The Cost of “Covering” EeeeeeeeVeeeees


One of the reasons why forcing people to buy insurance is a wrongful thing is that it forces them to pay higher rates to offset the losses incurred by others. Who do you suppose is going to be paying to rebuild everything that Hurricane Ian blew down or flooded out?

It won’t be the insurance companies.

They will recover the cost of paying out all those claims by making other policyholders pay them.

The people who didn’t incur the losses.

Most policyholders will pay because they have no choice.

The same is true – and worse – with regard to car insurance. Worse because you cannot say no – ever. At least with home insurance, once you have paid off your home you have the option to decline “coverage”- which is a very sound idea for those who buy/build homes away from the sea and other known natural hazards, such as nearby rivers/flood plains, tornado alleys and so on and thus the chances of their homes  being destroyed are so slight that saving money for just-on-case makes whole  lot more sense than spending it for “coverage” such prudent homeowners are not likely to ever need.

Unfortunately, car insurance is not like that. The state forces you to buy “coverage” on the basis of the assertion that since you might damage someone else’s property, you must be damaged by paying – endlessly – for coverage, even if you never file a claim. Is it any wonder the same state forced everyone to wear a Face Diaper, too? On the basis of you-might-be-sick? It didn’t matter that you weren’t. Just wear it, regardless.

Back to Florida – and Ian.

As is always the case when a hurricane blows into town, lots of cars were totaled – as by submersion. What’s new in this case is that many of the cars were electric. A number of them shorted out  – and caught fire. More of them will do so going forward as the briney water does its thing. There are certain to be shenanigans – as there have always been – with flood-damaged cars. Dry ’em out, use a lot of Febreze to tamp down the mold smell – and sell them to a mark in another state.

The difference with inundated EeeeeeeeeVeeeeees being they are now even more likely to spontaneosly combust. Who’s going to pay for it?

You will!

Another one of the serial problems with EeeeeeeeVeeeees those pushing them would prefer you not know about – until it is too late to do anything about it – is that EeeeeeeeVeeeeees will raise the cost of insurance generally –  for all of us. Because EeeeeeeVeeeees incur more (and more expensive) losses. They cost more to replace. They cost more to fix.

They are more vulnerable to costly damage.

Tesla’s EeeeeeeeVeeeeees, for instance, have glued-together plastic/composite body panels. These are easier to damage and more expensive to repair/replace, in part because the parts are all Tesla-propietrary, meaning no less expensve aftermarket parts. Slashgear – which is a pro EeeeeeeeVeeeee site – notes that a replacement windshield for a Tesla Model X is more than $1,300 – not including the labor to install it.

Guess who pays for that?

Even a minor accident in an EeeeeVeeee – any EeeeeeVeeee – can be a big deal because of the battery. Any structural damage to its case can compromise what’s inside the case. And that could lead to a catasrophic fire – as is the case with every EeeeeeeVeeeee battery fire. These fires are high-intensity chemical fires that burn very fast and very hot. They are very hard to put out and unlike a gas fire, a battery fire can re-ignite after it’s been put out. Wrecking yards have special “dunk tanks” for wrecked EeeeeeeeeVeeees for exactly this reason. Who’s going to pay for all of that?

You will!

We all will.

Increasing the replacement cost of the average new car by 30-50 percent (this is the approximate difference in price between a typical EeeeeeeVeeeee and an otherwise comparable non-EeeeeeeVeee) plus the cost to fix these things when they break and the peripheral costs associated with increased catch-on-fire risks is going to be reflected in everyone’s premium, including those of people who do not own and have no interest in owning an EeeeeeeVeeeee – because the costs must be spread around. Else those who own EeeeeeeeeVeeeeeeees won’t be able to afford to insure them. Just the same as would be the case if the people who chose to build their home 100 yards from the sea had to bear the costs of the risk associated with doing that.

In which case, few would be able to afford to build a home 100 yard from the sea.

So – just as those of us who were smart enough to not build our houses on sand and 100 yards from the sea end up having to pay for the losses incurred by those who weren’t smart enough to not do that – so those of us who were smart enough to avoid EeeeeeeVeeees will end up paying for the “coverage” of those who weren’t.

With the added insult of there being no way to get out of paying for it – and still be “legal” to drive – because of state-mandated “coverage” requirements.

And that is why forcing people to buy “coverage” is such a wrongful thing. A rightful thing would be to give them the economic power to say no – and thereby refocus the onus of paying for losses on those who incur them, instead.

. . .

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  1. Much of the federal expenditures on hurricane emergencies are encouraging more risky construction in hurricane prone areas.
    This is an involuntary transfer of wealth from the lower classes to wealthy realtors
    and developers who are almost certainly conspiring to encourage such wasteful,
    counter-productive spending. This drives up the demand and prices for such
    property and simultaneously increases tax revenues for conspiring state and
    local governments.
    Without such unconstitutional federal spending, buyers would have to consider
    the very real risk of hurricane storm damages when contemplating purchase
    of such properties.

    • It’s also really great that those homes are built with such solid materials as plywood, 2x4s, pink fuzz insulation, and drywall rather than something like brick or stone. That helps the home stay extra strong during a hurricane.

  2. Yet another reason I won’t buy an electric car. And yet another reason why I think Florida is a nice place to visit, but I wouldn’t want to live there.

  3. More proof that saaaaaafety is just a smokescreen for control. Ford got raked over the coals for the “exploding” Pinto gas tanks, but that only happened in a rear-end collision. EV’s randomly catching fire? Nothing to see here, move along.

    • rusty batteries….lol

      A Tesla owner says he was locked out of his electric car after the battery died — an issue that he says would cost over $20,000 to fix

      the owner said in a separate video that he took the car in to Tesla after he received a “high voltage battery” warning message — an issue that could cause the EV battery to catch fire. He said he was told the issue would not be covered by a warranty.

      the technicians told him the battery had rusted because the car’s air conditioning unit’s drain hose was positioned over the battery case and continually leaking water into the battery unit, ………the battery had rusted because of a defective, dangerous design, but tesla won’t fix it………this is a dangerous fire hazard….

      More rusted batteries catching fire……

      Electric vehicles are exploding from water damage after Hurricane Ian, Florida official warns

      “There’s a ton of EVs disabled from Ian. As those batteries corrode, fires start,”

      buying a used EV?…lol…
      Lots of EV that got flooded in the hurricane are now massive fire hazards….. as they rust and burst into flames.

      … that used EV you bought…was it flood damaged?….lol….rust………live near the ocean?….what about salted roads in the winter?…EV rusts, bursts into flames…
      EV battery rust issue….how will you ever sell a used EV?

      Do you own an EV with a rusted battery?….lol…..they should have made sure these EV’s were safe before they started selling them….

      These older EV’s with 70,000 miles or more on the battery are getting more defective, problem prone, more dangerous with their high mileage lithium fire bomb batteries. They are higher risk for catching fire and other issues, they also have a lot shorter range with the worn out battery,

  4. Part of why I’ve had it with Audi and my A4 Allroad in particular is the stupid cost of their parts and their dealer service. If you think that $1300 for a windshield sounds expensive, try $1050 for a sunroof glass. Not the big window that moves, nope. The second piece of stupid glass from the stupid “panoramic sunroof” that is much smaller. THAT costs $1050.

    But wait. There’s more. It gets EVEN BETTER!

    Not only is the book repair time more than 8 HOURS (!!) to replace the stupid thing but it’s going to take 4-6 weeks for the part to arrive from Deutschland.

    So me and my “luxury” car, will have a taped-up panoramic sunroof for about 2 months until it gets repaired. If I were to use Audi for the repair (I’m not for a change), it would be at least $2660. I’m having a local shop do it and I’m making a claim against the insurance mafia for it.

    These are even more reasons why I’ve had it with Audi.

    • Hi EM,

      This is a general problem – with regard to windshield replacement costs in new cars. Because it’s not just glass anymore. Many of them are “smart” (gawd) windshields, with embedded electronic tech that must be replaced, along with the glass. No more $75-$150 for a new just-glass.

      • Eric I’m pretty sure the glass is much thinner too, even though it is an intregal part of the airbags. So even though they’re basically disposable items they get more expensive all the time. Doesn’t help that most insurance will pay for windshield replacement with no deductible, making it “free” to the car owner.

    • EM,
      Audi has been a repair money sinkhole for decades. So complex that mechanics specialized in them, and were paid handsomely for doing so. Some about twice what other mechanics managed. Which means it costs at least twice as much to “fix” one. Given the Audi monopoly on parts.

  5. Huge cover up of EV fires…..they are trying to push EV’s so they are hiding all the safety problems…

    From another site…..

    Just try talking to the city of toronto about EV fires…….6 have already burnt , the city of sudbury etc . Just because fire fighters , police ,insurance companies ,towing companies and media have gag orders to hide the dangers does not make them safer.

    Ev’s with these lithium fire bomb batteries are high risk to drive around in, higher insurance rates coming…..

    At least you have 3 seconds to get out after the crash…lol
    If you have children strapped into car seats you won’t have time to remove them in an EV crash fire.

    Battery Cars and what you don’t yet know (quoting an engineer):
    As a retired motor industry multi-skilled engineer, consumer consultant to the public and manufacturers, , engine specialist repairer, expert witness for the Courts, I am very well connected. So none of this is guesswork.

    The most common accident is often regarded as the T-Bone collision. Where a vehicle is struck amidships on the “B” pillar, by a vehicle travelling perpendicular to the struck car. That’s why it’s called a “T-Bone” collision. The impact on a petrol and diesel car punches in the door/s, punches in the B pillar, often deforms the roof and….buckles the floor pan.

    In a battery car the main traction battery is usually under that floor. Impacting the battery in such a t-bone collision can fracture the traction battery casing, If the impact, (and bear in mind the battery car is MUCH heavier than an ICE car, so it does not want to be deflected by the side impact), fractures the traction battery AND exposes any Lithium that the battery is constructed from,

    NOTE: and its been raining, you may have as little as three seconds to evacuate the car, before it becomes a high temperature fireball.

    If you have kids in car seats in the back, or the impact deforms the passenger side door/s, you will not save anyone.

    There will be no post-accident “Cutting the roof off” to extract passengers.

    Crash testing? Crash Testing historically has frequently NOT shown up issues that happen in the real world. You are in effect sitting on top of what may be an 800 volt, mattress sized barbeque.

    ATTENTION: Far higher insurance rates coming for EV’s with their lithium fire bomb batteries…
    Insurers are becoming increasing aware of the financial disaster from such an accident, so will be preparing premiums on battery cars as necessary.

    this is another great way to stop mobility….EV fires and other safety issues will make insurance so expensive only the billionaires will drive……..

    Plus, minor accidents that in the past would have been fixed with a pair of doors, new B pillar, floor and roof repair etc, may now involve potential damage to the traction battery that often CANNOT BE SEEN, and the replacement of the battery also may mean that a repairable car becomes a financial catastrophe. Battery replacement costs are from about $22,000 to $30,000. There is a rumored $4500 recycling fee.

    I’m not kidding. You’ll see.
    Battery cars have been chosen out of ignorance and the gullibility of car buyers putting faith in manufacturers that cannot be trusted.
    Actually it is being fueled by the billions of tax payers dollars being thrown at forcing EV’s into the market, a huge windfall for the money grabbers involved. NOTE: 80% of all key EV parts and batteries come from china, why are chinese products being pushed? bribed ccp controlled politicians?

    To EV buyers…if you want to support the ccp why don’t you move there?…lol
    24/7 365 mask wearers…you too…95% of masks came from china…

    Lithium fire bomb batteries:

    a battery fire tragically killed two teens in 2018; though they survived the car crash but the teens were killed when the battery caught fire, burning to death in the wrecked vehicle… can’t get out

    Those deaths, despite occurring about four years ago, are relevant because the suit over their deaths just ended, with a Florida court finding Tesla at fault, as NBC News reported,

    A federal jury in Florida has found Tesla negligent in a 2018 crash that killed two teens and found one of the teens 90% responsible for his role in the collision.

    The jury awarded $10.5 million in damages. It was not immediately clear how much of that amount Tesla will be required to pay based on the assignment of responsibility for the crash.

  6. This Is Why GEICO Won’t Pay To Fix Your Tesla
    GEICO reportedly refuses to cover the cost to fix Tesla models

    Is this what geico is worried about?
    minor accidents that in the past would have been fixed with a pair of doors, new B pillar, floor and roof repair etc, may now involve potential damage to the traction battery that often CANNOT BE SEEN, and the replacement of the battery also may mean that a repairable car becomes a financial catastrophe. Battery replacement costs are from about $22,000 to $30,000.

    These EV’s are very expensive to fix, this will be pushed on to ice car drivers with increased insurance costs, so ice car drivers have to pay for the road for the EV drivers (EV owners pay no road tax), plus pay part of their insurance, ice car drivers are getting screwed, point this out to EV owners, (send them a bill)…lol

    Insurers are becoming increasing aware of the financial disaster from EV accidents, so will be raising insurance premiums on battery cars as necessary.

    • It will come to a choice between:- 1. Have an EV car parked in the garage 2. Have house insurance…… You can’t have both, once the insurance companies refuse to take on the risk.

  7. Eric, the madness is far worse than you can imagine. Here’s proof:

    1. Compilation of all the insanity during mask mandates:

    2. Masks people made which don’t work:


    4. Massive cargo ship carrying electric cars sinks in Atlantic Ocean after fire (Tesla self ignites destroying the entire cargo – full of luxury cars)

    “A large cargo vessel carrying cars has sunk in the Atlantic Ocean, thirteen days after a fire broke out on board.

    The ship’s manager and Portuguese navy confirmed on Tuesday that the Felicity Ace sank around 400 kilometres off the Azores.

    The Panama-flagged vessel was being towed after a salvage team had extinguished the fire, MOL Ship Management in Singapore said in a statement.

    The 200-metre-long vessel had been sailing from Germany to the United States before it caught fire last month. Portugal’s Air Force had evacuated the 22 crew members, before letting the ship drift for several days in the mid-Atlantic.

    Ocean-going tugboats with firefighting equipment had been hosing down the ship’s hull to cool it.

    Portuguese navy rescues 22 crew members from burning cargo ship in Atlantic Ocean

    It was not clear how many luxury cars were onboard, but vessels of the Felicity Ace’s size can carry at least 4,000 vehicles.

    The ship was transporting electric and non-electric vehicles, according to Portuguese authorities.

    Authorities suspect the fire may have broken out due to the lithium batteries used in electric vehicles, but an investigation into the cause of the blaze is still underway.

    The Portuguese navy confirmed the sinking of the Felicity Ace, saying it occurred outside Portuguese waters.

    There were also concerns that the sunken vessel could pollute the ocean, given that it had been carrying 2,000 metric tons of both fuel and oil.

    The Portuguese navy said in a statement that only a few pieces of wreckage and a small patch of oil was visible where the ship went down. The tugboats were breaking up the patch with hoses, it added.

    A Portuguese Air Force plane and a Portuguese navy vessel will remain at the scene on the lookout for signs of pollution.”



    7. A good pic for another essay:;quality_80;format_webp;cc_31536000;/

    The Nevada Highway Patrol had to temporarily close down a section of eastbound Interstate 80 last week after a truck trailer hauling mostly Tesla electric vehicles inexplicably caught fire, destroying the trailer and six vehicles.

    8. TRAPPED IN HELL Tesla driver burned to death after crash because ‘futuristic handles trapped him’ and rescuers ‘couldn’t open the doors’


    In an embarrassing case of “Do as I say, not as I do,” photos have emerged of California Gov. Gavin Newsom dining with a party of guests flouting his own coronavirus safety protocols at a posh Napa Valley restaurant.

    Neither Newsom nor any of the 12 guests wore face masks during the Nov. 6 birthday bash for the governor’s political adviser at the French Laundry restaurant, photos published by Fox 11 in Los Angeles reveal.

    Newsom has lectured Californians to don face masks and not to gather in larger numbers to contain the spread of COVID-19.

    10. From pac-man masks to avatar robots | Top innovations that fight coronavirus

    11. Robot is Being Trained For War & Robot is Fighting Back// Risks of AI

    12. George W Bush says Iraq invasion unjustified in speech gaffe: ‘I mean Ukraine’

    There’s really no point to voting. If it made any difference, it would probably be illegal.
    H. L. Mencken

  8. With California decreeing that by 2035, ALL new cars sold in the state will need to be electric, it’s liable to spread to Oregon, Washington, and elsewhere if it hasn’t already. Heck, Biden’s Transportation Secretary wants to enact such an insane idea NATIONWIDE. These politicians and bureaucrats pushing this crap (and other crap we’ve seen the past 2+ years) are either insane or evil. What’s next, will they seek to ban ALL existing gas powered cars on the road? I don’t doubt they’ll be pushing that eventually, especially since Klaus Schwab is calling for ending private ownership of cars. People who still have sanity need to stand up NOW and say “NO!” to that and any other INSANE idea these clowns push down the road.

  9. Hurricanes always cause a lot of finger pointing between the various insurers. Was the house destroyed by wind or flood? If by flood, regular homeowners won’t pay. But if wind blew the house down it will. Now you can add fire too. Was the house intact before the Tesla burned up? Was the Tesla burned up because of flood? Did the wind blow debris and puncture the battery pack? Imagine a scenario where the neighbor parks their Tesla in the driveway but the storm surge pushed it into your front porch and then it caught fire. Now who’s at fault? If flying debris punctured a gas tank it would just make a mess.

    It is going to take years to settle the claims. Better laywer up, it’s going to be a tough slog.

  10. Same here with the Outer Banks in NC. Used to be you built a fishing shanty and when it got washed away you built another one with the wood that washed on shore.

    Now GovCo mandates “Building Codes” to withstand a hurricane…which it doesn’t do. So, you wipe out a massive and massively expensive structure that must be rebuilt with Insurance Money…”shared” by all.

    Bring back The Shanty…

    Also from 1971 as was Traffic’s Low Spark album. My year of gradiation from High screwall. Yes, the old days were gooder.

    • I live in house in the Outer Banks 1000 yards from the ocean built in 1975. I own outright so don’t buy insurance, so no one is paying anything for me. If the house were to get washed away, when the water receded (it ALWAYS does), I’d still own the lot. People would still pay up for it to immediately build a new house that could rent for hundreds if not a thousand or more a night 9 months a year. Even if it took a while to recover. There is a small number of houses in extreme danger from the ocean here (the ocean flows underneath at high tide, among other hazards). They are cash only due to being… uninsurable. But, they rent like crazy in season for big $ because people love being close to the water so you still better have a few hundred thousand on hand to get in the game. Now more than ever.

      There are thousands of miles of coastline in the U.S. Probably tens of thousands if houses within 100 yards of the ocean. What happened in Fort Myers is a once in five hundred year occurrence. If I had the cash, I’d buy every lot of every totally destroyed home from every owner who wished to sell there and leverage up to my eyeballs to build new houses. It’s a can’t lose proposition. Snowbirds will be back there ASAP.

      Gov’t interventions in the insurance market aside, that exist for reasons financial that I agree do not meet libertarian standards, a lot of folks just simply have resentments about other people choosing freely to assume the risk of living near the ocean. I can’t tell you how many times a storm threatens and you read the “write your social security number on your arm” bile from the haters in internet comments. Truth is, most of the time there is occasionally some minor or maybe even some major damage to property but death or total loss is extremely rare. Tornadoes, floods, even routine house fires are just as prevalent regarding total losses.

      The notion that someone is “smart enough” not to live near the ocean and therefore is 100 foot tall and bullet proof, in other words is immune to catastrophe or just bad luck vis a vis their home, is laughable. It’s like saying when a waffle iron shorts out and burns down someone else’s home, yours didn’t burn down because you don’t make/eat waffles. Risk exists. I tend to be circumspect with others when discussing my appetite for it versus others. They are quick to wag fingers if something goes wrong even though it could happen to them in any number of other contexts.

      • You’re right about that Funk Doctor. After living on the beach for two decades, I learned that hurricanes were basically real estate magnets. That is, whenever there was a big hurricane that did significant damage, developers came in immediately after the storm and bought up damaged properties and built more houses than ever. There are always WAY more building booms after hurricanes than after economic recessions or real estate bear markets.

  11. Eric, I am glad you are covering the shorting out Teslas after the Florida hurricane. Just another reason to avoid those damn things. But far more alarming is what I read today at the Daily Reckoning, Charles Hughes Smith says:

    “For example, the U.S. would need to build hundreds of nuclear reactors in the next 20 years to make a dent in hydrocarbon consumption, yet only two reactors have been built in the past 25 years.

    There is no evidence that the resources, material and financial, and the political will required to build 500 reactors in the next 20 years are available.”

    I agree, where in the hell is the power going to come from to charge a hundred million EVs? It ain’t going to happen, there is no way in hell the left woke anti-grid loonies are ever going to build even one reactor.


    And what really defined being an American after Edison was cheap electric power. I have lived in both Guam and Hawaii and electric rates are near 50 cents per KWH. I have also lived in Washington were rates were 8 cents, and the difference to how you live is quite remarkable.

    And I have also lived off the grid and had to run a el cheapo throw away generators (loud, stinky, and you only run them when you have to because the vibration makes your head hurt).

    I can tell you if you make your own power you soon learn that 50 cents a kilowatt-hour is cheap. Well, I think when the crunch comes, you will be glad to get power at any price.

    We are so screwed. And I thank you Eric for all your articles bringing this issue to our awareness, EVs are turning the country into a train wreck of megawatt lacking proportions.

    • ‘EVs are turning the country into a train wreck of megawatt-lacking proportions.’ — Yukon Jack

      ‘Slowly but surely, but also secretly, the war is destroying the electric generation on which the Ukraine depends for everything – trains, water pumps, sewage treatment, light, heat, mobile telephones, refrigerators, radio and television, not to mention production lines in factories, in abattoirs, sausage making and other farm and food processing.’ — John Helmer

      Meanwhile, the US mf-ing fedgov is prosecuting exactly the same malicious assault on Americans domestically via the climate change-inspired war on CO2 emissions.

      Eleven cent cotton and a heavy land tax
      Uncle Sam’s got my money and he can’t get it back
      Debt’s got the farmer, we all know well
      If it don’t turn around she’s gone to hell

      — Porter Wagoner, Eleven Cent Cotton

  12. ‘those of us who were smart enough to avoid EeeeeeeVeeees will end up paying for the “coverage” of those who weren’t’ — eric

    In the pre-EeeVee 20th century, the Insurance Mafia was notorious for charging ruinous premia on ‘performance’ cars. Just upgrading from the standard six to a Veeee-8 could add hundreds to one’s bill.

    So why would EeeVees not get whacked with the same or higher upcharges for collision and comprehensive coverage?

    ‘From each according to their risk,’ as Uncle Karl Marx would’ve advised, had there been EeeVees in the 19th century. But denizens of the 19th century — the final one in which Americans lived under a limited government — were way too smart to get sold a pig in a poke like the eeeeeeco-salvation promised by EeeVees.

    Nineteenth-century folks quickly grasped the deadly menace posed by EeeVees:

    ‘An accident in Buffalo, New York on August 7, 1881 led to the inception of the electric chair. That evening a drunken dock worker named George Lemuel Smith, looking for the thrill of a tingling sensation he had noticed when grabbing the guard rail in a Brush Electric Company arc lighting power house, managed to sneak his way back into the plant at night and grabbed the brush and ground of a large electric dynamo. He died instantly.’ — Wikipedia

    EV = Electric Vengeance

    The man in the suit has just bought a new car
    From the profit he’s made on your dreams
    But today you just read that the man was shot dead
    By a gun that didn’t make any noise
    But it wasn’t the bullet that laid him to rest, it was
    The low spark of high-heeled boys

    — Traffic, The Low Spark of High-heeled Boys

  13. Perhaps those burned out Teslas in Florida will come under the protection of the government subsidized Flood Insurance. You know, that flood insurance that all the rich who build on the ocean front buy at a remarkable discount, considering the risk? If their owners were on the ball enough to buy it. Of course, since they own a Tesla, that seems highly unlikely.


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