national anything.
This country has become a land of obsequious, boot licking lovers of “authorita” We might be in trouble.
The threat of terrorism is NOT completely imagined. How do gun control and seat belt mandates work? They work only by the threat of disproportionate suffering by a small number of enforcers.
The terrorism that is a stealth bomber dropping a payload in a non belligerent country, or a RIB full of seals showing up in that same country to harm people or things, that terrorism works.
Terrorism works. But it is seldom if ever a matter of rag covered swarthy heads committing random crimes against people in a foreign country.