Who is going to pay for the losses – probably in the billions – incurred in California as a result of the fires fueled by incompetence and malice as much as Santa Anna winds?
It won’t be the insurance mafia.
Which is a mafia in a literal as well as rhetorical sense because it makes people offers they cannot refuse. They face repercussions – enforced by the state – if they fail to hand over money for . . . protection.
The latter often being declined once damages are incurred. People who thought they were or would be “protected” discover they’re not. And just in the nick of time, too. See also the recent dirty business in Western North Carolina after the hurricane-related flooding that thousands of homeowners have discovered wasn’t “protected” (that is, “covered”) and never mind the years and even decades of paying for it.
But thats only part of the worst of it. The other part will be arriving in the mailboxes of millions of people who don’t live in California or North Carolina – in the form of “adjustments” (which always means an increase) in the cost of what they’re obliged to pay for their – ahem – “policy” (as if this were a civilized transaction) to offset the losses incurred by the mafia in those and other places.
You didn’t think really the mafia would absorb those losses – at the expense of its profits . . . ?
Just the same as people who do not own more expensive to repair and replace (as well as fire-prone) battery powered devices or homes burned down by them have had the cost of their protection summarily jacked up – by about 25 percent, on average.
The car insurance mafia can do this because it can.
More finely, because people cannot (legally) say no to the offer they’re not allowed to refuse.
Apologists will say that’s not so! Why, everyone is free to shop around for a better deal! Which is true – in the same way that a shop owner in a mafia-controlled city can deal with Luca Brasi – or some other mafiosi.
You do not get the free choice to not deal with the mafia.
This means that while you might get a slightly better deal from this “family” vs. that “family” – e.g., from State Farm rather than Geico – the fact that all the “families” know you cannot refuse an offer from one of them. Which means all of their offers are going to be much higher than they would be if you were free to say no to all of them
Do you suppose the home insurance mafia will behave any differently given it has similar muscle at its disposal?
Everyone who has a mortgage is required by law to buy protection from the mafia. That by itself is not morally wrong in that anyone who has a mortgage has not yet paid for their home (which will never be their home in any meaningful sense given the property tax; a subject for another day) and that means someone else – the lender – could be left holding the bag if the home burns down. Ergo, the stipulation that the mortgage-payer pay for protection/coverage.
But there is no firewall to protect the owner of a home that has not burned down – and who has not cost the mafia a penny in losses in decades or even ever – from paying to cover someone else’s (and the insurance mafia’s) losses. This is not a hypothetical mugging. It has already been happening – before LA went up in smoke. After the losses incurred by flooding in New England, people who lived nowhere near there – whose homes had not flooded – found that their protection mordita had gone up and in many instances not by a little bit. Reread that bit above about how car insurance premiums have gone up by about 25 percent on average, never mind you’ve given no legitimate cause for the mafia to jack-up the cost your policy.
It is extremely probable verging on certain that the losses incurred in California are about to be recovered elsewhere. As in your mailbox and those of millions of others who don’t even live in California, because the tentacles of the octopus stretch far and wide and the suckers on those appendages are all-but-unavoidable, unless you are lucky enough to be among the very few who at least on paper “own” their homes and so do not (for now) have to pay the insurance mafia.
The government mafia is of course another matter.
An interesting – in the Chinese proverb sense – nexus approaches. It is likely many homeowners will no longer be able to pay the insurance mafia – home and car and let’s not forget health. Many people have already arrived at this nexus.
The choice will be to either pay the mafia(s) – plural – or pay for groceries and gas and other necessities.
Insurance may be considered a necessity by some but that is a perception not a fact. Groceries and gas and a roof over one’s head are necessities and they will take precedence when people arrive at the nexus, which is probably just around the corner.
Or however long it takes for the mafias – plural – to send out their “adjustment” notices.
. .
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There’s only ONE reason we need these DANGEROUS lithium fire bomb batteries… | MGUY Australia
If it weren’t for the West’s pathological obsession with reaching Net Zero, we wouldn’t need these idiotic and dangerous batteries. Reliable base load generation doesn’t need storage like this, only unreliable wind and solar…
[…] Guest Post by Eric Peters […]
The Mafia’s Adjustments:
‘The huge costs of the historic Los Angeles fires could force a bailout of the state’s insurer of last resort, the FAIR Plan, which has just $377 million in reserves.
‘Based on preliminary estimates released Friday, the plan said that it has insured 22% of the structures within the Palisades fire zone as defined by Cal Fire, giving it a potential loss exposure of more than $4 billion. And it has insured 12% of the structures in the Eaton fire zone, giving it a potential exposure there of more than $775 million.
‘To avoid insolvency, the plan could be forced to lean on its member carriers. And they, in turn, might levy surcharges on their own policyholders to pay for any assessments.’ — LA Times
Note this detail: ‘One controversial provision intended to bolster the FAIR Plan’s finances in the event of a catastrophe could burden homeowners statewide with the cost of any bailout.’
California homeowners with policies from commercial insurers may well get assessed for FAIR Plan losses. But not homeowners in other states. Each state is its own standalone insurance market.
One only needs to look at Warren Buffet. He owns almost all the casualty insurance companies.
Insurance is one of the biggest scams in human history. If ONLY the dildos weren’t so fucking arrogant, and realized that the only guarantee in life is death, then they might actually QUESTION the legitimacy of “mandatory insurance”! Oh well, I guess one can always dream.
Cheery thoughts from JHK on a small-time, no-account hack who didn’t qualify for the real Mafia, which at least demands a modicum of honor, consistency and competence:
‘So, adios, “Joe Biden,” you miserable, treasonous bastard. History will record you as the one president so far who was consciously a villain outright, in true self-knowledge of his own wickedness.
‘You left your country a wreck in every dimension: in national security, national bankruptcy, national pride, and national confidence. Go back to Delaware and sit in the dim light of your room with the curtains drawn so you won’t have to hear about the gruesome discoveries to come of what you left behind.
‘And when the day arrives for your funeral, be advised that it will not be much better than your campaign stop in Darby, PA, in June 2020, when you maundered pointlessly to a nearly empty room … before going out for ice cream with your secret service detail.’
Unlike Cherry Garcia, you’ll never see a woke ice cream maker produce a ‘Biden Pecan’ flavor. ‘Hunter tracks’ might succeed as a brand of tranq dope — unlicensed, of course!
Got needles?
Flashback — January 2021:
‘Hey guys. We’re here at the inauguration. It’s the most bizarre scene you ever saw in your life. There’s like, a hundred people at the Biden inauguration.’
Dude … he ‘won’ 81.3 million votes. Where were they??
‘Joe’ will rise without a warning, leaving evidence and clues
Making headlines in the morning, then he’s history
“Joe’s” a mystery
— The Pretenders, Love’s a Mystery
Hi Jim!
I wish the Dr. – Hunter Thompson – were still around so that he could write a eulogy for Biden when the vile old grifter finally kicks it. Thompson’s Nixon eulogy is an epic and a classic.
I am with you Eric. We need a “Speaker for the Dead”, I do not have that skill. I nominate you as a talented wordsmith for the role.
Another priceless letter to read is William Pierce’s letter to George Bush sr. after the Iraq invasion. I am not sure if it can be ascertained but well worth the effort if you can find it
Flo says: Screw your groceries, gas and a roof over your head. But with a smile advises that she can save you thousands by bundling “your coverage.” Now pay up sucker!
It’s even worse. You’re forced to pay for this “coverage,” yet they delay, deny and defend, especially in mass claims situations that threaten the financial viability of the insurer (FL and NC hurricanes and CA fires). You almost have to hire an attorney and agree to give him 33 – 50% of the claim to force the insurance co. to do what it was contractually obligated to do in the first place. Great “coverage,” huh?
LA Fires: EV batteries FRUSTRATE clean-up efforts | MGUY
EV batteries lurking in burned out houses are causing headaches for the clean-up, as they can release toxic chemicals….. and spontaneously re-ignite…..blame arsonists….
The wealthy actors in California have portfolios that allow them to be self-insured. Cash in 10 BRK-A shares, you’ll have 7 million dollars, go buy a house and be home.
California has gone neoplastic, the cancerous tumor is malignant.
Musk’s SpaceX fell apart a few minutes after launch today.
He’ll need rocket insurance to cover the loss.
The Solar Death Ray melts igneous rock and forms magma.
Now watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat
Wrong hat – Bullwinkle
Is The Catalyst For The Next Financial Crisis… Homeowners Insurance?
Huge lithium fire bomb storage battery catches fire….lol
A large blaze at Victoria’s “big battery” project has been brought under control by firefighters after burning for more than three days, allowing investigators to begin examining the site.
A Tesla battery bank caught fire while it was being set up in Moorabool on Friday morning, and then spread to a second battery.
The fire burned throughout the weekend and into a fourth day, before it was declared under control just after 3pm on Monday.
Fire crews will remain at the site for the next 24 hours “as a precaution in case of reignition” and will take temperature readings every two hours, the Country Fire Authority said.
File photo of South Keswick Solar Farm near Dubbo, Australia
World’s biggest battery with 1,200MW capacity set to be built in NSW Hunter Valley
Investigations into how the fire started will soon begin with multiple agencies involved, including Energy Safe Victoria, WorkSafe, police and the CFA.
The 300MW battery project is being produced by French renewable energy giant Neoen and was registered with the energy market operator on 28 July.
Neoen Australia managing director Louis de Sambucy told AAP its own “physical inspections and investigations are now underway”.
CFA incident controller Ian Beswicke said the fire had been particularly challenging due to the complex nature of the battery site.
NOTE: “Tlithium battery fires are difficult to fight because you can’t put water on the mega packs …
all that does is extend the length of time that the fire burns for.”
Firefighters have taken advice from experts including Tesla, the battery’s creators, and UGL, who are installing the battery packs.
“The recommended process is you cool everything around it so the fire can’t spread and you let it burn out,” Beswicke said.
The site is slated to become the biggest battery in the southern hemisphere and forms part of a state government push to transition to renewable energy.
But the fire has sparked calls for the government to conduct its own probe into what happened before pressing forward.
“If Labor’s renewable energy solutions go up in flames even before they’re fully operational – what hope do Victorians have that this government will be able to effectively manage the renewable energy transition?” shadow energy minister Brad Rowswell said.
Electricity powered boats….
The Trawler crowd and others…….
They have a have huge resistance to hybrid or electric only powered boats.
A lithium battery on a boat is very dangerous…catches fire and you are dead.
Only super reliable, long life, very simple, super fuel efficient, diesel power is wanted or used…..it should be the same in road vehicles….but the government is banning them to force slaves into EV’s….
If you have a small boat, that gets used very little, for very short trips, four cycle outboard motors make sense.
Electric power on a boat or ship doesn’t work and probably never will….except for a boat that goes a very short distance, for a couple of hours max, very near to shore…..also tiny, 1 HP electric trolling motors havs been around for a long time and run off very safe, lead acid batteries…..
The uselessness of electric or hybrid power is revealed on a boat…….
Except under around 3 mph a hybrid burns more fuel then a diesel only powered boat….over 3 mph a diesel is far more fuel efficient…..
Audi made a 100 mpg diesel powered car, no hybrid comes remotely close to that….diesel is best…..hybrid power is overly complex, expensive crap…..
On a boat….. the power station, transmission and distribution lines and battery charger are all contained within the boat….no hiding behind….the power just comes out of the wall plug bs….and zero emmission…because all the polution is at the power plant…..or hiding how inefficient this setup is…..
EV’s are 25% efficient but that fact is hidden….they only talk about the 90% efficient electric motor…..which got it’s electricity by magic…..
When you are going 1000 miles, or 6000 miles across an ocean, you don’t want a highly dangerous lithium battery on the boat/ship…..these hybrid systems are also very complex, so unreliable compared to a totally reliable diesel engine…..
The next problem is they are very complex, so are difficult and very expensive to repair and parts are not available….and there is almost zero techs that know how to fix them.
Agree about diesels, that’s why I don’t give mine up.
Realize this. Each one of those custom labors of love took years of payoffs to navigate stupid permit processes. Then millions of dollars and genuine labors of love of countless genuine craftsmen to build. Each finished landscaped property likely cost as much or more than an entire typical ticky tack chicken shack subdivision.
Let it sink in.
Uh huh, Rain.
And what did all that government permission and those inspections accomplish?
I’ve read that genesis of building permits came from whole towns burning to the ground, such as the “Great Chicago Fire” of 1871.
Fat lotta good all that has done. Of course, part of that undoubtedly comes from the requirements of the subject of this article: The Insurance Mafia.
As Eric might say regarding government permission for building things on your own property:
“Throw it in the woods.”
Great points both of you. I wish there was a like button, I’d like alot of posts.
My H.O. insurance is up by almost $1,000 the past 3 years; I have considered dropping it since our house has been paid off for years but the increasing number of lawyer ads on the tv are not a good sign. I have a high level of liability insurance to protect us from the next great American grift which will be some bozo staging an “accident” on my property while speed dialing Morgan & Morgan.
Yep. I stopped carrying homeowner’s 20 years ago (Only ever carried it for about 5 years). No health insurance; no comp & collision (just lie-builty), no life insurance. If I had been paying for all of those insurances all these years not only would I have no money, I’d actually be in the negative, because the premiums would have totaled more than what I’ve saved all of those years.
And what has not carrying insurance cost me? Absolutely nothing. Never had the need, thankfully- and if I did, thanks to the money I’ve saved, I have the cash to self-insure. So no harm, no foul. No wonder they have to legislate it’s purchase!
“…and if I did, thanks to the money I’ve saved, I have the cash to self-insure.”
But of course, self-sufficiency is apparently a “crime”.
Exactly, bluegrey!
I self insure by avoiding poverty. Which I have done – so far – by not wasting money on insurance, to the extent I am allowed.
House Speaker Johnson has declared that there should be “conditions” (restrictions) imposed on those affected by the wildfires in order to receive government help (aid).
What kind of “conditions” (restrictions) are being imposed on israel and ukraine in order to receive their “aid”?
I’ll bet that any aid given to those affected will be conditioned on support of israel.
Just who do these bastards work for?
It ain’t the USA.
Yeah, yeah, anarchyst. It is only the Jewish that are greedy…no other race, creed, or religion suffers from this vice. 😒
I wish it weren’t the jews, but the fact of the matter is…
33 states have “loyalty oaths” to israel as a matter of course written into state contracts and will refuse to honor contracts that do not include the “loyalty oath”.
This also goes for citizens seeking government aid (California wildfires, etc.)
A recipient of state funds must agree not to support any BDS movement or support any criticism israel.
YOU, my dear, need to open your eyes and realize that the USA is israel’s b!tch.
Best regards
You’ll notice that the Jews who never admit to being Jews NEVER DEAL IN FACTS.
With any REAL PERSON, stated facts which are unrefuted should change their thinking. Only someone paid to be here doesn’t give a shit about facts.
No other race comes close to jewry in greed, parasitism, mass murder, blaming the victims, and other endless lying.
My 15 years of research on this topic has produced the following conclusions.
The Chinese are second. Then come other subraces of the Asian race. But the Japanese are an exception, the only exception, a very good subrace.
Then come the Blacks/Africans/Congoids.
Then come the Arabs.
And the Mexican/Latino/Hispanic hybrids.
The White race is still the best, not perfect, but the best, even though we ALL (or very nearly all) were raised wrong (yes, I was, too) in this jew-poisoned society pretending all the races are “equal,” and yet race is only a “social construct,” and yet the jew race is “The Chosen People of God” and have only been innocent throughout history, not guilty. Yet, it’s jewry owning the poison-factory pharmaceutical companies, and the so-called Federal Reserve, and the predatory insurance companies, and all the lying big media.
Yes, folks, I’ve noticed that, in response to factual comments against jewry, “Raider Girl” has been subtly defending jewry for years usually without saying “jew” herself. Now, “Raider Girl” is clearly on the record, and clearly wrong.
I am on record for defending any race, religion, gender, etc. because I believe it is wrong to associate an entire sector for the deeds of a few. There are good people and bad people in this world and they come in all shapes and sizes.
Think of me what you will. I promise not to lose sleep over it.
Instead of defending people who are obviously evil based on your altruistic viewpoint of ultra-equality, maybe try standing on facts, and facts alone.
Its not the Jews, certainly not as a whole. Blaming Jews is a bait and switch tactic.
If we were to go on ‘facts’ it is Zionists.. but even more blunt it is Rothschild family banking cartel behind all of this.
Blaming Jews just covers for the real criminals.
Sorry, but “Zionists” are just one “sect” of Jews.
I’ll be the first person to go on record and admit that Jews not only kill other races, but Jews will kill other Jews if they stand in their way. Once again and for the record, plenty of Jews were murdered during the “Russian Revolution”. BY JEWS.
But the fact is, every evil “cabal” is largely Jewish.
One world government / globalism? Jewish.
Communism? Jewish.
Zionism? Jewish.
Feminism? Jewish.
Take an “ism”, find a Jew.
A Jew can be a “Zionist” and not be a “communist”. Or vice-versa. Or any combination of the above or NONE of the above.
But find one that tells the truth.
About sooo many things…the holohoax. The Bible is somehow about THEM (it’s not). That communism comes from them.
If you think one does, then let them speak.
Let us all see the Jew who decries the holohoax as a lie.
Who admits the white race is Biblical Israel.
Who admits to being the source of communism.
Nobody will EVER accuse me of not giving any Jew a legitimate opportunity to stand up and speak truth.
I realize that the present penchant criticizing the jews on this forum is getting tiresome to some, but let me have one last “crack of the bat” on the subject.
One aspect of jewish influence was that of the so-called “civil-rights” movement in the late 1950s and early 1960s.
Yes, at the time, blacks were mistreated, put down and otherwise encouraged not to get involved in White society but, left on their own, blacks were excelling and becoming a part of White society on their own and by their own merits–a good thing.
I came of age during the so-called “civil-rights” movement and observed for myself the underhanded, dishonest and behavior of the so-called “civil-rights workers” who were predominantly jewish with other church groups being involved as well.
My experiences during these heady days were much different than what was reported in the mainstream media of the day.
What should have been a relatively smooth transition to the post-civil-right era was fraught with hate and discontent due to the actions of these jewish “civil-rights handlers” and their black charges (pets). In those days, jews used blacks as a weapon to suborn civil society of the day. Force was used against those who had differing points-of-view on how the whole civil-rights movement was handled. Eisenhower federalized troops (in violation of posse comitatus) to force Whites to capitulate. They were successful in forcing capitulation without changing the attitudes of Whites.
One big mistake (but done on purpose) was to eviscerate “freedom of association” (but only used against Whites).
The so-called “nonviolent civil-rights demonstrations” were anything but “non-violent”. There were robberies, rapes and other criminal acts committed by these “civil-rights handlers” and their black charges that were never reported as the media of the day was “in” on the game and conveniently turned off their cameras during the violent episodes that were never reported.
We would have been better off if the initial civil-rights push were limited to interactions with government agencies, not removing “freedom of association” from White-owned businesses.
I am convinced that if we let things grow and mature naturally, most people of good will would have come around and supported the whole notion of civil-rights. Such was not the case due to jewish influence in the whole civil-rights movement. The “in your face” demands made by these civil-rights workers did much more to set back true civil-rights.
Those of us who came of age in those days had a favorite saying which is still true today. “Behind every n e g r o there is a jew”.
In fact, the NAACP was a wholly jew-run organization until the 1970s when blacks finally “got smart” and kicked out their jewish bosses, wresting the organization from the jews.
Jews were successful in brainwashing blacks, creating the same “victimhood” attitude among blacks that jews use for themselves. This led to the destructive mindset among most (but not all) blacks that they are “victims” and need others to guide them (jews).
Well said. Real history is hard for some because they’ve never been exposed to it. You know…lurneeg stuf at skule…
But facts are facts, as one of my favorite books likes to point out. In fact, ‘Facts are Facts”, by Benjamin H. Freedman is one of the “books banned by Jews” that you can’t find anywhere. I have a copy, though. 🙂
The only people that have a problem with calling out the Jews as a whole, are 1, those utterly ignorant of history and scripture, and 2, Jews.
To everyone else, it should be nothing more than information to be refuted or not. Dispassionately, logically, empirically. If you haven’t been psychologically brainwashed, someone saying “It’s the Jews!” should illicit no more of an emotional response than, “Is it really? I’ll have to look into it. Perhaps you have some book suggestions?”
That SHOULD be the discussion. I have some info. Let me see your info. I’m going to look at this info and I’ll get back to you. And this is how we grow, not only as individuals, but as a species.
I have always been a truth-seeker and am not about to stop now.
Most people don’t want the truth, at least any truth that strays outside their comfort zone. I have made some enemies but also many friends by sticking to my guns.
Best regards,
Ah, yes, Teaching Rule #1 – when persuading your audience to consider differing opinions it is always best to insult and demean them first.
If they don’t agree with you continue to mock and name call. That will convince them!
If the name calling still doesn’t work it is best to accuse them of being enablers of the very idea that you are trying to “educate” them against.
If this still doesn’t work please revert back to Rule #1.
This coming from the people that call other races “cattle”.
Go screw yourself.
Hypocrites know when to shut up, it seems.
Raider Girl, I agree with you, I think you are smart and sensible.
I think the whole ‘blame the jews’ thing is just another way to label people and get people fighting with each other. It’s not productive. It would be better to say the people that work at some company or are part of some organization or the people that did some crime … but to say “the jews” could be blaming innocent people. And some people claim they are jews when they really are not, and vice versa — it’s too confusing.
Thanks, Harry. I appreciate it and agree with your points about dividing us against each other.
Hey Raider Girl,
Yeah, this phenomenon is getting a little painful. I completely understand criticism of Israel and their meddling in US politics and so forth. However, there are plenty of Jews that are also critical of Israel and who are not Zionists. Jews are probably as diverse in thought and creed as any “race”, whatever that really is.
I simply cannot condone a blanket condemnation of any group of people based on their ancestry. It’s easy enough to condemn people by their actions, sometimes their beliefs, and now and then by those with whom they choose to associate, but hating an individual simply due to his or her bloodline is ignorant and counterproductive to the advancement of humanity.
Agreed, BaDnOn. There are a few on here where if it wasn’t for bashing of an entire sector of the population they would have nothing else to say.
Stupid Jew woman. This website deals with subjects that are quite heavily Jew-influenced. So that’s what the comments will invariably lead.
If Eric wants to start a sub-section on other things I’m interested in…chemistry, for instance…radio controlled hobbies…electronics…I’m sure I’ll have MANY things to say. I happen to be a qualified electrician, a gas turbine technician, and an amateur chemist among other things. I can talk about chemistry all day, and I can hardly blame the Jews for why my last attempt at making chloroform from sodium hypochlorite and acetone was unsuccessful…it’s most certainly a pH issue and related to my stoichiometric ratios. I mean, I COULD blame the Jews for my own mis-calculations, but that would be silly.
Just like you’re a silly little nitwit for the things you say.
I’m not terribly surprised about your difficulties with haloform reactions, ‘Picyou, given some of the other things you’ve said, such as the thickness of a planet’s atmosphere being dependent on water vapor, for instance. The atmosphere of a planet, even if composed purely of CO2 for example, could be incredibly dense.
If you’re not some kind of gov’t agent or troll, I really think it would do you good to re-evaluate some of your ideas, man. I think you might have some demons in your life you should deal with, and they don’t wear little hats.
“The atmosphere of a planet, even if composed purely of CO2 for example, could be incredibly dense.”
😀 Yeah? It could be, huh?
Show me an example of where that is.
It’s simple physics. Consider that a molecule of CO2 (~44g/mol) has more mass than a molecule of H2O (~18g/mol), therefore an atmosphere composed of so many molecules of CO2 will weigh more than one composed of an equal number of H2O molecules, given the same planet and other conditions.
But a close example is Venus, whose atmosphere is 96.5% CO2, and much of the rest is nitrogen. Water vapor makes up about 20 ppm, and were it gone, it would make little difference with regards to Venus’ atmospheric pressure.
To say a molecule of carbon dioxide, with a carbon atom and 2 oxygen atoms, is heavier than water, with a hydrogen atom and the same 2 oxygen atoms, is like saying water is wet.
No shit.
Mars, which has nearly IDENTICAL atmospheric composition, has negligible atmospheric pressure.
So, your claim it comes from CO2…
Utter bullshit. Or Mars’ atmosphere would be thick and dense.
The only difference between the 2 is solar radiation and water.
Keep writing shit like you just wrote here. Please.
So you have NOTHING TO SAY about Mars’ atmospheric pressure being minuscule compared to Venus, despite having a supposedly identical atmospheric composition. Just “Keep writing shit like you just wrote here. Please.”
Everyone loves to see you lose in this way. Because me providing direct evidence that CO2 composition doesn’t result in atmospheric density by profound and irrefutable example is beyond your ability to counter.
And everyone sees it. And now everyone sees your cop-out as well.
Keep coping out. Please.
According to Encyclopedia Britannica:
>Its gaseous envelope is composed of more than 96 percent carbon dioxide and 3.5 percent molecular nitrogen.
>The atmospheric pressure at the planet’s surface varies with surface elevation; at the elevation of the planet’s mean radius it is about 95 bars, or 95 times the atmospheric pressure at Earth’s surface.
That is correct, at least what we’re told is correct, the pressure on Venus is far, far greater than that of Mars, despite having a nearly identical composition.
The only difference is how much solar radiation each planet receives, and how much water vapor must be present in the upper atmosphere.
The solar input simply is NOT enough, and so the density of the atmosphere on Venus MUST have some other source. Besides magic, I mean.
That source can ONLY BE WATER.
Right on!
You’ve got to hand it to Eric for supporting free speech even when that means tolerating speech which he may or may not agree with.
Shame that those that are so wrapped up in their wholesale excoriation on the Jews as a race don’t start and run their own website. Instead they use a libertarian car guy’s platform to spread their own brand of propaganda which I’m sure gets Eric’s site banned from other venues when linked.
It’s a no win for Eric – limit the discussion and he becomes a free speech hypocrite.
Allow it to continue unabated and it limits the reach of his site and his ability to make an honest living.
I can only speak for myself when I say I’ve been hesitant to point others to this site knowing the vitriol they will find in the comments and not wanting to have myself assumed to be supportive or condoning the commentary.
Jews will often hide out in comment sections pretending to be white Americans.
Just like Jews like to change their names to hide their Jewishness.
I wonder…why that is?
The number of people that have opinions based on NOTHING is shocking. Anyone that does research, and I mean REAL research, arrives at the same conclusions.
One can call a jew any derogatory name such as swindler, bankster, shylock, or even the “k” word (I refuse to use that term) and it will roll off his back like water off a duck, BUT…
Call a JEW a “JEW” and he will recoil in horror, having been “found out”. THAT is why so many jews “anglicize” their names.
A good example of this is Netanyahu (nee Mielikowsky) who is actually of Polish extraction with NO semitic DNA.
One of my favorites?
Anton Lavey (LEVI!).
Founder of the CHURCH OF SATAN.
That says it all right there.
Sometimes people completely lacking social skills hide out in comments sections looking for social interaction after their friends and family have shunned them.
So what is exactly is your point?
My point is that you’re a Jew.
And you won’t admit it.
Do you know who also hides out in comment sections?
Government officials who wish to take down perfectly good websites by promoting divide and conquer techniques.
I wonder which three letter agency you work for letmepicyou?
I find it wholly unbelievable that the only time you show up to this site is to continue your onslaught of Jew bashing. You add nothing else to any other conversation on here. Do you discuss inflation? Politics? Automobiles? Nope. One topic and one topic only. No freaking individual spends their entire life wrapped up in that much anger and hatred unless they are getting paid to do so.
Preach it RG.
Hard to rule that possibility out.
Now I KNOW you’re a Jew.
There is no question on this point. A KIKE HIDES AMONG US.
Know how I know this? Because there isn’t ONE PERSON HERE that thinks a “3 letter agency” hangs out “Jew-bashing”.
You can’t show me 1 single example of this being the case. ANYWHERE.
Everyone one of those 3-letter agencies ARE RAN BY JEWS, IDIOT.
MERRICK GARLAND IS A JEW. So, I suppose I’m here at the behest of my JEW BOSS, who has told me “Go out and stir up some Jew trouble.”
Because…that’s what 3 letter agencies DO. Stir up trouble with the Jews.
You’re a piece of shit accusing ME of that which YOU are OBVIOUSLY guilty of.
There are lots of things people could say about me that might be in the realm of possibility. But to claim this? Makes you look like an ABSOLUTE IMBECILE.
Why do you HIDE YOUR JEWISHNESS while accusing others of RIDICULOUS NONSENSE?
You could have tried so many avenues of approach. But this one? You’ve outed yourself. Everyone knows Merrick Garland is a Jew. Idiot.
“You’re a piece of shit accusing ME of that which YOU are OBVIOUSLY guilty of.”
Ahh . . . Way to show your intellect and superiority.
You win
So you agree with me, but you have to butthurt some subterfuge in there.
Oh, no! The little man from the three letter agency doesn’t like me! I don’t think you have been this worked up, letmepicyou, since your blow up sex doll, Kitty, sprang an air leak back in 2012. Maybe your boss, Merrick, will lend you the money for a new one. I can’t imagine having blue balls for the last 13 years of your life is good for morale at the FBI? CIA? NSA? Which one do you work for again? This is this why they put you on desk duty, honey. No one likes working with the guy who can’t control his temper….and you have a very bad one.
My guess is we have a week left of your nonsense until Patel comes in and makes a sweep of the Seventh Floor.
See how it doesn’t admit to being a Jew?
Trace the IP. I know mine resolves to Ohio.
I bet hers resolves to Tel Aviv.
I’m with you, Burn It. I feel for Eric, but he’s been an unwavering and ardent defender of free speech, and no one can say otherwise.
It seems that libertarian websites will have to bear this rhetoric if they are to be principled. Other places simply won’t tolerate such banter, and so places like EP Autos end up with a disproportionately high concentration of these nazi propagandists.
And it sucks. I know what you mean about pointing people here. I love Eric’s writing, and a lot of good and intelligent people flock here, but I understand what you are saying.
“Nazi propagandists”?
I would avoid listening to BOLSHEVIK JEW PROPAGANDISTS, everyone.
They’re all around.
Hasbara Sayanim SCUM.
Jews getting paid to influence comment sections of website won’t admit to being Jews because they’re told not to.
Jews won’t DENY being Jews, because of Satanic pride.
See, myself, I have the same belief structure as Randy Weaver of Ruby Ridge. I’ll say I’m “Christian Identity” to anyone that asks. I have no problem admitting who and what I am.
Jews? Paid to be here? Will NEVER say “Oh, I’m a Jew” but they also won’t “demean” themselves by claiming to be something else.
So they sit strangely silent on the subject.
That’s how you know it’s a Jew.
You Jew.
kicked out of 130 countries in human history..
started diversity is our greatest strength…
ran the slave trade to america until it was no longer a cash cow, breeding of landed slaves.
covaids scam
katyn forest
If there is a sheckel to be had regardless of morals or ethics they are involved. A fact is a fact, and a lie is a lie no matter how many times you repeat either. Notice how I didnt name any group with this post as to do so in commie Kanada might mean a trip to thought prison. When laws have to be passed to keep a certain narrative in order…. I smell a rat.
There are a few on this site posting as white American commenters.
I agree 100% with BaDnOn and Raider Girl.
and Burn It Down.
Hi Ugg (and RG and BaDnOn) –
I’m with you guys as well. How could I not be – and have any claim to being a libertarian? I despise the government of the state of Israel. I consider the Israeli lobby evil. But I do not hate any person just because they happen to be Jewish – or black or whatever.
I hate all Jews.
When given the opportunity to come clean…about a GREAT many things…we can just toss the holohoax out there for a prime example…show me a Jew that stands on the side of truth.
No, seriously. Show me ONE JEW that stands on the side of truth.
I’ll wait.
I always give every Jew the opportunity to stand on the side of truth.
Not one.
The holohoax is indeed the biggest grift of the twentieth century, but is finally losing its luster with the continual jewish genocide that has been going on for far longer than October 7, 2023. Actually genocide of Palestinians and others has been going on before the (illegal) state of israel was established.
Actually MORE Roman Catholics were interned in German work camps than jews.
Official ICRC figures show a total death count of 271,000, NOT 6,000,000, most of who were not jewish.
letmepic on you, please refrain from all of the hate and scorn. You are free to write any words you want. Some discrete redacting will help.
Anti-Semitism is a disease caused by Jews, or so they say.
That causes Jew-bashing. It is called ‘with bias’ and can get you sued.
However, you can’t pass into law anti-free speech legislation.
The First Amendment can get you in a libelous lawsuit.
I don’t care, any Jew can do anything they want to do. Let ‘er rip, you go, Jews.
They do seem to be off on themselves.
I still don’t care.
I don’t hate anybody, I do hate what people do that can cause great harm to a population of people. Malicious intent is bad behavior, Bibi is guilty.
What is going on more than criminal, it is barbaric, democide is what you see.
Those guys persecuted and crucified Jesus Christ, or so they say.
You hate the sin, not the sinner.
There is the unzreview dot com.
Great balls of fire at Kilauea.
The first thing the BOLSHEVIK COMMUNIST JEWS DID after seizing power during the “Russian Revolution” was to pass “anti-Semitism laws”.
I suppose that’s…just some wild coincidence.
Based on what i read earlier, the Jews were in control of the bolshevik politburo in the aftermath of the bolshevik revolution. i believe the jewish president of soviet russia, was among the main pushers for the execution of the Tsar and his entire family. The chief executioner was jewish himself. my comments in youtube was redacted because of the mention.it may not be relevant to most people, but just saying…
And by the way?
Hate for that which is the seed of the serpent is actually a GIFT FORM GOD.
“And I shall place ENMITY between thy seed and the woman’s seed. Thy seed shall bruise her heel, and her seed shall bruise thy head.”
Enmity means hatred. So anytime someone comes to me with “Oh, oh, I have to wring my hands and kvetch at your hatred!”
Hatred comes from GOD.
I do believe that’s chapter 3, verse 15 if memory serves. You should read that book rather than hand wringing about “hate”.
We’re SUPPOSED to hate that which stands against God.
“Do I not hate those who rise against you? I HATE THEM with a PERFECT HATRED, and count them my enemies.”
The words of God’s FAVORITE SON, DAVID.
But yeah, I’m going to listen to YOU about hate, rather than…oh, David…God…etc.
I am surprised you have not pulled the plug on this ignorant mouth breather. May I suggest you do so, and spare your respectful, civilized readers the verbal abuse.
There is no excuse for his verbal sewage, and no reason any decent human being should be assaulted by it.
Anyone else share my opinion?
This is what the Jew does.
Silences opposition.
Why don’t you be a man instead of a snake.
Stand up and prove me wrong.
Why don’t you go fuck yourself, turd brain?
I am pure Aryan heritage.
I am also an educated, civilized man who is fed up with your horseshit.
Go away, troll.
“Why don’t you go fuck yourself, turd brain?”
Why don’t you stop trying to suck off people that want to DESTROY OUR RACE? There is ONE GROUP OF FUCKING PEOPLE RESPONSIBLE.
ONE GROUP published the PROTOCOLS.
ONE GROUP is responsible for millions of white Christian deaths.
Hi Letme –
I know debate can get heated at times when passions run high; I have gotten hot under the color myself many times. But – please – refrain from the personal attacks and profanity. A curse word every now and then is no problem. It becomes a problem when it’s recurrent. Thanks in advance for your consideration.
These fuckers are trying to wipe out our fucking race.
May God have mercy on whatever soul you have left.
Notice how I never try to silence the Jew.
Notice how I INVITE them to speak.
I DARE them to speak.
I CHALLENGE them to speak.
Notice how it has to “poison the well” and try to rally others to its cause.
I stand only in truth. I’ve been banned from more websites than you can imagine. But I don’t send behind the back emails. I don’t try to silence people. I don’t say, “Hey, Eric, why don’t you get rid of these stinking Jews so we can have a civil conversation.”
That’s the difference between us. And how everyone here knows just what each one of us is about.
I may be a loudmouth. I may be opinionated. I may have the social grace of a rusty chainsaw.
But despite all those things, you all tell ME about who you want in a foxhole with you when the time comes.
A sniveling snake whispering and dividing, “Psssssst…we’ve got to get RID of that one there…sssssss. He’sssss not one of usssss.”?
Or the loudmouth crusty mofo that won’t stab you in your back when it’s turned?
I know who I’d rather have when the chips fall.
Good morning, Adi (and everyone else) –
I’ve asked Letme to tone down the personal attacks and profanity. Hoping he’ll do so…
I’ll try my best, man. It’s hard to not get worked up when 1 group of people are trying to destroy us, and half of “us” is trying to help them. The stupid half of us, anyway.
Then show us the “jews” that speak the truth about the holohoax.
Oh there IS “diversity” among Jews. It was explained to me thusly by TEXE MARRS:
GLOBALISM is the JEWISH BELIEF that the planet is theirs.
COMMUNISM is the JEWISH BELIEF that non-Jews have no property rights.
ATHEISM is the JEWISH BELIEF in no right or wrong.
JUDAISM is the JEWISH BELIEF that non-Jewish lives have no sanctity.
Once again, this is from TEXE MARRS, not me, but it’s illustrative of the different “sects” in the Jews and how there may, indeed, be separate “versions” of Jews.
It’s just that all those versions are evil.
Truth isn’t a “phenomenon”, unless you’re Jewish.
Um…a few points of historical order…
Only JEWS have been kicked out of 109 countries 1000+ times for things like…child sacrifice…usury…murder…
22 canonized saints BECAME saints because they were white Christian children murdered by Jews. If you can find another group that shares this distinction…NAME IT.
Oh wah wah wah poor little Jews I don’t blame them I’m BETTER than that.
No. You’re blind to facts and purposefully ignorant of history. That’s a long, far cry from moral superiority.
Here is a list of jewish talmudic quotes:
Destroy the gentiles and remove them from the face of this earth. Destroy also every memory of the Amalekites.
SOTHA 35b:
Let all gentile nations be burned to lime.
The shedding of goyim blood is permitted.
Killing a goyim is like killing a wild animal.
The best of the goyim shall also be killed.
ZOHAR I,38b, 39a:
The Jew who killed a Christian will have a place of honor in heaven. He will be wrapped in purple garments so that everyone may see his godly deeds.
Do not save a goyim in times of danger or death. Do not show compassion to them.
Kill a goyim and you will do God a great favor.
Only Jews are human beings; all other nations are not human beings but wild animals.
Yahweh created the gentiles only so that Jews need not be served by animals. The gentile is therefore an animal in human form who will eternally have to serve the Jew.
A Jew who kills a gentile is not responsible for the murder.
SEPH. JP 92:1:
God (Yahweh) has given the Jews power over all the possessions and blood (life) of the gentiles.
Rabbis say that Akum (gentiles) are equal to the wild animals of the forest.
(Tractate Shabbath 120:1; Sanhedrin 99:1) When the Messiah comes (once all Christians have been killed and disappeared from the face of the earth) every Jew will own 2800 slaves. When the Jewish Messiah comes, the royal regiment will be returned to the Jews. All nations will be subservient to him and all kingdoms.
MENAHOTH 43b-44a:
A Jew is obligated to pray the following prayer every day: I thank you O God that you have not made me a goyim, a woman or a slave.
THIS is what JEWS really think of us “goyim”. Hatred of us “goyim” is baked in to judaism itself.
We are all Palestinians, now…
I think the “defenders of the Jews” are scummy Jews themselves…but like most cockroaches, they hide their true identities.
Hasbara Sayanim are all around us.
The Rothschilds are Jews, while the Rockefellers are Christians. Even so, they have much more in common with each other than they do with us.
While there is some evidence that the Rockefellers changed their Jewish names, there isn’t 100% proof of this, so I’ll just leave this as a little conjecture.
One thing I DO know for certain, is if you take a look at the Rockefeller foundation TODAY…A JEW sits at the top of the board of 24, with ONE WHITE GUY ON THE ENTIRE BOARD. And I’m not even 100% sure he’s white.
See this for yourself. The Rockefeller foundation lists their very (non) diverse group on their website.
The Roosevelts changed their name from Rosenfeld, a favorite jewish “trick”.
Eisenhower hated Germany and Germans with extreme ferocity (despite being just a paper-pusher, unlike Patton which he despised.
Eisenhower is another one who should have been in the dock for war crimes with his Rheinwiesenlager death camps. Never heard of them? Not surprising.
These were real open-air death camps created and run by Eisenhower AFTER the summation of WW2. Those German soldiers unfortunate enough to be interned in open-air pens with no buildings for the inmates, no food (yes, no food) were starved out of existence. Despite Geneva Convention rules regarding the treatment of prisoners or war, Eisenhower conveniently redefined these captured German soldiers as “disarmed enemy combatants”, not entitled to protections under the Geneva Convention. Those civilians “outside the wire” who attempted to provide food for the inmates (which was readily available) were threatened with death. This horrific aspect of WW2 is not mentioned in any of the history books.
For those who claim that Eisenhower was not jewish, I beg to differ. His West Point yearbook describes him with the nickname “the Swedish jew”.
The only thing Eisenhower was good for was his push for an Interstate Highway System modeled after Germany’s Autobahn.
Look it up. You will not like what you find…
I’m patently aware of “Eisenhower’s Holocaust”.
I would piss on him if he stood before me.
Living in California (Santa Ana)for a couple of years never did I see or even hear about sustained winds over 35-45mph. Gusts to about 60-70 but very short bursts. Like Lahaina, the fires spread rapidly. Like Lahaina, fire fighting equip and water were in short supply. Like Lahaina, many things did not burn that should have. Like Lahaina, LA is a designated smart city. Already they are talking zoning changes, building mega smart apartments in 15 minute WEF cities.
Corpgov is at war with citizens especially land/home owners trying to get its 2030 bullshit completed. You vill owns nuthing and be happy says lead KIC Schwab. (kraut in charge).
If you live in a city deemed a future 15 minute smart city get the hell out or prepare for war. There are going to be many catastrophes over the next couple of years and all blamed on the bogus Man Made Climate Change. Fake Scientists will pick up their government checks and swear to it.
And just like the Covid scam many morons will assist them. Anyone with more than two functioning brain cells will be persona non grata.
Amen, Ken. 👍
“You vill owns nuthing and be happy says lead KIC Schwab.”
Don’t even own yourself….
In a master slave relationship…the situation on prison planet…planet earth….the slave is the property of the master……the master can kill the slave….if it feels like it…..
Anyone who received the mRNA vaxx is now “owned” by Pfizer, Moderna, or J+J.
You see, the Supreme Court of the united States of America has opined that DNA sequences could be patented.
Since foreign, patented DNA is injected with the “clot shots” this conveys ownership of recipients of the “clot shots” to the pharmaceutical companies.
Don’t forget that Trump calls smart cities “Freedom Cities”! Also, don’t forget that Trump has made pilgrimages to Davos to kiss the ring of Herr Klaus; he sings Klaus’ praises. Because the Inauguration is a day before Davos opens this year, Trump will visit the annual WEF confab “virtually” next week. I’m just sayin’…
Just renewed my Qualitas Annual Auto Insurance Policy for my 2017 Audi S1. $635 Full Coverage. Even if I wanted to move back to the States, I couldn’t afford it.
Where do you live? I pay that much a MONTH for an ‘02 ES300 and a ‘21 ES350 in Texas!
Hi Eric,
It looks like other states, particularly in the Midwest, are subsidizing California with regards to insurance costs.
Property insurance in Nebraska is about 3 times the cost for a similar $300k dwelling in California.
I received an insurance bill which was 200 dollars more in cost, so I decided to get a new quote. I just wanted a dollar amount, provided information, name, address, and such.
Next thing you know, the phone starts ringing, insurance agents were calling non-stop for a day or two.
Those people bug you forever. Finally started telling them I found an insurer. They will stop bugging you then, I hate bugging.
Some kind of crud going around, feel about 80 percent.
A lithium battery storage facility burst into flames south of San Francisco.
Gotta be chaos and pandemonium going on out there in Pyro-fornia.
Those damages in the fires of S Cali will be catastrophic. I originally estimated that it would take about 150 billion to rebuild but some have recently stated that the cost would be about 250 billion. The payouts will bankrupt every insurance company in Cali. The only way out of this is if Cali hires Chinese and Mexican labor at 5 dollars an hour. The average house in Pacific Palisades is about 5 million. The yearly insurance on a house like that is probably about 10 thousand a year. Add in property taxes of about 20 thousand a year and you’ve got a shitload of money. Exactly how much money do these people make! I feel sorry for the people who inherited these 5 million dollar houses a long time ago but earn only 80 thousand or less a year.
I think what will happen is that the federal government will bail Cali out. Just like the Fed government bailed out the banks back in the 2008 housing crash. We will all pay one way or another. This is the new face of the United States of Socialism. We can’t all move to rural areas because most people in America are addicted to big city life.
Hi euro,
I would love to agree, but government bails out large corporations…not people. Just ask the people in NC or Hawaii.
The motives are sinister. Global conglomerates like BlackRock will buy the land for pennies on the dollar. The middle class will have no choice but to sell. The insurance companies are not able to repay what has been insured. Those that wish to rebuild from personal savings or their own grit and determination will be forced to flee under eminent domain. The government has never been for the people by the people. The Constitution (as beautifully written as it is) is a pipe dream. The oligarchy captains this ship and the rest of us can hang out on the lower decks until they feel the need to throw us overboard. Nothing has changed in 240+ years.
>forced to flee under eminent domain
I fail to see how eminent domain (taking for a “public purpose”) has anything to do with this situation, even considering Kelo v. CT.
It will, Adi. When the companies start coming into redo the zoning from R1 to R3 and the guy on the corner won’t sell his land so the new condos can be erected. Black Rock will inject a few more dollars into Bass’s reelection campaign and all of a sudden the corner lot will be needed to run additional electrical lines.
Mark my words. It is coming.
>redo the zoning from R1 to R3
Ah, now I follow your thinking, even if I remain skeptical.
FWIW, “redevelopment” involving property acquisition by government using eminent domain was thrown out in CA quite awhile ago. Prior to that, your scenario would have been much more likely, AFAIK.
Our local city gov’t went “apeshit” on this back in the heyday of “redevelopment,” buying up and tearing down SFRs in the older part of town, but they fetched up against it when the laws were changed.
Still, money talks, and I am at least as cynical as you are. 🙂
We’ll see…
The average US citizen has the attention span of a gnat. They have a tendency to get worked up on what is on their television and once it is no longer covered they forget about it.
The wealthy has one attribute that others do not…patience.
Has anyone been following the Maui fires and rebuilding that occurred a year and a half ago? How about NC and Helene? They are pretty much forgotten.
Here is a rare article on the current landowners who lost their homes. A year and a half later and they have either moved or are still waiting to rebuild. Eighteen months later and we haven’t broken ground? Does anyone truly believe they will. The land will remain vacant and the vultures will show up with a low ball figure that will end up being accepted.
In five years we will all appear shocked when condos and commercial enterprise scatter the land that sixty year old homes once were. Of course, will it be questioned? Nah, we will just assume everyone was treated fairly and received top dollar.
Good point! I would like all of your posts if there were a like button.
[I fail to see how eminent domain (taking for a “public purpose”) has anything to do with this situation, even considering Kelo v. CT.] Adi
Lawyer (Liars) speak.
When they want to do something……. they do it and to hell with that GD piece of paper (attributed to Baby Bush) which has already been reduced to something less than bird poop on your windshield.
“Freedom of speech is a principal pillar of a free government; when this support is taken away, the constitution of a free society is dissolved , and tyranny is erected on its ruins.
Exactly Ken,
The Supremes just showed their contempt for free speech by voting 9-0 to ban TikTok. They are contemptible tools of the PTB.
“The government has never been for the people by the people. The Constitution (as beautifully written as it is) is a pipe dream.”
Though this has been a well established fact since the days of Lysander Spooner (and earlier) it seems people just can’t come to terms with reality.
The slave owners say they have allodial title to the whole planet….
The government is administrators for the slave owners…the masters…
…….And the Sovereign may take back the land at any time (see Eminent Domain).
allodial title
If you do not have alloidial title do you really “own” that house or property
What we have is Fee Simple title.
The “Fee” refers to ‘fief’. We’re Serfs.
Property taxes exist for the same reason zoning laws exist…because no matter what you ‘thought’ you owned, you don’t actually own anything!
The term is “Alloidal Title”. It means that the owner of such title has first claim on ownership of that land preceding all other claimants.
In the United States Alloidal Title is retained by the Government….the administrators for the slave owners…the masters….
in canada and all the other commonwealth countries….. the crown…king charles the 3rd ……one of the slave owners…the masters…. owns all the land….has allodial title.
So you can forget all that “Here, Sir, the people rule” stuff. Furthermore of note, you might understand that this indicates the government is sovereign …and not the people, as widely proclaimed.
So, what kind of title do you have in the United States or canada?
With a few exceptions you have what is called “Fee Simple Title”.
It means that the orignal owner, the sovereign, NOT YOU, may encumber your temporary possession of the land with any number of demands.
The Sovereign may demand rent. The Sovereign may demand taxes. The Sovereign may restrict the use of the land to only a few (or a single) use. Or the Sovereign may demand military or domestic service such as a draft…or registration thereto…in return for tenancy.
And the Sovereign may take back the land at any time (see Emminent Domain). In historical contexts Sovereigns have even demanded sexual services for themselves…and for their supporters, officers, and bureaucrats (see Prima Noctus).
But what does the term “Fee Simple” mean?
Well…and you probably won’t like this… the “Fee” part refers to the nature of the estate which holds the title. Fee refers to a feudal fief.
The second part “Simple” refers to the type of ownership interest the estate holds: Simple or Simple Conditional.
So, if this clashes with what you learned in school about the American Revolution, “Of, For, and By the People”, immigration for “Free Land”, “Popular Sovereignty” and all that… Perhaps you should challenge those beliefs. Alternatively…the government has some explaining to do.
Regardless, in the Colonial period and until the 1840’s real property was held much as other property – and could easily be traded in its entirety free of traditional encumbrances. Since then? Yes…but, as noted, with encumbrances by the property’s “Ultimate” owner…which is not the person who purchased it.
Regardless, in the Colonial period and until the 1840’s real property was held much as other property
Should have lived before 1840….much better times…..
The slave owners say they have allodial title to the whole planet….
But …….article 126 in Genesis disagrees….it says whatever country you are born in…you have the rights to one share of the energy and mineral resources of that country….that could be worth millions of dollars…..
Indigenous….Black’s law dictionary says…..whatever country you are born in….you are indigenous to that country…..but…the slave owners fuel battles between the slaves…saying only one group is indigenous…..keep the slaves fighting each other…so they don’t go after the masters….the real problem……
In historical contexts Sovereigns have even demanded sexual services for themselves…and for their supporters, officers, and bureaucrats (see Prima Noctus).
In Europe the slave owners screwed all the white tribe women…..on the wedding night the king got to sleep with the bride before the husband…. Prima Noctus
on the wedding night the king got to sleep with the bride before the husband…And…..the ones that wouldn’t cooperate were called witches and burned at the stake…..
Don’t mention Blackrock being ran by Jews.
I’m sure it’s not relevant.
Home ownership used to be the hallmark and goal of just about every American citizen. It was seen as a worthy goal to own your home.
Not anymore.
Larry Fink’s Black Rock and other (((owned))) financial entities are purchasing single-family homes at above-market prices and keeping them off the market, forcing both rents and mortgage rates up. This is all by design.
New York City, where almost no one owns their primary residence. $3500 a month for a 6th floor “walkup studio apartment” is the norm.
If you live in New York City and rent your abode, you own nothing of value.
This is just what (((they))) want. I am attempting to avoid naming (((them))).
(((Their))) favorite saying “We will sit like effendi and eat”. A nation of renters is just what (((they))) want.
I seem to remember a certain quote: “You will own nothing and be happy”.
Though I can’t recall all the details (there are so many to this plot!), there’s one interesting coincidence: one of the world’s largest lithium deposits is in the disaster stricken areas of NC! Battery and EV companies, have their eyes on that land. BlackRock and other investment companies are also following this with interest, so they can invest in these EV and battery companies that would benefit from that large lithium deposits. Moreover, they have more than enough money to buy off state and local politicians to change the zoning, use eminent domain, and change regs to benefit themselves. David Knight did a show on that in the wake of hurricanes Helene and Milton.
Because of the timing and these “coincidences”, questions have been raised about weather modification being used to either hatch or steer the hurricanes to the stricken areas. The US Gov’t, DoD, and the MIC have had weather modification, and they’ve used it for decades. HAARP is all about that. Was it the case here? I don’t know, but there are too many coincidences here to ignore the possibility…
Hi Mark,
Yes, the Kings Mountain site, west of Charlotte, is known to have one of the largest lithium deposits in the world. I can’t confirm or deny that weather modification is taking place. Personally, I like to believe that Mother Nature is still in charge, but governments have been known to manipulate and lie about many things so I don’t think it can be ignored.
But, no doubt whenever there is a tragedy, whether man made or an Act of Nature, there will always be opportunists and those that wish to take advantage of someone else’s loss.
>property taxes
1% per Prop 13, plus some “add-ons” for various assessment districts will make it ~1.25% of assessed value, which is generally based on the most recent sales price.
(0.0125)*($5,000,000) = $62,500
Hi, MarkyMark,
Greetings from SoCal.:)
I live in Corona, Riverside County 92882, just east of the Santa Ana Mountains, which are almost entirely Cleveland National Forest. The current fires didn’t affect us, because the fire zones are far to the northwest, and the notorious Santa Ana winds blow east to west, driven by high pressure in the Nevada desert.
However, in years past there have been severe fires in inland areas, including National Forest about three miles south of where I live in central Corona, as well as San Bernardino Mountains. These are *scary* events, when they occur. But, people who choose to live in high fire danger areas (out in the woods) are freely assuming the risk. I read about one guy whose insurance company stipulated that if he cut down several trees close to his house, they would significantly lower his premium. He refused to cut the trees.
> earthquake or fire losses in CA
FYI, earthquake insurance is *NOT* part of standard H.O. coverage in CA. It must be purchased separately, and is very expensive, plus subject to 10% deductible. My impression is that few people choose to carry it. I know I don’t. It is *not* required by mortgage lenders.
I live in a single story wood frame/stucco house built in 1956, which I purchased in 1981. Such structures tend to perform well in seismic events, provided they are properly anchored to their foundations. Anything built after WWII will likely do well, provided it is not tall and skinny with a clay tile roof. II have experienced two significant earthquakes, neither of which damaged the structure, in the >40 years I have lived here.
State Farm is my insurance carrier, both H.O. and auto. My claims experience with State Farm, while (thankfully) not extensive, has been good. Theft and auto claims only, no fire or personal liability claims. State Farm offers discount for “multiple lines.” I.e., give them all your business, they discount the premiums.
I paid $1105 last August for H.O. policy on 1130 s.f. single story wood frame, stucco exterior, composition shingle roof in ZIP code 92882. I do not know what replacement cost would be.
in sunny republican florida, which many of the posters and possibly viewers of this site, think of as some mecca of low taxes and no bothersome regulations, i have first hand knowledge of someone who was NOT involved in an accident but was shaken down by a uniformed thug, nonetheless had their auto premium jacked up by geico by over 25%
‘fire-prone battery-powered devices’ — eric
‘If the raging wildfires across Los Angeles County weren’t enough, California faced another crisis overnight as one of the world’s largest battery storage facilities, situated about 100 miles south of San Francisco, caught fire, triggering area-wide evacuations.
‘AP News reported that a fire broke out Thursday at the Moss Landing Power Plant, a natural gas-fired generation plant with thousands of lithium batteries for energy storage. Fires involving lithium batteries, as seen with electric vehicles, are notoriously difficult to extinguish and could burn uncontrollably for days.
“There’s no way to sugarcoat it. This is a disaster, is what it is,” Monterey County Supervisor Glenn Church told local media outlet KSBW-TV.’ — ZeroHedge
Y U no green? 🙁
This battery storage fire isn’t reported on our local TV news here in WA. I did hear a short report on the radio but they OMIT the fact that this is a lithium power storage battery bank fire – they called it a “generating facility fire”.
Can’t have that green energy scam getting a public black eye via toxic battery bank fire. I did see a short video clip, this is a massive flame fire with huge plums of smoke. Locals advised to close all windows & avoid the smoke. Meanwhile I’m the bad guy for CO2 released by my gas furnace. Absolute insanity.
Here on the east (conservative) side of state there’s pushback. The State level government is hell bent on getting more massive solar panel projects installed. However, their environmental rules are biting them in the ass, the County reminded them of this along with the local wagonburners claiming ancient heritage rights on the hills and adjacent lands. The county commissioner was on the news stating “we’re not approving any of this because it will place us in violation of state laws/tribal rights”. She had a big smile as she laid out the facts for our TV news team.
The lithium battery fire re-ignited and another battery storage nearby has begun to smoke.
Lithium hates the planet!
Hollywood is going to make a new movie of Up In Smoke.
Arson might be a cause, serial fires are suspect.
There is no rest for the wicked. California Nightmare on such a winter’s day.
It’s evil out there, man that state is always on fire
Everyone has a system, but they can’t seem to win – Loudon Wainwright III, Hard Day On The Planet
Lithium battery technology was a wonderful…step…up the ladder of “energy density”. It provides fantastic current delivery capacity and a wonderfully flat output across its useful range. But it’s far too “picky”. Charge it too much and it bursts into flames. Let it discharge too low and it’ll never charge again. Too hot? Too cold?
I know there are a lot of downsides to lithium batteries, but the way I look at lithium batteries is as someone that has come the whole way from lead acid to nickel cadmium to nickel metal hydride to lithium and its various formulations…every advancement has been an amazing step.
As I sit grumbling about lithium’s downfalls, I can’t help but be excited to see the next new battery technology become mainstream, and do so realizing that it’s lithium’s downfalls which will DRIVE the next technology. In a decade, we’ll be laughing about lithium batteries.
For many of those who went bare and lost their home, the dream of living in the hills above Malibu is now dust. They will never be able to afford to rebuild what they had. In 1988 the voters in CA passed Prop 103 the insurance reduction act. This established an elected insurance commissioner. The rates were required to be reduced by 20%. Since then rates can only be increased at rate hearings and the NGO interveners can make that very difficult. After the Napa, Paradise and Oakland hills fires a few years ago, Safeco pulled out of CA due to overwhelming losses. Many insurance companies have pulled out because they cannot set their rates high enough to make a profit. The CA Fair Plan is now the only option for many homeowners. My husband who owns an insurance agency, helped one of our relatives, an elderly widow with her insurance claims when she decided to rebuild her home in Napa. It took 2 years and cost twice as much as was initially projected but the insurance company paid. Her insurance also paid for her short term rental during the rebuild, about $100,000 total just in rent. These days his agency struggles to find fire insurance for many clients who live in what the insurance companies have deemed fire risk areas. Many people have had to resort to the Fair Plan, especially in wooded areas or up in the mountains where there are lots of dead trees and brush. No insurance company will write their policy or if they had insurance, when the term is up they simply get non renewed.
It’s not much of a racket if the insurance companies refuse to even write the policy. They will not do so if they cannot make a profit.
>For many of those who went bare and lost their home, the dream of living in the hills above Malibu is now dust.
No worries. Biden and Newscum have already got together and agreed to pump *billions* of feddle gummint dollars (borrowed, of course) into rebuilding Malibu/Pacific Palisades. Can’t let those poor dear “celebrities” become homeless, now can we?
>especially in wooded areas or up in the mountains where there are lots of dead trees and brush.
If you can’t adequately clear the brush, don’t build there.
If a fire starts, it will show you no mercy.
>They will not do so if they cannot make a profit.
Ya think?
Reminds me of George Carlin’s bit about “building on the side of an active volcano, then wondering why there is lava in the living room.”
Bottom line: plenty of *stupid* people out there.
It is environmentalists who have codified into law the prohibition on clear-cutting in California hillside residential neighborhoods.
Those homeowners who defied the law and clear-cut brush on their property have avoided their residences being destroyed.
As far as I am concerned, ALL building permit requirements and environmental laws should be abolished.
The very first DEI Fire was the Oakland California Hills Fire back in 1993. This is where a diverse group of fire fighters and Fire Chief who…claimed later that they were not trained in wildfires…let a fire watch crew on an extinguished fire (previous day) get out of control and burn down 3000 + homes in a densely populated area of Oakland CA. My Grandfather’s house was one of them. My Grandfather was also an insurance broker so he had the best policy you can buy, and I will give them full credit…Chubb. The insurance bastards have a meeting with my grandfather and luckily my father was there as well. Chubb tells my grandfather that they will hire an *Architect* who will produce drawings and specifications of my grandfather’s house via interview of gramps, and will put these construction documents down at the Builders Exchange and get bids which will be the basis of settlement. This is where my father impressed me. My father was not in the construction business. However, my father told the mafia adjuster that if that was their plan to make sure they include in a house built in 1920: not gyp board by lathe and plaster walls. Not standard dimensional lumber but custom milled lumber of actual 2X4 size not nominal 1.5X3.5 size. And all lumber was old growth redwood. My dad went on. After dad suggested to the mobster, they meet with our attorney they settled. The neighbor was even smarter. He was an attorney and ran through his house just before evacuation with an old super 8 video cam. The neighbor did well on his settlement.
Unfortunately, Eric is 100% right, this is all coming right after our pocketbooks in the short near future.
State Farm is a particularly vile and odious company. I should know, I have family members who work/worked there. They have long departed from their original focus. Now their main concern is good corporate Governance. ESG/DEI, they are ate up with these failed ideologies. They try to hide it, but all you have to do is watch their stupid commercials to see what they stand for. George Mecherle, state farms founder, would be rolling in his grave if he saw what has become of his company.
From humble beginnings insuring autos, they were owned by the policy holders. Today the CEO is estimated to make north of 25 million dollars. Add that to the 1oo’s of millions they waste on celebrity advertising, and the 1oo’s of millions they waste on product placement and Houston, we have a problem. Instead of spreading the risk to the riskiest pools, they try to hide it across all their policy holders. The responsible holders who never have claims should all leave, like we did. We used to insure everything with them. We are down to a homeowners policy on one property, but that is about to change.
Just saw where they [State Farm] are pulling their multi million dollar super bowl add featuring DeVito and Swarzniggger. Gee, you think. Sorry State Farm, you’re a dead man walking. They should have been given the Target treatment years ago. I sincerely hope they DEI screaming for a GovCo bailout.
State Farm is the worst insurance company. Bottom of the barrel.
‘State Farm is a particularly vile and odious company.’ — Norman Franklin
Agreed. State Farm cancelled my homeowner’s policy last year. Then (icing on the cake) they sent the cancellation notice to the wrong address. So I didn’t have a clue for months.
Insurers are like bankers, except stupider and more crooked. If somebody were to torch State Farm’s headquarters … are they self-insured? Burn, baby, burn. 🙂
>State Farm is a particularly vile and odious company.
Now you are getting personal. State Farm has been my insurance carrier for many years. My interaction with their local agents has been excellent, and my claims experience very good, so far.
> I should know, I have family members who work/worked there.
As it happens, my youngest brother, now retired, traveled the U.S. as a claims specialist for State Farm for many years, as a member of their so-called “National Disaster Team.” I will vouch for my brother’s character and integrity.
I would vouch for my family members as well. None of them are part of the corporate suite of A-holes that make these decisions. I’m glad your experience has been pleasant. Hope you never have a big claim, you might be singing a different tune.
My mom had a catastrophic roof collapse years ago and I took point in dealing with the rebuild of her place. The agent was very nice, as they all are, thats their job, And in fairness they paid for her temporary housing for the eight months she was out of her house, even though it was a reimbursement always a couple months behind.
It just got old. Every piece of the rebuild, they squalled about second and third bids, dragged their fucking feet to no end. It wore her down to the point of coming out of pocket about fiftyK to get the whole thing completed. Twenty plus years of premiums and the way they handled it should have made them fuckin ashamed. I stand by my assessment, State Farm sucks ass! YMMV however, and I’m glad you seem to be avoiding the fires.
>out of pocket about fiftyK to get the whole thing completed
Sux really hard. Sorry your Mom had to go through that. 🙁
Man, what a timely article. About three years ago I had GREAT coverage: a million-dollar policy with four vehicles on it for about $1900 a year.
Last year it went up 50% to about three grand. Couldn’t find a better deal so I stayed with it. Renewal just came and now they want $4400!!
WTF!!! No accidents, no moving violations. I feel like I am getting raped.
Will be out shopping for insurance today…
‘It is extremely probable verging on certain that the losses incurred in California are about to be recovered elsewhere. ‘ — eric
Since insurance is regulated by each state individually, the fifty states constitute fifty separate markets. Using losses in California to justify premium hikes in Virginia, or any other state, is a non-starter. Insurance commissioners are legally precluded from accepting such a proposal.
The open question is how much disaster aid will be voted by Clowngress. Note that the former so-called ‘constitution’ does not authorize federal disaster aid of any kind — only appropriations for the general welfare.
But such safeguards faded away at least a century ago, supplanted by ‘democratic’ mob rule. As the noted public intellectual George W Bush accurately observed about the Clownstitution, ‘It’s just a goddamned piece of paper.’
Let the legislative sausage making begin! 🙁
Hi Jim,
Yes, technically. But how to prove this? One company does “business” – in the mafia sense – in every state. It increases premiums in VA, say… and how to prove this is directly connected to anything? The bastards can just do it – we all know it – and they get away with it.
Insurance commissioners are like the FDA in that both are appendages of the “businesses” they “regulate.”
Insurance is literally forced on us. Like the “vaccines.”
We live in the Florida panhandle in a very rural county that isn’t a tourist area, but an hour’s commute from my work at a defense contractor.
Panama City is about an hour and a half away from us (Tallahassee is two hours away, but it’s all interstate) and when Hurricane Michael hit in 2019, we got hit with a 30% increase in our homeowner’s insurance.
After two hurricanes hit the Big Bend, we got a lot of wind and some tree damage (our house is built with certified Category 5-resistant siding and shingles that got us some savings on our insurance bill) but not much else.
We got our renewal for the new year and we’re up another 20%. The problem is we’re a long way from the coast and we’re still getting penalized by paying double what we did in 2018.
Just like with auto, most people are required to buy insurance. I wish we could treat insurance companies like regulated utilities and keep them from shanking us every chance they get on one hand and cancelling policies left and right on the other.
California did some stupid things with their insurance market, requiring only historic trends be used for risk assessment (no models) and put caps on how much they could charge for premium increases in a wildfire-endangered area. But that still doesn’t excuse that insurance companies only care about profit and, as they did during Katrina, will try to weasel out of paying claims for some BS excuse.
Yes using historical trends to set rates is very stupid. CA’s insurance laws do not make sense and have created a way for NGOs to make a killing and the insurance commissioner to have a career. But now the insurance companies have gotten to the point, it took years obviously where they are finally saying look we won’t write these policies-we are out of CA. We will not renew policies or issue new ones. So Prop 103 ultimately backfired. It was a stupid Prop, don’t even get me started on CA Propositions in general.
>don’t even get me started on CA Propositions in general.
Do you live in CA?
I feel fortunate to be the beneficiary of Prop. 13, for starters.
The first thing my (honest) new San Jose employer explained to me in 1990 was prop 13.
“This is a beautiful place fulla opportunity for people like myself who own a home here protected from absolute greed by prop 13. You only have a 50 % chance of success here without selling your soul or winning a jackpot up in Reno. Are you sure this is the best investment of your time for your young family”
There were genuine good people even in silicon cesspit 30 years ago. I got lucky, was warned and heeded his wisdom. Out by 2000.
In 2008 the housing bubble popped. Home prices plummeted and new building was ground to a halt as the financial mess was rejiggered into TBTF. I wasn’t a homeowner until 2013 so I have no idea, but can anyone tell me if their insurance rates went down during this period?
I’m guessing not.
Like every monopoly, there’s no incentive to reduce price, just to reduce operating cost. So although you probably didn’t see an increase in premiums until the bubble got re-inflated, the Gecko probably got pretty good at cutting overhead. Did the little green guy from Omaha use those savings to bolster the payout account for a rainy day, or did he boost the cashflow of BRK.A? Just judging his company practices by the condition of the BNSF rolling stock around here, I have to think the latter.
Hi RK,
Part of the take went to finance the endless insurance commercials on TeeeeeeVeeee.
“With Geico, you can save 15% or more on car insurance.”
Should be a follow up of “If we cut our advertising budget in half and fired the lizard, you could save 50%.”
Progressive is just as bad with their ads. From “Flo” (smelly vag) Uggh! to Jamie (homosexual) those ads are just disgusting. Observe the latest ad with “Jamie” running away from his “dad” like a girl in his football attire
Their ad agency should be fired.
That’s their insurance policy. Keep paying off the investigative reporters so they won’t suddenly feel the need to do and exposé on the industry.
‘can anyone tell me if their insurance rates went down during this period?’ — ReadyKilowatt
No, they didn’t. But bubble-fueled house sale prices are not the same thing as replacement cost, which is what homeowner’s insurance is intended to cover.
Escalating land values don’t affect replacement cost. It only concerns the structure. Wages for construction labor steadily rise. Materials costs fluctuate. But overall, replacement cost rises on a steadier and less volatile trajectory than house prices, which regularly boom and crash.
Most homeowners insurance claims are for damage, not total losses. A concentrated, total-loss disaster such as the California fires is what insurers fear most.
Since 1968, the US fedgov has offered subsidized flood insurance. Why not for fires too? Ask your Congress Clown today, for your fair share of discounted ‘coverage.’
We can’t stop wildfires. But we can make somebody else pay for them. 🙂
Don’t tax you,
Don’t tax me,
Tax that fellow behind the tree.
Senator Russell B. Long (D-LA), 1973
>replacement cost, which is what homeowner’s insurance is intended to cover.
Ding, ding ding!
Winner, winner, chicken dinner.
My recommendation: *DOCUMENT* what you have got, and be sure to store the documentation offsite (such as online, or in a safe deposit box).
[I need to take my own advice, being currently engaged in a significant kitchen remodel.]
It would be nice if humanity would rid itself of the parasites, but don’t allow your ‘hopes’ to mislead you. Beware of false prophets, especially in the land of Oz. The new president is joined at the hip with (((them))). (((They))) finance his ‘efforts’ to create a false sense of security. On the one hand he will take action on some things that must occur to correct the course of the ship of fools in order to satisfy the ignorant. But be not deceived, the fraud/extortion will slip into the shadows so as to become more difficult to recognize, but know that (((they))) are willing to do any thing to keep the control mechanism(s) in place.
How did Catholic Mexico select thiers ?
Good question…you can be sure that the “fix” was in…
This hits home with me, as I’m retired and have incurred significant increases in both my car and home insurance. Though my home is “paid off”, I still keep insurance on it, in part, to cover personal injury losses. For example, if someone is injured on my property, I can be used for it. I have a walkway I share with my neighbor, so this applies.
Anyway, last year, my car insurance increased by 20%. It went from about $2,000 year to $2,400. Never mind the fact that I’d had no accidents or tickets in the last 3+ years; never mind the fact that I’d never, ever filed a claim; I still got hit with a nasty increase. My agent said that it was, in part, due to my original company offering $45/month policies that weren’t sustainable; when my company was bought out, the acquiring company jacked up everyone’s rates to cover the losses.
That story has a happy ending though. I changed companies, and I ended up saving more than 27%, plus I got better coverage while I was at it. The company I went with is a local subsidiary of the national company with whom I’d had both my home and auto insurance. This national company has also quietly acquired numerous local and state insurance companies. My agent found them. So yeah, I was happy to save 27.4% on my car insurance.
HOWEVER! However, my home insurance was a different story. Last year, I got hit with a 21% increase over 2023. This past summer, I got hit with a 38% increase ON TOP of the 21% increase from last year-OUCH! I’ve never made a claim against my home insurance. My home insurance was with the same company that had insured my car. I’d had both bundled with the same company for over 14 years. My agent went through my policy, and the culprit was a low deductible of $500; we increased that to $1,500, so my increase was reduced to 17% vs. the original 38%. That still sucks, but that’s less than half of my original increase.
I asked my agent what was up with the increases though. I pointed out that I’d never made a claim. He said (and my own research confirmed) that the increases in home insurance were for three main reasons. One, home values have shot up in recent years, so the replacement cost of homes have gone up along with them. Two, building materials cost more, thanks to gov’t caused supply chain issues arising from the Scamdemic. Three, there’s a shortage of carpenters and other tradesman who are involved with home repairs; with the Laws of Supply & Demand being what they are, repair costs have increased. Thanks to factors two and three, any home repair or replacement will cost more, thanks to the shortage of materials and tradesmen.
That is to say that I don’t know if losses in CA, FL, NC, or TN play that much of a role in the increased insurance premiums. If someone is with a national company, like State Farm, this theory would hold true, as a national company would be exposed to losses incurred nationwide. However, if someone is insured with a regional company, then this theory shouldn’t hold true if they’re outside of CA, FL, NC, etc.
The proof in the pudding, for me, came when I sought a home insurance quote from a regional company operating solely in the Mid Atlantic region where I live; since they don’t operate nationally, they’re not subject to losses occurring outside of my part of the country. That is to say that they’re not subject to hurricane losses in FL; they’re not subject to earthquake or fire losses in CA; and so on. I sought a home insurance quote from a good, regional insurance company operating solely in the Mid Atlantic region. I sought coverage identical to what I had (when hit with the 38% increase) so the comparison would be accurate. The quote from the regional company was within $20 the increased premium I’d received from the national company with whom I still have my home insurance-at least for now. I’m going to start shopping around to see if I can get a better deal.
In closing, I got hit with serious increases for both my auto and home. I’d previously bundled my insurance with the same national company. I turned the increase into a decrease on my car insurance, which is good. However, home insurance has gone up for reasons having nothing to do with losses incurred in CA or other states subject to natural disasters. Why? I sought a home insurance quote from a long established company operating solely within my region, and their quote was within $20 of what my national company had given me; IOW, if I’d switched companies this past summer after receiving the 38% increase, my premium would’ve only been reduced $20 for the year.
I agree with everything Mark has stated. Like him I have an insurance company that deals only in the Mid Atlantic region where hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes aren’t really factored in.
My auto and home rates are pretty affordable, but it is because my premiums are at the highest level that I can afford and my replacement costs are lower than a home my size. One, I am never going to file a claim unless the damage is catastrophic. I have put 10k aside for insurance emergencies to cover any costs that fall below that threshold. Two, my replacement costs will be less because I am fortunate to have access to builder discounts. I am not subject to retail pricing or having to deal with a contractor so I can play a bit willy nilly with the insurance. I realize most don’t have that luxury.
My advice would be to seek out local insurance carriers that cover your region, their costs are usually more affordable (especially auto) as long as you don’t live in a state labeled the Worst Drivers in America. Also, increase your premiums to something you can comfortably afford and put aside that money if an emergency does occur. I have hit a mailbox or backed into a telephone pole once or twice over the years. I don’t run it through insurance. I take it to the body shop and pay out of pocket for it. Also, the pain of the body shop bill hurts enough that I am much more careful to always check my blind spots.
Because of timing of when my home insurance payments fell, switching last year wouldn’t have made sense; I’d have still been out the same amount of money. However, you can bet your bippy that I’ll be talking with that regional insurance company come spring… 🙂
Hi Mark,
I am a few states away from you and in a rural area, but mine runs around $1300 a year with a replacement cost of $354k, not including exterior buildings, which I think are covered for another $25k-30k as part of the package.
Hi Mark,
Insurance companies are a mafia – and thus, scum. I despise them.
Similar has happened to me with regard to the “coverage” I am forced to pay to be allowed to drive my truck. I have had zero claims filed against me or by me in decades. I have zero demerits on my DMV record, the maximum “plus” points and not a ticket to my name in at least six years. I have excellent credit. I am a middle aged guy with no teenage kids who might have access to my truck. I am, in other words, I present a very low risk I will ever cost them a penny. Yet the bastards continue to increase what I am required to pay – which is why they can increase it. I would tell them to fuck off if I could do so – which I was able to do with regard to home insurance.
As I say, they are scum. I wouldn’t piss on them to put them out if they were on fire.
I’m no fan of insurance companies, either. That said, they’re a necessary evil. The State requires us to deal with the for our cars, boats, motorcycles, etc. Even if we “own” a paid off home, it’s still prudent to carry it there too. Why? For personal liability. Someone could get injured on your property, such as kids playing on your driveway. I’m not always here, so I can’t make them leave. Someone could slip and fall on the walkway I share with my neighbor. Could I be held at least partially responsible? Perhaps. I don’t want to take a chance.
You could be held responsible for causing damage to someone else’s property. How? If your house catches fire some reason, and that fire spreads to other nearby houses, your neighbors’ insurers will be talking to your insurer! They’ll say that, if not for the fire at your house, their insureds wouldn’t need to repair or replace their houses due to the hypothetical fire. When people are involved in auto accidents, don’t the insurance companies subrogate with one another to recover funds from the company covering the party found at fault? Well, if your house catches fire, and that fire spreads to your neighbors’ houses, wouldn’t subrogation occur in that instance too? It would seem to me that it would. How many of us could cover the losses of multiple neighbors’ houses? Even if we’re just talking repairs and not outright replacements of said neighbors’ houses, those costs would add up REAL quick LIKE! Do you want to be responsible for covering those costs out of pocket? Indeed, how many of us would be ABLE to cover such costs out of pocket?
Besides, if something catastrophic happened to my house, covering that on my own would deplete my funds to the point that I’d have to un-retire, something I don’t want to do! I like being retired, and I want to remain so, TYVM. Hence, I’ll continue dealing with the Insurance Mafia. As I said above, they’re a necessary evil.
Hi Mark,
“Necessary” is a value judgement. I don’t consider it necessary. More finely, I do not see that the actual cost is worth the hypothetical benefit.
Now, if someone else differs in their opinion and wants to pay the cost of insurance for their own peace of mind, that is fine. But no one has the right to force anyone else to buy it because they are worried about what “might” happen. That is tyrannous and evil because it is using force to harm people who have not harmed anyone.
Same goes for car insurance.
Look: I’ve not so much as scraped paint in 30 years. Yet I have been forced to hand over money to these thugs for all that time – amounting to many thousand of dollars that I could have used for things I need. That matters more to me than someone else’s worry about what “might” happen. The latter is why we live with such a suffocating police state now. Well, it is one of the reasons why!
Play the logic of it out with me. Should I be required to have gun insurance because I might mishandle my firearms and cause harm to someone? If not, why – assuming you believe people ought to be made to buy home (and car) insurance? How about fist insurance? A big guy – or a guy who has been trained to fight – might hurt someone! Maybe he also ought to be required to buy insurance for that!
Where does it end? How? What would be the standard?
These are serious questions – I hope you’ll consider them!
I never said that I was in favor of mandatory insurance. I think it should be optional not only from a moral POV (vs. being forced to buy it); it should be optional so, as you’ve pointed out, we can say no and exert real market pressure on them.
I merely stated that, even though my house is paid for, I choose to keep my home insurance, and why.
I didn’t mean that insurance should be mandatory, though I could see how, by using the phrase, “necessary evil” could prompt someone to draw that conclusion. What I meant to say (and thought was clear earlier) is that, when I weigh the risks in my personal situation, it’s better to have insurance than not. Even though my home is paid for, I still face risks, as I have neighbors close by. If my house were to catch fire, and that fire somehow spread to their homes (like via blowing embers), I’m concerned that I could be held responsible for any damage to their houses; after all, it could be argued that, had my home not caught fire, theirs wouldn’t have caught fire. If I were bare, their insurance companies would come looking for me to cover the losses. If I’m covered, then their insurance company subrogates with mine, and they work things out.
There’s also personal liability. If someone gets injured on my property, I could be held responsible for it. I share a common walkway with my neighbor. Neighborhood kids occasionally end up on my driveway too, and I’m not always here to run ’em off. If someone slips and falls, could they sue me?
In my personal situation, I’d rather have the insurance coverage vs. not having it; for me, the risk of going bare isn’t worth it. OTOH, the insurance companies suck. Hence, for me, having insurance is a necessary evil; I don’t like having it, but the consequences of going bare for me are worse.
“Insurance”, as it’s styled, is little more than corporate collectivism/communism. The Zionist/Communist romance is not to be discounted.
Something to remember is that even if you’re up to date on property taxes/ mortgage; if your insurance is cancelled they can foreclose on you. It matters little if no insurance company is offering insurance or not. I’ve read of houses being foreclosed on with less than $10K owing and I’ve read of people paying off similar sums because it was cheaper than paying an exorbitant insurance bill.
I think it bares mentioning that the Mafia is profoundly JEWISH, despite Jew-owned Hollywood’s portrayal of it as being “Italian”.
The “mafia” is as “Italian” as “fortune cookies” are “Chinese”. Not at all.
Name a famous gangster. From Bugsy Seagal (who started Las Vegas) to Al Capone…
They’re all JEWS, folks.
I’m not saying there aren’t Italian gangsters. But by and large, the mafia and most mafia-esque organizations are ran by Jews.
When we get rid of the REAL MAFIA…you will be surprised how many problems seem to iron themselves right out.
For historical reference, see the result of Hitler taking control of Germany’s money supply away from the Jew Mafia banksters. It ended Germany’s “participation” in the banker-created (and quite global) “Great Depression” virtually overnight and turned a backwater country limping along after WW1 and what I like to call “The Versailles Rape” into a global manufacturing and export powerhouse.
A golden age is literally within our grasp. We just have to get RID of the mafia.
The REAL mafia.
Insurance insanity is a symptom of the giant problem of the broken currency.
Sure there are elements of greed and waste, but insurance companies are not immune to terrible monetary policy and the uniparty policy of market meddling, regulations, endless money printing and interest rate manipulation.
The “Friday sundown mafia” with their brimless hats and privately owned Federal Reserve is the primary problem here.
Fake money has ruined America.
You nailed it Flip. The federal reserve is leading the world to ruin. Fake $$$ forces everyone, even the honest man, towards grifting. Insurance is just one of the legs used to prop it up, keep it going just awhile longer. Savers get the shaft while speculators get the helicopter cash.
I also feel that it’s becoming a self inflicted wound because nobody dare wants their 401(k) and home prices to drop.
Therefore, maintenance, insurance costs and property tax must go up along with it.
Deflation is a 4 letter word, and the prospect of the Fed raising interest rates to once normal levels is terrifying.
Meanwhile, a yield dependent industry like insurance – which once could get 10% interest on relatively low risk financial instruments, is now equally chasing more and more risky investments in the Wall St casino to make money.
All of this would have been preventable if bankruptcies had followed the 2008/09 crash – rather than being papered over with money printing and zero percent interest rates.
You know it, and I know it. We even know how to grift. So why don’t we do it? I personally just cannot bring myself to steal. Which is apparently not a problem or compunction among some folks.
Until we remake our society from the rubble the grifters will continue to get away with it.
And where the hell does any constitutional republic get the authority to mandate anything?
At this point prices can never go down. When what we really need is an epic RE/Stonk crash of fifty% or more, and interest rates in the teens.
I as well, cant bring myself to steal. When my better half started getting her 25oo$ social security this year, at 62 every month felt like we’d just robbed a bank. That is until we went back and looked at all her ‘voluntary’ double contributions over twenty five years of self employment. I’ll start getting mine in two years. Why wait until 65? Still, if they refunded me even the majority of the hundreds of grand I paid in over my productive working life, I’d pass on taking a monthly check.
Todays ills can all be traced to no one ever going to jail, the Too Big To Fail Banks getting bailed out in the last crash created what I think they called moral hazard. I’m still shocked so many people believe this current system can be saved or papered over once again. Although who knows? With Captain Corona at the helm, hope will spring eternal.
I cannot believe they’ve kept the scam going for as long as they have. The debt was unpayable when I became aware of it in the late 70s in junior high.
Plenty of people go to jail. Just not very many real bad guys.
As to socalled security, I’ll grab it with both hands as soon as I can- the motherf%#ers have stolen literally millions from me and I’m looking for every way to get it back.
I think accountability for White collar crime ended in the nineties. Suddenly everyone had to ‘Be Nice.’ That turned out to be pretty clever hack by TPTB.
For us, I came to the conclusion that taking SS early was the right answer. 62v 65, or 67. Even with the higher payout it would take us almost a lot of years to get even. Thats if the value of the money stays the same. The only way to ensure that would be take that SS check every month and put it all into physical silver and gold.