Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show/KMED FM 01/17/2025


Here’s the audio of this week’s Wheels-Up! segment with Bill Meyer over at KMED FM in Medford, OR. We talked about the impending death of Chrysler – courtesy of cowardice, short-sightedness and suicidal tendencies, the ’25 VW Jetta GLI and some other things that may be of interest:


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  1. Pastor Brandon Biggs, who infamously predicted the bullet going by Trump’s ear, is back in the news with new dire predictions, and even made it to the front page of The Gateway Pundit:

    “I saw massive dump trucks with separation in the back of these dump trucks, separation with 50 20-gallon drums, all filled with different chemicals to make what was happened in Oklahoma City back in the ’90s. This happened in the ’90s. It was a massive thing, not black powder, but this fertilizer stuff. I saw fertilizer in a big dump truck. The dump truck was like a big diesel. They looked like construction workers. They had purchased a massive construction vehicle, like dump truck thing.

    They put all this in so that it would cause a major catastrophic event. They made the front of it armor proof, bulletproof. You could not shoot it and to make it stop it. Very, very strong armor was on the front of this truck underneath it. It wasn’t able to be seen really well. I saw these men, and this is going to go a lot of different places, so you have to just listen to what I’m trying to tell you all. I saw these men with these vest on in the front cab of the truck.

    Vest on. They had explosives on these vests. There was two men in the truck. They took the truck and they used it to go through police barricade and military barricades in Washington, DC. When they did this and they tried to stop them because they were trying to do it at a checkpoint to stop them, they pushed through the barricade because the truck was very strong.

    Then they got them, they surrounded them, and they ignited their vest, and they took out everybody. When this happened, it was a massive crater in the dirt, in the ground, and all the buildings were completely wiped out, and they tried to get as close as they could to the capital. I saw them trying to get as close as they could to the capital, to major landmarks of Washington, DC.”


    I find his new prophecy logical and expected. The USA has terrorized the entire globe (see Confessions of an Economic Hitman by John Perkins) endless wars, and the idea of blowback is a logical end to a nation that has done what we have done. When you terrorize the world, you end up living in terror yourself …what goes around, comes around etc.

    He is wrong to point the finger at the Iranians, it is the Israelis who do terrorism, like 911, Israel did 911, and Amerikans are such cowards they fail to accuse the real perps, thus Amerika has been consumed by the Zionist entity, the entire political apparat in D.C. is now Zionist controlled.

    Israel’s main proxy is ISIS, Isis is Israel, Israeli Secret Intellligence Service. ISIS was run by a Mossad general, etc. This was all outed a decade ago, but now these Israeli are going to attack us, not surprising since they hate us, as stated by PM Satanyahu himself:

    “If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it does not matter what you do, America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it is the will of God and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again and again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.” — Benjamin Netenyahu

    Jews hate us, hate our freedoms even as these vampires suck us dry. Trump is hated by the deep state (Jews) and in Trump’s first term there was chaos. Thus it is clear, if Biggs is accurate, they are going to make hell on us, even worse this time, while Trump is in office.

    I wonder how much more our nation can take until it collapses.

    • Amen.
      Every time I point out that “ISIS” stands for “Israeli Secret Intelligence Service”, all the tardo go “Nuh uhhh! Now go away, I wanna watch some FOOTBALL!”

      Between idiots and the Hasbara Sayanim Jews that are assigned to this (and other) websites, it can get frustrating wading through the cesspool trying to find a place in the sunshine.

      We must endure. The Bible is about US, NOT THEM.


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