Latest Radio: Wheels Up w/Bill Meyer KMED FM 01/30/2024


Here's the audio     
of this week’s Wheels Up! segment with Bill Meyer over at KMED FM in Medford, OR. We talked about the spreading cancer of “climate change” theology and its effect on motorcycles, among other things:


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  1. In the recent aircraft crash, AA-5342 was at about 375 feet altitude on final approach to DCA. Supposedly the helicopter should have observed a 200-foot ceiling. But 175 feet is not adequate vertical separation. Their paths never should have crossed.

    Details revealed in a pending lawsuit over air traffic controller hiring are pretty shocking. Applicants received little or no credit for being a private pilot or having an instrument rating. But in a biographical test designed to favor minority applicants without actually making it explicit, applicants were REWARDED for answering that ‘science was my worst subject in school’ or having long periods of unemployment.

    It was common knowledge last year, after a couple of near misses and taxiway incidents, that DEI-hire air controllers present a serious hazard. It was only a matter of time before tragic consequences followed. The DCA air controller plaintively asking, ‘Can you go to Baltimore?’ after AA-5342 already plunged into the Potomac sounded pretty pathetic.

    No, dude. I think we’re parked, man.

    Taking a step back, a putative global superpower that can’t even keep civil aviation safe over its imperial capital is exhibiting unmistakable signs of decline and rot. This is how the Soviet Union looked in the mid-1980s. But we’re the Soviets now, comrades.

  2. rense headline: Video CLEARLY shows The Blackhawk Dive DOWN In Order To Perfectly intercept And Destroy The American Airlines Jetliner! There MAY Have Been A High Priority Target Flying Incognito On That Plane Who Was Murdered…And It Wasn’t Teenage Ice Skaters

    The infamous Jim Stone weighs in on the helicopter crash:

    1. Pilot was not a tranny with mental issues.
    2. Crash was not caused by DEI hires – the helicopter was warned twice.
    3. Type of helicopter used was not for training missions.
    4. Claims are being pushed that the pilot was part of a suicide activist group
    5. Collision very hard to achieve with such precision absent computer control.
    Look at this new video, which shows just how long this helicopter had to respond and avoid the accident, after being warned of imminent collision twice.

    No black box PLUS “diversity pilot” ruse PLUS “diversity hire in traffic control tower ruse” PLUS wrong type of helicopter for training missions PLUS the perfect bee line for the plane PLUS two warnings from traffic control to the helicopter pilot to change course PLUS Tonya Harding’s bullshit blow torch gaslight attempt after proving she’s a fraud by having her opponent’s knee attacked before competition – ffs, why Tonya????

    OBVIOUS ANSWER:The collision was a remote controlled assasination. And those involved are now polluting the well with crap side stories and intentional disinfo to cover that up. We don’t know if the target was on the plane or helicopter, because there are so many intentionally obstructive stories floating around now that everyone is distracted by them.

    • Or, if just very well could have been a horrible accident. Sometimes those happen, Jack.

      As someone who has flown out of DCA a dozen times over the years and who drives in that area frequently it is known (and is often seen) how the military helicopters constantly invade the airport’s space. There is absolutely zero reason for the helicopters coming out of Fort Belvoir to be anywhere near DCA’s airspace. Zero.

      It is more likely that the helicopter had visual sight on the wrong plane….likely focusing on the plane behind Flight #5342. The helicopter crew was wearing night vision which limited their view even more. As tragic as this scenario is accidents do occur. I highly doubt the US figure skating team and several former Loudoun County Public Schools students were the target.

        • I was wondering when you were going to appear with some diabolical absurdity. The government is so good that the people that got on the plane in Wichita, Kansas, magically disappeared from the aircraft before the Black Hawk crashed into it. Did they make a stop in Ohio and unload? Then the government was able to get 300 various medical transports and county and state police on board to toss in 27 bodies into the Potomac River to make it appear that an empty plane ran into a CIA remote controlled helicopter just for the hell of it.

          Tell me how does it feel to live in La La Land? The frightening thing is I actually believe, you believe, what you say.

          • Subterfuge makes you look extremely suspect, agent whatever your name is.

            How did they get all those firefighters to run into those burning skyscrapers?

              • Have you ever heard of the USS Vincennes?
                Where did they get all the bodies for that airliner?
                Why were they all nude?
                I’ve been doing this a lot longer than you.
                That was the ship I was stationed on, btw.

                • I am curious though since you were stationed on the USS Vincennes if you believe the intended target was Iran Air 655? Mistake or intentional?

                  • Iran Air 655 wasn’t everything it seemed. The question of it being a “mistake” or “intentional” is a bit of a non-sequitur.

                    It was an operation.

      • Here’s one prominent victim of the crash…

        Kiah Duggins | Kiah Duggins was set to be a professor at Howard University’s School of Law in the upcoming fall 2025 semester. She also worked as an attorney at the Civil Rights Corps where she litigated on behalf of movements challenging unconstitutional policing and money bail practices in D.C., Tennessee and Texas. Last year, she also spoke with DC News Now as to why the D.C. Council should vote against Secure DC.

        • I agree she was a victim, but you stated earlier how do we even know anyone was on the plane. You are changing your tune pretty quick, Little Agent Man.

          Do you now believe that CIA are now going after 30 year old Civil Rights activists who were going to be Harvard professors?

    • There’s also the fact that all helicopters have radar systems and collision warning systems. The helicopter pilot would have had bells and whistles going crazy.


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